Homemade Kefir: The Ultimate Self-Sufficient Probiotic

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I know this is a bold claim! I have been eating kefir for about ten years, and yes, I do consider it to be one of my ultimate self-sufficient food items. Why would I think that? In this article, I will introduce you to kefir, a cultured milk probiotic food, and its many health benefits.

I will go into some detail about the differences between yogurt and kefir. Bear with me, as this discussion gets a bit technical, but I think overall it will help you appreciate the important differences between kefir and yogurt. This is particularly relevant if you are seeking a probiotic that will support your gut health.

I will also share information about the flexibility of kefir in self-sufficient food production. All of these qualities make it a powerful addition to your supply in these times of supply chain disruptions and inflationary food prices. Of course, I will let you decide whether it will be one of your ultimate additions or not!

What is a probiotic?

In order to describe the differences between yogurt and kefir clearly, I had better start by defining what a probiotic is! According to the Cleveland Clinic, in order for a microbe to be a probiotic, it must have the following characteristics:

  • you can isolate it from a human being (i.e., is not a human cell)
  • it can survive in your intestine after being eaten
  • have a proven benefit to you
  • is safe to be consumed

I like this definition, as it emphasizes a probiotic as part of the living microbiome in your gut. A true probiotic does not simply “pass through” you, but actually stops and stays. These are bacteria that support all kinds of healthy human body functions, as you will see below. This “stop and stay” function is also an important way to distinguish between yogurt and milk kefir.

But perhaps we should take a closer look at these differences next…

What is the difference between yogurt and kefir?

Kefir is a live-cultured milk food. You can think of it as yogurt multiplied by…well, maybe a hundred! Let’s look at why this is the case.

We’ll start with yogurt.

Since ancient times, yogurt has been created by two primary “good” bacteria strains: Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus. While these bacteria create the yogurt, they are not the type of bacteria that we now understand populates your gut and supports immune health. What they do instead is promote some basic gut cleansing and feed the bacteria that actually lives in your gut.

In order to give yogurt true probiotic properties, some companies are now adding probiotic strains of bacteria to regular yogurt. These strains include Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus acidophilus. You may have heard of these varieties.

So, to summarize, yogurt does have some gut health benefits. However, unless it is supplemented with true probiotic bacteria, yogurt’s two main bacteria don’t actually stay in your gut.

You can check your own yogurt label to see what bacterial strains it contains. This will help you assess whether it is really a probiotic or not.

Kefir is much more diverse than yogurt, and naturally contains probiotic bacteria.

Some sources report that kefir naturally contains around two dozen or more bacterial varieties and at least nine varieties of yeast as well. Other sources count over 60 different varieties of bacteria and over 48 varieties of yeast and fungus.

How can this be?

Kefir is actually produced by a little live organism that is made up of diverse bacteria and yeast itself. The organisms look like little gelatinous lumps with a kind of cauliflower-like texture. These little lumps are called kefira, or “kefir grains” although they have nothing to do with grains like wheat. The reason they are called “grains” is because many of these little globs make up a colony, kind of like grains of sand.

The kefira are a living combination of diverse bacteria and yeast that exist symbiotically together. Somehow these organisms randomly come together, starting to live on a kind of gelatinous body frame composed of other food building blocks. Their gelatinous frame is made up of carbohydrates (one unique to them called ‘kefiran’) and their interior is made up of a protein called casein – which is also found in milk.

To make kefir, you simply take a small number of these kefira (around two teaspoons) and place them in a quart jar of fresh whole milk. Within 24 – 48 hours, the kefira will begin to digest the lactose in the milk and culture it, leaving a rich tangy liquid that is absolutely chock full of beneficial gut bacteria. In addition, the very part of the kefira that holds them together, this unique kefiran, is also found to be present in the kefir.

Let’s now look at how these little science projects can benefit your body…

What are the health benefits of kefir?

Our understanding of the human body has shifted dramatically in recent years. Now, we have realized that our bodies are actually an interface between our own cells and the beneficial bacteria and yeasts which live both in and on us. In fact, inside of our gut, we now know that there are trillions of gut bacteria and yeasts. They are not optional or accidental: they are required.

No bacteria? No yeast? No health. It’s as simple as that.

Immune Health

Taking probiotics such as kefir can help you maintain this healthy balance of flora in your gut, and there are exciting benefits to your immune system for this:

“Probiotic bacteria can inhibit the reproduction and survival of harmful pathogens in the gut, and they can also regulate the number of antibodies present in the intestines. This, in turn, leads to a stronger immune system that is better suited and prepared to fight off disease and illness.” [source]

Digestive Health

In addition to general immune system benefits, probiotics also provide benefits to the digestive system. Those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhea, constipation, and general inflammation in the bowels can all potentially benefit from kefir.

Skin Health

By preventing chronic inflammation, probiotics can actually also help improve our skin health, too.

It turns out that our skin has a microbiome that we now realize is linked to our gut biome. The two communicate in fascinating ways, including through stress hormones and the chemicals produced by the microbes themselves.

And myriad other benefits…

There are other benefits to probiotics, as well: heart health and mental health both improve with the consumption of probiotics like kefir. Some people lose weight when they balance their gut flora. Some women who experience chronic yeast infections also see an improvement when they take probiotics.

Scientific studies are showing significant benefits including anti-tumor, anti-fungal, and anti-bacterial (bad bacteria!) properties. It also seems to support the functioning of our immune systems and even protect the lining of the gastrointestinal tract. That is not all! The kefiran also has anti-inflammatory properties and even acts as an anti-oxidant.

Whew! Those are a lot of benefits from such a little thing.

How to use kefir as a food production prep

As you have seen above, if all kefir had to offer was its health benefits, it would be amazing. However, that’s not all it has to offer, and it’s because of this that kefir is one of the mainstays of my self-sufficient food production.

Kefir is a liquid that you can substitute directly for buttermilk, another cultured milk product. Do you like buttermilk pancakes? Buttermilk biscuits?

If you make your own kefir, you will no longer have to buy buttermilk!

Do you like cheese? I am a cheese lover.

This year’s Canadian Food Price Report is out, and the prices of dairy products are predicted to go up between 6 and 8 percent. When you make kefir at home, you can also use it to make a delicious soft cheese. I find it is a lot like spreadable cream cheese – perhaps a bit tangier. I like to add dried cranberries to mine. You can also make a hard cheese out of your kefir. This cheese is a lot like a goat’s cheese, with a stronger flavor. It is good on pizza, for example.

Want to make your own bread with your stash of wheat berries?

If you make your own kefir, you won’t have to worry if you run out of yeast. Kefir contains yeast, and it can be used as a sourdough starter as a result. In addition, if SHTF and you aren’t able to use pasteurized milk, you can transition your kefira to raw milk.

If you’re interested in finding out more about what’s involved in getting started with making your own milk kefir at home, you are welcome to check out my How To Guide on my website.

Interested in adding kefir to your pantry?

Are you more interested in the health benefits of kefir or its flexibility in self-sufficient food preparation? Could you see yourself getting kefira to make your own kefir? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

About Colette

Colette is passionate about sharing her knowledge of thrifty living and self-sufficiency. She has developed her skills in self-reliance living in the suburbs, the city, and more recently, on her own Half-Acre Homestead. Colette lived five years completely off-grid and without running water in an eight by 24 foot tiny home while designing and building her own 18 by 24-foot eco-cabin. She has just launched her website, Half Acre Homestead. Colette invites you to stop by and visit this work in progress! Coming soon in 2022 is her exciting new online program. Interested in Resiliency, Preventative Health, and Self-Sufficient/Off-Grid Housing (to name a few!)? Stay tuned for more details!

Picture of Colette


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46 Responses

  1. We do our own kefir, yogurt, cottage/ricotta cheese, butter, evaporated milk from our A2/A2 jersey’s. Had no idea what we were missing out on until my wife started processing all these products herself.

    We initially were getting Holstein milk (because it’s what I grew up on) from another dairy until our milk requirements went up to support our lambs on bottles. When milk replacer went sky high 5 years ago we could justify the expense of a dairy cow again. She produced way more than the babies needed. What to do with all the milk? Kefir!

    IOE, grass fed Jersey milk makes superior processed products. Higher fat and protein than black cows. And the all grass diet of the girls gives a wonderful clean finish. YMMV

    1. Hi Jim, Oh, I would love to be nearby to try everything you’re making with that Jersey milk. I grew up with Holsteins. Our family has been dairy farming for seven generations in this area since leaving Ireland. I have friends who had Jersey cows, and I know the fat content is fantastic. Thanks for sharing about your girls!

  2. How do you use it? I drank some and was way put off by the taste. I want to use it, but am not due to the taste.

    1. Hi Marian, I can understand what you’re saying, as I hear this from many who try it. It is a bit of an acquired taste that you might grow more accustomed to. That being said, i use it in absolutely EVERYTHING on Half-Acre Homestead. I use it to make Irish Soda bread, the only bread I eat. I use it to make two different kinds of cheeses. It substitutes anywhere buttermilk is called for (think biscuits, pancakes etc.). You can add some pureed fruit to it and make a kind of smoothie, if that’s more to your liking. It can also be used to make ice cream! Hope that helps! If you have more questions, feel free to check out the How To Get Started Guide on my website. The link is at the end of the article.

    2. Try doing a second ferment once you have taken out the grains. I use one date and 1/4 of a vanilla pod. I leave it on the counter for 1 hour then overnight in the fridge.
      The date and vanilla can be used for 2-3 weeks (or more). Just keep adding your fresh kefir to the same bottle and it will keep giving a wonderful taste.
      You can also try other fruits and or lemon rinds. Just remember to keep the amount small. And replace when the flavour gets to tart again.
      I also have family who like water kefir. (Different grains). Second ferment with fruit and or steeped tea.

      1. Hi Sherry, This is such a fantastic idea to do a second ferment and add some healthy (and tasty!) flavours to the kefir. Thank you for sharing this.

        I will try this when I want to give some kefir to my ummmm…..more reluctant relatives! ha ha! It truly concerns me to see the kefir on the grocery store shelves that they add fruit to….and so much SUGAR. Ugh! I feel it would cancel out the benefits of the kefir, possibly.

        I hope that all of the community members concerned about the taste of kefir see your comment and give this a try. The health benefits of kefir are so incredible. I would just love to see more people taking it on as a self-sufficiency project at home.

        Thanks again!

    3. Yes, straight kefir is a bit harsh to handle. We make smoothies out of it. Into a bullet blender type bottle I add 1 banana, some pineapple (fresh, frozen or canned) and some frozen mixed berries. Add 1 packet of stevia or some honey (PLEASE don’t use the poison in the blue or pink packages). I also add some Vit. D3 drops. To mine I also add my powdered MSM and some liquid Vit. B complex. Blend it. Makes a nice large serving like a milk shake.

      I have also been known to use some kefir “whey” (put kefir into a coffee filter and let yellowish liquid drip out) as a starter for fermented veggies. The resulting kefir cheese can be used like cream cheese or added back to the kefir. If you don’t let it get to thick when draining the whey off you can also use it as sour cream.

      Kefir can also be used in recipes in place of buttermilk.

  3. I’ve been making it for years with regular store bought milk and with raw goat milk during the time of year when we have plenty of it. In all of those years no one in my family has learned to like it. I try to use it in biscuits and hotcakes, I strain it and make soft cheeses, spreads and dips, but it is always rejected. They only tolerate it hidden in fruit smoothies and greatly sweetened with honey. I’ve gotten my family to enjoy home made yogurt, sourkraut and sour dough bread, but kefir is a bridge too far. I know many families whose children LOVE it and drink it as soon as it is strained, but it isn’t popular here.

    1. Hi Terri, I’m one of those who absolutely loves it. I am used to it. I eat a kefir-based concoction for lunch most days with medicinal herbs and spices and nuts and seeds. Given its powerful benefits compared to yoghurt, I do think it’s good to slip it into whatever you can. Good for you!

    1. Hi Jim, Yes, I’m with you. I like to drink it in a good amount. I have read that it is especially beneficial to take some at night to repopulate the gut. When do you like to drink yours? Chunk pineapple, eh? I’m about to slice one up….I will be trying that with my kefir soon!

  4. I love milk keifer. Around me, there is not any dairys that have a2 milk or even no hormones, etc. so I dont make it.
    Does making the keifer make the bad milk better or not?

    1. Hi Missy, that’s a good question. I only make mine with organic whole milk for so many reasons. Once in a while, I get caught without organic milk and will use regular, but that’s very very rare. I would love to make mine with raw milk, but that is not accessible due to regulations here.

      1. Buy 2 dairy does. I use goat milk with mine……. You don’t need a stinky buck, take your does on “dates”. I keep bucks, but I also have 30+ does at any given time.

  5. I have found that adding fruit like strawberries and bananas or blueberries to a smoothie with a little Kefir, and I mean a little. The taste is very disagreeable if you don’t smother it with something else. I can’t get my husband to try it. But in a pinch, it would be good to know how to make it.

    1. Hi Dang Duffy’s, Yes, I do think that fruit helps. I offer help to people locally as an herbalist and often prescribe some kefir at night for various issues. While many complain, they will take it when they hear how good it is for them. I think the smoothies would be the best way to add it into your diet. Over time, people may find that it grow on them (pun intended! sorry!).

        1. Hi Tami/TX, Thank you for adding these tips. I think it’s so helpful for folks to hear from other OP community members who are rocking their kefir making. So interesting about your using goat milk and your goat dairy. Very inspiring! Thanks so much for taking the time to share.

  6. I’ve been using kefir in my breakfast smoothies for more than a year, but if I miss a day or two, the kefir starts backing up on me and I have to drink some straight. The taste is a little puckery, but I don’t mind it. In a smoothie with honey and fruits I can’t even taste the kefir.

    Once I used milk that was going sour and I think it killed my kefir grains, so I had to start over. I asked the guy I buy them from on Amazon and he didn’t have any experience with sour milk.

    I haven’t tried sourdough or pancakes with it yet, but after reading this article, I’m encouraged to try.

    Thanks for the great information!

    1. Hi Melvin, Thanks for posting. It is great to hear from someone in the community who has had some experience with them. This is good to be aware that sour milk could harm them. I had never read that before, so this is helpful info. I also use the kefir to make my Irish Soda bread. I use 3/4 cup kefir and add 1/4 water and it works fine. Keep in touch if you’re looking for more kefir tips. You can find me at http://www.halfacrehomestead.ca and I have a How to Guide about Kefir, too!

      1. Melvin I am glad to hear it. I don’t know much about the tech side of this, so I’m glad it all worked out!

  7. Friendly comment, really. 😉 I currently purchase organic kefir. I love it. I’m *not* a newbie at making yogurt, kombucha,canning, fermenting, etc…but…the ‘How to” page provided in the article isn’t very… well…”How to-ish”. It’s slim on the very basic info. Refer to the Facebook page? Come back for seminar? Did I miss something?

    1. Hi Ancient Mother,

      That is great that you love your organic kefir so much! Do you know if it is made from powdered starter or cultured by actual kefira? Many of the health benefits of kefir only come with the kefir made by live grains.

      The How to Guide is really for people considering getting started with Kefir. The guide covers the equipment you need to buy before you get started. It gives information on why kefir is good to make at home and some basics on what it is for someone not familiar with kefira. It also provides the basic information on how to make the kefir once you have kefira.

      If you have more advanced skills, you are probably comfortable jumping into a project like this right away, but I find a lot of the community members at Half-Acre Homestead want some information on “What equipment do I need?” “What would this be like to do at home?” “How much time would this take?” etc. before they get started. Hope that helps you understand the intention of the piece. Thanks for commenting!

  8. How is this different from buttermilk? My mother when I was little used to drink buttermilk, usually with chunks of cornbread in it. She would spoon out the cornbread and eat it, then drink the buttermilk. I couldn’t stand the taste myself, and I’m sure it would be the same for kefir. How can you tell if it has ruined?

    1. Hi rlabruce, Both buttermilk and kefir are cultured milk foods. Buttermik is cultured by allowing the beneficial bacteria already in the milk to do their thing. I have read about a way to start making buttermilk by starting with raw milk and allowing the milk to clabbering over a certain period of time. These days, you can buy cultures/starters to make buttermilk. For example, a sour cream starter can make a batch of buttermilk.

      In term of how they are different, I think the main difference comes from what organisms are doing the culturing. Kefir, as the article describes has possibly dozens of benefical bacteria and yeast in it. A Sour cream starter from a company I respect has four strains of beneficial bacteria in them, most of them being in the Lactococcus family. So, I would say kefir is more diverse.

      Kefir has a lovely tangy slightly “yeasty” smell. If there is any foul odour, it could be spoiled. Mine has never gone bad. It lasts weeks in the fridge and I always eat it before then. Hope this helps!

  9. Thanks for the nudge to try kefir. I too find the how to guide a little short on specifics. Wondering – can you use existing kefir milk as a culture and add to fresh milk to start a new batch?

    1. I’m adding a bit of Walmart Smolyanski family Kefir to 1gallon jar of Walmart Great Value whole milk, place it into warm place (on the heating vent), and in 3 days i have 1 gallon of Kefir. Also worked with Costco Whole milk. Of course you can use other brands.

      Unfortunately, it just multiplies the sour-milk base, not the fruit-berry additives 🙂

    2. Hi Janie, I do hope you try kefir. I find it is just wonderful.

      Kefir is not like yoghurt, so you can’t inoculate milk with a previous batch of kefir. You must have these wonderful little creatures, the kefira, to make kefir indefinitely at home. If you check out the guide, it provides a few suggestions on where you can get the kefira. I hope that you are able to find them one of those ways and get started on this wonderful adventure of making kefir at home.

  10. I have been using kefir for years and love how much better I feel. I usually make a smoothie with fruit, honey and chia seeds. I found that the sourness can be controlled by only fermenting for about 24 hours and maintained a consistent amount of grains. When the cultures get too big, I just pull some off and throw them into my smoothie.

    1. Hi Sally, I am just delighted to see that members of the community are making kefir and are sharing their experiences. Thanks so much! Like you, I feel FANTASTIC drinking kefir every day. In fact, when I feel like I need a boost, I will have a nice glass at night.

      You are right that the culturing time will affect the flavour. When I am making my kefir cheeses, I will decide if I want a stronger or milder flavoured cheese and will culture the kefir to that strength. These are more advanced skills for people who have quite a bit of kefir-time under their belts. Thank you so much for adding your perspective to the discussion.

      I actually just had a question earlier today from a member of the Half-Acre Homestead community new to making kefir. Her kefira were getting to be too many, so they were over culturing her milk and making it too sour for her taste. I coached her on how to “cull the herd” so to speak, and will send her some instructions on how to preserve some kefira for “back ups” in case her current culture dies.

      Thanks for your comments! I’m glad you’re enjoying the health benefits of kefir as you are!!!

  11. I love kefir, and made it from grains for years. Unfortunately, since it living, it needs to be fed regularly. It got to be too much kefir, like a quart a day or two, to keep up. I ended up cleaning and freezing the grains and now buy local raw-milk kefir. Might try again, since I loved making cheese balls and rolling them in spices like pepper.

  12. I used to make Kefir in Europe back in the 80’s so healthy ! And unknowingly at the time cured my leaky gut. Sadly later I found out that I have a dairy allergy and been off milk for 10 years now. Do nut milks work ? Wondering about the sugar issue.

    1. Hi Jac,

      In case you don’t see my response below, there is water kefir, and some people have made it using coconut milk. Also, I have a milk allergy too, but I can eat yogurt and kefir and it doesn’t give me any problems. I read where the lactose is consumed by the bacteria/yeast, so those with lactose intolerance won’t have any problems?

    2. Hi Jac, If your dairy allergy is to lactose, then, as Bob says, you may tolerate cow milk kefir well. If you don’t now, then there are a few options. Some people who can’t tolerate cow’s milk can tolerate sheep milk or goat milk. You can make kefir out of either of these very well. You use the same live grains. However, if those are not an option, here is another one: You can use live kefir grains to culture COCONUT MILK. You can drink that kefir, and then you must give your kefir grains a chance to rest in some cow milk (or other animal milk you have on hand). After a 24 hour “bath” in the animal milk, they will be ready to culture your coconut milk again. Based on what Cultures for Health says, culturing nut milks doesn’t work consistently. If you try any of these ideas, I hope you will pop into my FB page to share your successes, challenges, and questions there. I would love to hear how it goes!

      1. Hi Colette and thank you for your response. I have a casein allergy and cannot tolerate any animal milk. I’m curious if I put the kefir grains in cows milk then back into coconut milk if they transfer the milk proteins ?

        1. Hi Jac, This is great that you’ve replied and I understand more about your allergy. You can gently rinse the kefir grains after they are in the cows milk. They can handle this if you are gentle. You could gently move them around in the colander under a running tap. If you do this thoroughly, I would say that very minimal milk proteins would be transferred. That being said, this would depend on how severe your allergy is. If it is anaphylactic and severe, then I would not chance it. If it is less severe and leads to digestive upsets, for example, then you may be confident to try it. I hope I have provided enough information that you feel able to make the choice you feel comfortable with.

  13. Two things. 1st Jac, there is such a thing as water kefir. I’ve never made any, but I have read where people have made it using coconut milk. 2nd, I have been making kefir for 6 months, and drink it everyday, but some here have mentioned making cheese from it. Can anyone tell me how this is done? It sounds like something I’d like to try. Thanks in advance.


    1. Hi Bob, These are great questions! Yes, you can make water kefir, where the live grains feed on sugar in the water, rather than lactose in the milk. It actually IS possible to convert milk kefir grains to water grains, but this is a tricky process that often fails. However, if you are making your own kefir and have some EXTRA live grains that you need to remove from your “herd” (as I call it!), then you might want to give it a try. Start with a 1/4 cup of sugar in a quart of water. You should add a small amount of unrefined sea salt (uniodized) as well. If your sugar is white and refined, then add a bit of molasses, too. Then add your milk kefir grains. Your first ferment should be 4-5 days. Then, remove the grains and reculture them in a fresh sugar water mixture, shortening the culture time by 12-24 hours LESS each time. If your grains are able to make the transition, they will be culturing the sugar mixture in 24 – 48 hours. I use Cultures for Health as my resource for all things kefir. They have a lot of great info on their website.

      Regarding the cheese making, I just made some a few days ago. I absolutely love it. In short, you need to separate the curds from the whey in the kefir to make a simple soft cheese. To do this, I hang my kefir in a tightly woven cotten napkin for 8 – 10 hours. The whey drips out (my mother loves to drink this! It can be used for fermenting, too!). Then, you are left with a creamy tangy soft cheese. I love to add herbs, softened dried cranberries to this. Based on a reader’s comments in this thread, i am going to try chunks of fresh pineapple in my latest batch! I am going to be offering classes on advanced kefir skills (soft cheese making, hard cheese making, preserving extra grains) in my upcoming program. In the meantime, if you have any questions as you try your cheese making, please stop by my FB page, where I post community members questions about kefir making and all related skills. Wishing you the best with your healthy kefir cheese. It is such an amazing feeling to make cheese yourself that is better than what you can buy!!!

  14. Can anyone share the actual recipe for making kefir at home, with as simple as possible ingredients?

    I miss my mom’s home-made kefir from Eastern Europe. And the “Life Saver” product (also sold at Walmart) is simply a diluted POS.


    1. Hi Vasile, How wonderful that you had the experience of eating/drinking homemade kefir in your childhood. what a great memory of your mother. Simply put, all you need to make kefir at home is:
      1) Live Kefir Grains
      2) Whole Milk (I prefer organic)

      Generally a decent-sized colony will culture about a quart of milk every one to two days.

      You also need the proper equipment. If you would like to get started, there is a link to my How To Guide: Getting Started Making Milk Kefir at the end of this article. Here is the link, too: https://www.halfacrehomestead.ca/how-to-guides Simply click on the button to download the guide. I hope you will keep in touch and let me know how it goes!

  15. I was hoping this article would describe how to make kefir: ‘Homemade Kefir: The Ultimate Self-Sufficient Probiotic ‘ – it does not!!! First you must have kefir grains to start with! You can’t make kefir without the kefir grains. Thus the article is a blatant lie!

    1. Hi Philip, You sound quite upset about the article. That is unfortunate. I can assure you that my intention behind the article was to be helpful to the community and share great tips about how kefir can support self-sufficiency not to be dishonest in any way. Here is the idea regarding self-sufficiency: Once you acquire the kefir graings and care for them well, you can make kefir for the rest of your life. If the grains are well-cared for, they will live forever. If you click on the link at the end of the article to my How To Guide, all of the information required is included on How To Get Started (where to find them, what equipment is required, how much time it takes, etc.). I make my own kefir with my grains, and two kinds of cheeses, and Irish Soda bread, and many more other foods. I find that kefir is fundamental to my own program in self-sufficiency on Half-Acre Homestead. I hope that helps explain the intention behind this article.

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