Another State Wants EVERY Gun Owner to Hand Over Their Social Media Accounts and Internet Search History

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Unconstitutional gun law ideas seem to spread from one state to another like some kind of insidious virus.

Late last year, an Orwellian gun bill was presented in New York state. If signed into law, anyone who wants to buy a gun would have to turn over three years of their social media history and one year of their internet search history.

“A three-year review of a social media profile would give an easy profile of a person who is not suitable to hold and possess a firearm,” said Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, who has proposed the legislation with New York State Senator Kevin Parker. (source)

Before purchasing a gun, applicants would have to turn over their social media passwords to accounts like Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. They would also have to allow police to see a year’s worth of their searches on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

That law would also require anyone renewing their permit for a pistol to be subject to this invasion of privacy as well.

In the article, This Anti-Gun Bill Would Require the Social Media History and Internet Search History of Prospective Buyers, Daisy Luther wrote (emphasis mine):

Remember, these things never stop with just one state.

It’s easy to scoff and say, “Those crazy people in New York are getting what they voted for.”  I know someone’s going to say it so there, I said it for you.

But that’s short-sighted, and dare I say, ignorant of the way the world works.

Look at all the states that have recently flipped from red to blue in the midterm elections. If you don’t think it could ever happen where you are, you’re not paying attention. Please keep in mind that I am neither a Democrat nor a Republican, but am referring to some party generalizations here. (source)

Now, another state has an Orwellian gun bill on the table.

It turns out, Daisy’s prediction was spot-on. In Illinois, to be allowed to possess your own gun, you have to have a special card, and the requirements to get that card could be about to become much more intrusive:

Meanwhile, in the Illinois House, state Rep. Daniel Didech, D-Buffalo Grove, has filed HB 888 which would require those who apply for a state-issued Firearm Owners Identification Card– mandatory for legal gun owners– turn over a list of their social media accounts to authorities under threat of a Class 2 felony. The State Police would use the information to determine if the accounts have any “information that would disqualify the person from obtaining or require revocation” of a FOID card. (source)

FOID cards also require your photograph, height, weight, address, birthday, hair color, and eye color. That is pretty basic information for a government-issued ID card.

But that isn’t all that Illinois requires.

In order to be granted a FOID card by the overlords in Illinois:

…you have to answer a questionnaire that asks if you’ve ever been convicted of a felony, whether you are addicted to narcotics, whether you’ve been treated in a mental institution or are “intellectually disabled.” Other questions ask about convictions of some specific crimes, whether you are an illegal alien, whether you’re named on a current order of protection that prohibits firearms. (source)

As you can see, being granted a permission slip to exercise a Constitutional right in Illinois is already a tedious and invasive process. If this bill becomes law, the process will become a lot more complicated and intrusive.

What kind of social media content will police be looking for?

In addition to the obvious problems with the new bill, here’s something to really be concerned about: Exactly what kind of information found on social media accounts would be used to “disqualify” people from getting a card, or lead to the revocation of FOID cards?

That seemingly important detail is not specified anywhere in the bill (which can be read here).

Will decisions simply be based on the thoughts and feelings of individual police officers who are assigned to evaluate social media accounts?

Will there be specific, objective guidelines to follow or will decisions regarding who gets to exercise their Second Amendment rights be arbitrary and subjective?

What else will the information collected be used for?

Some groups are already voicing opposition to the bill, including gun rights groups and the ACLU.

“When people look at this everyone who has a Facebook account or email account or Twitter account will be incensed or should be,” said Richard Pearson with the Illinois State Rifle Association.

But the ACLU is opposed as well.

Rebecca Glenberg with ACLU Illinois says the bill “doesn’t say anything about how that list will be retained and for how long and what uses it might be put to.”

The first amendment group worries police scanning social media may show bias.

“A person’s political beliefs, a person’s religious beliefs, things that should not play a part in whether someone gets a FOID card,” Glenberg said. (source)

This bill is another example of pre-crime legislation, and it is terrifying.

Just days ago, we reported on a new study that found the privacy of those who have deactivated all of their social media accounts – or never had any in the first place – is not guaranteed.

team of researchers from the University of Vermont and the University of Adelaide wanted to find out if fundamental limits exist when using information from social networks “to predict the activities and interests of individuals, and to what accuracy such predictions can be made using an individual’s social ties.”

This may not sound like a big deal, but think about the worrisome nature of different types of predictive technology. You don’t have to actually be guilty of anything if the tech says that one day you might be. The stuff we’re discussing here takes “guilt by association” to an entirely new level. (source)

How long until control freak politicians start calling for spying on friends, and friends of friends (and so on) to find any justification for denying gun rights to all of us?

What do you think?

This invasion-of-privacy bill has already hopped from one state to another.  Which states do you foresee it heading to next? Do you think this intrusiveness will lead to an uptick in people who refuse to comply? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.

About the Author

Dagny Taggart is the pseudonym of an experienced journalist who needs to maintain anonymity to keep her job in the public eye. Dagny is non-partisan and aims to expose the half-truths, misrepresentations, and blatant lies of the MSM.

Picture of Dagny Taggart

Dagny Taggart

Dagny Taggart is the pseudonym of an experienced journalist who needs to maintain anonymity to keep her job in the public eye. Dagny is non-partisan and aims to expose the half-truths, misrepresentations, and blatant lies of the MSM.

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28 Responses

  1. I have two thoughts about this … first, I believe there s/b some repercussion for elected representatives who knowingly and willingly enact laws that violate the constitution. A “reasonable person’s” test would conclude that this absolutely infringes the rights of American citizens to bear arms. I think there s/b criminal penalties for so doing and it is a direct violation of any oath they take when accepting office.

    Secondly, I wish someone would research the statistics between crime arising from gun owners vs crime as a direct result of open borders and illegal immigration I would place my bet on the background checks needed to reduce crime would be much more effective when applied to illegal immigration.

  2. Let’s just call it what it is!!!
    TREASON!! Stop skirting the issue, put it in BLACK AND WHITE!! TREASON!! THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED!! There is nothing to discuss!! If anyone wants to know the criteria for who can and cannot possess their firearms look no further than OBAMMYS LIST OF 72!! WHITE SKIN IS THE ONLY THING NOT ON THAT LIST. If you hang out places like this or have been suspicious of ànything government (whom we NEED protection from). You are on the list, multiple times!! Evil is upon us!! If you stockpiled anything that you didn’t pay cash for you are on the list!!

    1. That would be The Honor “List”.

      Our Founders WARNED US.

      What Happens When Governments Disarm their citizens – it’s Historical

      “All ‘laws’ which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs. Madison

      “No one is bound to obey an un-Constitutional ‘law’ and no courts are bound to enforce it.” 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d. Sec 256

      “An un-Constitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton vs. Shelby County

      “Where Rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be NO rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.”
      Miranda v Arizona, U.S. Supreme Court, 384 US 436, 491 (1966).

      “The claim and exercise of a Constitutional Right cannot be converted into a crime.” Miller v U.S. 230 F 486, at 489

      “If a state converts a liberty into a privilege the citizen can engage in the Right with impunity.” Shuttlesworth v Birmingham, U.S. Supreme Court. 394 U.S. 147 (1969).

      “There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of Constitutional Rights.” Snerer v Cullen 481 F. 946.

      “The maintenance of the Right to bear Arms is a most essential one to every free people and should not be whittled down by technical constructions.” Tiche v Osborne, 131 A. 60. See:

      “When any court violates the clean and unambiguous language of the Constitution, a fraud is perpetrated and NO ONE is bound to obey it.” State v Sutton

      Public servants “within” Our Government Are Not Our Governement – they are there and get paid to “Uphold, Protect And Defend…” Our Constitutional Form Of Government. Their Sworn Duty And Job Description Is In their Oath Of Office. Not Honoring their Oath Is Treason. UN-Constitutional means Unlawful. Attempting to ‘change’ Our Form of Government is High Treason = The Death Penalty To Discourage Treason – 18 USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381

      And UCMJ Sec. 906, Art. 106

      We Have Been Too Lax In Carrying Out This Punishment.


      The War Propaganda Bureau – #PropagandaWatch


  3. I wish these GD elected ass wipes would get a clue and remember,the criminal does not buy a gun from a dealer, they all buy on the black market. (I hope that is not racist.

  4. People nothing will ever change and it will continue to get worse until you grow the stones to band together, arm yourselves and take YOUR country back by force! REVOLUTION NOW!

  5. Government erosion of every item in the Bill of Rights is a terrifying reality. I’m not presently inclined to share my thoughts about the best way to reverse this trend. But here are a couple of steps to minimize your short term damage.

    First, close ALL of your social media accounts. They are very much like smoking cigarettes…….gratifying in the short term, but eventually very destructive, even deadly. (Yes, I said “deadly!”)

    Second, although these attacks on our rights are a nation wide problem, there are some states that are more prone to metastasize rapidly. The article mentions New York and Illinois. I suggest that Kali and Oregon are equally vile. New Jersey, Connecticut, Washington State, and Ohio are not far behind. If you stay in any if these jurisdictions, you will see things become much worse, much faster, than you can possibly imagine.

    Take these two steps, and you will buy yourself more time in which to assess the problem, then take steps to implement The Solution.

  6. What Happens When Governments Disarm their citizens – it’s Historical

    “All ‘laws’ which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.” Marbury vs. Madison

    “No one is bound to obey an un-Constitutional ‘law’ and no courts are bound to enforce it.” 16 Am Jur 2d, Sec 177 late 2d. Sec 256

    “An un-Constitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.” Norton vs. Shelby County

    “Where Rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be NO rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.”
    Miranda v Arizona, U.S. Supreme Court, 384 US 436, 491 (1966).

    “The claim and exercise of a Constitutional Right cannot be converted into a crime.” Miller v U.S. 230 F 486, at 489

    “If a state converts a liberty into a privilege the citizen can engage in the Right with impunity.” Shuttlesworth v Birmingham, U.S. Supreme Court. 394 U.S. 147 (1969).

    “There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of Constitutional Rights.” Snerer v Cullen 481 F. 946.

    “The maintenance of the Right to bear Arms is a most essential one to every free people and should not be whittled down by technical constructions.” Tiche v Osborne, 131 A. 60. See:

    “When any court violates the clean and unambiguous language of the Constitution, a fraud is perpetrated and NO ONE is bound to obey it.” State v Sutton

    Public servants “within” Our Government Are Not Our Governement – they are there and get paid to “Uphold, Protect And Defend…” Our Constitutional Form Of Government. Their Sworn Duty And Job Description Is In their Oath Of Office. Not Honoring That Oath Is Treason. UN-Constitutional means Unlawful. Attempting to ‘change’ Our Form of Government is High Treason = The Death Penalty To Discourage Treason – 18 USC, Part 1, Chapter 115, Sec.2381

    And UCMJ Sec. 906, Art. 106

    We Have Been Too Lax In Carrying Out This Punishment.


    The War Propaganda Bureau – #PropagandaWatch


  7. These States are violating the Constitution.
    They are demanding that you give up your “Right To Privacy” by giving up your internet search history.
    The same Right To Privacy that is thought to be so basic and necessary that it protects abortions.
    They then want to sit in judgement as to whether you are politically correct enough to justify gun ownership which the Second Amendment says shall not be infringed. This is without a felony or other serious crime being committed by you, that could legally justify infringement of your 2nd Amendment Rights.
    In short, they want you to give up one Right, so that they may possibly take away a second Right.
    In doing so also violates your 5th Amendment Right to self Incrimination.

  8. The perdator class and fuedal lord organized crime ring has made one thing abudantly clear, that they want constitutional rights for themselves, and nobody else. This has not been limited to the first amendment, it includes all amendments and rights. The constitution limits the powers of government, and others, which outlaw the violations of human rights.

    Since they are psychopathic predators, they deem the constitution as an affront to their predatory and abusive behaviors.

    We are clearly in the final stages of collapse.

    1. The predator class and fuedal lord organized crime ring has made one thing abudantly clear, that they want constitutional rights for themselves, and nobody else. This has not been limited to the sceond amendment,it includes all amendments and rights. The constitution limits the powers of governments others, including corporations, which outlaw the violations of human rights.

      Since they are psychopathic predators, they deem the constitution as an affront to their predatory and abusive behaviors.

      Illustrating this case in point, is the Bezos National Enquire scandal. Jeff Bezos claims that individuals own the copyrights to their image, (their biometric data), hypocritically, JeffBezos is collecting biometric data on all Americans, and selling it for a personal profit to governments!

      We are clearly in the final stages of collapse!

  9. Research the Vienna Subway Suicides. Massive MEDIA coverage of these type of things are a major cause of their perpetuation.

    Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention and Center for Disease Control,
    Guidelines for Media Reporting Suicide
    • Details of the method
    • The word “suicide” in the headline
    • Photo(s) of the deceased
    • Admiration of the deceased
    • The idea that suicide is unexplainable
    • Repetitive or excessive coverage
    • Front page coverage
    • Exciting reporting
    • Romanticized reasons for the suicide
    • Simplistic reasons for the suicide
    • Approval of the suicide

    • Alternatives to suicide (i.e. treatment)
    • Community resource information for those with suicidal ideation
    • Examples of a positive outcome of a suicidal crisis (i.e. calling a suicide hotline)
    • Warning signs of suicidal behaviour
    • How to approach a suicidal person

  10. So many people get all upset about meaningless drivel from the politicians. The simple response to the demands is quite simple. “Molon labe is a classical Greek expression of defiance meaning come and take them.” And then add to the bottom of your response, “bring help. You’re going to need it”.
    If you venture down this path, be ready to back it up. When they come, hopefully you have your funeral arrangements made. The cops are not your friend.

  11. Look, here’s the thing…. YOU, the real-life biological MAN, is NOT one of “The People” protected by The Constitution. You are “free” as in free to act within the US corporate franchise. YOU are a “free,” enfranchised, agent (an attorney) to your own diminutive, lowly, fictional status of public citizen taken on when you were certified born by your (also foolish parents) and ratified/confirmed by your usage in Usufruct of the benefits provided. Whatever is public is government property, and you and I have spent our whole living (acting) in persona inside governments’ title(s), its strictures, under ITS jurisdiction. One therefore must abide by its duties never mind what we think they should be. The Master controls and you in your commercial status only get a plea, a prayer, that may or may not be granted.

    For thousands of years the admonition has always been to “be no thing.” But many prefer the titles & money of Caesar (seizure) instead. Many men love (BELIEve) the money, the promises, the inflation, the glory of the simulation. Then, often thought history, we are flabberghasted to see him/it/the-system manage its property in the hellish way that posters have written about below.

    Your rights in this legal construction/operation of your commercial personhood is defined in 42 U.S. Code § 1981 at

    (a) Statement of equal rights
    All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.

    YOU are the YOU, the MAN — the biological born of MAN, male or female; however, there is the commercial distinction of you which many have never looked for and that clearly states that one shall be “subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.” And all day long, I imagine, as that’s all most of us have ever known.

    What is EXTORTION?

    Any oppression by color or pretense of right, and particularly the exaction by an officer of MONEY, by COLOR of his office, either when none at all is due, or not so much is due, or when it Is not yet due. Preston v. Bacon, 4 Conn. 4S0.

    Extortion consists in any PUBLIC officer unlawfully taking, by color of his office, from any PERSON [not YOU but the legal thing you use for commerce] any money or thing of value that is not due to him or more than his due. Code Ga. 1882

    THIS is your PERSONS legal RIGHT: to be registered vulnerable to the unlawful taking.

  12. The obvious response is:
    (1) Every politician, policeman, judge, and government employee must do the exact same.
    (2) All the above must undergo mental screening.

  13. What would they do with the information? Here is one example.

    Then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris released the names of all individuals who contributed to a “traditional marriage” referendum in CA, to the referendum’s opponents. Her proposed action was vigorously opposed in CA court as a clear and present danger to privacy and the right to participate in the political process anonymously. Surprise, the CA judges said potential doxxing is the price you pay for participating in the political process.

    Harris barged on, knowing the named persons would be targeted. Sure enough. Not only large and famous donors, but small, regular-folks donors, got doxxed. Washington followed suit, and you can be sure Illinois, NY, etc. will.

  14. 1984 is here! If the do-gooders have their way, only the corrupt police and criminals will have guns – just like in Mexico! Keep in mind that New York’s Sullivan Law was created by organized crime to give criminals a monopoly on handguns – which it still does.

  15. Why explode in outrage? Simply DEMAND they do the exact same thing-PLUS.
    Politicians, Police, Judges, Government Workers make Life & Death deadly decisions every day.
    Public Servants are also expected to be held to Higher Standards due to their positions and maintaining the
    Public Trust.
    Therefore when they come out with such demands of their EMLOYERS, their EMPLOYERS have the Right and Duty to make the same demand of THEM.
    WE demand THEY provide ALL their social media and computer searches, their e-mail accounts, Bank accounts and financial records for examination. Also Mental Screening, physical records, testing for steroids and illicit drugs.
    If it is good enough for US it is certainly good enough for Our EMPLOYEES.

  16. Wouldn’t it be syncronistic if those who are proposing these types of Draconian Laws meet their end with a bullet to the brain. No one is going to save us from these sick people unless we take the law into our own hands and make them pay for trying to force us abdicate to their demands as if they are our rulers and overlords !


    Politicians must also understand that they do no operate in a vacuum and will pay the price when they fail to fully grasp what their jobs are. We the voters must also understand that they do not always have our best interest at heart and cannot act with impunity !!!

  17. Wouldn’t it be synchronisitc if those who are proposing these types of Draconian Laws meet their end with a bullet to the brain. No one is going to save us from these sick people unless we take the law into our own hands and make them pay for trying to force us abdicate to their demands as if they are our rulers and overlords !


    Politicians must also understand that they do no operate in a vacuum and will pay the price when they fail to fully grasp what their jobs are. We the voters must also understand that they do not always have our best interest at heart and cannot act with impunity !!!

  18. The US Supreme Court has expressed their opinion on this subject many times (some cases quoted below in other’s comments). In essence: requiring a man to give up one Right to exercise another is UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Period. It starts with ATF form 4473.

  19. In return, every politician supporting this must also turn in his social media records and internet searches in the same manner as he and his staff.

    He must also reveal his voting records going back 3 years. His itinerary and log of every person he has met going back for 3 years. Any litigation or lawsuits going back 10 years. HIs income tax records – EVERYTHING!

    He must also state his gender. NO sodomites, or LGBQT crap.

  20. As an upstate New Yorker please don’t lump the whole state together. Upstate is no different than Eastern Oregon or Eastern Washington, Northern California or a growing number of other states. It seems that the large population centers who don’t have a clue control us and they vote for the people who promise them the moon. I surely didn’t get what I deserved when Cuomo was reelected as NY’s Governor, I didn’t vote for him and neither did the majority of upstate New Yorkers. New York City reelected him, just as many other states are electing people who don’t represent large areas of the state. AOC is another example of NYC’s Idiocy.

  21. It should be evident to everyone by now that there is no political solution to the problems of this country.

  22. What Nietzsche Said
    “There are still peoples and herds somewhere, but not with us, my brothers: here there are states.

    The state? What is that? Well then! Now open your ears, for now I shall speak to you of the death of peoples.
    The state is the coldest of all cold monsters. Coldly it lies, too; and this lie creeps from its mouth; ‘I, the state, am the people.’
    It is a lie! It was creators who created peoples and hung a faith and a love over them: thus they served life.
    It is destroyers who set snares for many and call it the state: they hang a sword and a hundred desires over them.
    Where a people still exists, there the people do not understand the state and hate it as the evil eye and sin against custom and law.
    I offer you this sign: every people speaks its own language of good and evil: its neighbor does not understand this language. It invented this language for itself in custom and law.
    But the state lies in all languages of good and evil; and whatever it says, it lies – and whatever it has, it has stolen.
    Everything about it is false; it bites with stolen teeth. Even its belly is false.
    Confusion of the language of good and evil; I offer you this sign of the state. Truly, this sign indicates the will to death! Truly, it beckons to the preachers of death!
    Many too many are born: the state was invented for the superfluous!
    Just see how it lures them, the many-too-many! How it devours them, and chews them, and re-chews them!
    …It would like to range heroes and honorable men about it, this new idol! It likes to sun itself in the sunshine of good consciences – this cold monster!
    It will give you everything if you worship it, this new idol: thus it buys for itself the luster of your virtues and the glance of your proud eyes.
    It wants to use you to lure the many-too-many. Yes, a cunning device of Hell has here been devised, a horse of death jingling with the trappings of divine honors!
    Yes, a death for many has here been devised that glorifies itself as life: truly a heart-felt service to all preachers of death!
    I call it the state where everyone, good and bad, is a poison-drinker: the state where everyone, good and bad, loses himself: the state where universal slow suicide is called – life.”

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