When US Hospitals and Military PUBLICLY Brace for a Coronavirus Pandemic, You Should Pay Attention

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

If you trust the numbers coming out of China (I don’t) it appears that they’re getting their coronavirus epidemic contained. Yesterday they reported the lowest number of new cases in ages, with 349 newly confirmed patients, in a dramatic drop of more than 1300 fewer cases than Tuesday.

Xinhuanet, the official Chinese government propaganda news outlet reported:

NHC spokesperson Mi Feng made the remarks at a press conference in Beijing Wednesday, citing the epidemic data in the province over the past week.

The daily count of newly cured and discharged cases in Hubei, excluding the capital city of Wuhan, has exceeded the number of newly confirmed cases for four consecutive days as of Wednesday, said Mi.

He also noted that the number of newly confirmed cases has decreased significantly since Feb. 13 in areas besides Wuhan, and the increase in the cumulative number of confirmed cases has remained flat. (source)

Of course, there’s plenty of evidence that China has toyed with the numbers all along, so it’s difficult not to take this “good news” with a grain of salt.

Particularly when hundreds of potentially infected people disembarked the Diamond Princess yesterday to make their ways home to 50 different countries via a wide variety of public transportation options.

And particularly when our own government is busily (and visibly) preparing for the potential of a massive outbreak in the United States.

We didn’t even see these kinds of preparations when we were being warned by the CDC to get ready for an Ebola outbreak back in 2014. Mercifully, we dodged the bullet on that one but it certainly wasn’t because of well-thought-out protocols and procedures. The entire thing was handled so poorly that it could have resulted in disaster. Perhaps we learned from that?

CDC warned American hospitals are warned to prepare

Anyone who is a prepper knows that medical items like gloves, N-95 masks, and other PPE are in short supply right now, and hospitals are also concerned about shortages. The CDC issued a warning last week:

“This is the time to open up your pandemic plans and see that things are in order,” Dr. Anne Schuchat, a top official of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, urged hospitals last week.

“For instance,” she continued, health-care providers need to plan for a “surge at a hospital, the ability to provide personal protective equipment for your workforce, the administrative controls and so forth that you might put place in a health care setting.” (source)

In a separate interview, Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters, “At some point, we are likely to see community spread in the U.S. or in other countries.”

How are hospitals bracing for impact?

Across the country, hospitals are taking steps to prepare for an onslaught of patients who may or may not have the infectious disease. Considering that it’s influenza season and many of the symptoms are similar to those of Covid-19, surge capacity could be reached very quickly.

Here’s how some hospitals are preparing, according to a CNBC article:

  • San Diego-based Scripps Health is consolidating medical supplies such as masks, gloves, and gowns and backups have been ordered. (Expect that orders to healthcare facilities will be shipped long before ours.) Health-care workers are being taught how to safely reuse N95 respirator masks, in the event of shortages
  • Northside Hospital in Atlanta is watching patients for clinical symptoms and potential exposure to the virus. If they suspect a patent could have been exposed, they will be given a mask and be immediately moved to an airborne isolation room, where they will remain while in the hospital. “Infection control and prevention measures are always a priority,” spokeswoman Katherine Watson said.
  • NYU Langone Health in New York City has classified Covid-19 as a “Level 1 Priority.” A  level 2 or 3 scenario would be when “there is transmission in the city and it begins to impact hospital operations. The health-care system has implemented a conservation plan and medical supplies, especially respirator masks, are only given to staff as needed.”

Cat Ellis, the author of The Covid-19 Survival Manual, warns that hospitals could reach surge capacity very quickly and that it will impact more than people with potential cases of Coronavirus.

The latest data I could find for how many hospital beds are available in the United States is for 2018 from the American Hospital Association. They put the total number of hospital beds in 2018 at 924,107. This is similar to the data from Stastisca.com, and it confirms that there was still a downward trend in the number of available hospital beds in 2018.

Assuming the downward trend has continued since 2018, we have less than 924 thousand available beds for every sick person from all causes in the United States. We are facing the potential worst-case scenario of 2,697,300 hospitalizations for Wuhan coronavirus alone.

This would raise the death toll from all causes as hospitals reach surge capacity. Surge capacity occurs when there is a sudden influx of patients that a hospital becomes overwhelmed and cannot treat any additional sick people.

In this situation, there are no more beds, and there is not enough hospital staff to treat any more patients.

Often, during a pandemic, it is not the pandemic illness itself that will kill a person. During the 2014 Ebola pandemic, it was common for people to die of some other health problem, and not Ebola, simply because doctors and nurses were too afraid to come to work. In other places, health care workers also became sick and unable to care for patients, as they were now patients themselves.

Imagine going into labor in the middle of a pandemic crisis. While homebirth attended by a skilled midwife has consistently proven to be safe and have better outcomes than hospital births, things can and still do go wrong. What if that were to happen during a pandemic with no beds available? What if you or a loved one experienced a heart attack or stroke? What if you were in a car accident or injured in a mob trying to get the last supplies off a grocery store shelf and needed emergency room care? (source)

Being prepared to treat minor issues at home is very important when hospitals are overflowing with people who may or may not have a potentially deadly illness.

The US Military is preparing as well.

An executive order was issued by the Joint Staff and approved by Defense Secretary Mark Esper to officially initiate pandemic plans, the Military Times reports. On Feb. 1, U.S. Northern Command was directed the Joint Staff “to commence prudent planning in their assigned role synchronizing the department’s plans for pandemic flu and disease.”

However, Navy Lt. Cmdr. Mike Hatfield says that in no way “does the planning indicate a greater likelihood of an event developing. As military professionals, planning for a range of contingencies is something we owe the American people.”

But in other military news, the Department of Defense has announced that eleven military bases near major airports across the country have set up quarantine camps for possible coronavirus patients. Before you panic and scream “FEMA CAMPS – THEY’RE ROUNDING US UP!” relax. These quarantine areas, at this point, are meant to house only 20 patients.

The DOD installations and the airports they could support as tertiary backups are:

  • JB Pearl Harbor-Hickam, HI (HNL)
  • Great Lakes Training Center Navy Base, IL (ORD)
  • Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base, TX (DFW)
  • March ARB, CA (LAX)
  • Travis AFB, CA (SFO)
  • Dobbins ARB, GA (ATL)
  • Fort Hamilton, NY (JFK)
  • Naval Base Kitsap, WA (SEA)
  • Joint Base Anacostia, DC (IAD)
  • Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, NJ (EWR)
  • Fort Custer Training Center (DTW)

Under the request, DOD support at each location will be limited to providing housing support for up to 20 people as they undergo a period of quarantined observation.  The department will also provide office space for several HHS personnel and their equipment through February 22, 2020. (source)

Of course, as the situation evolves, these facilities could always be expanded. There are already DoD quarantine facilities for up to a thousand patients.

Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Saturday approved a request from the Department of Health and Human Services for the possible use of military facilities to accommodate 1,000 people who may have to be quarantined upon arrival from overseas due to a new virus.

A Defense Department statement said HHS officials requested the use of several facilities capable of housing at least 250 people in individual rooms through Feb. 29. HHS would be responsible for all care, transportation and security of the evacuees, according to the statement. (source)

The locations for these quarantine facilities are the 168th Regiment, Regional Training Institute, Fort Carson, Colorado; Travis Air Force Base, California; Lackland Air Force Base, Texas; Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California. These bases are where recently evacuated from Wuhan and from the ill-fated Diamond Princess cruise ship are waiting out their quarantines.

What does it all mean?

First of all, it doesn’t mean that you should panic. Let’s get that out of the way first. Panic, as Selco writes, does not lead to good decision-making. You can be aware of what is going on and add it to your arsenal of information to help you make the best choices in the future.

What it does mean is that the US government is taking this outbreak extremely seriously. Since generally, the party line is “everything will be just fine,” recent actions taken publicly should definitely spark some awareness that this could become serious.

Preparing for the potential of a Covid-19 pandemic is strongly advisable. (Learn more here.) You have to keep in mind all the other things that could go wrong during a long-term siege of illness. The panic of other people; the fall of systems like utilities, police, fire, and hospitals; and shortages of supplies are all things you should take into account.

Personally, I’m glad they’re taking it seriously because the handling of the Ebola threat was a near-disaster.

It’s impossible to say whether this virus will be contained before it becomes widespread in the United States and elsewhere, and it’s also very difficult to predict the ramifications if it does. Viruses mutate, different health systems may handle it better than others, and containment efforts in different areas may be more successful than others – or less.

But I’d say that the preparations being undertaken by hospitals across the nation and by our own military are a blinking neon sign that we’d be foolish to ignore.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger who writes about current events, preparedness, frugality, voluntaryism, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, The Organic Prepper. She is widely republished across alternative media and she curates all the most important news links on her aggregate site, PreppersDailyNews.com. Daisy is the best-selling author of 4 books and runs a small digital publishing company. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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37 Responses

  1. Here in Spokane Washington our Sacred Heart Hospital just announced they will be receiving confirmed virus cases. They were fully equipped with special quarantine rooms during the Ebola scare. The problem with your hospital bed numbers, is that confirmed cases cannot be housed in the general population areas of a hospital. Medical staff has to be fully rained in virus control as to avoid cross contamination with other patients and staff. The problem with this virus, is that even medical guru’s cannot agree on how exactly it is spread and how long it remains viable on surfaces. 3,000 medical staff and hospital workers have been infected in China. 20 of them, including a doctor have died. Buckle up folks.

  2. Two weeks before the Coronavirus outbreak, Wohan rolled out 5GWIFI. You may want to research radiation poisoning, it demonstrates the identical symptoms as the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Virus. Also research EHS, Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity, same symptoms, but remember! it’s all in the heads? Yes, This is fiery fire from HaShatan/Satan being cast out upon the earth. Cast as in like casting a net, or dispersing, covering. fire,G4442, as lightning, locustsG200 as lightning at the top of vegetation, vegetation such as wheat? Revelation 9. This Kung Flu/HaShatan/Satan Flu is from “the prince of the power of the air”. 2Ephesians 2:2, welcome to your new reality! Oh! Let’s not forget the thousands of satellites sent into orbit by Mr. Elon Musk and Amazon? The Neural Lace company Neuralink is set for a grand business in years ahead. Lear to read the bible friends! it only saves souls! This flu will bring destruction/evil upon them that they cannot escape!

    1. Yes wuhan did roll out 5G and it litterally uses a thing called electroportation, which is a thing that geneticists use to transport information and genes into and out of a gene sequence. I have all the information concerning this and how its tied to the gates foundation

      did you know that there is no isolated viruses that exist outside of the body. So that implies that the body is actually creating these sicknesses through the use of electroportation, they are being programmed from these and the gene sequences found in vaccines.

      This genocide of dissidents goes deep.

      1. peter,
        you seem to be a very informed fellow. I would encourage you to research the writings of Nick Bostrom from his Oxford papers dealing with sentient world simulations. Everything in this SWS is of a spiritual presence, not a solid construct as our minds project, but as Hebrews 11:1-3 tell us, the world we see is not made up of the things of this world. Famous words of Max Planck, or Albert Einstein? Either way, it came from “The Word”. Further, I would encourage you to seek the meaning of John 3:13 it seems to me, that Yeshua is saying that he was projecting his spirit into an avatar? Oh, and what does Paul tell us in 2Corinthians 5? We have another body in the heavens? Yeah! we are in an SWS my friend. For those still blinded by the standing wave of HaShatan/Satan, they will not receive what you are about to. It will be as precept upon precept, line upon line, as coded messages are, until you receive the Cipher. By definition, the Ruach HaKodesh in John 16 is a Cipher, Proverbs 25:2 declares that the Glory of God is to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings is to search out a matter. The Woehan Flu is a spiritual foe, 5Gwifi, only those with the farady cage formed by the Holy spirit will endure it! That being The Seal of God! Prayers and Blessings! [email protected]

    2. James:


      The Wuhan Bioweapon is NOT due to 5G. That is disinformation.


      Lol. There is no Satan. This is a projection to turn people into helpless victims, and relieve them from the consequences of bad decisions. “Satan made me do it.”

      “The bible saves souls.”

      Lol again. No one can save you. The bible cannot save you, Jesus cannot and will not save you, and Donald Trump cannot save you.

      You must save yourself by evolving spiritually and becoming a more kind, loving, and forgiving person. Then you are saving yourself by progressing spiritually.

        1. Liberate80 sez:

          “Fallen angels are real.”

          Ok, please show me one.

          “Cemeteries show no one can save themselves.”

          Cemeteries are a parking lot for dead bodies. Life is eternal, and only the body dies.

    3. at 1:45 am, I awoke from a dream, I was a bit stuffy and went to my med cabinet to get an alegra for allergy control. I opened my cabinet and saw a bottle of iodine and was reminded, what if the coronavirus was 5GWIFI/radiation poisoning? Iodine is for the prevention of absorption of radiation into the thyroid and other sensitive body functions. What if the prevention/vaccine for a flu that is not a flu but irradiation is iodine, and we missed it? at 25billion-90billion waves of frequency per second, the pulse of the 5G will destroy DNA hence the generation/gene-ration or regeneration of human DNA. Naahhh! couldn’t be so! that is old biblical stuff? ARMOUR UP!

    1. Just read where zillions of Chinese are crossing the unguarded border into Viet Nam, so you know what will happen next. Also a lady in South Korea spread it to her church, but she hadn’t been out of the country so how did she get it? Also how do they know she’s the one who spread it?

      Who knows how this thing will play out, but keep praying, these people need miracles and we might need miracles soon enough.

  3. It doesn’t matter how many beds are designated for quarantined patients – reverse atmospheres, nursing staff (5 are required for a single 24/7 rotation), extensive PPE changes, and additional designated support and administrative personnel are also needed. Many of the hospitals simply will not have the personnel to take advantage of additional beds.

    And it is possible that this coronavirus will be determined to be a Level IV pathogen (like SARS) so PPE will mean “spacesuits” for medical personnel. We don’t know enough about the disease yet – and info out of China is always suspect.

    Another thing that will probably be required by the most critical patients is respiratory support – ventilators and ECMO (Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation) machines, similar to a heart/lung machine. If a person has a very severe case of pneumonia, ECMO may be required, and there are a very limited number of machines located throughout the whole country. Some of these are reserved for use by the military. And adult and pediatric machines are not the same. http://www.unlv.edu has a factsheet on ECMO hospitals and equipment.

  4. Hello, The regular flu is 1000000x more of a killer then the ‘Corona virus’

    Look no deaths on the cruise ship shows the virus is being used by the CABAL as cover for geniciding dissidents.

    I’ve called this out from the beginning, with the use of 5G for crowd control and restricting areas or containing people in areas, or blatantly killing them with it or a bullet, this is a good ol fashioned communist genocide, plain and simple.

    Viruses are a good cover for things like this, there are many, many cures for the corona virus, some of which are Colloidal Silver 20PPM, Turmeric, Borax, Iodine and much more.

    This virus is a LIE to cull dissidents, why are the Georgia Guide stones still standing, well that is because no PATRIOT in AMERICA has enough balls to destroy them. If I lived in America those stones would of been turned into gravel by now.

    The military bases might only have 20 beds, but what do you need beds for when your going right into the incinerator. Jim Stone has blown this Corona Virus hoax wide open and has proven the communist dissident culling. If the virus was as bad as they say that cruise ship would of been full of corpses.

    I’ve noticed this site likes to down play these issues. If you get Quarantined when the “pandemic lie’ goes hot, you can bet your ass you will be in a FEMA camp.

    The best cure going is using an essential oil burner and put Colloidal Silver @ 20PPM in it and let it diffuse into the air. There is no disease or sickness that can fight Colloidal Silver@20PPM unless its purposely engineered with those resistances.

    Even though all sickness is caused by a BORON deficiency, all cancer is caused by a BORON deficiency, all tumours are caused by a Boron deficiency. you see where this is going.

    You want the best prepper advice, have on hand at least 5 boxes of 20 mule team borax. 1 box of Borax would last a person about 6 months to a year consuming it and it has over 300+ uses from purifying water, etc.



  5. Health officials report approximately 26 million flu infections in the US so far this season, including +/-14,000 deaths.

  6. What does it mean? It simply means our satellites and listening post has detected what may be a communist regime battling for their lives, not the Chinese, and have observed their incompetence which means we better be on the alert from these MORONS!

    1. “Morons.”

      The bioweapon came from the level 4 lab in Wuhan.

      Was it accidentally released, or is this the work of the CIA to bring down XI?

      By the way, Limes disease was released by a bio weapons lab in the US.

      That is why so many American have Limes disease.

      By the way, the Russians closed their border to Chinese, the US border is still wide open.

      Who is the moron?

      1. IMO the virus killing you is caused by unsanitary habits and your immune system not working correctly by an incorrect diet.

        The number of reported deaths outside of China are ridiculously small. We don’t eat bats, rats, cats, dogs and snakes, etc.

        We do eat hogs which we shouldn’t.

        1. “The number of deaths outside of China is small.”

          Only for the moment. it started in China so the death rate would be higher there.

          “We don’t eat bats, rats, dogs, or snakes.”

          After being in China many years ago, I can tell you that the Chinese will eat anything.

          However, this virus did not come from eating bats. Cooking a bat will kill the virus.

          “Virus killing you caused by unsanitary habits, weak immunity, and incorrect diet.”

          Lol. The virus is a bio weapon. It will bypass the immunity and deliver the payload.

          In addition, those “cured” can and will be easily reinfected.

  7. Well,it seems if the government did nothing, everybody would be yelling about it. Now,the government is doing preventive measures and people are still yelling about . Can’t have it both ways and remain credible.

    1. RIght??
      Danged if you do, danged if you dont.
      The Hill was reporting that Democrats sent a letter to Trump saying he was not allocating enough funds to fight this thing.
      How are they supposed to buy more PPE gear if there is a shortage in the first place and the supply chain of where that gear comes from is . . . China!

  8. I am a nurse in a local hospital. If the death rate exceeds more than 10%, I don’t think the female nurses with children would even come to work. We have a serious nurse shortage now but if this hits the states as bad as some are saying, you might as well stay at home.

    1. Dave:

      Excellent points.

      If the Wuhan bio weapon virus hits the US, the medical system will collapse.

      Staying home when sick will be the only option.

    2. All my instincts shout at me to stay home in any case. The more people move around, the more the pot gets stirred and the virus lives on and on. A hospital stay is no guarantee that one will get safely to the other side.

      Just by chance, taking my father-in-law to the Emergency Department, I picked up H1N1 there. The stuff of nightmares. He was admitted and I went home to take care of mother-in-law who couldn’t be left alone. Then it got bad trying to juggle being sick
      around an elderly person. Thankfully other family members got over their vacation and I was relieved to go home to my own bed.

      The chance of things spreading more are people taking unnecessary trips to the hospital. Care there would likely be spread real thin in a pandemic.

      We need to be doing our own best preventative measures and order our lives so we can avoid mixing around outside our homes. We should try to be prepared for at least four months at home. Barring idiot neighbors spitting on door handles this seems the best chance for normally healthy people.

  9. Read somewhere that this virus may also be spread through fecal contact. Using current sewer/sewage treatment plants, will there be any additional treatment of this sewage? Are current sewage treatment methods sufficient to kill this virus? During treatment, the sewage is aerated. Will this further cause the virus to spread?

  10. Breaking news coming out of China via Jennifer Zheng twitter account:

    Patient “cured” of wuhan virus reinfected.

    I have been saying that reinfection is not only possible, it is probable, and the second infection is worse.

    This is because the engineered virus carries a payload with the virus. The payload makes for easy reinfection.

  11. thanks for the fear mongering, and the link to buy your book. How kind of you!

    So you want to help those who pay you….correct? WHat happens if you can’t afford the book? Tough nuggets I guess.

    Wishing you a wonderful capitalistic day, and may you enjoy the world you create.

    1. Hi, Dogismyth. If the book is out of reach financially please know that we have lots of free resources here on the website. I’ll provide you with a list that you may find helpful, and to keep updated and find even more articles on the topic, there’s a handy link on the top menu called “Pandemic Watch.”

      Would We Still Have Power and Water If We Had a Massive Coronavirus Quarantine in the US?

      The Cost of Covid-19 Quarantine: Would You Be Financially Prepared?

      Did the Diamond Princess Cruise Ship “Quarantine” Just Infect More People with Covid-19 and Spread It Further?

      PPE for a Pandemic: A Guide to Personal Protective Equipment and Masks

      What I Bought to Prep for a Wuhan Coronavirus Lockdown

      Here’s Where You Can Still Find Masks and PPE That Are NOT Sold Out

      How to Handle DOOM FATIGUE About the Coronavirus

      When US Hospitals and Military PUBLICLY Brace for a Coronavirus Pandemic, You Should Pay Attention

      The Coronavirus Outbreak Could Affect the Availability (and Cost) of THESE Essential Products from China

      The Massive Spike of 15K Coronavirus Cases in One Day Confirms What We Suspected All Along

      Wuhan Coronavirus Hits the US: What Preppers Need to Know

      There are at least 10 more articles on the topic you can access at no charge – find them under Pandemic Watch on the menu.

      Sometimes it pays to look into things a bit more carefully before accusing somebody of being a heartless capitalist. If you don’t have all the facts (or even look for them) it’s rather difficult to think critically and accurately, isn’t it? Also note that there are more than 3000 articles on this website, and none are behind a paywall.

      I hope that you find this information helpful.

      Wishing you the day you deserve as well,

      1. Daisy,
        Ya know, I feel there is something to be said about DogIsMyth comment, the assertions of you being a capitalist, and your response.

        Some kind of social comment or analogy.

        I am sure it will come to me . . . 😉

  12. Dr Messioner of CDC, in charge of vaccines and respiratory infections, is Atty. Rod Rosenstein’s sister. Wonder why CDC is downplaying it now? Someone could disrupt the entire Nov. election by canceling all public gatherings…no campaigning…no voting in person. “Hey, I know, let’s do it electronically.”

    1. ima wouk,
      sleep well in your slumbering spiritual stupor, soon enough you will bow your knees and confess with your tongue as well. The script/scripture which runs this SWS requires it of you. i pray for everyone, even the blind,deaf, and lame. this is YESHUA staring you in the face!

      1. James, this is not a religious website. This is a preparedness website. Please share your message on a more appropriate venue. People do not come here for a sermon.

        Best wishes,

        1. what a shame!
          Mar 6:11 
          AndG2532 whosoeverG3745 G302 shall notG3361 receiveG1209 you,G5209 norG3366 hearG191 you,G5216 when ye departG1607 thence,G1564 shake offG1621 theG3588 dustG5522 underG5270 yourG5216 feetG4228 forG1519 a testimonyG3142 against them.G846 VerilyG281 I sayG3004 unto you,G5213 It shall beG2071 more tolerableG414 for SodomG4670 andG2228 GomorrhaG1116 inG1722 the dayG2250 of judgment,G2920 thanG2228 for thatG1565 city.G4172 

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