The Global Supply Collapse Continues to Get WORSE: Shortages of Clothing, Appliances, Food, and Other Essentials

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

The United States and the world have been suffering under a slow-burning economic depression for three decades now. Although the US began inching slowly out of the clutches of depression under the Trump administration’s quasi-Americanist tariff policies, COVID mandates, and the government’s war on independent businesses, personal finances, and the economy thrust both the United States and the rest of the world straight back into a financial and economic hole.

This time, however, that hole is much deeper than even the most negative predictions could have foreseen.

While PPE loans, stimulus checks, extended unemployment benefits, and a terrified shut-in population, as well as a mainstream media that peddles nothing but 24/7 propaganda, are hiding the real effects of what has taken place, there will soon be no way to cover up the economic fallout from the Great Reset.

The global supply chain is overwhelmed.

For one example of what is lurking under the surface, an article published in the Washington Post entitled, “Pandemic Aftershocks Overwhelm Global Supply Lines,” details the fast arriving price increases, inflation, and scarcity. The article states,

One year after the coronavirus pandemic first disrupted global supply chains by closing Chinese factories, fresh shipping headaches are delaying U.S. farm exports, crimping domestic manufacturing and threatening higher prices for American consumers.

The cost of shipping a container of goods has risen by 80 percent since early November and has nearly tripled over the past year, according to the Freightos Baltic Index. The increase reflects dramatic shifts in consumption during the pandemic, as consumers redirect money they once spent at restaurants or movie theaters to the purchase of record amounts of imported clothing, computers, furniture and other goods.

That abrupt and unprecedented spending shift has upended long-standing trade patterns, causing bottlenecks from the gates of Chinese factories to the doorsteps of U.S. homes.

In other words, money that was once spent on luxuries such as eating out or going to the movies, entertainment, etc. is now being spent on necessities.

The price of everything will continue to rise.

This is, of course, due to the fact that many good jobs were sent overseas already before the COVID mandates took hold but also because the lockdowns and fearmongering of media outlets have now driven many of the businesses that were left into extinction.

Unemployed people and business owners who no longer own their businesses are faced with rising costs for the items they need and have no money left over for the items they want, something that has driven many more people to steal food and other necessities in an alarming trend.

The article continues,

Glimmers of sticker shock are starting to vex corporate planners. The cost of imported industrial supplies jumped 4.2 percent in December and is up 27 percent since April’s pandemic low, with manufacturers complaining of shortages of materials such as steel.

Shipping issues are affecting familiar brand names such as the Gap, where an executive recently told investors that “port issues” were hamstringing operations. At WD-40, higher freight and warehousing costs dented profit margins last quarter, Jay Rembolt, the chief financial officer, told investors this month. Bang & Olufsen, a maker of music systems and televisions, said it had resorted to more expensive airfreight to compensate for a lack of seaborne options.

“These challenges have put inflationary cost pressures on our and many businesses and, as the market is anticipating, will put further inflationary pressure on transportation rates in 2021,” said Shelley Simpson, chief commercial officer for J.B. Hunt Transport Services, on a recent earnings call.

Shortages will continue to emerge.

Just in case you were somehow unaware of the crisis, you might notice that there have been shortages of household appliances as well as clothing in recent months with many of those items costing more than they did pre-panic. In fact, many of those imported goods have risen by 0.9 percent since August. So much for those cheaper goods that you were promised for sending your high wage jobs to China.

In fact, we’re seeing shortages and higher prices of many essential products that come from China, as well as Chinese-made parts to maintain our own goods.

And it’s not just shipping costs. Higher oil prices, inflation from “stimulus” checks, and other factors are all combining. In fact, the Washington Post article surprisingly addresses this by writing,

By themselves, shipping cost spikes are likely to have only a modest effect on inflation, according to Neil Shearing, chief economist for Capital Economics in London. But they will reinforce the effects of other factors, such as oil prices and ample fiscal and monetary stimulus, that are expected to drive the current 1.4 percent inflation rate higher, at least for a while.

“All of these temporary factors come together at the same time the market narrative is primed for a post-covid inflation surge,” Shearing said.

This new spiral is not just a temporary hiccup.

If you read closely you will find that it is not merely a question of the market catching up with demand or resetting itself. Chinese goods are flooding the US market with Chinese companies fighting one another over cargo shipping space while American imports have taken a nosedive.

Essentially, what is happening is that a totaled American manufacturing sector is now being flooded with foreign goods while exports are stuck at the docks. Things are about to get very bumpy in this country and if you haven’t started preparing, now would be the time to do so in earnest.

To assess your preparedness level for this type of event, go here to get a copy of The Prepper’s Workbook absolutely free. Also check out this article for advice on how to perform an objective self-assessment.

Preparing isn’t as easy as it once was due to shortages of both goods and money, but that doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. Here are some tips for getting prepared now that things have changed dramatically. Pay attention to the items that are currently in shortage and stock up if you can. Items like clothing, footwear, appliances, electronics, computers, and food are all likely to continue to be affected. (While computers wouldn’t have necessarily be seen as an essential before, an ever-growing number of Americans are working from home as their children are “distance learning.)

This crisis has been apparent since day one to anyone who understands the basics of economics and anyone who is capable of reading the writing on the wall.

What shortages are you seeing?

What shortages are you seeing at your local stores, if any? (And please give us a general location.) Are you making any changes to make up for these shortages? Are you seeing price increases on certain items? Let’s discuss it in the comments.


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91 Responses

  1. Daisy, thank you for all your hard work; it’s greatly appreciated. I would like to make a donation, but I cannot find the link to do so.

  2. “What shortages are you seeing?”

    none. well the toilet paper aisle still has a few bare shelves, but that’s about it.

    “Are you seeing price increases on certain items?”

    everything. well, one or two items at a time – what they do is jack up the price of a few items by .2 to .5, each week, so you don’t “notice” the rising prices. but yeah, it’s all going up.

  3. I’m a service contractor and I am seeing shortages everywhere. Many of the replacement parts that I need for repairs are no longer available and I am either have to make substitutions or my clients are forced to replace things that could have been repaired normally.
    Also general building supplies are either in short supply or out of stock at my local lumber yard. Lumber supplies at the the big box retail stores seem to be good though.
    Same for plumbing supplies, a lot of empty spaces in the racks and bins means that I have to be creative when doing repairs .

  4. Specialty items are difficult to find. While some suppliers are not raising prices, they are shrinking sizes. We’ve noticed the same at restaurants (though we’d don’t do much take-out any more)- same prices, 1/2 the serving. Also agree that hardware and spare parts are getting scarce and Home Depot’s inventories are not accurate. My husband needed 3 boxes of a brace for completing a deck. He found one, and when he checked the inventory at that store, it said they had 21 boxes! The clerk said that was inaccurate. We’ve also noticed all food and livestock feed prices are rising. Looks like oil prices will also rise with the current administration’s ban on fracking leases on federal lands. While it’s “not a ban on fracking”, it is essentially, a ban on much of fracking.

  5. L’Oreal blue black #1 hair color has been available off-and-on during lockdowns. Although I found an alternative color, it’s not quite right.

    I know. In the grand scheme of things does this really matter? Eating well, exercising, getting plenty of fresh air are top priorities – with my hair being a second priority. Because if my hair doesn’t look right I feel like SHIT. And if my hair isn’t black-black it doesn’t look right…

    Fortunately I am seeing L’Oreal blue black #1 available once again (in limited quantities) and am stocking up like mad!!!!

    1. M – I am not laughing at you but around November I had an interesting talk with a friend who is about 20 years older than me and your comment remeinded me of that. While the beauty salons were closed, she ended up being forced to leave the strawberry blonde behind and now she loves her gray hair. She also loves the fact that she saves several hundred dollars a year now as well!

      1. Marti:
        My stylist mentioned that many of his clients had opted to let their hair grow out au naturale. If I didn’t color my hair myself I’d probably do the same. Although…Vanity’s a bitch and has me (willingly) tethered to this blue-black hair of mine. LOL!

        I will say that the per bottle cost of the dye has increased over the past year, but I kind of attributed that to the fact that production might’ve been halted due to the lockdowns. Small price to pay. I DO wish it came in 50-gallon drums!!! ;>

        Thanks for sharing. Cheers!!

  6. Furniture parts for large recliners are not available from China anymore. Large recliners and esp. power recliners are getting scarce and no longer are being manufactured. I use them in my business and don’t know what I will use instead.
    Here in the rural midwest there are empty shelves in the local department stores like walmart and dollar general. They fill some of them up with strange off brand items or the next holiday items. We had Valentine’s items on the shelves before Christmas. I have not been able to find basic kitchen items or they are off brands and expensive. Mostly I just shop online.

    1. “Mostly I just shop online”

      any shortages there? I’ll bet most “shortages” you see on shelves are just inventory that’s been rerouted to on-line sales.

      1. Speaking of online shortages…..the one thing that I haven’t been able to get for at least 6-8 months is Tiger Balm. I have it on subscription and it should come every 2 months, but nope.

        Not many other shortages here on Southern Vancouver Island. About a month ago there was still an open spot in the yeast section of my local Co-op, but they did have a different brand…not Fleischman’s.

        1. well regarding yeast–simply time to learn how to keep a mix going w/o having to buy it & this does not mean sour dough either.

    2. This is where we will have to be like our “grand or great grand parents”, and adopt the “nip, and tuck” repair method. Instead of the “it don’t work, so throw it away! and go to Walmart and buy a new one!” That the Chinese model has encouraged and the “country club republicans” are promoting.

      1. Use it up,
        Wear it out,
        Make it do,
        Do without!

        Learned this from my Mom – who was born in 1931, she’d learned it from her mother.
        I’ve taught it to my kids too…

  7. We are saving receipts from the grocery store and the feed store for comparison in the next month/s or in a year.

  8. The brand name food items that are traditional to our area are gone. The cheaper brand items from overseas are no longer cheap but plentiful. We are losing our local brands once house hold names due to covid19 restrictions, where they limit workers in picking, packing & canning. It’s so sad.
    In regards to clothes, shoes and underwear. I stocked up in November last year for the kids buying size ups . The cheap quality is in short supply & better quality is no where to be seen. Op shops are mainly closed or unreliable due to covid19 restrictions limiting choice for those on a budget . The flow on effect is that charities that make their money from the op shops have had their income streams decimated and those who need the cheaper clothes items are going into debt to buy the cheaper new items that don’t last . Gardening supplies are still short but local seed companies are doing well to meet supply. Hardware is a nightmare and wood is in short supply with costs rising due to demand . Most concerning is medicines are still in short supply.

  9. CA shortages of you guessed it: toilet paper, paper towels, tissues, Lysol/Clorox wipes, bleach and hand sanitizer. Yes food prices are gradually going up as well 0.04 increase on almost everything.

    1. Oh and also gloves and masks of course. $4.50 on sale for 1gal of 2% milk as well as butter, cheese, pretty much any diary product and meat. What gets me is always the healthier the item the more expensive it is.

      1. and to add to the irony, the gloves and mask being sold are all made in china. I think this was their master plan, to corner the market on gloves and mask…(tongue-in-cheek)

  10. I was just listening to Ice Age Farmer. He hypes some but isn’t wrong and “yet” seems to be a reoccurring theme on many items and shortages.

  11. Northwest Arkansas/Southwest Missouri – I am seeing grocery stores replace food items with alcohol. Yarn, material, and sewing supplies in general are short and have been for a while. Clothing is getting harder to find. One store in particular complete redid the store to make the rows much wider so that it would not be as noticeable. Dog and cat food is harder to find now and some brands tend not to be available. I noticed packing was shrunk starting back in 2008. Now the prices are going up in a way that most folks are noticing now. Gas has been going up pretty quickly too. Seeds are getting hard to find. This is what we would be seeing in April.

    1. Hey Eve! “Northwest Arkansas/Southwest Missouri – I am seeing grocery stores replace food items with alcohol. Yarn, material, and sewing supplies in general are short and have been for a while. Clothing is getting harder to find. ”

      I am in Northern Arkansas and see very similar things — mostly tools, hardware, lumber, etc. I just took delivery on a tractor but instead of the usual two or three week delay it took four months for it to arrive, and that was after swapping a few attachments for more quickly available variations. The tractor dealer told me that he was being informed that supplies would be better late in February. I laughed and said, “yeah… right about February 31st!”

  12. Oklahoma. We recently had to replace a gas cookstove in a rental home of ours. The local big box had none in stock and said they were not receiving replacement shipments. We found one the next town over that we were able to snag. A week later we had to replace a dishwasher, and again had trouble finding something in stock.

  13. Here in Ontario, Canada, we are seeing price jumps in supply-managed essentials such as milk & other dairy, eggs, bread, poultry, etc. Despite marketting boards which limit farm production to guarantee a set minimum income for the farmer, the consumer is not guaranteed availability nor affordable price.

    1. Yes but Canada has a price fixing ring going on with all dairy in order to protect the Canadians from the evil American and their evil dairy products. Its been that way for a loooooong time. Bread and poultry are also price fixed. Loblaws just had to send out a ton of money as they were caught fixing their bread prices.

      1. Yeah everyone wants to drink hormone laced milk products from usa which is banned in eu and canada bovine growth hormone from Monsanto… yummy

        Limits on yeast, flour and sugar in box stores.

        Have a pre buy arrangement for feed this year cornered off 6x what we normally do in land contracts to make sure we get enough.

        Hard to get mechanical repair items for heavy equipment. Just buying raw stock metals so we can cnc and mill the parts.

        Hydraulic lines and couplers as well as hydraulic switches.

        Items like non pharmaceutical anti bacterial agents. Canned fruit it’s there but off brand and expensive.

  14. New Mexico: food, most electronics, fuel, are all going up in price and many things in short supply.
    We’re so rural the Walmart on the interstate is the main grocery, clothing, camping, household goods gardening, office supplies, supplier for most of 100 miles a around. Many empty shelves or rearranged isles. They even carry chicken feed in addition to pet food. Those isles seem better stocked than human food isles. Fruits and vegetables in canned goods are always low. Canned meat section is nearly empty and fresh meats have shrunk to two display refrigerated cases. Beef just 1/3 of one case. Its pathetic. The seed display is just 1/4 of what its normally been. Most shelves in the area have thinly scattered items attempting to fill up the section that was full of Christmas things. Paint and tools are only little thinner on the shelves a while food is noticeably empty except for a well filled candy isIe. Most of the breads and buns are hard to find. Plenty of tortillas. Dairy supplies usually ok. Eggs are an off and on proposition. Sometimes it’s an empty case. Camping gear has list many items and shelves are thinly stocked. Is that a seasonal thing or a real problem. It was a well filled area year around before.
    Paper goods in the office supply isles are far less evident and prices on everything are up. I haven’t seen zinc in the vitamine isle in months. Some things in med area well supplied but femine supplies and incontinence supplies are thin on the shelves.
    I did walk through looking 2 weeks ago and its getting worse. While most prices continue to inch up weekly. Shoes have lost an isle of space. The area near household that usually has shelves for sale is all but totally empty now all of the time. No metal shelves in weeks. No more big trash containers. Plenty of 13 gallon or smaller ones. Yarn is almost nonexistant. Kitchen isles not much there but dishes, coffee pots and plastic containers and the cheapest kitchen tools. Canning supplies area almost empty and lid prices have really shot up. Bedding and towels have lost an isle. So have storage bins and what’s left is combined with what’s left of ironing, boards and Clothing storage things. Almost no lamps and few heaters. The bathroom items from towel racks to toilet paper holds is almost empty shelving and open spaces. Seasonal houseplants aren’t selling very well. I picked up some nice amaryllis in nice planters, for $1.25 each. The produce section is probably the best stocked in appearance but if you go looking for fresh herbs … good luck.

    1. Here in Tampa Bay area stock is still pretty low on all paper products and cleaners, as well as, parchment paper, foil, sandwich bags and such. Had to get appliances a couple of months ago and had a tough time finding stock. Costco runs low or out of rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide. A lot of the areas overhead where they keep pallets of back-up stock is definitely more than 50% down from the old usual. Shoes are another tough one. Food prices are definitely going up, even at Aldi!

      Thank you, Daiisy, for all of your hard work. I have come to look forward to seeing your name in my inbox!

      God Bless!

  15. In Northern Florida, I am still seeing low stock on cleaning supplies that have the Lysol name. The cost of spray cleaners has risen dramatically. Paper goods are low to medium in stock. Much higher prices for meat, cheese and milk

    1. South Florida is the same. Disinfectant spray is a rare commodity. I am a big fan of Bounty napkins and thats been hit or miss.

      1. SW Florida is the same. Higher prices on meat, chicken, produce. Finally found some disinfecting wipes – 2 pkgs of 3 containers on the shelf – I bought 1. Shortage of waxed paper – clerk said people are using it for the microwave as they are cooking at home. New home prices, as listed on, are having price increases of $20-30,000 due to lack of building supplies. Got a quote for a new shingle roof yesterday – informed there is a “temporary” shortage of shingles. So glad we’re stocked up on almost everything. Oh, we shop a local church thrift store for clothes at $1 a piece. Manager told us there has been a really big increase in shoppers – mainly buying clothes, kitchen ware, the necessities not so much the decorative items that used to be the big sellers.

  16. Here in Central Florida we are seeing much less beef and chicken. Rice is hit or miss. Sometimes the rice area is more than half empty then a few weeks later it’s full. I have noticed that the stores are spreading their merchandise out more so the shelves don’t look as empty.

    We have local butcher shops and cattle farms that are doing very well since the grocery store meat shortages began.

    1. In Southern AZ I can get fairly good produce and dairy, no big issues there. I do note that canned meat, especially Spam is in short supply. You can only get a couple of types and the whole section on the store shelf has drastically shrunk. This has been the case for months. Canned soup still available but less of it, dry soup much harder to find. Sometimes frozen veggies are hard to find, sometimes not. Beef is terrible quality in many places. Stores in more upscale parts of town still much better stocked than other areas, at least in my experience. Less brand choice than usual, of course, but at least the flour is mostly back. My local organic supermarket is actually relatively well stocked in things though sometimes they’ll run out and have to wait for resupply.

  17. Shortages in Southeast Louisiana (at Walmart and local grocers) include basics like canned soup, package side dishes (rice and noodle dishes), peanut butter (all brands) and generally less variety and less plentiful supplies of dairy goods.
    The supplies of fresh vegetables, fruit and meat from local sources seem to have been unaffected, while products shipped from Chile, Mexico and elsewhere are still available.

    We have only changed our habits to include drying some overly abundant herbs, learning to use unusual vegetables we find, and maintaining our shelf stable supplies as they are used.

  18. Upper Midwest:
    Walmart and especially Fleet Farm here have a full aisle empty in several sections.
    Fleet farm has an empty space in sporting goods. Fishing section had only about a dozen rods in space for at least 100. Of course ammo and reloading is virtually non-existent.
    Walmart was sold out of plastic totes for months this fall, but now many seem back. Bikes are still in short supply.
    Ironically Target has bike tires on clearance, and ‘life straw’ on clearance, swiss pocket knives 75% off. (Target never makes sense to me)
    A couple stores here moved shelves wider “To promote social distancing” it’s very obvious these shelves were moved that haven’t been moved in 20 years or so. There isn’t even flooring in some areas where permanent shelving units were. Now the aisles are so wide 3 carts can pass – very socially distant.

    Still no canning lids. At all… The store clerk told me to order online for order pick up in store. She said that’s the best chance because then when they get stock they might fulfill your order before they place stock on the shelves.

    I’ve still heard recent (jan ’21_ complaints about freezers and wood stoves.

    Also I needed to replace a snap on my child’s jeans. Walmart had ‘limit one’ on sewing repair items. It’s a time when I don’t want to replace things like jeans, I want to repair snaps, use patches, etc.. but they were limited in what you are allowed to purchase.

    One more- my vehicle was in the shop for almost 3 weeks for a repair that could normally be done in an hour- but they ‘couldn’t get parts’ I can’t remember the repair, but it wasn’t extremely unusual, and it isn’t a fancy import vehicle where parts are hard to find- just a basic super-common american vehicle.

    Ironically Aldi here has toilet paper on a pallet in the entry on clearance. Ha. I guess they overstocked that one. Prices at Aldi are up and down.

    Also – Menard’s, Dollar tree, Home Depot etc have gardening seeds out now. I started seeing seeds a couple weeks ago, in January. I wouldn’t wait to buy seeds this year – last year they sold out very fast.

    1. “Of course ammo and reloading is virtually non-existent”

      that’s not a shortage, that’s gun nuts going nuts.

      1. Actually its not gun nuts going nuts. Farm and fleet is out and has been out for months. They just can’t get it. Period. Our local gun shop has very limited supply and isn’t able to get much more.

        1. “Our local gun shop has very limited supply and isn’t able to get much more”

          that’s because your local store is being outbid by larger dealers who can rake in more sales at $100 a box than your local store can at $50 a box. simple capitalism.

          1. The ammunition manufacturers have an extremely large backlog of orders. The past year showed a 70% increase of new gun owners alone. Plus the people already with guns stocking up for an unknown future. And the manufacturers fulfill orders for the military and police first, followed by the big box stores. Your local mom and pop operations are the last on the list

  19. Central Maine. Food prices are ridiculous. Saw a small jar of peanut butter for $3.19 – I have many of the same size in my pantry – paid .99. Canned meats are generally wiped out. TP and paper towels are around. Dry soups are practically nonexistent. A lot of meat is limited to 2 packages per customer. Gas prices have been going up like crazy.
    So grateful we’ve been prepared for years. Can’t imagine trying to get ahead now.

  20. Shut the TV off, learn how to make/fix stuff. @#$% China, @#$% the Democrats.
    Q: How can you tell when a politician is lying? A: Easy! His lips move! LOL
    “Television is the means by which people gain entry to your living room who would otherwise never make it past the front door.”

  21. Here in southern NC I went shopping 21 January, the day after inaguration. It felt Iike I was back in January 2020. I went to COSTCO and every shelf was full and the only limit was 1 of their Kirkland TP and 1 type of Tide detergent (which they had on special). I went to SAMs in another city and same thing, full shelves, limit 1 on most paper products and on some Thi noodles (hmmm), I felt like I was in a time warp and wondered if this was sending a message “you can get comfortable now that Trump is gone and Sleepy Joe is in charge.” It was just weird. Same with Walmart, no gaps, full stock on everything. The only thing none of these places had was Lysol brand spray but plenty of disfectants.
    Gas prices have begun to creep up from about $1.90 to $2.20.
    Lumber at Lowes doubled starting in Nov/Dec.
    Back in early fall I decided to back up my back up heating. I purchased some kerosene heaters and although kerosene is expensive (One store sells it for $5 gallon but I found it at another one for about $3 gallon), it is a backup in case of power failure and hears nicely.
    Went to Lowes and WM today for some plastic storage containers and they had more than I have seen in months. WM also had a good selection of canning jars, lids, pectin, etc. at normal prices.

    1. Kerosene @ $3/gallon?!? It is over $7 here in NW MT even in the 5 gallon jugs. Been that way for several years, never could understand why-

    2. I’m in SE North Carolina too. Went shopping this morning. Local Walmart has an abundance of winter clothing, lots of clearance items. Both Walmart and Fd. Lion shelves were stocked with disinfectant wipes for the first time since early last year. Seeds are out. No empty spots in the stores. Well stocked meats, dairy, eggs, snacks, produce. Garden center is filling up with outdoor furniture and other items. Bleach isle was all stocked and filled with no limits. Looked like we were back to normal. Gasoline has been creeping up for the last 2 months. I only use premium no-ethanol, today it was at $2.99 gal. up from $2.69 Dec. 3/2020. We have lots of knitting wool at Walmart too. I live in a small town near the beach. Come summertime we get inundated with tourists and have a hard time buying stuff. Apparently ppl who go on vacation don’t pack clothing, shorts in particular. When everything was shut down, not travel allowed, the beach rentals were allowed to be renting…….you know, money talks! The local library has just opened! We’re looking pretty normal.

  22. Staples like beans are hard to find. No canning supplies at all. Online the prices are insane. I live in the southern San Joaquin Valley mountains. Fresh produce is expensive and goes bad very quickly.

  23. Here in MT we still have no canning supplies available. No mason jars, no lids, nothing! We’re in a cold climate, so most people aren’t canning this time of year, but the shelves have still not been restocked from when they sold out mid-summer. Otherwise most things are available but prices have definitely gone up. Potatoes have almost doubled since a year ago!

    1. In CO, canning supplies were non existent in the fall, but I am finding them now in January when people aren’t canning as much. I have canned 95 lbs of deer and beef in the last few weeks and plan to can weekly to lighten my freezer. Lids by themselves are hard to find still, but jars are back, though no wide mouth jars. I prefer the wide mouth, but I’ll take anything at this point. Prices are up on canning supplies as well. I paid 16.99 for a dozen jars, when just a couple years ago it was 10.99 or 11.99 per dozen. I love canning meat! It makes meals so easy and lasts for many years, whereas in the freezer, only a couple years until freezer burned and if the power goes out for awhile, it all goes away.

  24. Matthew 6:31 Therefore do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the Gentiles strive after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you.

  25. No shortages where I live in a rural area – county of 30,000 people, my town is the second-largest with 3,500 people. There are two stop lights in the entire county.

    Prices have definitely risen though, most noticeable on some produce items, meat, and eggs.

  26. Canned goods, pasta and pasta sauces, paper products (TP and paper towels), bottle water and, believe it or not, pots and pans. Chest freezers and other types of freezers are unavailable. Sams club got a stock in and when word got out, they were all gone.

  27. Northern Virginia. Spices are in very short supply. Empty rows. Also for some reason, I can’t find vegetable or beef bullion by Knorr.

  28. We have seen the cheaper dog food only be available in smaller cans, missing cleaning products, and the store brand of many different canned items. We are on the east coast in a middle size town.

  29. Ordered a backup freezer last summer; delivery was supposed to be early November. It keeps getting pushed back, latest delivery estimate is February. I’m not holding my breath.

  30. No shortages per se, but stores here in Iowa (particularly clothing and local restaurants) are closing, forcing us to eat out at fast food or skip it and eat at home. New clothes are hard to find forcing us to order from clothes catalogs or buy at Walmart which I refuse as the quality is not good. A friend of mine who managed a clothing store which closed a year ago has been unable to find a job. My favorite store is closing and the clerks there (lovely ladies) are worried about finding employment.
    Oops, I forgot about one shortage–my favorite wine (Chianti). I’m forced to try other kinds which I don’t like as well. Don’t tell my husband but I have a bottle hidden for emergencies.

    1. “time for people to go back to the way pioneers and indians lived”

      yeah. lye soap once a month, sage brush skirts, injuns attacking the lone homestead ….

  31. It appears that gman is the only person NOT experiencing any shortages. Maybe we should all move to his town.
    I live in the northern Great Lakes, during hurricane season in the south, we can’t get any plywood or OSB, that’s the norm, but here it is winter and the selection is still poor. (and whats there is very expensive and this is logging country! ) Firewood is still the same price as last year but lumber is up a lot!

    As far as groceries / food, most items are available but not in quantity. I like Hunts brand ‘Fire-Roasted Tomatoes’ for many of my recipes, haven’t seen any in almost a year. Canned meats selections are less but alternates are there…most of the time.
    T.P. is available but not the fully stocked shelves we had in the past prior to the China-19 virus.

    one last thing, I see the trucking outfit J.B. Hunt quoted regarding trucking cost etc and yet I hear theirs (and Walmart’s) commercials multiple times a day advertising for drivers needed and they are paying large per-mile wages and premiums. Truckers move the country and for that…THANK YOU. They deserve everything they can get but what that statement and the ads tell me is that there is a shortage of drivers more than a shortage of products. I could be wrong, I’ve been wrong twice before so, who knows…

    1. “gman is the only person NOT experiencing any shortages. Maybe we should all move to his town”

      (looks out the window) you would NOT like it here.

  32. Food is getting more expensive and the stores are limiting the amount of items you can buy. In the past I have taken advantage of food sales (because I hate to go out and shop) and have bought multiples like coffee, the coffee I like is on sale from 15. down to 10. and they won’t let me buy more than three now. I’m not a hoarder, I’m a smart consumer and it was never a problem before. Now I just buy it every time I shop, like toilet paper.

  33. Now is the time to stock up! Remember Joseph in Genesis who was aware of future famine and prepared for it by stocking up? We need to follow that example.

    1. “prepared for it by stocking up?”

      that’s not what he did. what he did was trade on insider information, tax a percentage of the farmers’ produce when they could easily pay it, then used their own produce to buy them and enslave them when the famine hit. that’s what he did.

  34. It’s kind of ironic. There have been shortages here and there but the one that is most significant in our lives is McDonald’s McCafe breakfast blend ground coffee. They have the other flavors just not the breakfast blend. Oh! and caffeine free colas.

  35. Ammunition is through the roof in price and hard to find. Building supplies such as lumber and such are also through the roof. Gas prices are starting to make a significant increase. Cannot get any turkey spam or diet cherry coke. Of course we can live without those items. Yeast is still difficult to get. We live in rural southwest Va.

  36. The WAPO article is almost pure disinformation. While a lot of hardware items ARE coming from Red China in lesser amounts, the idea that pickers and supply issues are to blame for food price rises is ludicrous. Most of the food exporting nations are now food importing. Russia imposed tariffs on wheat exports. The Ukraine used to be the bread basket of Europe and Africa. This year, they will import. Brazil used to be the WORLD’s largest soybean export. This year they are trying to import. Argentina, same thing, plus wheat. Vietnam used to be the rice bowl of Asia; this year they are importing rice from India for the first time in decades. Red China had the vast majority of it’s crops destroyed by flooding last year. They are buying everything they can, everywhere they can this year. The EU is trying to import wheat this year. The crop failures are worldwide this year, on every continent save Antarctica. That’s why food prices are climbing or experiencing “shrinkflation”. Good luck, Gods Bless

  37. WEST HARRIS COUNTY HOUSTON TEXAS. Grocery stores prices doubled and tripled in the last few months. Gasoline up5 0 cents a gallon in the last month. Most stores now saying limits on most items.

    Just a short report

  38. In SE Michigan. Planned on starting a small bldg. project in the spring. Lumber yard says 2×4 are over $1 ft. now. prices for materials quote good for only 2 weeks. Manager believes many of the materials needed could be totally unavailable in the next moth or two.

  39. Yet Jerome Powell says inflation is below 2 %. Lies and more lies.
    I live in S. Ca high desert. Shortages vary in my food orders. Jimmy Dean sausage, egg cheese biscuits. Oscar Meyer products. Not as bad as they were earlier. And not important as far as it goes. But a dot that things are not as they were in food production.

  40. Remember when Trump decided to tariff all those goods from China? That’s the main reason for the higher prices (no, China doesn’t pay the tariffs, in spite of orange man saying they do). Another reason is the lag in time from when China got back to work and the months it took until the imports got here. Also, the US ports are having to operate with pandemic rules and that slows things down. Fourth, since China no longer accepts recycling from the US, they end up with a shortage of shipping containers over there. They don’t ship empty containers back to China for free. They need to be filled with goods to ship and the US had very little, besides scrap, to export to China.

    There are many reasons for high prices and shortages. Drop the tariffs. They have no place in a free market. They didn’t result in jobs coming back anyway. Unless Americans want to work for pennies, they will never be coming back. Third world countries will work cheaper than Americans.

    1. You are wrong about the utility of the tariffs. They most certainly do have a place in a free market. We have had our society badly hurt by sending our manufacturing jobs overseas. It doesn’t help our nation for a lot of people who used to do those jobs to be out of work and destitute, living on welfare, while those lucky enough to keep a job get to buy cheap Chinese stuff. We all pay for the costs of those people being out of work, in taxes, crime, social dysfunction. Better to tariff the Chinese stuff and make it possible for Americans to compete with the Chinese that way. Either way we’re going to pay, but with the tariffs we end up with a stronger society and spend our money on things in our country, not that of our strongest geopolitical enemy.

      Of course, Biden hates America so he’ll dump the tariffs posthaste. He likes seeing deplorables out of work.

      1. The only reason the bosses consider the Chinese to be an “enemy” is because they are beating the US in everything from technology to manufacturing to controlling the pandemic. Can’t have any other country out-competing the US or they are immediately called enemies.

        The Chinese only want what is good for their people. And, yes, if that means requiring companies to turn over their technology in return for access to their labor and markets, so be it. The US cannot compete with dirt cheap labor or lax environmental protection laws. The company bosses and financial heads in the US have allowed and welcomed this all in return for more profit. It’s called GREED. Capitalism is based on making the most profit for the least investment. Capital goes where it is treated the best. Right now that is China and the Far East. Either you embrace capitalism or you embrace a government controlled and planned central economy like China. You can’t cry foul just because you are on the losing side of the deal.

  41. Canning lids are impossible to find except online. Canning jar supply is sporadic and what is there is mostly the tiny ones for jelly. Lysol bowl cleaner for hard water disappeared during the lock down last year and never returned. Nothing else really got rid of the lime scale. Of course ammo both local and online is extremely difficult to find. Guns both at sporting stores and spots like Walmart are rare. The lowest cost option of random foods would be missing for weeks. I live in rural west Michigan.

  42. seeing shortages of printers, the electronics store said he has had trouble finding a supplier and for months has not been able to stock them in his store. (israel)
    meanwhile in the US, i know someone redoing their kitchen , and they were told they will have to wait months for the sink and stove they ordered

  43. I usually keep a 6 month supply but have extended it to a year or more. The worst that can happen is everything gets back to normal and I won’t buy for awhile. I was able to buy an extra freezer/fridge conversion back in May from best buy by stalking the freezer pages for days. When I ordered I was skeptical that it would be delivered but it was on time with no issues.

    Here in B’ham Alabama selves are having holes and selection/brands are limited. Can no longer find lipton cold brew tea. Lysol wipes are a thing of the past but was able to get Aldis brand for weeks and now it is hit or miss. Paper towels have been good at Costco (which is changing from 160 to 140 sheets) and TP is hit or miss. Dog food has been ok if you go to either Costco or Tractor supply or WalMart. appliances you buy what you find.

    I buy what I find with zero hesitation.

  44. The costs of postage, shipping, food, and most things have gone up in London UK, since we left the European Union on the 1st January 2021, and our country is on tier 4 lockdown. Most small none essential businesses in Central London, have closed for good. The Government has not given any financial help for Limited Companies Directors/Owners of small and medium size Limited companies; also Buy-To-Let Landlords. Only businesses who sell food/medicines and other essentials are open. Covid19 is being used to destroy small and medium size businesses/the middle classes. Covid19 is being effectively used as Desarster Capitalism against small and medium size businesses, before the full role out of communist tyranny, in the Western World. This is my personal opinion base on my observations.

  45. Well, this is a very well written article. It was written over two years ago now, and although the worst-case scenario has not come to pass, here in middle Florida there have not been shortages that were very bad, but inflation is up about 15% and some things up to 25%. I continue to worry about supply chain issues, but life is overall good.

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