The Great Taking: Is There Really a Plan to CONFISCATE Everything We Own?

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course

You’ve probably heard the buzz about a recent book and documentary by David Rogers Webb called The Great Taking. In short, a former hedge fund manager and financial expert has uncovered a shocking plan that has been in the works for decades to separate us not just from our money, but from everything we own. Webb’s theory takes “you’ll own nothing and be happy” not just to the next level but all the way to the stratosphere.

And the scariest part?

It rings true.

According to Webb, the wheels have been in motion leading up to this since the middle of the 1900s. Laws have been changed one by one to make it perfectly legal. This train is already on the tracks. All of this is absolutely provable and true.

I was so bothered by this documentary I didn’t even know if I wanted to write about it. It seems so outrageous. It’s so dystopian. It’s so extreme.

But ultimately, I decided it was just too important not to cover.

Here’s what you need to know, as well as how to protect yourself.

The upcoming financial crisis will be like no other.

A financial crisis is looming. This isn’t news. But the upcoming financial crisis is not like previous ones. It’s not because mistakes in management were made. It’s not due to factors outside our nation’s control. It’s because Central Bankers planned it and put the wheels in motion decades ago.

And it won’t just be your money that’s at risk, according to Webb. It will also be assets that you own, free and clear. Everything. Gone. And it will all be done in the framework of existing laws that have been changed to make it possible.

Many laws have been quietly changed to make this possible.

Here’s a quick rundown of what has been changed as well as some definitions of the things Webb talks about in the documentary and book.

Dematerialization of Securities: Once upon a time, you got physical stock certificates when you made an investment. Now those are all stored electronically. Who was behind this change? Central banks and members of the literal CIA…that’s right. The Central Intelligence Agency. Former spies.

 Safe Harbor Laws: This is a change in bankruptcy laws. Now, derivatives counterparties are protected from the insolvency of the lendee, even if there is fraud on the part of the lender. Here’s a quick explanation of terms from the Treasury Department.

Counterparty credit risk is the risk arising from the possibility that the counterparty may default on amounts owned on a derivative transaction.

Derivatives are financial instruments that derive their value from the performance of assets, interest or currency exchange rates, or indexes.

Security Entitlement: Previously, if you invested in securities, you owned them. Now, securities held in brokerages or pension plans are not directly owned by individuals but are instead collateral for major creditors. These assets are used as collateral again and again for a total of loans far exceeding their actual value.

Central Clearing Parties (CCPs): These entities were established to manage the clearing and settlement of trades. And some of them were created by The Fed in the form of LLCs. One of the biggest ones is called Maiden Lane LLC. There’s a version 1, 2, and 3.

Collateral Management: Securities can be moved across borders, which means in the event of a crisis, individual assets could be taken by central banks and CCPs

It’s not just happening in the United States. A similar legal framework has been established all over the Western World. All of these things have built-in vulnerabilities that could see our assets taken over by secured creditors – even if we don’t owe money on them.

What does all this mean?

I’m not a financial expert, so I ended up watching this documentary a couple of times. I’m also in the midst of reading the book (available for free here or you can get a physical copy here).

I got the most clarity from an analogy that Webb tells in the documentary. (This is an analogy to clarify the bigger picture. It is not something your car dealer is actually doing.)

Let me give you an example to explain the horror of this.

You have bought a car, and you paid cash for it. You think you’re being very conservative. You have no debt against the car.

But unbeknownst to you, the dealer continues to control your car as collaterol. You’re not told this. The dealer uses YOUR car and all the other cars sold by the dealer as collaterol for his borrowing in his business.

Now the dealer goes bust and only certain secured creditors are empowered to immediately take your car and all the cars ever sold by the dealer without any judicial review, immediately.

When I describe this to people they get worried about their cars. This is not about your car. This is an analogy for what has been done. It’s much worse than it being about your car because it is literally about the entire securities complex globally.

So it is not about YOUR insolvency that causes the loss of your assets. It’s the insolvency of the people that secretly used your collaterol as their property without telling you that or disclosing it.

I’ll tell you, I got shivers down my spine. What an absolutely insidious plot, and I can easily see it happening. Webb shows his evidence of all the laws that were put into place to allow it.

What can we do to protect ourselves from The Great Taking?

First of all, we are watching this happen right now. It goes way deeper than just a bail-in, though there are plans in motion to make that happen, too. The massive inflation will be followed by, most likely, a deflationary period, which will reduce the value of your money and your belongings. (This is a naturally occurring cycle where the economy tries to right itself.) The laws are in place to make this endgame all completely legal.

We have to begin calling out these practices and demanding reform. Maybe – and Webb seems hopeful – by shedding a light on it, the entire thing can be stopped.

But you also have to take responsibility personally. You have to protect yourself tangibly to get through this. Food. Water. Community. Security. All the basics. Webb recommends raising your own food and building a pantry as two helpful strategies.

And with what you have left over – your rainy day fund, your retirement, your life’s savings – think long and hard about where you want to keep it and in what form.

I know I talk a lot about gold and silver. And I’ll keep talking about it. Buying the right kind of gold and silver protects you from facing confiscation like what occurred in the 1930s. Having these physical items in your possession protects you from:

  • Devaluation of existing currencies
  • Seizure of all your assets
  • Bank control over your money
  • CBDC

The same gold bars that would have bought you a house a hundred years ago still will. This will retain its value no matter what central banks do.

It’s not difficult to get started with precious metals, but I urge you to do it before things change too much for you to be able to acquire it. Contact ITM Trading and set up a FREE no no-obligation phone call. Get a strategy customized for you and your personal situation – all of our situations are different, and what works for me may not be right for you. I can’t urge you strongly enough to take this step if you have a nest egg you want to protect. Just learn more about it, learn about your risk, and make an educated decision for you and your family.

And fight like everything you own depends on it. Because, perhaps, if David Rogers Webb is right, it does.

The Great Taking documentary

Here’s the video of The Great Taking. If you never watch anything else I posted on this site, I urge you to watch this.

Here’s a great video with a synopsis and explanation of Webb’s documentary.

If you want to read Webb’s book instead, you can download it for free right here. The man clearly isn’t in this for the money. He’s sounding this warning bell because he feels deeply compelled to do so. Webb writes:

The insane logic of control has been pushed to the point of subjugating all people, globally, and all the way to the top of the system.  Further, crucially, we are all being threatened at the same time.  And therein lies the hope for humanity!

As awareness can now be spread all the way to the top of the system, we have the real possibility of overcoming divide-and-rule for the first time in history.  The Great Taking can then be recognized as merely a construct and wound down legally and peacefully.  Humanity can then be united to end open-ended hybrid war, and private control of Central Banks.  The real world might then be rediscovered to be remarkably benevolent.  Now that is the BIG PICTURE!

Don’t let his warnings be in vain. Take steps to learn everything you can to materially and financially protect yourself and your family. Fight this every way you know how.

What are your thoughts?

What are your thoughts on this documentary? Are you surprised by these plans that have been put into motion? How will you protect yourself from such a massive undertaking? How can we fight back?

Let’s talk about it in the comments section.

About Daisy

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.

Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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51 Responses

  1. Wow. I don’t even know what to say. I believe it. I would put nothing past “them” but this is even beyond my wildest imaginings.

    I don’t think it will go well for the people who think they are empowered to just take other people’s homes and belongings. Don’t you think folks will fight back?

    Then again, I never thought so many would agree to be locked down and forcibly vaccinated either.

    Thank you for this food for thought, Daisy.

    Question: Do you really trust gold and silver in this situation?

    1. In answer to your question, yes, I do trust metals over other types of savings. I don’t have a lot because I am not a wealthy person. But whenever I can, I make a small investment in this “savings plan.” I no longer have any kind of larger bank-managed investments or funds. Just my monthly operating expenses and a small emergency fund.

      If you can’t hold it in your hand, you can’t really have faith in it lasting throughout this and other such “grabs.” I really like ITM because they’re so educational. I was initially worried my purchases would be too small for them to care about me as a customer, but that wasn’t the case. I now feel far more confident.

      I hope this helps.

      1. Thank you Daisy, I too have connected with ITM Trading thanks to you and am very impressed with their knowledge and how they work with you as an individual with different situations. I have saved most of my life in a 401K plan. It is a bit scary to make new bold moves but it is awesome to have someone who can help you as an individual and actually teach you and walk you through the moves you make. My financial planner has always said to leave my money in the market, its the only way to accumulate more wealth. Don’t buy silver and gold. Having made some different decisions only makes me assume that he follows what he is told to say. I am excited to be working with ITM and am thankful you shared that information.

  2. Daisy your comment that “If you can’t hold it in your hand, you can’t really have faith in it lasting throughout this and other such “grabs.”” Is spot on. They great taking involves all assets that are collateralized or not held by the “owner”. In Michigan when you buy a car you get a title. On the title it will show any lien holders, If there are no lien holders you own the car “free and clear” so you have no risk of anyone taking it. The same is true for paper assets. If you hold the actual stock certificates or bond “free and clear”, meaning not owned on a margin account, then no one can take it.

    Buy gold and silver as your budget allows but don’t put in a safe deposit box or other institution. If you don’t hold it you don’t own it.

    Thanks for all of your great information and advice.

    1. The title to your property does not guarantee it is yours. It guarantees it belongs to your state. Unless you have the MCO/MSO for your vehicle, your state is only lending it to you. Unless you have a land patent for your home or other properties, the same applies as mentioned above. Those two forms of ownership, plus moving those assets to an irrevocable express trust are the only way to secure what is yours. You can even protect your precious metals, gun collection, hobby collectibles, business or any other tangibles that need protection. Trusts are the safeguard and the very wealthy have always used this legal instrument to protect what is theirs and the generational wealth they pass down to their heirs.

    2. “but don’t put in a safe deposit box”. Truer words were never spoken. When our parent passed, we went to the bank with our key to get into the safe deposit box. The bank employee asked if we would like her to bring the box to us. We said ‘Don’t we have to have our key to open it?”. No…..She brought the box and the only think in it was a car title. Nothing else. We know our parent would have had other items in it. You cannot transfer a car with a chain to follow. That is the ONLY reason it was still there. I’d rather take my chances hiding important papers in other places (*not saying where on the internet), than trust a bank to watch my stuff. Read more about why they are a terrible idea.

      1. But what happened with other stuff Lee you parent left you in the box? Did you get those missing assets back?

  3. Thanks so much, Daisy! Great synopsis and along with your journalistic analysis, this can be easily shared with family and friends. You have probably already heard Catherine Austin-Fits (Solari Report) comments on Webb’s work. They’re friends and she adds that which his information is right on target, she thinks the timing of a derivatives takeover will happen after a banking collapse. She too, advocates for cash and precious metals in hand, only keep in the bank enough to pay bills, and she’s an advocate for alternative systems that disconnect us from the digital slave owners. I feel like both Austin-Fits and Webb’s information and recommendations go hand in hand, as both an immediate action plan and one to be working towards.

  4. If I told you in September of 2018 what things were going to be like in September of 2019, would you have believed me? With hindsight into the whole Covid / mRNA scam, we know that the powers that be are capable of almost anything we can imagine. That they will intentionally crash the financial system, AGAIN, and dispossess as many people as possible, is not out of the question. WHY would they do it? Because they can. And, because they are psychopaths. This book is a clear warning. Clear ALL your debt, get out of stocks and banks. Gold takes up less space and weight, but it makes people crazy. Silver is bulkier, less valuable, but easier to trade.

    1. Silver being bulky is a good thing. Good luck to the robber trying to steal 10,000 ounces of Ag from you (if they can get past your cameras, alarms, guns, safe). Try running down the street with a monster box. You ain’t running too fast. On the other hand, 100 ounces of Gold is easy to get away with.

  5. One form of silver that nobody is talking about is pure silverware or silver-plate silverware. These protect against disease as well as being PM (precious metal). I am sure the guy who sells me a dozen eggs for one real silver dime would be thrilled to get silverware a piece at a time for a frozen chicken or a few dozen eggs. “Junk silver” is easiest to barter with but other silver items have real value, too. And the money looks spent, whereas it is tempting to waste money in the bank.

    Gold–not just coins, but jewelry, and you have something.

    1. A nice thing about junk silver coins is that it is easy to know their value. They have a standard weight and silver content.
      A 1950 dime has the same weight and silver content as a 1960 dime.
      With silver cutlery it would be useful to have a scale to assess value.

    2. Silver plated items will likely have nominal monetary value because you can’t easily extract the silver to it’s pure form. They will be excellent for purifying water or other health uses, as you mentioned.

  6. I’m quite curious about the actual logistics of them physically taking your home, vehicle, etc. I’m guessing most would resist violently when “they” came to physically remove you from the home they stole from you.

    1. I would like to know this as well.

      I absolutely don’t know then answer but here’s my guess: I am not sure you’d be removed – more treated like a renter and not able to leave it to your heirs. This happened in Eastern Europe when the commies took over. Average folks weren’t displaced, they just no longer “owned” the property and were allowed to “rent” it from the state. Some countries over there still do this with reposessions.

      Again, that’s sheer speculation based on what I saw in countries that did have a state takeover of property.

      1. I have read a few other’s analysis of Webb’s book.
        Some speculate that in the mist of a engineered financial crisis, there is a lot of smoke and mirrors, they come out and give some hyper word salad with a bunch of financial terms mixed in that leaves the average person totally bewildered. They then make the claim in order to save the financial system, everyone has to give up part of their savings, their 401k etc. In this reset, they also have to renegotiate the terms on everything that on paper and with the hijinks Webb points out, they own. They spin it as all those people who had good low interest rates now have to have the same as those who got stuck with 7% interest rates in which the difference will be distributed to other in the name of equality. Except the reality is most of the difference between 3% and 7% actually goes to them.
        What they are counting on is compliance due to ignorance of what the heck it is they are saying, playing us for. We have seen bail-ins in other countries.
        We recently had a number of bank bail outs here in the US that Janet Yellen tried to tell us it was not. But it was. Again, the complexity of the financial system is so obscure to the average American, they cannot tell heads from tails.
        But when some yahoo tries to tell you they own everything and you have to pay them more, well, messing with someone else’s money and people tend to get mad real quick. Like pitch fork mad but swap those out for firearms.
        These yahoos are counting on our ignorance, our tendency to adhere to the rule of law which they do not and flaunt it in front of us daily, for LEOs to go along with the same them getting screwed over as the rest of us and their ability to hide out in some far away bunker on an island.
        Hey, if I were the Captain of a cruise missile submarine and some uber rich yahoo with a bunker on an island told me he owned my house and jacked up my interest rate, took half of my retirement, I might just think about unloading all of my ordinance on his position with more than a few bunker busters.

        1. “Hey, if I were the Captain of a cruise missile submarine and some uber rich yahoo with a bunker on an island told me he owned my house and jacked up my interest rate, took half of my retirement, I might just think about unloading all of my ordinance on his position with more than a few bunker busters.”

          I like your style and always enjoy reading your posts! Watch out Jeff B. and Matt Z.!

    2. I suspect that when it starts the news will spread like wildfire. Then I suspect those with the ability and fortitude will start quietly and quickly make those that are making these decisions disappear.

      I am not advocating that, just read about those kinds of plans that others have.

  7. I understand the paying for cash for your car and the dealer using it to pay debtors. But if I pay cash for a house how could they take that from me?

    1. Here in the UK they sent up a satellite last year which can pinpoint each house. I believe they will give each one a carbon rating based on this surveillance. A lot of our homes will “fail” and need to be “retrofitted” at enormous cost before they become saleable. In the meantime fines will be instituted and people will be forced to sell nearly worthless poperties – and move into the tower block flats they are building all round our transport hubs (aka 15 minute cities).

      As for your car, John Deare has already told farmers that they don’t own the tractors they recently sold them because JD owns the software inside them (and icidentally you are required to use their dealers for repair or they will stop them working at all!!!).

  8. Regarding preserving part of your money’s purchasing power via precious metals it’s worth knowing a little history. In 1933 FDR by executive action confiscated all gold bullion (and non-numismatic gold coins) inside US borders owned by US citizens. The two types of gold he didn’t touch were first, gold coins with numismatic value (typically owned by his uber-wealthy campaign supporters, and second, gold owned by US citizens that was stored in foreign countries where US law could not apply. This story was told in my copy of “The Gold Clause: What it is and how to use it profitably”, a 1980 & 2000 copyrighted book by Henry Mark Holzer, a law professor Emeritus from Brooklyn Law School. In the FDR era it was only practical to store gold offshore in amounts practical to preserve wealth but not for use in daily transactions. Since then much has changed.

    Today we have charge cards, nationwide electrification, and the internet. That means that the UK-based business GlintPay can store gold bullion in whatever quantity you care to purchase in a vault in Switzerland. They then will issue you an international Mastercard with which you can pay bills or make purchases anywhere in the US (plus a growing list of other countries) where Mastercard is accepted. Their website for Americans is

    There are a few videos about them on YouTube, and they have a support office in Colorado from which they told me by phone that to set up an account with them one needs to use either a smartphone or tablet that can run Android 6 or newer. They are working on the software to make the use of computer desktops usable as well. I really like the idea of their system which effectively prohibits any FDR-style gold confiscation should any present day US politicians try such gross thievery on us today.


  9. The picture of the gold stating 10 of these would buy an average home today is way off. 10 kilograms is $652,274.35.
    Not your average home price today. Gold a much better insurance of wealth preservation.

  10. Fear is a tool that has been used by evil globalists for eons to control the masses and corral them into a fear induced mindset and semi-paralyzed state of being.

    The answer to that fear is that people need to get off their hindquarters, unite, and collectively say “No!” to the demands of the psychopathic controllers.

    The German people have risen and united, saying “Enough is enough!” They are showing the world what shutting down an entire city’s economy looks like in response to government’s tyrannical and unlawful mandates. And soon the peoples of other countries will be joining them.

    When will the people of the US, the Americans across the country in every state, do the same. When will we stop running from the corrupt 1%, the evil psychopaths and their unlawful mandates and demands, and when will we take a stand for justice and freedom.

    It’s time to unite in every county, every city, every township, every district, and every state. It’s time to push back corruption by rooting it out at it’s very core at the highest levels in every state and government office. It is time to publicly call out and officially oust those who have chosen to betray us, to steal from us, and to enslave us.

    Let the pushback by the German people be an incentive for us to do the same.

    Stand up and unite. Recognize that the fear and division that mainstream media promotes 24/7 are tools of the corrupt to weaken the people through the lowest frequency of fear.

    Uniting and taking a strong stand across the country, and across the world, is the key to successfully defeating those who are attempting a complete tyrannical takeover of the world and its resources.

    Now is the time. Stand up and unite against the oppressors, the corrupt, and the evil.

    Stand united.
    Stand courageous.
    Stand strong.
    And then you can stand victorious as people who are truly free and who have finally shed off thousands of years of enslavement.
    We can do it!

  11. Thank you Daisy,
    I’m familiar with David Rogers Webb’s book and it truly is a diabolical plan that he has unearthed. All that you wrote is applicable, and the key truly is to raise the awareness of everyone!
    Regarding Precious metals and Gold in particular, I agree that it is likely the only true store of wealth and value that has no counter party risk, but I do differ in the belief that pre-1933 sovereign Gold is more safe from confiscation. It’s true that FDR exempted citizens from surrendering up to 5 ounces of these coins in May of 1933, which is the basis of the belief that if they didn’t force the surrender then that they won’t in the future. If this or any other government chooses to confiscate Gold it is unlikely that they will honor FDR’s concession from 90 years ago. For me, I choose to get as much weight in precious metals as possible and the modern bullion is 99.9% pure as compared to the 92% purity of the pre-1933 issued coins. Additionally in my State of Nevada, they do not charge sales tax on bullion, but the local sales tax of 8.26% is charged on numismatic coins. (This savings alone is over $165 per ounce at $2000 per ounce spot value) This is the only point that I disagree with ITM Trading on, but I thank you, Lynnette Zang, Andy Schectman, and everyone who is actively working to raise the awareness of the average person in an age where our legacy media companies make Pravda of the Soviet Union look like a Free Press.

    1. / This /

      I love Lynette and Daniella Cambone. Watch them every day. Like you, I also drew the same historical conclusion and invested along the same physical avenue.

      I sincerely appreciate your next post below also and the time it took to compose it.

  12. Thank you Daisy,

    I read the comments, and a few seem to be wondering how they will crash the economy. I wrote the following for some clients that needed an insider’s look at the insurance and financial services market, and hope that some in the Organic Prepper community may find it helpful. One thing to keep in mind is that if a farmer, manufacturer etc. cannot insure their goods, they will never be shipped, and never get to market; with that I hope the following is useful:

    The Repo Market, for lack of a better term, is the “plumbing” of the financial services sector. It facilitates and controls all short-term lending between financial institutions. If Bank “A” funds a loan for $1 million, but at the close of business does not have enough funds to balance the books, they need to borrow money from Bank “B,” and as such will have to put up collateral to secure the loan. Bank “A” then temporarily transfers a few of it’s $500,000 Treasury Bonds to secure the loan, no big deal. Except now the game has changed. Bank “A”’s Treasury Bonds were issued with an interest rate of less than 1% and currently, new Bonds are offered at more than 4%; Bank “A”’s $500,000 Bonds are only worth $325,000 due to the inverse relationship to Bonds and Interest rates. So Bank “B” will not accept less than 3 of the $500,000 Bonds to secure the loan. At the same time the Federal Reserve is tightening the money supply in it’s fight against inflation, so the money to pay back the principle and interest on that loan takes longer to accumulate and is less likely to be paid on time if at all. This is why financial institutions like Silicon Valley Bank, Republic Bank, and others went into receivership in March of 2023, and should be a HUGE Red Flag to everyone on earth.
    In 2008 the Real Estate market crashed due to Wall Street, as facilitated by the United States government, Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac, comingling “A” rated Mortgage Bonds with below investment grade risks. It took the better part of a decade for most home’s values to be restored to pre-crash prices, and that does not take into account the reduced purchasing power as a result of the record inflation rates that started in 2020 and continue to present day.

    I started my career in the insurance industry over 30 years ago. At that time in the late 1980’s and early 1990’s the largest, best rated, and most responsible insurance companies would park their cash reserves in Mortgage-Backed Securities to ensure that they would grow at a similar rate as inflation while remaining liquid enough to be used to pay for catastrophic losses. The Real Estate Crash of 2007 and 2008 taught them better. Despite the markets, insurance companies survived and pivoted their cash reserve investments into government bonds. In a “Special Report” from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners it states that in December of 2022, 94.7% of insurance company’s $8.2 Trillion in assets were invested in Bonds. (
    The insurance industry in the United States is the second largest investment block in our economy, behind only the pension industry. With $8.2 Trillion they represent roughly 25% of the entire GDP of the largest economy in the history of the world, and it is grossly leveraged due to the Bond market and interest rates. Insurance companies are starting to drastically shrink their exposures, write less new business, and non-renew existing contracts, all in an effort to ensure they won’t have to liquidate their Bonds and have their unrealized losses become very real after all. Should one of the large insurance companies (think State Farm, Allstate, Liberty Mutual, etc.) experience catastrophe and be forced to sell the preponderance of Bonds that they hold in order to pay for covered losses, our Federal Reserve will have accomplished what the Great Depression of the 1930’s couldn’t; they will fail to pay for consumer losses, and they will go out of business. Many may take the point of view that this is just capitalism at work, but imagine if the shipping companies cannot get insurance to cover their cargo in-transit, the goods will not get to market. No plastic widgets to give to your children, gasoline for your vehicles, no clothes made in foreign nations, and no food in grocery stores.
    Since the 1970’s the United States government has disincentivized all forms of manufacturing in our country, in addition to virtually stopping all forms of energy supply collection. Should the insurance companies begin to realize their losses, our economy will absolutely collapse. I wonder if this is by design? Many people may have gotten rich from participating in the stock market, but you can be assured that the Bond market will make EVERYONE poor.

      1. The Paradise Fires in California 2 years ago cost the insurance companies $12 Billion, but if that happened today the insurance companies would have to liquidate almost $20 Billion in bonds, and that obviously doesn’t factor in the additional inflation of the cost of goods and services since 2021, so it may cost them $25 billion today. Insurance company’s do not operate on that type of profit margin. 3% may be, but no insurance company has a 40% margin to wok with. Today’s losses would be astronomical in a catastrophic circumstance.

      1. Hey Daisy,

        I Loved your article in Concealed Carry Magazine published by USCCA. While you have shared your experience here in The Organic Prepper, I’m happy to see it published in a format that others can share.
        Thank you for everything you do!

        1. Too bad USCCA isn’t forthright in its dealings with clients. They have a condition that essentially nullifies their responsibility if a self defender is convicted on lesser charges (ie discharging a firearm inside a public space, or carrying within 1000′ of a school). They’re getting lambasted all over the internet; my guess is they’ll follow the Bud Light path to commercial suicide.

  13. This needs to be shared everywhere, including the comments.
    As mentioned above Catherine Austin Fitts of has much valuable information.

  14. Papacy has legalised theft in their encyclicals ages ago.
    Straw man? Have you ever wondered why is your name spelt in CAPITAL LETTERS? look it up, you owe nothing, look at your deeds for your property, your car, everything..
    sorry, game over

    1. Exactly. And that bond market they like to extort us, I mean, extend themselves in? Hmm, guess where bonds come from?

  15. Mass non compliance is the best peaceful remedy. Illinois firearm registration compliance was about 1 1/2%. The legislature is considering invalidating the drivers licences of non-compliant gun owners. What will be the result? A 98 1/2% decrease in valid drivers licences (and the resulting loss of tax revenue). What next, prison time for offenders? Guess they’ll just have to let loose all the real criminals to make room. Let me know how that works out for you…

  16. I know this seems far out, and through certain perspectives unrelated, but, here goes…

    I love the idea of PM’s. I own some. But just a little sum. I look at them as an investment hedge against currency devaluation. Something I can hold as value when all else fails. A bleak but necessary holding. The main problem, as I see it, goes back to my great grandfather’s wisdom. “A thing is always worth what another person is willing to pay for it. There’s two problems. Finding the person that sees the value and making the sale before you lose your value.”

    Holding PM’s for anything other than legitimate long term holding of value and instead liquifying as leveraged bargaining influence in a currency devaluation environment where desperation is everywhere, seems, well.. not prudent. Especially if the great taking takes place.

    Here’s where I get “far out”. Consider looking into seeds. Real, non-gmo, heirloom seeds. Per ounce they are cheaper than anything shiny, by far. They keep just as well with care. And they produce.

    PM’s for as much as I like them, are stable elements, are rare, hold value, are fungible, divisible, and recognized as valuable. But, they don’t reproduce. Seeds do.

    The world’s seeds are being hoarded.
    Look where your enemy is placing value. Are they putting it in PM’ s? Yes! Of course they are. But look at where they are putting their money into on the cheap for the long term. Always buy cheap. Buy the good stuff nobody else is buying. Always look at the other hand, folks.

    I have alfalfa I imported from Russia, corn from a variety 70 years old. I just bought orchard grass seed on clearance from Agway because it was past date (still will have 90%+ germination). My point is, there are economical options out there that hold value that don’t mean thousands of dollars to hedge against, what I call.. “The Great Tanking”

    1. Right on Jim!

      Seeds are definitely a commodity of value, most especially non GMO seeds.. But I would caution you to not dismiss those things of a “shiny” nature, as they are typically transportable and easily traded, while gardens and orchards require water, tending, and guarding. All tangibles are of value, but one must access the resources at hand to utilize them.

  17. You think they do not want everything ?? to reduce society to a feudal tyranny ??

    You have not heard of CBDC legislation being push so the Fed can seize depositor’s assets for credit score disinformation ??

    You have not followed Moore v IRS now pending an Opinion in SCOTUS for precedent so IRS to assess tax on non-received value such as inflation increase on the value of your house ??

    Wake up.

  18. You are aware your bank deposit has not been a bailment where the deposit is your money–for several years, right ? The deposit is now a purchase of equity in the bank and, in the event of bankruptcy, you are last in line for cash.

  19. Joel Skousen in his World Affairs Brief discerned truth from hype on this topic, which all people in the freedom/preparedness need to desperately improve on, and yes, myself included, though at least I have the honor and humility to admit it lol.

    While yes it’s true that there are laws and other fine-print contractual clauses that legalize government(along with other related entities like the privately owned Federal Reserve, bureaucracies, and other similar entities) to seize property such as bank accounts.

    However, the establishment won’t confiscate everything or a significant amount of aggregate assets in the aggregate economy. This is because if they confiscate too much, the value of the confiscated assets would plummet – it is only because the assets are sufficiently owned and managed by the people, the private sector, do they have such immense value. When the Soviets and other major communists seized the vast majority of the economies of their nations, they had very little wealth and value, as the government couldn’t manage those assets to upkeep the value they had when they were in the private sector. This is why he Soviets, along with the Chinese communists, opened up some free markets and released some of the national assets into private ownership and management.

    By keeping the assets in the private sector, the government can actually extract more value by tactics such as taxation. Of course, bailouts do happen, which are egregious, but those are done carefully, selectively, and in a way that doesn’t quite come out to total confiscations, because again, too many confiscated assets produce little to no value.

    That said, after the next world war starts, whereby China and Russia strike the US with nuclear weapons, then total confiscation and absolute martial law will ensue in America. This is why the US wants China and Russia to strike, so that the US deep state and globalists can convince the people that all assets must be confiscated and we must join a global government to fight the Chinese and Russian enemies, whom the West helped build up over these decades.

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