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Politicians around the world are pounding war drums in the wake of the grotesque attacks upon Israel on October 7. But the first casualty in war is truth, as they say, and maybe a better understanding of the different groups in that region, such as Hamas, Hezbollah, and the PLO, will help us understand what is going on and what may happen next.
Post 9/11, there has been a tendency within the U.S. to lump various anti-Western groups together as “Islamic terrorists,” but the reality is a bit more complicated. Let’s look at some of these groups in more detail, to determine who has been doing what in the region.
Some background on Palestine and Gaza
Palestinian Arabs have occupied the area now known as Israel from the time the Romans kicked out the Jews nearly 2,000 years ago. Only very small Jewish communities survived until the 1880s when European Jews began emigrating to Palestine. Jewish numbers increased in the area slowly at first but then more sharply after World War I.
Palestine had been ruled by the Ottoman Empire for hundreds of years. However, when the Ottoman Empire collapsed after World War I, Britain took control of the area. In 1917, Britain issued its Balfour Declaration, encouraging the creation of a Jewish state. Many Jewish populations within Europe were fleeing the devastation wrought by World War I, and Britain thought that Palestine might be a good place to resettle them. Additionally, with the passage of more restrictive immigration laws in the U.S. in the 1920s, Jews simply found it easier to settle in Palestine.
Naturally, tensions arose. Many fights broke out between Jewish settlers, Palestinian Arabs, and the British government between the two World Wars. However, after World War II, Britain could no longer afford to manage its overseas empire, and the United Nations agreed to divide Palestine between Jewish and Arab groups.
In 1948, one day after the announcement of a new Jewish state, the surrounding Arab nations of Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iraq attacked Israel. At the end of a year-long war, the Israelis won. With the passage of the Israeli Land Acquisition Law in 1953, most of the land within Palestine was formally transferred from its former Palestinian owners to the new Israeli government.
But tensions never really ceased. War broke out again in 1967 between Israel, Egypt, Syria, and Jordan. After this war, Israel won control of both Gaza and the West Bank, leaving the now-landless Palestinians living under the control of the Israeli government.
On top of many other issues, the Palestinians have a very high birthrate, which has made the Gaza Strip bordering Egypt one of the most densely-populated places on earth. Poor, crowded areas, full of largely unemployed young people, are ripe grounds for terrorist groups to recruit. And this is exactly what’s happened in Palestine.
The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) was founded in 1964 in Cairo, when leaders of 13 Arabic countries pledged to take action to liberate Palestine from Israeli rule. The PLO acts as an umbrella group for six different Palestinian groups, the most prominent of which has been Fatah, to which Yasser Arafat belonged.
While the PLO denied Israel’s right to exist for decades and conducted terrorist activities that ultimately killed thousands of Israelis, in 1993, Arafat entered into an agreement with Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin in the Oslo Accords. Arafat renounced terrorism and recognized Israel’s right to exist, and Rabin agreed to recognize the PLO as the official representative organization of the Palestinians.
But fighting continued nonetheless. As the PLO claimed to back away from violence, other, more militant groups like Hamas have stepped in. And, in the 2000 Camp David Accords mediated by Bill Clinton, Arafat sabotaged another round of peace negotiations with the Israelis by making absolutely impossible territorial demands. Over time, the PLO has shown itself to be more concerned with retaining its political power than truly improving the lives of Palestinians.
It is worth noting that the PLO has never been Islamic. The PLO is secular and nationalist. They are also notoriously corrupt, and this has led to disillusionment among those Palestinians and more devout Muslims who see Israel’s existence as a moral stain on the world. This disillusionment has driven the growth of more radical groups like Hamas.
Hamas, the group that orchestrated the Oct. 7 attacks, was founded in the late 1980s, partially in response to the seeming ineffectiveness of the PLO. Hamas is an explicitly Islamic organization. And if you want to gain an inside of the way Hamas has operated historically, I strongly recommend Mosab Hassan Yousef’s autobiography, Son of Hamas.
Mosab Yousef is the son of a founding member of Hamas, Sheikh Hassan Yousef. Groomed to take his father’s place, Mosab instead defected to work with the Israelis and eventually converted to Christianity. His book describes his early childhood in the poverty of Palestine under heavy-handed Israeli occupation. His book begins by describing Hamas as Mosab saw it in his youth, a charitable organization, as some American defenders have also referred to it. Mosab’s book tells his story of how he became disillusioned with Hamas, how its members routinely engaged in violence and torture not only toward Israelis but also toward Palestinians and even among other members of Hamas.
For those of us with internet connections and the ability to look at Hamas’ charter for ourselves, none of this should be surprising. The organization is not about peaceful solutions or improving the lives of Palestinians. It’s about violently purging the state of Israel from the world. That’s it. Everything else about Hamas as a group is incidental.
Hamas has a history of launching missiles from schools and hospitals. Since they won political control of Palestine in 2006, they have launched attacks provoking Israel that have ultimately gotten Palestinians killed, simply because they know that Israel will draw rebukes from the international community if they retaliate. Quality of life for Palestinians has decreased so much under Hamas’ rule that the Palestinians themselves have protested against them multiple times over the years.
Now, Hamas is not alone in attacking Israel. When they launched their attack on October 7, they launched them from Gaza, located on the southern border of Israel proper. But now Hezbollah, another Islamic group, has been launching small attacks from the north.
Hezbollah emerged from the Lebanese Civil War in the late 1970s. They are a Shiite Muslim group, also dedicated to the eradication of Israel. Even though Hezbollah is still technically just a militia, the Center for Strategic and International Studies called it “the world’s most heavily armed non-state actor.” The Iranian government provides the overwhelming majority of funding for Hezbollah, though Hezbollah has always insisted that they are in favor of Lebanese independence.
Because Hezbollah is so much more sophisticated than Hamas, the Israeli government has been stationing troops at the Lebanese border in case a major attack comes from the north.
Who was responsible for the October 7th attack on Israel?
A Wall Street Journal report shortly after the Oct. 7 attacks linked Iran to the assault from Gaza. However, Hamas commander Ali Barakeh later gave a press conference saying that Hamas had acted on its own and that they didn’t expect the attack to be as successful as it was. They expected more pushback from the Israelis.
Similarly, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei announced that, though he supports the attacks, he was not behind them While the Iranian government has sponsored hate, vitriol, and countless attacks on Jews both in Israel and abroad, their involvement in this attack is, as of right now, unclear.
And as if this all isn’t hard enough, Israel itself is becoming increasingly unstable. The small country has been rocked by protests over the past few years over lockdowns and corruption, as well as, more recently, attempted judicial reforms by President Netanyahu.
There are no quick fixes here.
Diplomatic solutions are impossible when one side denies the other side’s right to exist. At the same time, Israel’s internal problems are making it difficult for it to defend itself.
Establishment figures are itching to go to war. They are pulling on our collective heartstrings, and given the footage of what happened to those Israelis, it’s not hard. No woman asks to be raped. No babies ask to be slaughtered. With the recent hospital explosion in Gaza, the Palestinian side now has horrific images to rally around, too.
At the same time, jumping into another war as fighting continues in Ukraine, as tensions rise with China, as our own weapons stockpiles are already depleted requires calm and foresight. Not emotional fits.
This article is only the briefest of overviews. People study Middle Eastern history for years and years, only to come away with the thought that we all need to get our spiritual houses in order.
How to navigate the information about this situation
I merely encourage you first to recognize any media figures attempting to play on your emotions. Look for facts. Look for patterns of behavior.
Second, if you are ready to go out and start protesting, think really hard about what you’re supporting. Personally, I am more inclined to support the Jews for a variety of reasons. But Netanyahu’s Covid response was horrible and there’s also a history of abuse toward Palestinian people.
Likewise, for the American left-wingers supporting Palestine, they might want to know that Islam does not support LGBTQ+ rights. In fact, any sex outside marriage is punishable by death in many Islamic countries, particularly Iran. Just FYI.
This is a depressing topic, and one I personally have avoided thinking about. I was in college on September 11. Muslim and Jewish groups got into shouting matches and occasionally fistfights on campus for years afterward. I always just tried to avoid getting sucked into the fights. But that’s increasingly impossible.
If you want to listen to one person on this subject I recommend Gad Saad. He’s a non-practicing Jew who fled the Lebanese Civil War. He can talk about his own family’s experiences with surprisingly little bitterness toward the Palestinians. He points out that Muslims control 99.5% of Arab land; nonetheless, they refuse to help out the Palestinians so that Jews can have their 0.5%. I think this sums up the situation nicely.
And if you want to read one book, I can’t recommend Son of Hamas strongly enough. It’s very informative and easy to read. It’s also hopeful. Mosab Hassan Yousef grew up steeped in violence and hatred, and yet he turned away from it. His story needs to be heard now more than ever.
Additional sources for this article:
- Tragedy and Hope by Carroll Quigley
- Global Islamic Politics by Mir Zohair Husain
About Marie Hawthorne
A lover of novels and cultivator of superb apple pie recipes, Marie spends her free time writing about the world around her.
43 Responses
There has never been a country called Palestine. No government, no citizenry, no national identity. The area was referred to as Syria Palestina on Roman maps and this is the only reference to the area in any official capacity until the establishment of the nation of Israel. So to call those who were misplaced by the 1948 the Israeli war of independence “Palestinians” is a misnomer and only gives further ammunition for this misplaced group of refugees to be used as a battering ram and bargaining chips for political and genocidal reasons. In fact, the refugees called “Palestinians” were living in the land and largely Arabs. They opposed the re-establishment of Israel and were instructed by their own leaders, and those of other nations in the attacking armies of 1948, to leave the land and they would be able to return when these nations had won and eradicated Israel, The refugee crises was created by these nations, not Israel. There was a partition plan which contained the land settled by the refugees ancestors in the centuries since the destruction of Israel by the Romans. It was proposed and put in place by the United Nations. All the refugees had to do was remain and they would today have their own land. This could have been largely avoided as far as their refugee status went.
In reference to Yassir Arafat and Fatah: Otto Skorzeny, a noted ardent Nazi and special commando unit leader of the Hitler regime was brought to the Middle East by those Nazi’s who had fled to Egypt after WW2 to train Fatah in how to fight a clandestine war against Israel. He taught tactics and strategies off all kinds which are still in use today by Fatah and other anti-Israel groups in the Middle East.
Thanks for the article, it went a long way to explain things.
You are right and I am screenshotting your comment. I just wrote one, also strongly pro-Israel, which I hope will go up. There is no equivalence on any level of the two sides.
No, Cia, Clarifier was not 100% correct as you assume. I explain it in my reply to him / her:
“”There has never been a country called Palestine.”
Your comment was very good, but some clarification is necessary re: the above statement. In 135 AD, the Roman Emperor Hadrian (who hated the Jews), changed the name of Israel to “Palestina” / Palestine. All “Palestinians” today are of Israeli descent. So, you see, at one time, there was a country called “Palestine”.
Nope. Palestine was a Region, not a country. Israel when relabeled, had received expanded and somewhat vague perimeters and included other land now parts of adjacent states. Since Judah & Israel, there has never been an independent country on that territory until Israel – and there would have been a Palestine if the Mohammedans didn’t repeatedly reject the offers of statehood.
thank you.
Marie said, “Muslims control 99.5% of Arab land; nonetheless, they refuse to help out the Palestinians so that Jews can have their 0.5%. I think this sums up the situation nicely.”
That’s an important factor.
For additional info — yesterday I listened to Tom Woods’ interview Scott Horton of antiwar . com. I do recommend it.
I agree. Jordan was created as a homeland for the Arabs in the area, but it created refugee camps for those who fled Israel at the behest of their leaders in 1948, and has maintained them ever since, for 75 years now. They could have assimilated them, not easily as they are very violent, but it could have been done. It didn’t, as it has always used them as propaganda against Israel. Jordan and Egypt absolutely refuse to take in Gazan refugees now. I don’t blame them, but international refugee law demands that they do. I think Israel should push Gazans (sans Hamas members) into Sinai as far as possible, without asking for permission, and West Bankers into Jordan.
That’s true. Nobody (nation state) wants these “Palestinians, ” not even Jordan.
Good comment, Cia.
Your summation was good. The Arab-Israeli Conflict persists because most Arab leaders will not accept Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish state. The current Hamas-Israel War proves compromises made with terrorist entities brings terrible consequences. Shalom, Marc
Thank you for explaining this, I’m not very good at history and I never even heard of some of these groups before. Now it makes more sense to me! Thank you for your knowledge and explaining things in a way I can understand. Have a blessed day!
Jews have been in Israel for 4,000 years, since Abraham made the Covenant with God. After the Diaspora starting in the early Christian era, they were scattered worldwide, but maintained a small presence in the Holy Land. There were some Arabs, but it was a desolate land in which it was hard to live. Larger numbers of Jews started to return in the early nineteenth century, buying the land they occupied from absentee Egyptian and Ottoman landlords at greatly inflated prices. Collections were taken up at synagogues all over the world, and many Jewish organizations gave them money to buy the land. And the Jews in the late nineteenth century worked hard in their ancestral land, made it prosper and made the desert bloom. At that time many Arabs went to Israel hoping to get work from the Jews. The Ottoman Empire was on the losing side in WWI, but its genocides around 1915 made it an evil player. I had a friend, Dr. Edward Fouad Yazbak, whose mother’s uncle, an Orthodox priest in Damascus, was killed with a sword by Ottoman soldiers while he was saying Mass. His mother’s family fled in terror from Syria, and his father’s family, Maronite Christians, fled Lebanon for the same reasons: massive Ottoman slaughter of Christians. Robert Spencer’s Greek grandparents fled from Ottoman atrocities at that time as well.
Arabs mounted constant riots and killings, eventally chasing out the British who had enacted the Balfour Declaration, creating a homeland for the Jews in the area. In 1948, the UN declared a partition plan, an area for Jews to live, and one for Arabs. The Arabs rejected it: the armies of five Arab nations launched a surprise war on the Jews, meant to kill them all. But the Jews won. However, they lost control of the West Bank (Judea and Samaria, of Good Samaritan fame), for 18 years. At that time Arab nations expelled their Jews, nearly a million of them, from where they had lived for a thousand years, with only the clothes on their backs and no compensation for their property confiscated. In Israel, Arab leaders at the start of the war they declared, had urged Arabs to keave for a few days, just until they triumphed and all the Jews were killed. Many left: it would have been suicidal to let them return. Many stayed, and are still there. Israel has been good to the peaceful ones, educating them so many are doctors, lawyers, members of the Knesset, prosperous and respected members of the community. Israeli taxpayers have given their enemies free purified water, electricity, and gas, for decades. Arab nations launched another surprise war in 1967, the 6-Day War, Israel won again, and won the Sinai peninsula, whichbit later gave back to Egypt. That is where the Gazans should go, as far from Israel as possible. And then another surprise war in 1973, the Yom Kippur War, which Israel won again, but, as always, with heavy losses.
There is no answer other than a defensible distance. Islam has always taught the hatred and killing of Jews:
The holy texts of Islam cannot be changed. Palestinians have ultimately refused five offers of land for peace. They don’t want two states or one state: they want it all, Jusenrein. So we’re back to complete separation and a defensible border.
Abraham is the Father of both jews and arabs. Isaac and Ishmael.
Don’t leave out the truth by cherry picking.
In the Torah thus the Bible, after Moss and the hebrews were expelled from Egypt for their seven deadly plagues all much worse than covid that destroyed Egypt they wandered in the desert for 40 years and made idols to Baal and Ashtor and sacrificed babies and children to them as they committed every debauchery and sexual perversion. Moses came down from mt sinai with the 10 commandments tablet.
The promised land, moses never saw. As the wandering false idol worshipers finally made it to where the promise was, THEY FOUGHT A WAR AND DESTROYED THE PEOPLE ON THE LAND, THE CANAANITES.
So israel / judea is not the jews indigenous land, it is the ethnic cleansing of the indigenous canaanites, stolen property, a colonization and genocidal murderous spree of unthinkable horror.
Now we see the same history has been playing out since the rothschild’s balfour declaration and the horror of world wars – once again the colonizers claim what is not theirs was given them and all in their way must die, as before.
We see the map of the people’s there shrink and israel portion expand year over year – the big problem being this latest adventure in genocidal theft has occurred in a modern world where much is known and since the telegraph was almost worldwide by 1900, the scam and sham could not be pulled over the eyes of the world.
As they say, the winners of the wars rape loot steal and divide the bounty, no different than pirates, and declare the new lines and enforce the post war horrors with iron fists lest the breakout occur again quickly.
Those wronged are often crushed to poverty and dust, lest the crimes of the winner emerge from the well kept darkness.
Once the new power centers are established the propaganda and the loot and control of resources enrichens the winners and by default brings many who just want even a decent life into the fold, telling any lie be part of the new kings subjects.
In time the losers are forever demons, their memory a stain upon humanity, a weapon to be used to enforce new crimes and continued total dominance.
Anyone gets out of line, they are the old enemy, in this latest case, the nazi bigot murderous anti semite final solution world controller wannabe hate filled racist supremacist horrible horrible horrible human forevermore.
Of course, the lies are still never ending. In wake of this unfair disaster, those crushed below the new iron boot become enraged and will do anything for vengeance.
These are the brothers, Issac and Ishmael, the son’s of the Father, one of his wife, Isaac the jews, and one of his concubine maid, Ishmael the arabs, half brothers, a family, that cannot and will not get along with each other.
Of course the bastard children are hated and denounced, just as Hunter Biden and Joe denounced their bastard granddaughter and denied her humanity.
This is the world we live in. These are the back rounds that produce it’s current face in this area.
The Hatfields and McCoys have nothing on these peoples.
I think we would both agree the Middle East (Near East in particular) is a complex place and has been for some 5,000 years. It took 5,000 years to get to this point (with a bunch of people interfering whom had no business interfering) and we may never see a resolution in our life times, but we may see a World War…
Yes, I agree. All of this now with the capitalist productions means the powers are always searching for a new war to keep the money flowing.
Judenrein, typo. Free of Jews.
This is my dear friend I wrote of in a previous article here on TOP.
A little background, Rabbi Smith (Dovid to me) is not only a cherished personal friend of my wife and I, he is a constitutional lawyer who has argued major cases before superior courts, a passionate, enlightening and entertaining speaker, and a Prepper.
While he and I have different views escotologicaly, he and his family have been welcomed into my home as friends and always will be.
I believe his views are relevant to this article and discussion and asked his permission to share his YT views here for folks to review. Again, setting aside my different strong personal faith and concentrating strictly on his ardent message of anti-Marxism, there is value in his video. My hope is that if others agree with his message it will gain some traction and be shared.
“ Palestinian Arabs have occupied the area now known as Israel from the time the Romans kicked out the Jews nearly 2,000 years ago.”
This is what I actually read: Israel belongs rightly to the Jews. 2,000 years ago the Jews were kicked out of their land…
but then I remembered the Romans WERE Jews. Wait, wut?!
Why would the Romans be Jews?
Because every time someone wants to smear the Jews – which is all the time – they merely rely upon fabrications, distortions of truth, mislabeling of actions, etc. How else could antisemitism have persisted so long throughout the West and Middle East, yet be entirely absent in the Far East. First you have to have an imaginary fact as a foundation for an eternal hostility.
Did you know that “Jesus was a Palestinian”? I’ve seen that ridiculous boast posted in a number of places despite the fact that there was no “Palestine”, not even the Roman generalization of the territory (which included Jordan, BTW), until well after Jesus was gone. And, further BTW, Jesus was JEWISH!! NOT Palestinian.
An awful lot of well-intended people ignore history – or are too ignorant to pay attention to it – for me to be hopeful that we will ever find human societies all living together in peace and harmony. How about 75 years of UNRWA funding Palestinian terrorists (due to a few hundred thousand migrants) even as tens of millions of refugees from all over the world were resettled. That, too, is Israel’s fault. Everything is Israel’s fault. Your single neighbor got pregnant though without a lover? Israel’s fault. Your car engine died soon after you bought it? Israel’s fault. Well, to be fair, with laudits to MTG, it may really be ALL the world’s Jews who are at fault.
There were 12 MILLION Muslims refugees from India to Pakistan, and millions of Hindus in the other direction at the same time that Israel had it’s five neighbors attacking it. And those neighbors radioed that the Arabs located there should flee so it would be easier to kill the Jews without harming their co-religionists. Many left. Estimates vary between 300K to 650K. Again, contrasted to many tens of millions of refugees from that time period and since, all of whom have been either repatriated or resettled. The ARABS are imprisoning the “Palestinians”. It’s not Israel’s fault. Though the West contributes with huge sums of money to keep the terrorists well funded and the Palestinians, prisoners of their own brethren, in misery.
You left out one player, Russia and its KGB (now called FSB). This is what a defector said about the PLO and Arafat after he defected to the U.S.
Yasser Arafat: Connections to the KGB
by Ion Mihai Pacepa
Before I defected to America from Romania, leaving my post as chief of Romanian intelligence, I was responsible for giving Arafat about $200,000 in laundered cash every month throughout the 1970s. I also sent two cargo planes to Beirut a week, stuffed with uniforms and supplies. Other Soviet bloc states did much the same….
I was given the KGB’s “personal file” on Arafat. He was an Egyptian bourgeois turned into a devoted Marxist by KGB foreign intelligence. The KGB had trained him at its Balashikha special-ops school east of Moscow and in the mid-1960s decided to groom him as the future PLO leader. First, the KGB destroyed the official records of Arafat’s birth in Cairo, replacing them with fictitious documents saying that he had been born in Jerusalem and was therefore a Palestinian by birth.
The KGB’s disinformation department then went to work on Arafat’s four-page tract called “Falastinuna” (Our Palestine), turning it into a 48-page monthly magazine for the Palestinian terrorist organization al-Fatah. Arafat had headed al-Fatah since 1957. The KGB distributed it throughout the Arab world and in West Germany, which in those days played host to many Palestinian students….
Arafat was an important undercover operative for the KGB. Right after the 1967 Six Day Arab-Israeli war, Moscow got him appointed to chairman of the PLO. Egyptian ruler Gamal Abdel Nasser, a Soviet puppet, proposed the appointment. In 1969 the KGB asked Arafat to declare war on American “imperial-Zionism” during the first summit of the Black Terrorist International, a neo-Fascist pro-Palestine organization financed by the KGB and Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi. It appealed to him so much, Arafat later claimed to have invented the imperial-Zionist battle cry. But in fact, “imperial-Zionism” was a Moscow invention, a modern adaptation of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” and long a favorite tool of Russian intelligence to foment ethnic hatred. The KGB always regarded anti-Semitism plus anti-imperialism as a rich source of anti-Americanism….
In March 1978 I secretly brought Arafat to Bucharest for final instructions on how to behave in Washington. “You simply have to keep on pretending that you’ll break with terrorism and that you’ll recognize Israel — over, and over, and over,” Ceausescu told him for the umpteenth time….
Nothing has changed, only they, the Kremlin KGB Mafia, pretends weakness and that they have given up their plans to take over the world, which is of course communist deception.
Anything Hamas has done to Israel, had to be approved by Moscow, or there would be no logistics and weapons and explosives and training, which these communist “Islamic” terrorists do know and do very well understand. Islam is only the cover story, communism worldwide is the strategic goal, so naturally destruction of the state of Israel is one of the first steps in that region, perhaps the hook to tie up US military capability there as well so that they cannot be deployed somewhere else, including defending the US homeland.
Nice history lesson Marie, thank you. An eye opener to the so called new world order.
Yassar Arrafat was a big supporter of the anty apartheid terrorist communist party that now rules and ruins South Africa for 30 years that was supported by the west with Nelson Mandela’s mascot for the masonic agenda..
Everybody Knows.. as Leonard Cohen sings.
Kurt, did you notice how the main stream media presstitutes practically sainted Mandela when he got out of prison for mercilessly slaughtering millions of his own people?! The media is now giving the same respect to the same terrorists who plan to kill them. Totally unbelievable that so-called educated people could be so stupid! We have the education system, the MSM, and parents to blame for that. Regardless, it’s still coming our way…
well put Skywatcher. Mandela was well schooled by the Masons and Jesuit order. The country was handed over to the communists on a platter after so many lost their lives in fighting against it. WW2 was fought against the so called “Nazis” with the Communists that are now the enemy, supported worldwide by MSM and their systems now implemented to keep us under wraps by our governments. the protocols of zion are followed to the t. The modern education system is set up by Satanists like Blavatsky and Alice A Baily. the migrant issues planned by Kalergi, the founder of the EU.. Covid was a good example of how stupid society has become from years of abuse and breaking down of family values with rock and roll, drugs and tv. The enemy is not the people (Jews, Arabs, Blacks, Indians, Chinese or Whites, we all carry on) but the governments of this world. What kind of diplomacy does Biden, von der Leyn or Sunak do.. its disgraceful leadership! They are all too scared of Mossad because they do things like in Norway in July 2011 if you don’t comply. Zelenskyy Ukraine War is suddenly over? Albert Pike wrote about how the 3rd WW will start and its heading this way. We cannot stop the Rothchild’s machine but only prepare and pray.
Marie did a very good job writing this article, however, she didn’t go back far enough in history. She said, “Palestinian Arabs have occupied the area now known as Israel from the time the Romans kicked out the Jews nearly 2,000 years ago. Only very small Jewish communities survived…”
She failed to mention that the Jews lived in Israel for almost 3,000 years prior to being exiled by the Romans. Their history predates the time of the Roman occupation of Israel in 135 AD, at which time Israel was named “Palestine”. The Roman Emperor hated the Jews, and in an attempt to cause them to forget their history and heritage, he changed the name “Israel” to “Palestina”. He also changed the name of Jerusalem to “Capitolina” for the same reason.
Something else I forgot to address re: Marie’s statement: “The PLO is secular and nationalist. They are also notoriously corrupt, and this has led to disillusionment among those Palestinians and more devout Muslims who see Israel’s existence as a moral stain on the world.”
According to the Qu ‘ran, it’s not just Israel’s existence they view this way; it’s ALL infidels…”non-believers; those who are not Muslims. Proof: https://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/opinions/think-again-the-koran-does-say-to-kill-infidels/article_0447f2d8-487f-5d2b-8c88-d6e0be9ee6e1.html
The whole world is now infested with them; a GLOBAL Jihad (holy murder, a contradiction in terms) was ordered last week for Oct. 13. There were some killings, but nothing like it could’ve been. Don’t be disappointed! That was the clarion call to do it anywhere and at any time. That’s why the great “immigration” was allowed to happen…”population control”–ever heard that term before? Brace yourselves! From here on out, it’s going to be very frightening, making the thriller movie, “Friday the 13th” a cake walk in the park. Everybody who doesn’t know the Islamic code word will be mercilessly slaughtered.
Sadly, and unbelievably, they have the support of millions worldwide…uneducated idiots who have no idea they’re supporting the very ones who plan to kill them!
One thing to remember is you can support the Palestinian people and absolutely revile Hamas just as you can Support the Israeli people and revile the Israeli government.
But you must remember that 100% of Palestinians are anti-Semitic. It is Islam itself which demands the extermination of Jews. Christians are to be killed or submitted as semi-slave dhimmis, to support Muslims (as they did for a thousand years). As soon as the Israeli government takes its eye off the ball, all non-Muslim Israelis will be horribly slaughtered. I support and trust Netanyahu and the IDF, and pray that they prevail, for the sake of Israel and all the rest of us. The two sides here are good and evil.
A good history of Israel and the area
A good series titled
“Who is Israel”
Can be found out sermonaudio.com search for Pastor John Weaver in the speakers, and then “who is Israel”on his page.
When God’s people have follow God‘s Law, they have prospered and conquer their enemies, sometimes without even bloodying their swords.
When they turned to idolatry and behaved like the ungodly they suffered, and were judged.
The same goes for any nation.
“With the recent hospital explosion in Gaza, the Palestinian side now has horrific images to rally around, too.” The hospital explosion has now been debunked as pro-Hamas propaganda. It was a Hamas missile that mis-fired.
who debunked this?
New York Times, BBC and others. Look at the photo’s. Where’s the crater? where’s the 500 dead that must have been counted within a minute to get the lie out? Why is the hospital still standing? How come there’s only a handful of burned cars in the parking lot? Plus numerous video’s, tranmission intercepts, et.
There are FOUR sides in this new war, two on top of two. The presstitutes describe all the bad things being done by Hamas and by Israel. Those are the bottom two sides. Both are promoted by the Deep State which intends to escalate the screaming (remember COVID, anybody?) to cause them to create a world war out of it, obliterating ALL Jews and Muslims, and killing off a large fraction of their targeted 7 1/2 billion dead. The Massini letter (at least 10 years old even if fake) says this will clear the way to continue WW 3 by Christian v atheist, and when those are obliterated, the world will be ready for the “truth” that our real god and savior is Lucifer. Puke.
The other REAL side is God, who is love. Millions of Earthlings have rejected this war entirely. But while they reject fighting themselves, they have nothing that would induce either Israel or Hamas to knock it off. I do. I am currently researching web hosting to find something without Word Press, because they chop up people’s paragraphing. Then I can tell you the startling destiny of Ishmael (now Islam) to resolve the Al Aqsa attacks that helped start this abomination. There must be Peace in the HEART. Only then can negotiations about land divisions, and such, have any lasting result.
Each of us needs to let go of self-righteousness, including dogma-worship. We must forgive. All those thing Jesus said. They are also in all the other faiths. It is the easiest thing in the world–and by far the hardest–to actually do them. Work on it.
I must’ve missed someone repenting. Luke 17:3. “Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him.” We have cheapened grace. It was bought with a price.
This situation has existed for several thousand years, with small breaks when peace occurred for a few hours, days, weeks, or months. And then started up again at the same place or at other places when someone new learned about their heritage, which included atrocities committed upon them by the other side. Going both ways, of course.
It is a never-ending battle. At least until one side or the other is eliminated from the earth. And that would only bring peace for a few hundred years. Then, again, someone would discover what happened in our time and depending on their familial links would once again take up the banner of oppression and mis-treatment. Of course, people would drift to each side and a whole new cycle of distrust, hatred, and war would ensue.
Prepare for what the ultimate (in our time) result will be. Some form of world-wide collapse, disaster, war, or the apocalypse. I/we/you cannot stop the situation over there. We cannot stop the divisions we have here. Prepare for the effects and simply live through it.
Just my rather cold-hearted but researched opinion.
After 9/11 when I was duped I realized how manipulative EVERY MSM story is. As everyone jumps on a side I really wonder what the evil ones are actually doing. I wasn’t aware that both Israel and Palestine are perfection in human form. Both governments are like every other government in the world – evil. I do not believe that most people in Palestine or Israel want this bullshit but their politicians sure do. Add to this the AK47 of satan – MSM and you have people MKd into the goodies and baddies mentality. Pure bullshit. Who has made every war on the planet? Governments. Who so desperately wants us to hate? Governments. Who has allowed or actively done the poisoning of our planet? Governments. Who is intent on starting WW111? Governments. But let’s all just forget about that and be either a Jew lover and a Muslim hater or a Muslim lover and Jew hater. For every historical “fact” I’m sure someone can find another historical “fact” that supports the exact opposite view point. I have really no idea as to what is happening in that corner of the world because I don’t trust one fucking word anymore out of any news mouth including alternative media because all so polarized that the principles of journalism no longer exist – who, what, when, why, where and how. Instead we have personal opinions reported as fact. Pathetic. Please Jesus return.
i’m with you
While the author comments on the displaced Arabs, she omits the fact that enormous numbers of Jews were driven out of numerous countries throughout that region. But their brethren struggled to take them in, while the Islamic world prefers to keep the migrants in camps as human weapons for global sympathy. And the world continues to provide them with supplies that the terrorists can then misappropriate and apply to their terror activities.
She further neglect to mention that in the attack on the newly formed Israel, Arab radio broadcasts encouraged Arabs to flee – temporarily, purportedly – so the invading armies (five, if memory serves) would be able to massacre the Jews without risking their fellow Muslims, after which those who fled could return back home.
Still further, even before the re-establishment of Israel and the rejection by Arabs of a Palestinian state, as desperate Jewish immigrants, granted aid from co-religionists around the world bought land and real estate and established thriving agricultural and business communities. That prosperity – relatively speaking, drew substantial Arab migration into the region. It wasn’t just Jewish immigration – and again, much of that Jewish immigration was refugees driven out of Arab lands. If they survived the violent depravities of their neighbors.
(And that’s not to ignore the good Arabs who sheltered Jews…. Just to feature the preponderance of imbalance in public misperception.)
And one last misrepresentation. Reports vary, but between 300,000 and 650,000 Mohammedans are reported to have fled the region being attacked. Almost 8 decades later, their great-grandchildren are considered refugees. At the same time, 12 MILLION Muslims fled newly-created India into nascent Pakistan. Where is the global screeching about those ten to forty times as many contemporaneously displaced Muslims? Why isn’t everyone demanding that they be allowed to return to their homes, overthrow the government, rape the women, and cut off the heads of babies? No bias there, hunh?
Thank You Marie for your excellent and well researched article. Israel’s history in that region goes back to 1300 BCE, over a thousand years before there was a Palestine.
The Biden administration supports anti-Jewish terrorist organizations including Iran. But of course pretends to do the opposite. Biden just gave $100 million to Hamas saying it is intended for only humanitarian purposes. Hamas governs Gaza. Since when has any evil dictatorship allowed humanitarian aid to be used for humanitarian purposes. Hamas is not interested in a two state solution to the conflict. They are not interested in peaceful co-existence. For them there is only a one state solution and that is the death of the state of Israel. The extermination of Israel is in their charter. The more civilians that get killed in Gaza by Israel the better for them because it means more international condemnation of Israel. Turkey’s President Erdogan said it best:
“There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. There is only one Islam.”
No one in the Arab world believes for one second the story that the hospital in Gaza was destroyed “accidentally by an errant rocket fired by a terrorist group in Gaza”. Israel is so incompetent that it did not have a clue that thousands of armed jihadists in broad daylight were massing at the Gaza border on October 7, 2023, ready to attack on motorcycles an in vans, And were even attacking by air in hang gliders. But now some how it can tell the world it knows where that rocket came from that landed on the hospital in Gaza. The US even has the gall to issue some pseudo technical babble statement about tracking the trajectory of the rocket in real time and seeing the rocket go off course. But they couldn’t detect the trajectory of terrorists in hang gliders coming across the border in broad daylight on October 7, 2023. The US should stick to tracking parents protesting at school board meetings.
It would appear that the biggest beneficiary of this Israeli-Hamas war is the globalist puppet Biden administration. It seems clear that as the war widens to include much of the Arab world, Russia and China, radical Islamic terrorist groups that are here thanks to the open borders democrats will become active. It maybe hard to imagine things getting worse but that is the intention. And just like Hitler, the puppet government will at some point declare an emergency and assume emergency powers aka dictatorship powers. The 2024 presidential election will be suspended/paused and the US will become a police state. They cannot allow Donald Trump to become president again and undo their wickedness. Too many people distrust the government and in spite of the 24/7msm lies and weaponization of the law enforcement and judicial systems Trump’s popularity continues to grow.
Prepper supplies will be declared state property and hoarding will be outlawed. Wage and price controls will follow along with a massive propaganda war demonizing the designated enemies of the state meaning patriots.
I hope things do not go the way I have just described, But that is where we are heading right now.
A short history video on Israel And Palestine.
You’re Being Lied To About Israel And Palestine | Facts Ep. 5
Ben Shapiro Ot 14, 2023
A longer history video on Israel And Palestine.
Here’s THE TRUTH About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict (A Comprehensive History)
Ben Shapiro June 5, 2023
“With the recent hospital explosion in Gaza”
The only thing damaged was a parking garage, the pictures the media showed were not the hospital, and the rocket was probably fired from within Gaza, not from Israel.
Pulling at the heart strings or manipulation and outright lying?
I tried to update my posting before it was reviewed. I saw the message saying to contact you for such changes, but no hint about how to do that. I’ll admit I’m better with smoke signals than modern tech, but shouldn’t there be some link that is relatively easy to find for such corrections as we’d like to make, especially before our posting is even reviewed?
You just make a follow up comment and I’ll see it when I clear them 🙂 Easy peasy!