Have Yourself a Thrifty Little Christmas

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Are you wondering how to pay for Christmas this year?

Is it time to reduce your holiday spending?

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We’re offering you the inside scoop on our own frugal family traditions.

Go here to buy the book!

(It’s FREE on Amazon Prime!)



Of all the holidays, Christmas is the one that is the most magical for children…and often the most stressful for adults. It seems like every year, the wish lists get longer and more expensive, the food prices go up, and the traditions get more extravagant.

Meanwhile, even when it’s not holiday time, our paychecks must stretch further. Some of us have suffered job losses, unexpected expenses, and a higher cost of living.

The holiday season shouldn’t feel like a burden, but for many families, it brings almost as much anxiety as it does joy.

[thrive_headline_focus title=”It doesn’t have to be like that.” orientation=”center”]



Set a reasonable budget.

Figure out what you can really afford to spend this Christmas and stick to it. I’ll share some tips for getting the family on board (even if you have teenagers) by letting them know what to expect.



Focus on traditions.

This Christmas, instead of going broke and focusing on the number of extravagant packages under the tree, focus on experiences and the things that you can’t buy in a store.



Embrace creativity and simplicity.

Decorations and gifts don’t have to cost a fortune. In fact, some of the best ones can be had without spending a penny. Find more than 100 free or frugal ideas.


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Make simplicity your new mode of celebration.

This little book, written in conjunction with my teenage daughter, Rachel, has more than a hundred tips for decorating, family traditions, gift-giving, charity, and recipes for delicious, festive, yet budget-friendly food.


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Some of you are reading this book because you want to cut ties with the rabid consumerism. You want to get back to the beauty, peace, and simplicity that the holidays were all about before corporate America hijacked Christmas.

Others are reading it because they’ve found themselves in a personal economic crisis.

If you are going through a difficult time financially this year, I just want you to know, I’ve been there too.

Use the tips in this book to make your Christmas as magical as possible. You may find that using your imagination and focusing on traditions makes it far better than a store-bought Christmas ever could be.

[thrive_link color=’teal’ link=’http://amzn.to/2h0eU6f’ target=’_blank’ size=’medium’ align=’aligncenter’]Buy It Here[/thrive_link]

 Set your course for a New Year that isn’t mired in holiday debt.


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