How to Prepare for a Coronavirus Quarantine

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

All over the world, people are in quarantine at their homes due to Covid19, a coronavirus that has infected tens of thousands. Some are in quarantine voluntarily – either they’ve recently returned from a place where the virus is widespread or they feel that social distancing is a good idea for them. Others are in mandatory quarantines enforced by local governments.

Either way, the basics are the same. I’ve gotten lots of questions about preparing for the possibility of a quarantine, so I wanted to address the basics. This article is written with the non-prepper in mind, so if you’re new to the preparedness world, you’re in the right place. This is a very basic primer. If you want to get more into the specifics of preparing for this particular virus and outbreak, check out this book.

What is quarantine?

First things first, we’ll go over some of the rules of quarantine.

The main rule is, nobody comes in and nobody goes out. If you are in quarantine, you are distancing yourself from people aside from the ones in quarantine with you, like your family or roommates. The reason for this is to stop the spread of an illness or possible illness.


  • You have it and you don’t want others to get it
  • You’ve been exposed to it and don’t know if you have it but you don’t want to spread it in case you do
  • You want to avoid catching the illness and you don’t know who has it so you’re staying away from everyone to avoid exposure
  • You are under mandatory quarantine – the government has told you and possibly everyone else to stay home under penalty of law

It doesn’t really matter which of these reasons you’re in quarantine. The basics are the same.

Whatever supplies you start your quarantine period with will need to last you throughout the length of time you are unable to leave your home.

What supplies do you need to stock up on for a quarantine?

Let’s start with a very basic list and then I’ll go into more detail further on in the article. Imagine that right this minute, you had to stay home for a month. What would you need that you don’t already have?

  • Food
  • Water
  • Medications
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Sanitation and cleaning supplies
  • Pet supplies
  • Special needs supplies (for babies or elderly family members, for example)
  • Entertainment

You may have a lot of things on hand already or you may need to go buy things. Before you go spend a fortune on supplies, check to see what you already have. I know it’s nerve-wracking to wait when you feel like you need to get to the store RIGHT NOW, but it’s much better to spend your money wisely and see what gaps you need to fill, as opposed to getting duplicates of what you already have.

While the urge to just order everything online may be strong, it would be advisable to get as much as possible locally so that you can have it on hand without waiting. The emergency food I recommend is sold out of most things. In this article, you can find some emergency food buckets that are currently still available.

At the very least, grab supplies locally to meet your immediate needs. If you’ve waited too long and the shelves are nearly bare, here are some ideas for the last-minute shopper.

If you want a downloadable PDF quarantine checklist, go here to sign up for my email list and get one absolutely free.

Now let’s look at each of these categories more closely.

Food and water for a quarantine

When you set out to purchase food for a potential quarantine, there are a few things to consider. One of these things is whether or not you expect to have power and running water throughout the event. There are a lot of variables (more on that in this article) but it’s advisable that you focus on non-perishable foods as much as possible.

At the same time, you want to get things your family will actually eat. Picky eaters can be tough to feed at the best of times and they often become even more stubborn during stressful situations. Think about ways to make your picky person’s favorites with shelf-stable supplies. For example, a friend of mine has a son who is autistic. He only wants to eat hot dogs, particularly when he is under stress. So she stocked up on canned Vienna sausages. It’s not her son’s ideal choice but it’s pretty close.

Another thing to consider is that if the power does go out, you may not be able to use your normal cooking methods. I like to keep a variety of food on hand that doesn’t require any cooking for this purpose. You can find a list here of no-cook emergency foods.

If you have power and running water, things are a thousand times easier. Think about the things you normally eat – it’s good to stay as close as possible to your normal diet to keep your digestive system happy and to prevent a mutiny in your home. (However, it can be extremely expensive to buy a couple of months’ worth of food at a time.)

Start with the fresh foods that you normally eat. Then, shift to the foods in your freezer and those that last a bit longer on the shelf or in the refrigerator. Finally, move on to your shelf-stable foods.

For a tasty one-month menu of shelf-stable foods along with a handy shopping list, check out this PDF guide, The Stockpile Cafe. (I just made it half price – you can grab it now for only $5)

Here are some ideas for foods to stock up on. This list is very general so you can tailor it to your family. For example, you can choose the organic version or the inexpensive version, you can opt for your family’s particular favorites, etc.

  • Canned fruits and vegetables
  • Canned meat (tuna, chicken, ham)
  • Canned soup and pasta meals
  • Crackers
  • Peanut butter
  • Pasta
  • Frozen fruits and vegetables
  • Dehydrated soups
  • Jerky
  • Meat for the freezer
  • Coffee/tea
  • Powdered milk
  • Granola
  • Dried fruit
  • 100% fruit juices
  • V-8 or other vegetable juices (use these instead of water to rehydrate your dehydrated soups)
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Canned beans
  • Snack food – granola bars, cookies, chips – an occasional treat will help with the monotony – HIDE THESE or they’ll be the first to go
  • Rice
  • Quinoa
  • Cereal/oatmeal
  • Soft tortillas
  • Refried beans
  • Condiments

Add some long-lasting fresh food:

  • Potatoes
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Onions
  • Apples
  • Oranges

Again, this is a general guideline – go with the things your family likes. This book is a thorough guide on building a pantry on a budget. If you just want to order stuff and get it done, this article offers some recommendations for emergency food buckets that are still in stock.

As far as water is concerned, before you go and drop a hundred bucks on bottled water, fill up all the empty vessels you have at your house. You can store quite a bit of water this way in the same amount of space the vessels themselves were taking up. I purchase water in either 5-gallon jugs for my water dispenser or those countertop  3-gallon jugs with the spigot. Hopefully, the water will remain on for the duration of the quarantine, but you will want to have some put back just in case.

A water filtration device is also important because it isn’t guaranteed that the water from the taps will be safe if the local breakdown of services is long-lasting. Here’s an inexpensive portable water filter and a high-quality countertop model. For more information about water preparedness, check out this book.

Medications and medical supplies for a quarantine

You’ll see all sorts of articles about the PPE (personal protection equipment) that you should purchase for a pandemic. If you can find it and you can afford it, great – definitely get some supplies.

But if your budget is tight, focus on necessities first. As well, remember that PPE is what you’d use if you were going out. When you are in quarantine, you should not be going out. You’d also need it if a family member became ill, but it’s quite likely, with the high contagiousness of this virus, that if one person becomes ill, the household will get sick despite precautions.

This doesn’t mean that you can totally skip over this category, however. If someone has an upset stomach or a fever, you’re not going to be able to run to the drugstore. Furthermore, you’ll want to avoid doctor’s offices and hospitals as much as possible, as they’re likely to be full of people with the virus you’re hoping to avoid. be prepared for things that can be treated at home.

  • Vitamins (especially a good multivitamin, B-complex, C, D3, and Zinc lozenges)
  • Cold and flu meds – if someone gets sick, you’ll be able to treat the symptoms at home
  • Expectorants – this one is very important with the current outbreak – get that gunk out of people’s lungs
  • Cough drops or lozenges
  • Peppermint tea and other herbal teas
  • Basic OTC medications you might need over the period of a month without going to the store – think about what your family uses regularly (heartburn meds, ibuprofen, antidiarrheals, etc.)
  • Wound care supplies – if it’s reasonable to do so, you’ll want to treat wounds at home instead of sitting in a germ-filled emergency room. Here’s an article about building your first aid kit.

Don’t forget prescription medications. If you have family members who take medications on a regular basis, try to get a few months ahead. You may have to pay out of pocket for extra months but you can’t risk running out of something essential.

Sanitation and hygiene supplies for a quarantine

You’ll still have sanitation and personal hygiene needs during a quarantine. Use this list as a general guideline and pick up the items your family uses regularly.

  • Lysol spray
  • Lysol wipes
  • Bleach
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Antibacterial soap

Even if you never use things like bleach or Lysol, this might be the time that you’ll want to do so. Sometimes situations call for natural remedies, but sometimes they call for chemical ones or a combination of the two.

  • Soap
  • Feminine hygiene supplies
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Lotion and skincare products
  • Toilet paper
  • Razors
  • Shaving cream
  • Toothpaste
  • Baby supplies
  • Deodorant

You may not require everything on this list and you may already have most of what you need – use this as a guide and personalize it.

Pet supplies for a quarantine

Don’t forget your pets during a quarantine.

  • Pet food
  • Pet litter
  • Treats
  • Pet medications
  • Pee pads
  • Poo bags

Think about how your pets will do their business during a quarantine. If you have a yard, it’s fine to let them go outside – your goal is to stay away from other people, not to stay cooped up inside in the dark. However, if you’re in an apartment building you may need to think about other options for Fido.

Special needs to consider before a quarantine

Do you have any family members with special needs? These could be health-related or based on age. Here are a few things to think about.

  • Baby food
  • Baby formula
  • Diapers
  • Wipes
  • Ensure or other meal replacements
  • Special equipment

Print off instructions for using any special equipment just in case you can’t access the internet.

How will you entertain yourself and your family during a quarantine?

What will you do if you have to stay home for a while? If you or your family members are always on the go, you may begin to get cabin fever pretty quickly. Hit up the dollar store and the Goodwill for some cheap entertainment and stash these things away to pull out when people begin complaining about being “bored.”

  • Cards
  • Games
  • Books
  • Craft supplies
  • New toys
  • Puzzles
  • Puzzle books

Don’t forget batteries and chargers! You can also check out this article for ways to keep adults entertained and this one to keep the kids busy.

How much food do you need for a quarantine?

This is the million-dollar question. It’s difficult to guess how much food you’ll need for a quarantine because you don’t know how long it will go on. (More on that in a moment.) I suggest you start with a two-week supply and then add extra weeks as quickly as possible.

The good thing about shelf-stable food is that if you don’t need it for this particular emergency, you’ll be able to use it later and work it into your menus when things go back to normal.

Will you still have money coming in during a quarantine?

A major concern that isn’t mentioned often is the cost of being in quarantine. If you can’t go into work, you may not be getting paid (unless you have a job where you can telecommute.) As well, buying all these supplies isn’t cheap.

Even if your money is not coming in, barring something utterly catastrophic, the bills will be.

Before things get to the point of quarantine, it’s a good idea to sell unused items to make some extra money. Take a look at your budget and see what non-essential spending you can cut. If the quarantine does occur, talk to your creditors. They’ll most likely be willing to work with you, since you will not be the only person in this situation.

This article goes into far more detail about preparing financially for a quarantine.

How long will you be in a coronavirus quarantine?

The problem with preparing for a quarantine is that nobody knows how long it’s going to last. At one point, the length of quarantine for those potentially exposed was 14 days. However, newer research has suggested a person could be contagious with the Covid19 virus for up to 27 days – and a person who has had it and recovered can have a recurrence.

If the quarantine is mandatory, it will go on for as long as the government feels it is necessary. Millions of people in China have been in quarantine for well over a month. People in northern Italy just began a quarantine of indefinite length. If it’s voluntary, you’re in control of how long you remain in lockdown.

In a perfect world, you’d be prepared to stay home for 6 months. For those just starting out, this may be unattainable due to finances, storage space, and other variables.

A quarantine that is managed ideally would last from the last date of diagnosis plus 27 days (the longest incubation period noted.) That already puts quarantine at one month. It’s extremely unlikely that the day people go into quarantine will be the date of the last diagnosis.

I would suggest being prepared for anywhere from 1 month to 4 months as a starting point and then adding supplies as you can. It’s unfortunately impossible to predict what the length of time will be – we can only do our best to prepare.

Do you have other questions about quarantines?

I hope that you find this guide helpful. If there’s anything I missed covering, please let me know in the comments. I’m also happy to answer any questions you might have – ask below!

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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49 Responses

  1. Thank you, Daisy! This was exactly what I needed: it covers everything without feeling too overwhelming if you’re starting from scratch.

  2. Round up for the yard unless you’ve got an old time push mower, wanna sling a sickle or have a goat.
    Burn barrel for the trash when it stops running. Then a hole for the ash n trash.
    Figure out the toilet hole when the septic backs up.

    1. Matt in OK,
      I have a Fiskars reel mower. They are not that great. Lawn has to be pretty short in the first place for them to really work. Otherwise it is a heck of a work out.
      I have three scythes. The grass blade is nearly three feet long. Once you get the hang of it, it is pretty easy. It is all in the waist.
      With proper fencing, 6 goats can mow down a good section in 2 days. But they will eat everything. Even strip trees of bark and kill the tree. But then you have to move them to a new paddock.
      Humanmanure. Do your biz in a bucket with wood chips, saw dust, even add the ash from the burn barrel, dump in somewhere where not close to your water source or anyone’s water supply down stream. Cover with raked leaves, spent hay, wood chips, saw dust. In two years of aging, ya got compost.

      1. Yup I pushed them old things till I moved out.
        At this point in my life I’d buy a bucket of agent orange if they’d let me not to mow.
        I’ve got a battery weed eater that can be charged solar.
        Goats can be a pain. Miniature cow might be best.
        I was just throwing out a few things folks need to think on in them HOAs and apartments.

        1. Agent orange . . . now that is funny!

          Goats, yep, they are smart. Can be a pain. But you can train them too. Smarter than sheep, but sheep are easier to control. A good herding dog can help out with the sheep. My goats, I have them trained to follow me when outside their paddock.

          I have Dexters (cows). While smaller than Angus, still, a 700lbs animal can be a handful. Like goats, they are smart and can be trained. The Irish used to use them as meat, dairy and beasts of burden cows.

      2. If you are really worrying about taking care of the yard in a pandemic, you might be mis-prioritized. Unless you see it growing so high that rapscallions are using it for concealment as they approach your fortress, who cares?

        And no, we don’t use human fecal matter, especially wutang infected fecal matter as compost. EVAH.

        Worst case if shiz gets real, make sure you have a couple 5gal cans of diesel around, and build a simple burn shi**er like the Army/MC use during phase 2 of field sanitation. Phase 1 is a slit trench. Don’t put this where it can seep into possible ground water sources.

        1. Every year in the early spring and fall it’s wildfire season. My priorities are straight enough that I can worry about it because I’m prepared at the other levels.
          The Ronald Reagan Library is a good example of the difference in fuel for a fire. It didn’t burn last year because of the goats that kept it ate down. Just think of a large neighborhood with disrupted services and knee high grass and how fast that fire will blow through there. Folks from my state, even our rural areas, Kalfornia and others can tell you from first hand experience.
          I sure don’t miss the days of burning the poo in the green machine.

    2. NEVER Roundup! My neighbor hand sprayed his yard last year, and the Glyphosate drifted onto my property. Five people and 3 puppies got VERY sick. I keeled over in a public business, and had to be carted out on a stretcher. Almost died from toxic poisoning. It took over 5 months and some aggressive IV treatments to recover. The courts have finally authorized Monsanto to be held accountable, and it looks like the litigation will bankrupt Bayer (who bought Monsanto).

      Just incredible carnage to your endocrine system. It takes about 3 years for it to break up in the soil, such that you can use it to garden again. NEVER Roundup!

  3. Great article Daisy!

    I had one question:

    You mention elderberry syrup. I’ve been reading about some adverse immune response to elderberry syrup for this specific virus, that it could induce a cytokine storm in some folks.

    I think it was an article by Matt Winters – Medical Survivalists within a post on Food Storage, Survivalism and Preparedness facebook post.

    Have you come across any information about this? I think I am in information overload!!!


    1. Mary I’m going to ask Cat Ellis, my favorite herbalist, about that one. Thank you for an excellent question!

        1. Thanks to both you and Mary. I removed it from the list of recommendations to be on the safe side. I appreciate you bringing it to my attention. 🙂

          1. Good. Good. Every site I frequent for information brings up Elderberrys, bu there is a lot of conflicting information out there. Reality is none of us know, and you won’t know the truth unless/until you are forced to test the theory on someone you care about.

          2. Unless you have seen something more definitive on the virus inducing a cytokine storm as did the 1918 flu, I don’t understand why anyone would disregard the positive uses of elderberry. By “definitive” I don’t mean blog posts but actual info coming from the CDC or another reputable health agency that states clearly that this is happening. As many of those infected who have succumbed to this virus are the elderly or those with impaired immune systems or co-occurring conditions such as diabetes or other health problems, it sure doesn’t appear to me that this is necessarily inducing a cytokine storm. A cytokine storm would generally be induced in the young who have very healthy immune systems. In any event, it would seem that elderberry would help keep one’s immune system at a high level and thus resist infection, even if one didn’t want to use it once infected should this occur.

      1. Daisy, 1st Thank you for all this wonderful information that is solid and practical. Please when you talk to your friend Cat, please ask her about fire cider, also. I am currently using Elderberry Syrup. I started some Cider but it is not done “cooking” yet.
        Thank you again for all the fabulous information.

        1. I had a book on hand, Herbal Antivirals by Stephen Harrod Buhner. In that book, he suggested Licorice Root and Chinese Skullcap. At the beginning of the reporting about this I ordered both in tincture form from Elk Mountain Herbs.

  4. I have been warning my relatives to get prepared and I know some have been rolling their eyeballs. But the City of Tallahassee, FL is having an emergency meeting with Leon County leadership and key agencies tomorrow to address the issue. So I feel validated. In my Walmart Room, where 1/2 of my supplies are, I looked to see if I had N-95 masks because they are sold out everywhere online, and I do have them. I suggested to my relatives to try Ace Hardware. They usually have some. I also read about elderberry syrup not working with this virus.

    1. Fire cider is a good immune boost. I have some already ready and another cooking off. I am going shopping on Friday (unless SHTF) to buy more ingredients to start another gallon.

      For those who drink…. 🙂 Remember that absinthe was developed by a French Foreign Legion doctor for fighting parasites (general not specific). Would not recommend drinking on a regular basis, but it may be something to look into on a health standpoint. It is all herbal, but has alcohol in it.

  5. Before anything hits, see if your company or business has a plan for employees to work at home, if not, see if you can make a list of things you can do at home if the city is quarantined and discuss this with your supervisor. This might be your time to shine at work by making suggestions about working at home. If you are sick, you probably won’t feel like working, but if it is a general quarantine you can do some work.

    The CDC website discusses this and said that school might want to plan for internet teaching/learning and businesses should plan for telecommuting if possible. My coworker and I discussed this yesterday and came up with a sort of plan. She’ll polish it up some and then talk to the boss about it.

    We have plenty to do, hubby is finishing the basement and we can do such fun things as hang drywall and put down flooring.. At this point, I would love a 2-3 week general quarantine so we can get the basement guest room finished.

    I foster kittens for my local humane society and I selfishly want to have kittens if there is a quarantine. 4 to 5 week old kittens are such wonderful entertainment.

    1. I suggested my wife to develop a plan if the self-isolate thing becomes real.
      That was two weeks ago. She has done it. It is possible for her work.

      But how do you tell a company like Applebees, McDonalds, Ford, Old Navy etc. to do the same?

      I am of the opinion this thing is going to force a economic downturn globally. No one will be exempted and in more than an economic way.

      Plan accordingly.

  6. One thing that I’ve seen in several locations is that 1000 mg of Vitamin C taken 3x per day is effective against flu and is one of the protocols being used in China to treat victims, as well as Vitamin C IV drips. We can’t do the drips, but stocking up on Vitamin C may help prevent, or reduce severity of, an infection.

    Best defense is a good offense. A strong immune systems may be the difference.

  7. I am reading about the Spanish influenza Pandemic of 1918. More died with that than were killed in WW1. It lasted a long time, with a huge, less deadly version sweeping the world, then later that fall, another, extremely deadly strain followed, much worse than the first.
    “Bugging in” or Self quarantine in place may well take almost 6 months to a year before the world settles down..
    Look it up online. Be prepared For staying home for a long time. Choose your news and health information sources carefully.

  8. The big thing that sucks about this is that so many of us do not have the option of working at home. I work retail(grocery) and DH works construction. He was just out of work a couple months, and we are not on a good footing financially. If we don’t work, we don’t get paid. We are doing all we can to boost our immunity (the news about elderberry really has me concerned), being overly cautious about handwashing/sanitizer, trying to stay away from ‘sick’ ppl, etc. but we still need to work. Where we ‘draw the line’ is going to look a lot different than others.

    1. Grammyprepper, both of my daughters are in the same situation. One works retail and the other works at a large corporation with hundreds of employees in her building. They both have relatively new jobs and my daughter who works in retail doesn’t make a whole lot of money. They absolutely must go to work.

      There are many, many people in this position who will be seriously financially affected by a mandatory quarantine. I honestly am at a loss for advice for this and I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure it out for the two people I hold most dear.

  9. Powdered milk has a very short shelf life and no fat. Canned Goats milk has a shelf life of 3yrs and is a better choice.

  10. Daisy, Thanks for the useful info. I’m not a beginner but definitely not advanced (due to finances) in prepping. This will probably be viewed as a dumb question (although as a life long learner, I don’t believe there is such a thing as a “dumb” question). I’ve been doing my best to keep up with all the news on this virus but the one thing I haven’t seen addressed is this –
    For the folks that do self-quarantine – what do we do about mail? You mentioned the bills will keep coming. We live in a rural area so I’m not worried about going to the mailbox but how do we mitigate the chances of contamination “in the mailbox”? Even our “local bills” originate from other states. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1. This isn’t something I’ve really thought about and it’s actually a great question. The virus can live on surfaces for up to 9 days and I imagine mail at some point, if the virus was widespread, could be as dirty as money. I’m not sure if Lysol-ing your mail would be sufficient, but it could be one option. The other option would be collecting it with gloves and letting it sit for ten days before handling it. (Only good if you have nothing time-sensitive in there.)

      You could sit outside and use a pair of disposable gloves to go through the mail, then toss anything you don’t need, including the gloves, into a small burn container. You could lay things out, remove your gloves and use your phone to take a scan of the important stuff before discarding it.

      I’m not certain of the best protocol but all of these are options. But keep in mind we are absolutely not to this point yet. I hope this has at least provided some food for thought, if not a definitive answer.

      1. Thanks Daisy! I was thinking along the same lines as your idea of going through the mail outside. I agree we are not at that point but that is the whole idea of preparing right? 🙂

      2. One thing our team medic pointed out that most of us including myself do wrong with Lysol is not let it sit:
        “Directions for use: Hold can upright 6″ to 8″ from surface. Spray 2 to 3 seconds until covered with mist. To sanitize: let stand for 30 seconds then allow to air dry. To disinfect: let stand for 10 minutes then allow to air dry.”
        I’ve never let anything sit for 10 minutes. We are going to use it to decon our battle rattle gear as well.

  11. Globalism is great isn’t it! Companies are making record profits and are providing jobs and income to 3rd world countries. (insert sarcasm icon here)

    Until an unintended consequence or three shows up.

    But that’s OK, the planet is over populated anyway.

    1. iIT does appear that de-population of the earth by the globalist is alive and well. I remember when Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates talked about that very thing a few years ago and about the “useless eaters”. What about the Georgia Guide stones? Have you researched that one. It actually makes ALOT of sense to me…I think this virus is just the beginning of many interesting things to come in the future. Not being negative just being factual…There is a difference in being factual and being negative and a doom and me in my opinion.

  12. Hey Daisy! Good article. I focused heavily on preps a few years ago but haven’t done anything but deplete food storage for the last couple. Luckily, it seems like a lot of what I did back then is still in place (I used a lot of flour, sugar, etc. but not stuff like dry beans) and I’ve continued to keep a pretty full pantry of canned goods. I’m working on filling in a few gaps I’ve slide a bit and your list helps a lot in that. I feel like I would be fairly well prepared if the worst does happen with this virus. I like the idea of filling up containers around your house with water…I have a lot of mason jars I could fill if needed, so I think that’s an awesome idea to stretch a water supply.

    One thing I think is important for any emergency situation that I don’t fee like I see mentioned much is to have printed copies of some staple recipes…this week I printed an easy recipe for no knead dutch oven bread as well as basic instructions for cooking grits, rice, beans, etc. that I will add into my emergency binder. I may not have the ability to use my rice cooker or the internet like I’m used to 🙂

  13. When this outbreak first happened in Washington state, still felt all too surreal, like a nightmare episode from “Tales from the Dark side”, it still feels surreal, I keep hoping to wake up to find it all was only a bad dream. But sadly it is not. I fear for my families health & welfare, as so many of you do. Dr Anthony Fauci warns American to avoid crowds, prepare for inevitable quarantines as 4 new cases in Florida are confirmed just Sun 3/8/20. All we can do is try to prepare the best we can & Pray.
    Thank you Daisy for all your vital info. May God keep you safe.

  14. I’ve looked at the Shelter in Place rules for Illinois as I have a friend who lives there. It’s not going to be a quarantine. Life goes on. You can still go out. You will always be able to go out because the numbers do not work. There are too many people to impose an all-out quarantine.

    I’m elsewhere in the Midwest. We’re out of toilet paper, mostly because the stores granted seniors the opportunity to shop an hour before the general public and seniors are among the nastiest, most self-centered people on the planet. They buy it all up. They share it with younger friends and family. If you know a senior, you have toilet paper. If not, you’re SOL. Use a rag. Wash it out with soap and water. Everything else is stocked and readily available. No problems whatsoever.

    This is your big moment, Daisy Luther. This is as bad as it’s ever gonna get and, Sweetie, it just ain’t that bad. I used to be one of you, but I have to laugh at it all now. When the real dumpster fire happens, all the prepping in the world might buy you a week or two, but they’ll come for you just like they came for Koresh and the Weavers. There will be no escaping that. This? This isn’t even a blip. Stop scaring people.


    Buying water is not only expensive in large quantities but also hugely inefficient on space. Instead, you should put together a few litres’ bleach, which can, in a ratio of 1 drop per litre of water, be used to purify dirty water from streams, lakes, or hot water tanks etc etc. It’s all too common to see new self-proclaimed survivalists prancing round Tesco in their tank tops thinking that they’re the hottest sh!t.

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