Why Did Haitian Immigrants Choose to Flee to Del Rio, Texas?

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Usually, I don’t write much about politics, however, the Del Rio, Texas situation, with thousands of Haitian immigrants fleeing, caught my attention. I recognized some of those illegals as Peruvians and Venezuelans. As an inspection engineer trained to solve problems and recognize patterns, I want to offer my thoughts on why people migrate under such awful conditions. 

#1: The environment no longer provides a means to live

Haiti became a collapsed society after the 2010 earthquake forced residents to relocate throughout Central and South America. Many residents chose never to return due to deteriorating conditions. An excellent reason to get out of Dodge, indeed. This article explains how changing government regulations and the reduction of job opportunities contributed to the second, more recent, northbound migration.

Once Haitians felt their opportunities were becoming limited, they quickly began to relocate. This was the beginning of a troubling pattern. As a Venezuelan who both left the country and bugged out for a period and then returned home again, I learned that resilience is a large part of preparedness. To endure whatever situations come along, you must be adequately prepared. (In my best moment in life, I thought we were more or less prepared for the worst possible scenario.) 

Preparedness is not just keeping a stockpile of stuff. It’s about cultivating skills, too, along with mental training to resist stress and adverse circumstances. Without the necessary physical and mental preps, you may have no other choice than to change locations. 

Of course, not all migrants are subject to the nightmares the Haitian immigrants attempting to flee into Del Rio are. For most, trading your home base for a country going through 60 years of violent conflicts is not exactly a wise choice. The better-prepared people are, the more choices become available to them. As an informed, self-educated man, staying put is not our worst option unless an immediate threat is heading our way.

#2: Lack of skills, competence, and qualifications

Other aspects of the pattern I mentioned are a lack of skills, competence, and qualifications. Usually, those with highly specialized skills, like nuclear engineers, scientists, and medical/biology researchers, will migrate simply for professional improvement, which is perfectly reasonable. Skilled migrants are often welcomed in other countries through legal means.

When living conditions start to deteriorate overall, the uneducated begin to flee as well. Many migrating Haitians do not have special skills or competence in any area and few qualifications. Literacy rates in Haiti are quite low.

This makes it incredibly difficult to live in an environment in severe crisis. In Venezuela, for instance, you don’t need a plumbing certificate to mess with someone’s pipes. It’s not like you can “sue” the plumber or the contractor. It doesn’t work like that here. Leaving that environment to go to a country where your skills become unmarketable makes little sense.

The news talked about the Venezuelan diaspora as “the most educated migration of the world” because thousands hold degrees. They fail to mention that many now work as cab drivers, in restaurants and hotels, or in other positions unrelated to their field of expertise. The pandemic restricted those jobs even more, pushing many to come back home to better utilize their skills.

#3: No patrimony (inheritance)

The third part of the pattern is the absence of inheritance, which normally allows some backup to offer as collateral to reinvest in a business. Though not the norm, I currently see people selling farms, homes, cars, and everything in between so that they can move to Spain. Despite the risk of seizure, those wealthy enough have left behind a house to “assign” it to a “loyal socialist party member.” They ultimately may wish to return.

Many Haitians who migrated, trusting in “finding a better life,” had nothing to lose. Many young people left their older parents or relatives with the promise to send money. People without patrimony, who feel “society” owes them something, are most unlikely to return to their original country.

Few Haitian immigrants have an inheritance to take care of back in their country. 

Find a way

As preppers, we know that it is important to continue becoming self-reliant, despite crumbling conditions.

For example, I’m witness to the story of a single lady over 60 years old, who wakes up at 5 am every day, jumps in her F350 truck, and drives 30 km to take care of her tobacco farm. She has no relatives or husband to support her and is in a harsh environment. ALL of the tobacco farmers in this region are males. She’s earned well-deserved respect.

She has double nationality, which makes her suited for Spain Social Security Pension. She could flee to Spain. And yet, she has spent two years working in this demanding environment, where even Sunday mornings are for refilling the propane gas bottles in her truck to drive back and forth. All of this indicates that she has a solid motivation to take care of her inheritanceShe will find a way to thrive through hard work and determination rather than give up and move away because of the challenges she faces.


As chaos continues to break out across the planet, there are lessons we can learn from the flood of undocumented Haitian immigrants at our borders. Every time we can increase our resources, skill set, or mental resilience, we fortify our ability to remain in our familiar surroundings, despite the changes that may occur along the way.

What steps have you taken to ensure your ability to thrive during adversity? Let’s talk about it in the comments.

About Jose

Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has an old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Jose and his younger kid are currently back in Venezuela, after the intention of setting up a new life in another country didn’t  go well. The SARSCOV2 re-shaped the labor market and South American economy so he decided to go back to his own land, surrounded by family, friends and acquaintances, and try again.

 Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on PatreonDonations: paypal.me/JoseM151 or the BTC address 3QQcFfK9GvZNEmALuVV8D6AUttChTdtReE

Picture of J.G. Martinez D

J.G. Martinez D

About Jose Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151

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30 Responses

  1. Thanks, Jose– a timely perspective. Haiti was already in bad shape before the earthquake hit, but the country became a long-running humanitarian crisis after that. In Costa Rica, we asked a person about the climbing crime rates, to which he replied, “if people are starving, they’ll do what they need to do to feed their family”. So true. It’s good encouragement to increase and improve our skills. I’ve often thought that we can learn so much from history pertinent to the current situation in the US– how the underground railroad worked, how immigrants made it to a new country and made their way, how the depression generation made it through and the skills they acquired. It’s all relevant, especially now.

    1. Dear Fina,
      You’re absolutely right. Once people is under real deep pressure, is going to do whatever it takes to get food. And if the justice system is down, you get the picture.

  2. Making your problems my problem is a problem.
    I know why it’s not good there but that doesn’t mean I support anyone coming here illegally using resources that I pay for that are supposed to go to my kids, my community and my country. They aren’t “migrants” they are illegal aliens. Migration implies a return.

    1. By the same token if our gubmint would stop handing out money, SNAP cards medical benefits etc. perhaps many of these illegals would not have incentive to try to come here.
      And then there are the Afgani’s that our gubmint is openly relocating here in the states. Apparently MO just received 1500 of them! What skills do they have? Can they even speak English and are they expected to learn it?
      I resent the fact that as a hard working US born citizen my money is being handed over to these illegals who mostly do nothing to contribute to a well mannered, working society but instead skyrocket the crime rates and ruin neighborhoods with their tribal culture mentalities.
      There is a legal path to be able to live in this country and it needs to be followed. I know a few folks who have immigrated here, learned the language, took the classes and got a job. They were made citizens and are damned proud of it. Those are the kind of folks I want to come to America.

      1. In some blue states, the last page of a welfare application is a voter registration form–printed in a language appropriate for the applicant…

    2. One reason for allowing immigrants, legal or illegal, is to dilute the labor pool and lower the cost of labor. I know the ‘They’re taking my job’ is not exactly applicable, as they often have to take the worst, lowest paid, unwanted jobs. On the other hand, some do have some job skills, as in construction and food processing. Then, there’s the political aspect. Socialism is Capitalism’s worst nightmare. After all the well educated people left Venezuela, there were literal hordes of beggars and scavengers left. Mutual immigration accords between Colombia, where I live, and Venezuela (And other South American countries) allowed people to cross the border without visas. I haven’t actually researched the exact numbers, but what I consistently hear is 8 million penniless Venezuelans walked across the border with their possessions in plastic bags. (1) This allowed the Capitalist ruling class in Colombia to point the finger at ‘The Failure of Socialism’. (2). It lowered the cost of labor in Colombia to the direct benefit of business owners. The city where I live is considered prosperous, all the beggars from surrounding areas migrate here, leaving the surrounding areas basically free of beggars. The beggars from Venezuela migrated to a more prosperous country, and can be seen at every intersection with their wives and kids, with signs begging for sympathy and handouts. It’s well known that beggars can make more in a day that people working a job. They have increased the crime rate, it’s not safe to be out after dark in the city center, they crowd rush stores and steal what they can carry, and have formed criminal gangs that subsist by robbing and stealing. And now the government is issuing them ID cards. Nothing is as it seems in politics, ALL governments are ruled by the rich. The rich always act in their own best interests.

  3. My first reaction to the question posed by this article is that the Bidumb administration urged them to flood or borders. To compound this the government of Haiti just emptied their prisons and told them to leave. The same applies to Afghanistan.
    Bringing in all kinds of criminals, terrorists and thieves and paying them to be here the current White House resident is insuring their votes. These votes may not be voluntary on the parts of some. We all know that as they come in they will form little congregations that will be eventually ruled over by the criminal element amongst them, who in turn will be paid by politicians to ensure their little enclave votes how they desire.
    I’m sorry for the people who are really in need but I surely don’t want my tax dollars going to a cause that will eventually lead to the destruction of this great country that I have served and that I live in. This is the saddest period of time in this country that I have seen in my 70 years.
    PS- Have them tested (by fake PCR tests) and then give them fake vaxxines. They can have mine because I sure ain’t taking any.

    1. Dear NCmountain Bubba,

      My personal take is, these people are going to add to an underground army lines being organized in your own yard without people noticing. Just look at most of the “aliens/migrants”. Young men in military age, at least a 50%. I feel very sorry for those who believed this was a real migratory movement, and went with their families, being separated of their children by force. I´ve seen enough to question myself so many things…

  4. Insert Rant Here…
    My family came here with nothing…absolutely nothing. They had minimal skills.
    You know if you have nothing and you start all over and try and make something minus Uncle Sugar giving you hand outs…..I could live with that. My family got no hand outs…just a bunch of grief!
    Take a look at all the “We are Hiring” signs. Lazy, apathetic Americans have squandered their lives at the “Free Lunch” counter.
    Let all the Haitians have the low skilled jobs at minimum wage so they can change their lives; they’d at least appreciate it. Trust me they will live 20 to house if they have to…because they are use to it.
    Damn…once a choice country now? I looked forward to coming home after my military deployments because of how are country WAS…It is no more and unfortunately there is no more moving “west” to escape!

    1. Dear InTheBooniesTX

      When your family went there, the world was VERY different. I can say the same when MY grampa came from Europe escaping the WW2. I understand exactly how you feel. Thing is, I´m noticing a pattern in the Haitians arriving there. Too young men, and they don´t seem exactly starving. They´re in better shape than I´ve never been, or ever will be. And with the recent turmoil in the US…well, I hope being wrong.

  5. I notice none in the comments so far has thought that they may become migrants one day. It depends on your personal situation, of course. But let’s say that your home becomes a terrible area, no fault of your own. Let’s say that the skills that so far have earned you a living become obsolete (I know, more likely with some skills than others) or require some sort of certification that is different in every country, so you would have to learn and go through a whole new test to do the same job in another country. Let’s say that you have little money and possessions at that point in time (maybe you had before, but after becoming unemployed you lost most of it). Then what?

    I think a good prepper should have a plan to migrate, should it ever come to that. And it should be as specific as possible. Think which countries might be good to go to (Can you speak the language? Can you learn it easily?) Think how you expect to live once you get there. (Would your skills be in demand? Are you able to buy property or land there?) Think whether your plan would still work when lots of other people like you are also thinking of doing the same thing. (Would the country accept a large influx of migrants, and if not, why would they take you over others?)

    1. There is no place to flee to from here. Other countries have very strict laws. We moved to Europe for a year. Filled out many papers and paid fees her. Fingerprints, FBI check, financials to make certain we could afford to live there. Health and evacuation ins.
      On arrival report to police within 8 days, 6 hrs of culture and civics classes, long lines at immigration, more fees to pay. Had to pass language and grammar test within five days. Not easy.
      Here you come in illegally and just reap benefits citizens will never get. Would love just the free medical and dental.

  6. I completely understand why they would want to come here. I was friends with a OB/doula who does a lot of charity down there because the maternal-infant death rate is astronomical. It’s a country in shambles. How did they get here though? They are on an island, farm from Mexico, far from our border. I highly doubt that the large amount of migrants under that bridge made the treacherous trek over thousands and thousands of miles. Seriously! Even Forrest Gump wouldn’t have attempted that. Who paid their way?

    1. Right after the earthquake in 2011, Haitians came to Brazil in big numbers. A couple ended working at a restaurant from a friend who emigrated from Lebanon to Brazil in the early 90’s post-civil war.

      Back then they told us they just gathered everything they could and paid for the trip, one leg at a time until they got here.

      The things they told us are unimaginably horrible and I could see they had no option really, the trip and all the risks are nothing for someone living in literal hell.

      These same folks recently told me the word spread that US had opened its borders and then more Haitians came. They also said some of those were already living in other places in SA and wanted to try to live in US.

  7. Sorry, Jose, but I find this article extremely depressing. I know you intended it to be about how we can all learn something from this and enhance our resources, skill set, and mental resilience. That may be a good idea but I don’t see lots of people trying to sneak or beg their way into Venezuela. They are flooding the US and it is way more than that group of people at Del Rio. The link below says encounters at the US border were just under 200,000 in July 2021 alone & that does not include those that slipped through undetected. TPTB in the US are allowing this flood of humanity on purpose. No matter how benevolent we are as a country, this is unsustainable.


    1. Dear JB in TX,

      You´re right, it is depressing. Just imagine writing it after being in a similar situation. That´s why I can feel empathy towards those who are there without even knowing what the H is going on.
      Mind you, there is a huge chance the Globalist elite is behind this disaster. They specialize in spreading instability. Check these links (They´re in Spanish but you could use your browser translator)

      And pay special attention to this one:

      The picture is much bigger than many people think it is.

      On the other hand, albeit the country is not even close to the one I once left behind, being back has made me feel MUCH safer. My kid has told me that he likes to see me smile and make jokes. He says I´m back to the person I was years ago, much happier and not grumpy.
      Not too many reasons to be depressed, indeed.
      Just take it easy, have some calming infusion, sit on your favorite armchair, watch some kitten videos being silly, and SMILE!

      Be safe!

    1. Dear Not So Free,
      It seems they´ve been floating around here and there for some time. Thing is, as I mention in the article, no government is willing to accept them; illiteracy, no skills in a large percentage…no qualifications, that makes hard to find a job without affecting local population. Their country is so destroyed that violence is rampant. I can understand why it´s not an option anymore, and I feel sorry for them. Been in a similar position, with some differences, but I do know how the low tolerance to your presence of an entire society feels. And it becomes much more painful when your kids are affected, too.

  8. Some of the comments here are really amusing to me.

    I have personally been involved with a couple government sponsored migrations. like the Haitians we set up our migrating by landing in a neighboring country first also, then migrated across the border. As private investigators we skillfully navigated through the foreign terrain “interviewing” the local population along the way. Some of the “interviewees” resisted our migration, briskly, I might add. It availed them not, though. We were persistent in our occupation as investigators (good ‘ol American get-to-itiveness!) but, over time we failed to secure the piece of mind that comes only from completing a job and gaining the respect of the population we migrated into…

    Never did find those pesky weapons of mass destruction. Oh, well. Eventually we left. These folks will too. Once they realize they’re being suckered, just like I was.

    1. Dear ~jim
      If you look for “WMD”, I highly doubt Haitians are going to smuggle them through the borders.

      They´re just fodder for the next turmoil, amigo. It´s what I think though.

      1. Jose,

        That post was completely tongue-in-cheek to demonstrate a point that one man’s “migration” is another man’s invasion.

        Yet, I wholeheartedly agree, they are being set up

  9. Tjis Jose guy is obviously an idiot. I have tried to endure his inane articles in the hopes of learning something. He is just talking out of his assumptions! Most of his articles are pointless and actually bad advice.

    Now he wants us to “embrace the Haitians!” If you knew their history you wouldn’t embrace them! Even so, if they didn’t sneak in like criminals they would be accepted. Just like anyone else…

    This is just one of many crappy articles that proove Jose is a larper. He tries to portray himself as a Feral or Selco, but it’s like his adventures have taught him nothing.

    He adds useless information (chatter) and avoids the valuable information.

    He really drags the quality of Daisy’s site down.

    The guy is a fos hack. And kind of a bum too.

    Just try to endure a few of his YouTubes if you can. At least he had the chance to make an effort via writing.

    He should have just stuck to factual cold analytical reporting. His advice/ perspective is bad!

  10. Phones been frozen and unusable for days so I’m late catching up on reading.
    I’m only infavor of legal immigration.. i may understand “them” wanting in but they should also understand why we may not all welcome them with open arms.
    I have a daughter in law in the Philappines who wants to come but she needs a sponsored. My son on disability doesn’t have the income to do that. She’s educated, speaks a nd reads and write pretty good English. Her employer for over 10 years was the ex ambassador to the US. Hes now the ambassador to China. He chooses to keep his Manilla home rather than I’ve in China with his family. They have taken my daughter in law along on trips all over the middle east and orient.
    Sweet gal. Would be glad to work here. She obviously loves my son. She’s nursed and sacrificed to get him through 3 bouts of tropical infections.
    I’d far prefer to see dependable, hard working folks come here. I know it is seen as a nation offering opportunity. Then come f I r the opportunities. Don’t come here to duplicate the dysfunctional society you came from. I’ll resent that. Don’t come demanding more from the government than citizens have. I’ll resent that too.

    1. Dear Clergylady,
      You´re right; with too much frequency migrants bring along with them the parts of their societies that should be left behind.
      We know a lot about that; in the last two centuries, Venezuela had several incoming migration waves, and the society as it is now is obviously a result of that past. Mind you, the 50s migration process received a huge number of war refugees, and it was the most controlled and successful one, by large.

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