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Collapse is coming. To an extent, it’s already happened. Globalists have already decided this. A deeper collapse will arrive sooner or later. And when that happens, gangs are going to run your area. This is what happened in Venezuela. And this is how those gangs operate here.
Fortunately (and it’s painful to acknowledge this because they’re human beings that chose the wrong path), death squads have been doing their thing. The gangs aren’t as powerful as they had been as a result. Venezuela is mirroring many things that have happened in Russia in this regard.
Many average male Venezuelans have had a bad experience with crime.
The lonely petty thief looking for trouble is a Darwinian specimen that won’t last for too long. Once he (or even she) is detected stealing from someone (they will use the gun to punch if the victim paralyzes or refuses to cooperate), chances are that some witnesses would run over them with a car and get out of dodge.
The victims will collect their valuables and hit the road. Everything ends there. This isn’t common, but it happens. Some examples of this have been caught on film. I have watched a few, and the social media crowd cheered up the anonymous heroes. Go figure.
Anyways, things in the larger cities (as usual) have been like this for some time.
I have to be honest; before the Hugo era, crime was the worst here I’ve ever seen it. I had to run a couple of times to avoid robbery at knifepoint in my youth. So while things aren’t as bad as they were a few decades ago, they have gotten worse lately, though.
Many criminals carry illegal guns now. “Renting” them from someone else is the norm in gangs. Ammunition is found via corrupted uniforms as there are no gun shops anymore. People panicked when gangs of kids under 15 roamed the streets back in the 90s. They were heavily armed, and being minors, even killing someone wouldn’t get them out of the streets.
Laws down here don’t give severe punishment for a serious crime being committed by a minor. There is no such thing as “exceptions” to be “judged as adults” or some of the fancy stuff developed nations have. These kids are usually society rejects, with a crappy, disturbing childhood that forced them to degenerate into young criminals that have lived more than dozens of adult lives before they are 15 years old.
How do you fix someone like that?
In one of my previous articles, a rum distilling company owner started a social program with outstanding results. Sadly, in other parts of the country, this experience is not applied. The current mafias need young recruits. Word is this man has “connections” with the red crowd…but to preserve the privilege of keeping a large company working under a Cuban-style ruling, that is understandable.
Let’s elaborate a little about how these gangs operate nowadays. They have been under official fire, but there are still plenty of them operating. There are rumors of a pact, or sometimes even their neighborhoods protect them. Like Pablo Escobar and some others did in the past, they provide for their neighborhoods what the official institutions don’t.
The following paragraphs could be a little crude, but most of us have not been in a situation where our life has been under threat by someone with criminal intentions. I know how it feels (and I hated it), and I know my reactions. The body disconnects and gets in self-defense mode. A person in this zone is very likely to eliminate threats without blinking. Some people need training. Some don’t.
Car hijacking
They usually choose a fancy car if you are in a city. A Japanese-made SUV, recent year. 4x4s are the most targeted. One car gets in front of the target, another one behind, guns ready. The victim, in the middle, doesn’t have a chance. The best option is to hand the keys, phone, money, and everything of value to the gangsters. Otherwise, they will shoot without any hesitation.
Something like 80% of these crimes are not subject to any investigation. The only exceptions have been cases where the involved are famous people, like Monica Spears, Venezuela’s Beauty Queen, in 2004. The brainless thief died in jail months later. The unnecessary killing of that gorgeous woman did not exactly make him a welcomed member of the prison crowd.
Returning to our carjacking scene, the thugs in the car parked behind will open fire if the owner defends himself. The best chance of getting through this (depending on if your vehicle is beefed up enough with heavy-duty-thick-gage custom bumpers) is to brake hard, destroying the front of the car behind, and floor it to push the front car out of the way. No mercy. Getting down and surrendering is the last option.
My experience with carjacking
My own experience (a tree across the middle of a desert road) was positive. I was very close to running over a thug that surely crapped his underwear seeing a 1600 kg SUV getting out of the road, take the curb, high beams on, and floor it to 90 mph POINTED STRAIGHT to where he was waiting for us to stop to avoid running over the tree.
I remember it was one of those white cargo trucks, like a Ford 350 – very common. We just ran over the upper branches, no harm done to the car, and they never followed us. Even the most dangerous predators crap themselves when their prey faces them with the intention to fight. These people are criminals for a living, and you’re fighting for your life. Showing any mercy can mean a horrendous death.
Being cruel and ruthless to the aggressors is likely to give us a chance to survive because of the psychological impact. Use your head on this: always fight back with an edge – and a good edge like being inside a 1600kg SUV.
The open road variant thugs operating on the interstate roads are a dangerous crowd. Gangs like the Tren de Aragua terrified the roads at night, and nobody dared to travel after 6 pm anywhere in Venezuela. The gangs need to own the roads for trafficking narcotics between cities, I guess. Things have changed, but still, not even uniformed people travel by night unless they’re armed to the teeth.
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Express kidnapping
This is an old method. They choose their victims randomly based on their looks. Fancy clothes, cars, general appearance, expressions – they all make you fair game. Thugs are quite street-smart.
It’s not as if we are exposed everywhere. This is a much more common practice in larger cities. The selection of the victim is usually outside discos (yes, they still exist), restaurants, and bars, all of them targeting customers with money.
They will take the victim at gunpoint to their own house (the victim’s one), and then they will take whatever valuables they can find. If the car has a GPS, they will deactivate it. If some neighbor notices what is going on (this has happened), they will keep hostages and send one man barefoot to the neighbor’s house before they can call the police. Then, the barefoot man will ask to open the door because they have an emergency. When the neighbor does so, he is held at gunpoint.
Charming fellows, aren’t they? These kidnappings usually last for a few hours. In some instances, they even take people to a safe house and ask for a ransom if they believe their victim is wealthy enough: children, elders, disabled victims, etc.
Sometimes they even offer a “combo”: freeing the victim AND the car simultaneously as long as there are no policemen involved, and the exchange in cash is swift. Usually, the person in charge of such an exchange is a woman. Women soothe and calm the victim’s relatives, reassuring them there is no harm done to them and that they’re being well cared for.
They are usually very well organized; the best bet is to avoid being a target as much as possible. Calling the police is not always for the best.
Petty thieves – motorcycles, shops, houses
These opportunity gangs use the same modus operandi of using surveillance to steal motorcycles at gunpoint (very desirable because this way they can sneak around traffic after a felony), shops, and houses in the wealthier subdivisions. That’s why you NEVER use the same road to go home or even come back at the same hour. Following a daily routine makes you easy prey.
Stop to get some salt or some other not-so-needed staple. Stare out of the windows from inside the store to see if there is anyone suspicious following you. This eventually becomes second nature. If you are one of those boring people heading home at the same time, following the same path…that pattern makes you more vulnerable than you think.
People that say, “Suddenly, the guy was pointing a gun at me. I don’t know where he/they came from,” do so because they were distracted, so immersed in their own fantasy world that they never detected the danger.
However, these are extremely dangerous criminals. Unlike those kidnappers using the express mode, they are much more prone to shoot their victims and leave them to die on the street. If this is the case and they’re caught alive by people, usually a mob takes care of them to teach other criminals to never come back. It works. It’s not common, but it happens from time to time.
Operations in haciendas
These are one of the most common crimes – usually involving gangs with 14 or 15 members. Their goal can be immediate profit, or they need the land their victims own for strategic reasons. Terrorizing the owner to force them to sell at a bargain price is one of the techniques most used by the guerrilla in Colombia, Mexico, and other countries with huge narcotics problems.
Haciendas usually hold big loads of cash for the laborers. However, this has been changing a little bit for this very same reason. Nevertheless, the luxury SUVs the owners and their families usually ride, the isolation, and ease of access to the main house without being noticed are points of interest. Add the usual lack of guns for self-defense, and all that makes them confident that a specific hacienda is an easy target.
Unfortunately, any hacienda owner knows that laborers could talk about the security aspects of their home. It is a weak link in the chain, and the capabilities of the gangs to collect intel should not be minimized. This applies to all countries! They will ask about dogs, weapons, how many people there are, how many cars there are, and everything a criminal needs to know to take control of the hacienda and do as they please. Killing the owners and laborers to avoid later identification is not uncommon.
What can rural dwellers do?
A way to deal with this would be establishing a security ring around the main house forbidding access to anyone not family-related. First, fencing the mandatory fruits and vegetable garden is necessary. Inside this fencing, two more parallel fences surround the house, with a gravel space between them, like 6 or 7 meters wide.
Some dogs of the same race, same size, and color kept sleeping and happy inside a cool doghouse during the day. Maybe just one, or even 4, but no one from the farming staff should see them during the day or know their names or even how many dogs are, much less male or female. These are to guard ONLY family and obey JUST them.
The fence gate should be opened remotely from inside the panic room (a hacienda without a panic room nearby the main room is vulnerable) to allow the dog(s) to get out and face the threats. Anyone working inside the main house (whether maiden, cook, handyman, anyone) should be a very trusted person. Some basic safety precautions like these could make bad guys lose interest, thinking that the job is not worth it at the end of the day due to the difficulties.
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This is a very general guide to how gangs operate post-collapse.
Some elements are common with crime from everywhere else, and some others are very particular from this part of the world.
The common trait of gangsters and criminals down here is a developed street-smart ability. This allows them to hide the incredible violence they are capable of. They know how to camouflage themselves, especially in friendly and relatively open societies like ours. Their members look harmless, even nice, and unable to do wrong…until the dark side surfaces.
I hope this experience will save someone’s life someday, even though I am afraid some things were left out of the because of space reasons. However, the topic will continue under analysis in further articles!
Thanks for your reading!
Stay safe!
What do you think?
Do you think we’ll see this type of organized crime in America? How soon do you think similar patterns could begin to emerge? Share your thoughts in the comments.
About Jose
Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to give it a try to homestead in the mountains, and make a living as best as possible. But this time in his own land, and surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, with all the gear and equipment collected, as the initial plan was.
Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151
21 Responses
There are a lot of articles on individual gangs and cartels on Wikipedia. Each article lists that group’s “allies” and “rivals”, so there are lots of links to follow up on. Some of these gangs have 100,000 members or more. Try starting with the “Mexican Mafia”. After reading a couple of dozen articles I got freaked out and quit. I strongly suggest you use a VPN if you decide to research this (yes, even for Wikipedia). I think such organized groups will be a big problem in the US when SHTF.
I have always said gangs will be the biggest problems inside the cities once SHTF. The big difference that I see, is that after SHTF they will target those places and people with resources,(Stores, then Preppers, refugees, etc.) and they will realize quickly what resources are valuable (like food, access to clean water, etc.) and take control over them.
As they run out of resources in the cities, they will expand their Alliances and Territory, to include more rural areas.
Where they will be handled with extreme prejudice
this is a well written brief from Jose, thank you. hope it teaches people something of things to come.. This was exactly like our life in South Africa. The post apartheid madness that ensued since 1994, which the western powers conveniently supported to ensure that the communist party (ANC) “overthrows” apartheid (that was actually functioning very well for a society as complex like South Africa), ensured that criminals and corrupt officials run the show.
The only difference between what Jose describes and the post apartheid South Africa was/is (it is continuing to date) that the car jacking usually happened by people on foot, stopping you (with a gun) while opening your gate (in suburbia) or even stopping for a red traffic light at night.. its like the criminals get the script (trained) from somewhere..?
Main thing is, fight back more brutal than your attacker, literally squash their eyes out, go berserk, otherwise its tickets (over) for you.. you have to be madder than them, its the only survival technique.
There we go, have fun in the new world order.. and all the people who supported it over the years, may they get what they deserve!
Kurt, allow me to share something (also from direct experience, I live in a rather violent country as well).
You don’t get “more brutal” than the guys holding pistols to your head, slapping and humiliating you and yelling that they’re going to kill you and calling you names to get your total compliance.
You comply, and hope they will go away asap and leave you alive so you can tell the story.
They use brutality and violence so you don’t even think about reacting, much less being brutal. If you comply, and they feel they’re “safe” and will get what they want, they may or may not stop being violent.
They want to own us, and we should do everything in our power (very limited in these cases…) to stay alive first and foremost, damn the rest. Whatever other “better” outcome we may wish and strive for, must necessarily go through trying to de-escalating the situation.
It depends on them, of course. But also on you (or us), believe it or not. Crime is a business, more or less. So, based on what I’ve seen, lived, learned and researched (I also live in a rather violent country, Brazil), here’s what I can share:
If for any reason they think you’re a threat, or will react, they’ll kill you point blank. If they think you have a firearm with you, they’ll shoot you and take your gun right away. If they think you’re a cop, they’ll just kill you because of that. If you attempt a reaction and screw it up, they’ll shoot and run.
Just like that.
If you have a firearm with you, and think you can react and come out alive, you should do it without hesitation. Find a safe (i.e. protected) spot and fire away. Or just smash the trigger, really.
99% of the times they’ll run like crazy, simply because the situation (i.e. surprise element) is lost, and now they are running to survive. Not many people will stay around when bullets start flying.
But for that you’ve got to be aware and alert, because if you’re caught by surprise and they have you, it’s over. Just comply, or they’ll shoot.
So, you got caught.
In the beginning, you say nothing. You nod, show your hands, and wait. Bid your time. Let them do their show, bully you, threat you.
There’s a power game in these situations, and they need to reassure that you’re powerless and they have full control. So you assure them and that should take things down a notch or two.
Lower your head, don’t look them in the eyes, don’t stare, and try to cool things another bit: “I’m cool, let’s stay calm everyone, I will collaborate, I’ll give what you want, we’re all be fine”.
From there, it depends a lot on what they want, and also how you conduct yourself and the conversation. The general idea is to buy time, divert their attention, in as subtle ways as possible of course.
There are techniques for this, but you’ve got to stay calm, composed and in good thinking to be able to make the best assessments and apply the best tactics accordingly.
It’s hard because of adrenaline rush, but it’s possible if you’re prepared. Some people freeze, others piss on their pants, others faint (and some get away by doing this). To react after you got caught requires training and preparation.
Watching videos of real life situations and mentally rehearsing some responses can help, because you will think “I’ve seen this before” and you won’t stutter as much, and thus sound more natural and legit. It’s much better than the whole ordeal being a total surprise. And even if you know what to say, say as little as possible so not to compromise.
Criminals are humans, they’re also under pressure and suffer from tunnel vision and brain freeze like everyone else. Sounds counterintuitive but we don’t want that, as it can work against us.
So we must calm them down as much as possible, too. We do this by complying and being calm, letting them talk and vent, then we can talk. State directly if necessary: “I’ll try to stay calm and want you to stay calm too, so things don’t run out of control OK?”. Always mind the inflection. Sound amicable, nice.
Crime is a business. We’re negotiating from a shitty-as-fuck position, under extreme pressure, almost without leverage, but it’s a business for them, even if they don’t consciously realize that.
“Almost” being the key word, because if they got us it’s because they believe we have something they want, and we should want them to think that early on.
Depending on how things develop, you can state (as calmly as possible) the terms so you may bring them to reason:
“I accept that I got caught into this, and I won’t cause trouble. I’m not stupid and I respect your position here. We all want to win something and lose nothing, so let’s stay calm and do this transaction as quickly and smoothly as possible, and everyone go home happy today OK?”.
This is even more effective if done through questions instead of statements. Like “You have me under control, what exactly you guys want from me and from this situation, and how can I collaborate so this ends in the best terms possible for everyone?”, or something to that effect.
This will make them pause, think and engage, and this tends to cool things down. If timed right and done smoothly, they might even let you go.
Of course it depends on the other part as well. But most times these guys are rubes. They’re street smart, and also ruthless from the life they lead. But it’s not like you’re dealing with well prepared or sophisticated criminals like the ones we see in Hollywood movies.
If someone can keep their cool and think straight, and depending on the situation, it may be possible to subtly manipulate them. We shouldn’t try to convince them, but influence and nudge. It takes some social engineering and some cold blood, but it’s possible.
It’s also good to have a “drop wallet” with some money, a couple of cards with little balance, and also a decoy smartphone. If you give these things away, and say they’ve already made something from this and everyone is fine and winning, they might let you go.
Crime is a crazy thing. You gotta know what your attacker want, but you already know what they DON’T want, and it’s their victims trying to react. We may react, and should remain alert for slips on their part, or some opportunity that presents itself.
But trying to be defiant or more brutal than the brutes when they have the upper hand rarely ends well, at least around here.
I get where both Kurt and Fabian are coming from. Fight and die or suffer utter humiliation and maybe live. If you’re robbed on the street and they get your phone, cash, jewelry and credit cards, then giving that up to live is a good deal.
Part of the difficulty in surrendering is that we have all seen too many Rambo and similar movies where the victim fights like hell and beats 20, or many more, attackers. With those images in your head the idea of suffering utter humiliation to survive seems unacceptable. But, winning against those odds is unrealistic.
But, if my home is attacked where all my preps are stored, at my age and health, I think I’d rather die defending what I have than starve to death or die anyway without my meds. I can see that I should cache much of my preps outside the house and retreat for a day or two, if possible, if attacked. But, frankly, I’m in no physical condition to dig a hole big enough to put even a single 5 gallon bucket in. Maybe if I exercise I can build up enough strength to dig a few holes.
That’s a good point, Bart. Yes, I prepare to be able to defend myself and my family in case of a home invasion. These can present more danger, depending on the circumstances and the attackers.
But it also depends on how we get caught. Most attacks can be repelled with a higher degree of success if detected beforehand. Once you’ve been invaded or dominated, the strategies should change.
in the streets, we can gain time and move away. At home, we gain time with layers and monitoring. It’s possible to escape and go get help, but not always.
That’s why surprise factor is a big factor. In combat, crime, most situations involving violence really. If the assailants have it, it’s their advantage. If we can surprise them before they get us, we might have the upper hand in perhaps most situations.
Yes, Fabian – very correct.
I was once robbed – first time in my life.
I was coming home and saw an unfamiliar van ( White Toyota Hiace ) right outside my apartment at around 6-7 pm in the evening. My guts told me something is amiss. But I shrugged it off.
Got inside my house and did my usual things…went to bed…at around 11am in the night – my bedroom windows smashed violently and demands to open the door.
My wife panicked , gave a wild shout of fear…run to the door opened it and thugs came in (5) of them.
We had a 8 months baby – she begged the thugs not to hurt the child…take electronics and get out!
They did just that.
I stayed calm ( we were in bed the whole time being robbed ).
I managed to hide my cellphone… the thugs took other useless phone around the house, TV, subwoofer , laptop !
They also robbed our next neighbor and brought them into our bedroom… locked us in…
Imagine your neighbors and your family… all in your bedroom – in night clothing, shivering, scared, robbed…
In the aftermath – we learned that the robbers had guns (not sure whether toys or real ). They had smashed the metallic door with an axe…to try to gain access to inside locks.
They tied the watchman with ropes and threats to shoot him…he was the one who had access to turn on the alarm !
My traumatized wife never recovered from the ordeal…we moved the following month…
This is took place in the suburbs of Nairobi -Kenya.
This is why I am very happy to read articles about home invasion, street smartness, car jacking and et.al
Thanks again for educating us on safety, prepping, etc
Awesome response Fabian…I just had a big laughter ????????????????oh my oh my… loved reading your interactions with thugs….I’ve learned something bro…
Live long and write more…love your articles…
Would it make sense to carry a fully charged battery-powered green laser pointer to fend off a would-be hi-jacker? Those are the kind of laser pointers that are illegal to point at aircraft flying overhead because of the risk of blinding the pilot.
This is good to know. Bare in mind that this situation exists even when there is no collapse, just a big poverty class. Ecuador is an example. I have lived there. You don’t travel around at night. Houses all have tall front yard fences. I’ve been robbed in Ecuador and Venezuela at gunpoint and knife point.
…Thanks – would love to hear and know how people secure their homes in these South American countries …
Tall fences front and back. Sharp objects on back fences. Zoning laws are lax. Some homes or neighborhoods can afford security guards for night time. Tips and tricks that’ll make you smile. Front yard fences can be 8 or more feet tall made of attractive wrought iron with points bent forward. Expensive? You bet but iron workers are low income (remember poverty?), so not so much as you would think.
If I may add something off topic: this world of poverty and hardship occasionally creates some amazing people. I’ve seen it and it is easy to understand and feel humbled. I’ll never seen them again or know their names. I can only look to our Father-in-heaven with thanks and fear.
I don’t know why this authors crap was posted here, we don’t need any more fear mongering. His story is apples, we are in orange land, two different animals there Jose.
You make a good point but we do need to be more aware of how ruthless and clever a human can get, especially in a group/gang setting. We already have gangs here. It won’t take much more for Gangs to start acting out. Not everyone has read Selco, Failure of Civility, etc. Mike, we’re in ‘orange land’ but not so much.
Mike you are not seeing the things I am seeing. Don’t know where you are, but where WE are things are creeping toward [recisely what Fabian and others here describe. I’ve been in some pretty decrepit parts of the world, had to constantly be on the alert, and laws disarm everyone but the gangsters. OH, and the cops, but they are often in collusioin with the dirtbags. Friend of mine living in Brasilia had his VW van stolen out from underneath him at a traffic light. guy walked accross on my friend’s red, dodged sideways two feet away and uyanked the driver’s door open, stuffing a revolver into his belly. He got out. And was allowed to wallk away after the guy got in, slipped it into gear, and rolled away on the green light Very carefully rehearsed. He had insurance, which paid… the value of his VeeWee at time it was stolen, but inflation was so rampant by the time he actually GOT the check he could nowhere near replace the van. So, he got robbed twice.. first by the armed carjacker, then by the insurance company. THEY knew the game as well as the well-rehearsed hijacker. Both played it well, my friend being victimised twice in the same action.
Thanks Jose,
This article is very important to me at this point of my life.
I especially loved where you talked about rural safety – I will certainly apply your methods.
I can’t wait for more info about securing , design and fencing of rural property.
I have set my mind to be the most determined and dangerous target they will encounter. I would rather suffer grievous injury or death than be kidnapped or at the mercy of a godless thug. Even a person with fatal shots or blows can continue to be a killing machine for longer than you like if they are determined. I have the means and will to fight. But all of that is absolutely foolish without as much determination to avoid the conflict in the first place. Pay attention, plan for safety and an unfair advantage, do not ignore your intuition and don’t be afraid to react when someone or something infringes on your safety parameters. I am confident that I have been selected for car jacking or robbery on more than one occasion. However, I’m not afraid to drive erratically or circle the block or drive back to a location where I saw a police car, or whatever or even take a picture or video of someone. And yes, I am always armed. I believe it’s my duty as a citizen of the USA.
I am not so sure a scenario like this would play out across the entire US. It would happen regionally and in some big cities around the country, but as a whole, the US would probably fare better than say Venezuela. (Maybe wishful thinking on my part) Unlike most other countries around the world, we are a very well-armed nation. More guns than people. Now, not every gun owner would be on the side of good, but there would be a lot of fire power to combat gangs and other nefarious groups intent on doing harm.
I am 100% positive many neighborhoods and communities would come together to protect their families and communities. Militias, vigilante groups, security teams, etc. would form up almost immediately to fight back against roving gangs and thugs. I am sure not all of these groups would be successful, but at least there would be people fighting back.
During the “Summer of love” (2020) some communities and neighborhoods did organize against ANTIFA/BLM and actually drove them out of their communities.
I want to touch on one other thing. I realize the recent tragedy in TX was a horrific thing. No excuse for the police to not go in and kill the bad guy right away, and I have been a leo for 23 years now. With that being said, if our country had a total break down and thugs were running rampant, there would be assistance from police in parts of the country. I personally would not hesitate to step in and help, and many of my fellow officers in my department feel the same. We are serious about protecting the Constitution and the lives of the innocent and helpless.
Thanks, Patrick. I’ve benefited from some outstanding police work more than once. Good to hear some people successfully organized against Antifa and BLM thugs. Of course, we won’t hear this from MSM.
However, the percentage of LEO’s who are true sheepdogs I don’t think are enough. After all too many police departments operate on a shoe string and also have families to worry about.
This is where non-LEO sheepdogs like me come in. To care for your families as you’re at work and help you on the job too. I have been struggling about what I would have done to overcome this police obstacle to accessing the Uvalde school. I must admit it is neither clear nor pretty.
Here in Arizona, Mark Lamb, sheriff of Pinal county, out of necessity or just plain creativity, has created a posse training program at 2 levels of commitment. Vigilante groups are better than nothing (see Californians TV series) but the learning curve is painful – many mistakes and innocent people getting hurt.
BTW, to give children a good sheepdog mindset I cannot recommend enough watching the TV series ‘Hopalong Cassidy’. I tell you, USA, in spite of its many flaws, is such a shinning beacon of light for the rest of the world. Truly.
I work as LEO in AZ, and I have met Sheriff Lamb, and he is a great man. Hopalong Cassidy is an awesome series.