My Real Life Disaster Story: Why Home Inventories, Photos, and Contracts Are VITAL

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By S.P. Rook

This is a story of a man in his 80s (myself) and a woman in her late 70s, my wonderful wife of 55  years, and of the terrible treatment we received from the local franchise of Servpro following a  fire at our house in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania. 

I have been an ordained Lutheran pastor for more than 54 years with degrees from Muhlenberg  College, an AB in Psychology, and the Lutheran Theological Seminary, both a Masters of  Divinity and a Doctor of Ministry. I have served three very different parishes over those years.  

In my capacity as pastor, I have spent almost my entire adult life involved with people, crises,  and the problems and joys created by both. I am no stranger to receiving fine treatment from some and quite distressing treatment from others. Because of health issues, I can do very little in the way of a pastor at this stage in my life. Still, I am able to share a great deal of life experience and wisdom. 

I have suffered from asthma since childhood and, in the last ten years from ever-worsening bronchiectasis, and have great difficulty breathing. I mention this because I believe that this company took advantage of us as a result of both our age and my condition.  

In this article, we’ll talk about the importance of a thorough and detailed home inventory.

The fire that started the crisis

The fire began in the lower level of our home, resulting from an exploding lithium-ion battery. Thanks to the rapid and professional response of our fire department, the damage from that fire was limited to four items: the G-scale engine in which the battery was located, the battery cluster, a plastic trash can, and the plastic floor mat upon which I had cast the engine. It was the great amount of toxic smoke and soot damage that caused us to have our home cleaned and repaired by Servpro. Thankfully, our insurance company paid for that work. They also housed us in a fine hotel for nine weeks and covered all of our expenses. 

Because the house had to be thoroughly cleaned, sealed, and repainted to stop the presence of those toxic compounds, the lower level and the first floor had to be emptied of all their contents.  We paid, as given us by insurance, the “contents division” of Servpro, $30,000 to pack, remove,  clean, and return our contents. That included our living room, dining room, kitchen, train room,  work shop, and laundry room. They were to take those items to their storage facility and clean  them where indicated. Once we returned to our house they were to return those items in the condition, at a minimum, in which they existed prior to removal.

That’s when things went terribly wrong.

It was with that process that the mistreatment of our possessions and the very poor treatment of the two of us by the GM of that Servpro franchise took place.

Had we had an inventory listing and had we made them initial every item they removed in the contents of that signed contract, we would not have been left without our items and without proper compensation for those things lost and broken. I would even recommend being there as those items are removed, especially if your health allows for that. 

Once the cleaning and painting were completed we were able to return to our house. I notified the contents division that we were home. They told me it would be at least three weeks before our contents would be returned. They had not started cleaning them at that point. That would be  12 weeks after the fire until we had our possessions returned. Thankfully, all of our electronics,  appliances, and anything that ran off of electricity or battery power had been perfectly serviced and returned by a subcontracted electronics firm. 

Ever since we received an inventory listing of the items removed by the contents people, we have been in constant contact with them over lost items. I had photographed the contents of every cabinet, every shelf, every railroad item, and every tool on that lower level. Many had not appeared on the inventory lists produced and sent to us. To this day several still have not appeared. 

Unfortunately, I had few photographs from the first floor where lost items also remain in limbo. I  have learned from this experience and am now in the process of photographing and making inventory lists of everything on all levels of our home. I simply was not prepared to be a  victim of Servpro’s treatment of our possessions. Do not let yourself be caught as we were.  Photographs and inventory lists are indispensable. 

Our items were finally returned but…

The day the items were returned we were faced with every room on those two levels stacked high with large boxes of them, at least 141 boxes. We were told that they had to be opened and checked in 7 days, and after that period, no claims could be filed against the company. There I  was, on oxygen every night, unable to even walk around the block on most days, and told I had seven days to identify what was in 141 boxes located in 7 rooms on two levels of our house and determine their condition.

It was at that point that we were required by that company to pay them the full $30,000 before we were able to open even one box. I should have refused to pay anything more than 50% of that fee until the boxes had been checked.

For the next 6 ½ days, I got up at 6:00 am and did not get to bed before midnight, opening,  unwrapping, and checking every item. The items were returned on a Friday, so we did have help from our immediate family that night and over the weekend. There were very few boxes which we opened that did not contain broken or destroyed items. We have well over 100 photographs of that damage, so much that we stopped photographing less than maximum damage. 

For example: 

  • All but one of our large, commemorative Christmas balls, most given to us over 55 years by friends, were removed from all  of their boxes, wrapped in bubble wrap, and then shrink-wrapped, many together, and reduced to shards of glass. To  add insult to that destruction, some of the empty, individual boxes were returned to us.

  • A pimple glass serving plate, a wedding gift in 1908 from my  wife’s great aunt’s wedding, which I used for serving Holy  Communion in my first parish and was stored in our dining room  hutch, was returned broken. Like with so many other items, the broken pieces were wrapped in with the main item.

  • A mug, a gift to my wife that past Christmas, had the handle broken off and wrapped, with it inside the mug. The wrapper had to know that it was broken before wrapping.
  • A china teapot, given to my wife by her mother many years earlier, which started her buying that china patternfor our use,  was returned wrapped very tightly. When it was unwrapped it was in two pieces. The wrapper surely knew about that as well.
  • A table lamp, apparently too large to fit into the box was simply forced in and broken. The special eDevice unit that screwed into the lamp socket for remote and/or timed control, has never appeared.
  • And finally, almost all of my large collection of nuts, bolts, screws, drill bits, and screwdriver bits, originally all in separate containers and labeled, were dumped out of all their containers into various plastic bags and  bundles of rags. Like with the Christmas decorations, another box  contained all the emptied containers into which I had sorted that  hardware over the years, including the containers in which the drill and screwdriver bits had been purchased. In the bottom of one of those bags I discovered a fork from our dining room silverware.

I could go on and on with examples—a large crowbar packed on top of a  box of china, a steel pipe cutter packed together with the top of a china butter dish (a top that did not survive that packing). But for the sake of brevity, I will stop here.  We sent every photograph to the person in charge of that division, more than 100 of them, and we asked that individual to share those with the GM. In fact, we asked to have the GM come to our house and see the damage or at least call us directly. That never happened.  

That week was not only terribly stressful, both physically and emotionally, but quite depressing as well. I had to use oxygen the entire time, when up to that point, I had only used it while I slept. 

At the end of those seven days, with everything opened, we were told that the 7-day examination period would be waived. At that point, that did nothing for us. 

What about compensation?

Since then we have been arguing with the GM about compensation, not only for everything broken and missing, but for the abuse of us trying to meet that deadline in the midst of our grief. We paid that Servpro franchise $30,000 to inflict such suffering and damage on us. 

At a meeting—another story altogether—my wife finally got with the GM and the contents project manager – they admitted that the damage was caused by one employee. Unintentionally, they claimed, in spite of the nature of that damage—and they fired that person. It seemed to me,  and I have no verification of this, that they actually knew something about our broken items being packed in that condition before they returned them. That may have been why they required full payment before we could open the boxes. 

Their final statement to us—we have a copy of it—was that we needed to accept their paltry offer of a few thousand dollars, and sign a document never to write a negative review about them. We refused and were told that was it. If anything was to be settled it would have to be through legal means. 

Let this be your warning.

Please beware. We were far too trusting that a franchise that was part of a national company would provide the service by which that company was known. We never thought we would be involved in a terrible situation like that fire and its aftermath.  

In addition, we never had a written contract with that company. We were in such a state after the fire that we assumed everything contractually was being taken care of by the insurance company. I never thought that a nationally known company would operate without a written contract.

That was, perhaps, the biggest error we made. That gave them free rein to make us think their demands, like that “7-day  opening boxes time”, were somehow legal requirements. Lacking a signed contract and an inventory listing, one that could be shared with the company, and having them mark, with initials, every item they removed was the main reason that I wrote this account.

I would even make sure that you can be present as those contents are removed and checked with initials on your listing, unless, like me, your health would not permit that. It would definitely take an investment of your time, but looking back at our poor experience with that particular franchise,  an investment that, in the long run, would be worth it. 

It is better to take the time and prepare yourself for such an encounter before it ever happens,  than to wait until it is too late. Taking these precautions before they are needed will make getting through the tragedy a lot easier. If such an occasion never presents itself to you, you will be doubly blessed.

Have you ever had a bad experience like this?

Looking for a home inventory template? Grab our printable version here.

Have you ever dealt with the company Servpro? If so, how was your experience? Have you ever had an issue with getting your items replaced or repaired through your insurance company? Do you have any advice to share?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

About S.P.

S.P. Rook has been an ordained Lutheran pastor for more than 54 years. He and his wife live in the Lehigh Valley of Pennsylvania.

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23 Responses

  1. Yes, I had servpro come in after water damage. I have never seen a more inept, idiotic group of jackasses in my life…

  2. I have been through a fire with USAA as my insurance. We had no problem getting paid. Luckily since we were in the young fun stage of our lives at Ft Bragg we had pictures with friends at our house. Our many parties, bbq’s, halloween, friendsgivings provided lots of pictures! We had to prove everything that we owned that cost over $250 with a picture or owners manual. The things we had bought for house on post (credit) were easy to prove but our pictures were what made it possible to claim everything. These days right before tornado season, I open drawers and cabinets and take pictures of everything.

  3. It is a sad state of affairs when people act like this. But this is the world we live in, No one respects another persons property, even to the point of Jealously or carelessly destroying their stuff.
    You had a nice like and nice things. Sounds like someone was Jealous of your life and wanted to bring you down to their level.

    This issue is bigger than just your experience, but this gets to the basics of what Preppers will face from Non Preppers. They will not care about all your careful planning, or your stuff. They will only be Jealous or careless with it, if they have access to it. Even if they don’t have access, they might attempt to destroy it for the very reason that you have it and they don’t.
    There is an old saying : Misery loves company.
    Non preppers will be in misery and they will try to make you miserable, by removing your preps from you, any way that they can. So beware.

    1. Very good point!
      I’ve never understood the emotion of jealousy and so have been victimized by several jealous folks through the years.
      Finally I “get it” and have become cautious about sharing anything with folks I don’t know VERY well.
      It’s sad, but these are hard times and will only get worse.

    2. I think this just comes down to this was just a job for those involved at ServPro. It’s very unfortunate don’t get me wrong. If you had to do that for a living day after day, those possessions are just that, stuff and lots of it. Obviously this was neglectful but I doubt it was intentional retaliation or jealousy.

      I’ve organized for hoarders & realized there definitely 2 types of people: collected possessions have great personal meaning & for some, not so much.

      Managers should’ve overseen this process & they clearly didn’t.

  4. I’m a very sentimental person and some of these items may not have much monitory value but the sentimental value is priceless. I was advised by our insurance agent years ago to keep photos of our home contents. This also helps if you have a robbery or just a family thieve. After my dad passed, I did this for my mom and was able to prove that my low life brother was stealing from her. He is now facing a felony theft charge and he deserves every bit of what he gets for putting my mom through all this especially after just losing her husband of almost 57 years. So yes, take inventory photos of your belongings!

  5. I’m so sorry you had to go through all of that. Thank you for your warning. My husband has read similar accounts but we have just never gotten around to taking pictures. I’m going to do so now.

  6. A complete and accurate inventory including photos while necessary may not be sufficient to pry fair compensation from your insurance company in case of a disaster. Years ago the notorious consulting company McKinsey gave some really disgusting advice to home insurance companies. It was advice on the profitability of stiffing a certain percentage of legitimate policy holders through multiple stages of the dispute process. Some policy holders will simply give up early. Some will file a court case against the stiffing insurer. Even if the policy holder wins in such a case, the time value of being able to delay payment from the insurer gets figured into their financial benefit. McKinsey lectured the insurance companies how much benefit they could gain as policy holders might simply give up the fight at various stages of the dispute process. I vaguely recall that many years ago the “60 Minutes” TV show did a story on McKinsey’s treachery.

    One example was a buddy of mine who suffered $25,000 worth of storm damage to his house’s roof. Despite his home insurance policy being paid up and on time … his insurance company stiffed him in every possible way using every crazy excuse they could invent. After three long years of that back-and-forth battle, my friend simply gave up.

    The point is that one needs to check the reputation of any home insurance company whether it is one you are currently working with or one you are considering switching to. Stay away from any one with a reputation of stiffing some of their legitimate policy holders


    1. That also goes for car insurance companies. When my son was hit & injured by someone insured by Allstate it was a nightmare. They pretended to work with us but were really spinning out time until it was too late to make a claim. The lawyer we HAD to get told us Allstate’s new policy was not to give any settlement unless the party sued. It took SIX YEARS to settle and they ended up legally liable for “not working with us in good faith”. If you get injured get a decent lawyer (not an ambulance chaser scum bag) asap.

    2. Your friend should file a bad faith claim against the insurance company in their state. That type of filing is something insurance companies take seriously. Have him consult an attorney. There are a slew of firms that handle just that.

  7. I have been an insurance Agent/Broker for more than 30 years and would like to make a suggestion to the Author. Did you contact ServePro of your own volition, or did your insurance company recommend them? The answer to this question could determine a possible recourse, in that you did in fact have a contract with your insurance company, and if they recommended ServePro, or had them listed as a preferred vendor, you can escalate this claim to your homeowner’s insurance company; have them pay the full value of your loss, and they can then subrogate (sue) against ServePro for reimbursement.

    I am sorry to hear of your harrowing experience, and trust that you and your family are now safe, healthy, and comfortable in your home prior to the Holiday season.

    1. Thank you for that information. The interesting thing as that the insurance company had two adjusters. One for structure and one for contents. The adjuster for structure paid Servpro directly for mitigation, but sent me the money for reconstruction. The contents adjuster negotiated with Servpro and then sent me all the money to pay them long before Servpro ever had us sign and pay that money on the day they returned the stuff. My homeowners is also with the same insurance company. Do I go through one of those adjusters, the content on I guess, or do I file a generic claim through homeowners? This has been beyond confusing. If the new claim works like the old ones, depreciation is the problem. They pay something and then the rest when you replace items. We have no way to replace gifts from 55 years from multiple friends, gifts that would no longer have any meaning because many of those friends and family are gone. It was Servpro who destroyed our stuff, not the fire. I thought that they should compensate us for similar value of the same things today, Thank you again for your response.

      1. The “Structure” Adjuster did things properly in paying ServePro directly, but paying you for the reconstruction loss. (This also works to your advantage in that it illustrates that ServePro was hired by the insurance company, and their contract is with each other. You are contracted with the Insurance company NOT ServePro, so it is the Insurance company’s obligation to make things right.) You are free to hire whatever contractor you choose to repair the structural loss, and if the expense is beyond what this Adjuster paid you the Contractor can resubmit his estimate to this Adjuster for further compensation.

        The “Contents” Adjuster is the correct person to contact regarding your experience with ServePro damaging your property. This is NOT a new claim. (That would not be to your advantage, in that you would have a separate deductible, and your rates would go up substantially on renewal) While there is no way to compensate someone for a sentimental loss, it is unfortunate, but one cannot attribute a dollar amount to emotions, I presume that your homeowner’s insurance does have replacement cost coverage for your contents.

        It is normal business practice for the insurance company to pay the depreciated value of an item initially, and then pay the full value when something is truly replaced. Most of the items that you described would be categorized as “Vintage” due to their age, so it may be to your advantage actually insist on like kind and quality items from the same time period. Many insurance companies actually have divisions of people that are specifically employed to help find replacement items for their insureds. You may want to infer that you and your family have experienced mental anguish and emotional distress in addition to the physical stress of complying to ServePro’s internal policy related to their inspection time-line, and ask what type of compensation they would be willing to offer when this process is completed.

        I’m not an attorney and I don’t play one on the internet, but you also may want to check what the threshold is in your jurisdiction for small claims court. (In my area it’s for losses of $10,000 or less) For a small filing fee ($15-$20) you can sue both the local ServePro franchise and your insurance company for the mental anguish, and you would represent yourself so you don’t need to compensate an attorney. Their representatives would absolutely be interpreted in being disinterested, flippant, and condescending, and the odds are that you would get a full judgement for your experience. It may be worth a phone call to your County court house to get more information.

        Finally, if for any reason the adjuster’s give you any push back about them hiring ServePro, or drag their feet in paying or processing your claim, or if they infer that this is a separate loss and you need to file another claim, reach out to your State Department of Insurance. Insurance company’s are HIGHLY regulated and subjected to the governance of the DOI in every State that they sell their insurance. A DOI investigation is very costly for insurance companies and if their found to be wrong or not acting in good faith the fines imposed are often in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

        The way that I describe any claim situation to clients is that it will be more of a process than en event. Unfortunately it takes time to deal with contractors, secure parts, equipment, and replacement items that may or may not be common in today’s economy etc.

        I sincerely hope that you can get beyond this terrible experience, and find the Blessings that remain in your heart, family, and community. God Bless you!

        1. Thank you so very much for taking all your time to share your expertise with me and other readers. Unfortunately the stress of all of this has finally caught up with me. Between teeth grinding and not being able to breath even with oxygen, I just have to cut off everything that has to do with those folks. I wrote primarily to warn others of what to expect and perhaps, with all of your excellent advice, together we can help someone not get caught like we were. Thank you again.

          1. It is my privilege to help any and all people, especially those in this incredible community that Daisy created more than a decade ago.

            Out of principle you may want to consider appointing a personal representative (Trusted friend or family member) to work as a liaison between yourself and the respective companies so that your interests continue to be served. Many predatory companies, and or just predatory employees profit because they know that many people will give up and walk away in these stressful times. Your symptoms of teeth grinding, limited O2 saturation etc. can all be used in an emotional distress lawsuit where you can illustrate that you were not dealt with in good faith by ServePro or your Insurance Company.

            In the end, I wish for you to have peace! As your work throughout your life has surely brought peace, understanding, and fulfillment to others, I hold that you too will know this in each and every day to come.

      2. Get a Public Adjuster to represent you against ServPro and the Insurance company. They want 10%, but will help you escalate the estimates to the “highest defensible value”, which will earn you back the commission.

  8. An additional suggestion that I commonly recommend to clients would be to video each and every room in your home. Do not take pictures, but instead utilize the video function which allows you to offer a history of the pieces that you hold dear and establish provenance, but it also affords the opportunity to pause the video in places that you may not have taken a still photo to see things that may have been hidden away or taken for granted.

  9. When we had an insurance claim from a disaster we had a locally owned company with good reviews help us with clean up and were very happy. I think you have to be careful who is hired. The insurance company however was the problem. The adjuster told us just to take photos of the damaged items and fill out claim forms. Then he left the company and the new adjuster said one of THEIR people had to be there to do that . . . so a different story. They still honored the claim but it was a big headache – I was told multiple times how that method was “not their policy”. We should have gotten those instructions in writing from the original adjustor. It is a nightmare already without having insurance companies make it worse. Make sure to leave reviews online to help others.

  10. I am SO SORRY this happened to you and your wife. I thank you for your ministry and appreciate the words of warning to document the contents of our home…and shed and barn and workshop and lean-to.

    “Have you ever dealt with the company Servpro? If so, how was your experience?”

    Yes to the first question! And disgusting to the second.

    Short story: we hired Servpro at the recommendation of our home insurance company (who were fabulous by the way) for mold remediation we had discovered in our master bath. The room needed complete gutting along the wall which included the double vanity and toilet and was unusable for several weeks.

    The first attempt at laying new linoleum was an embarrassing failure for Servpro because it had been incorrectly measured by the supervisor. Not our problem. I suggested they go and buy another piece of linoleum.

    The second attempt I also witnessed. The installer kicked his heavy boot to make it fit around the base of the toilet, leaving a slash in the linoleum.

    It was at this point that I demanded they leave my house – IMMEDIATLEY!
    REMOVE the damaged linoleum from my property!
    LEAVE the custom cabinet in the garage!
    Remove all your tools, equipment and vehicles and GET OFF MY PROPERTY!

    We hired our own contractor and twelve years later we STILL use him.
    Unfortunately, when it comes to fire or mold remediation it needs to be done by specialists.

  11. so sorry for what you’ve been thru! people dont care about others….we are in our 70s, decided to move from a cold state to a warm one; and decided this time we would hire movers to do the heavy stuff, they made assurance to us that our furniture etc would stay on the truck, not unloaded and reloaded for the final journey; I physically packed everything I could, antiques, dishes, hubs old train set, we packed all his tools, hardware stuff, etc. AND we packed things securely with plenty of padding, covering, etc. the electronics packed in my car along with my 4 cats in cages, with the our taxes, and other important papers, medicines. etc. stuff that would go in the vehicles with us. I set off with the cats, sister etc 2 days ahead, to get the cats settled before furniture arrived. later, hubs came in driving a moving van with tools, outdoor stuff, etc. days later the movers delivered. jumping ahead, when we moved from FL back to NC, again we decided on movers (different – a name brand mover!), they assured us no transfer from trailer – warehouse – trailer to our new home. LIARS – we got to NC, again I had packed myself, gone ahead a few days, hubs drove a moving van with stuff again, and we thought we were good this time…..nope, when the movers got to NC the furniture came in 2 moving trucks (not the tractor trailer they loaded in FL and assured us it wouldnt be unloaded til it got to the new house), days apart, and when I started unpacking, furniture was scratched, upholstery torn, IRREPLACEABLE ANTIQUES broken and damaged!!! I was sick and FURIOUS! when I made a claim know what they did? sent adjuster out, and a furniture refinisher – cleaned furniture, refinished the scratches/gouges, as for the broken antiques – sorry, cant replace (gave them a value too from antique dealers) and gave us a check for 200.00!!!!! I have pics of before and after of most everything (took when I packed and unpacked) along with descriptions on condition…..and it still makes me FURIOUS when I look at the pics and what we went thru. so lesson – DONT EVER TRUST MOVERS, PACKERS, etc. NO ONE cares about your things like you……and dont EVER expect any reimbursement from movers or insurance companies for the true value of something!!!! these 2 moves were long distance, we’d never done that before, when we moved, we always packed and moved ourselves…we thought we’d made a good decision in getting movers to move heavy stuff. hah…..always have descriptions, picture/video of all your things, and anything you can move yourself thats irreplaceable, do it…..

  12. I’m so sorry you had such a terrible experience. On the other hand, I’d like to give my experience with ServPro. My 95 year old stepfather fell in the middle of the night, and hit his head on the sharp corner of a large desk in the carpeted den. When he regained consciousness, he called me and 911. I had just come home from hospitalization with a major back surgery, so my hubby went over and met the rescue squad and accompanied my stepfather to the hospital, where he stayed for about a week. In the morning, I called ServPro to clean up the bloody mess in the den and kitchen. I was unable to go supervise, so trusted them to do their work. They arrived within a day and set to work. The worker called to let me know the blood could not be removed from the carpet, and removing the bloody carpet and padding was the only option to mitigate and clean up what was essentially a biohazard area. The blood had seeped through the carpet, through the padding, and into the wood below. They were able to clean the wood after removing the carpet and pad. The worker (s?) did a good job with no supervision by my hubby or me. I was grateful that they could come so quickly and clear what my hubby told me looked like a grisly murder scene.

    I would recommend our local ServPro business. I appreciate their response time, excellent cleaning, and trustworthy work, given my inability to supervise other than by phone.

  13. Our neighbors had a kitchen fire & we learned a lot. We joke now & tell them, if you see smoke, wait, call when it’s down to the ground. They agree in hindsight.
    Sorry, my humor today is strange.

    They would recommend the same due to the extensive smoke damage that is nearly impossible to get rid of. I have a nose like a coon hound & should work for the DEA so my neighbor called me over to do a smell test after their remediation company was ‘finished’. It failed. The company came back out with more ozone machines & fans, etc. Neighbors had to wash their clothes more than 3 or 4 times & they still ended up tossing. And this was a small smoldering kitchen fire that was put out within 20 minutes. It’s the smoke that is so horrible with fires.

    The post fire leg work was crazy. They had to list every single item in their home. The process took almost a year to fully be over with. And this was just a smoldering smoky fire.

    I need to take pics & do a physical list. This article has reminded me to do so, thank you.

  14. So sorry for allll tithe mjustice and angst.

    United moved us and we endured a similar fate. It was so bad that the local owner at our destination told me to sue his company: the fault lay exclusively with the packers.

    The moral of my story: I had a terrible feeling when the packers came and had we listened to that strong reservation we would have saved many thousands of dollars and weeks/months of needless work.

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