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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
Lately, it seems like it’s pretty hard to find good news.
Folks are judging each other based on who they vote for during the presidential race that occurred two years ago. Battle lines have been drawn and any day now, I expect a bloodbath to erupt between extremists on both sides. People are shooting at other people because of the color of their skin, the uniform they wear, or who they love. Heck, sometimes they don’t even need a reason, which is why good people need to be able to defend themselves. The things some teens do to amuse themselves is enough to make you sick.
On social media, the arguments have become vicious. People are becoming even more stressed and anxious after logging into Facebook hoping to see cute puppy pictures. Instead, they’re watching their friends rip each other apart over differences of opinions. And these opinions? They’re only based on what little we get to see in the news. Oh – and to ice the chaos cupcake, that “information” is massaged to get the most emotional bang for its buck or to manipulate us into hating, loving, or begging for gun control.
And, of course, our economy is also teetering on the brink of disaster, our water supplies are tainted, and our food is doused with cancer-causing chemicals.
The outlook is not very good in America right now. We’re heading to hell on a greasy slide.
We shouldn’t be having fun. We should be relentlessly preparing, shooting at targets, and getting the bunker ready, right? There should be no humor, no laughter, and no pleasure if we mean business. Right?
Fun is not the F-Word
Now, more than ever, you need to find some light in your day. “Fun” is not anti-prepper. It can be a remedy to the insanity of the world, lest that insanity infect you.
Every once in a while, someone (who doesn’t tend to last long around here) chimes into the comments section about the humor I try to inject into some of my posts. They tell me that this is all serious business, that the world is ending, and that they don’t find me one bit clever. Sure, they like the information, but my sense of humor, to them, is entirely out of place. They want me to remove anything that would cause a smile from my website, anything that is frivolous, and anything that shows there is life outside of prepping.
“Gadzooks,” they say. (Not really, because I think I’m probably the only person alive who still uses the word gadzooks.) “You admitted to watching a television show!!! Don’t you realize that a really bad law passed, they’re coming for your guns, and you’re being poisoned by *insert company or government agency here*!!!!! GET SERIOUS!”
Absolutely not. I can provide serious information without becoming a dry, humorless, unhappy person.
Because no matter what is happening, I want my kids to have a sense of joy. Survival is just as much about the strength of your state of mind as it is about your physical being.
Despite the horrible news in the world, I take some time each day to do something fun with my family. Sometimes we watch a free movie on Amazon Prime. Sometimes we play board games. (I smoke my kids at Scrabble – booyah!) Sometimes we read aloud. We hike, we go to museums, we go out to dinner, and we go on all-day-long road trips. We watch the antics of our fluffy baby chicks and we stick our feet in the creek. We go swimming, we enjoy meeting up with friends, and sometimes we just find animals in the clouds floating by overhead while we lay in the grass. We go on vacations and see cool places because I refuse to live in fear and limit my life.
Does this mean that I need to give up my “prepper card”? Does it mean that my commitment to preparedness is any less diligent than those who grimly ignore all things related to popular culture?
I believe that there are different routes to the same destination.
Prepping can be an exercise of optimism
The route I choose is the road of optimism. Smiling, laughing, playing, using my imagination – all of those things keep me happy and focused. We all have to make our own choices about how we live our lives, and I don’t want to look back and wish that I had spent more time living and less time just plodding along, waiting for a disaster. Every person needs time to “switch off” and there are many different ways to do that.
To be entertained and to take a break in a long day of hard work can mean the difference between proceeding to the next day with optimism and enthusiasm, and dragging yourself out of bed to trudge forth through another day filled with duty, hard work, and focus, until you go to sleep, then get up to do it all again. While this may work for some people, it doesn’t work for many others.
My goals for survival are not limited to just continuing to breathe air, scavenge for food, and figure out the enemy’s next move. I want to have the perspective to still find joy in that first crocus poking its head through the snow or to wonder how the sunsets over the mountains can be progressively more vibrant every single day. I want to watch the baby lambs hop around on their spindly wobbly legs and coo at the sweetness of it. I want to laugh whenever I watch chickens run because that is the funniest thing you can ever see on a farm – it cracks me up every single time, the way they pull their legs up and put their necks into it.
To be able to have that perspective, I need to take a break from the seriousness I involve myself in all day, every day. To approach problems anew, sometimes I need to let them go and throw myself into something else for a while. I, like many people, cannot thrive in a constant state of high alert.
I want to sit down at night with my family and just relax. I don’t want to spend every moment thinking about the possibility of China invading or North Korea launching an EMP strike over Kansas. I don’t want to be constantly thinking about what I’ll do if my home gets SWAT-teamed over the organic compost pile and tomatoes that look, to a nosy neighbor, like marijuana. I don’t spend all of my spare moments planning a nuke-proof bunker or drawing up designs for an ark to launch into the sea if a pole shift occurs.
Of course, this being said, it’s hard to shut off that mentality. We’re not passively laying there in a Beta state, dazedly absorbing commercials. We’re generally doing other things while watching the show, like sewing, doodling, or doing a craft. We pick movies apart and analyze them. We’ve found this to be an interesting and entertaining way to use our critical thinking skills, and I’m always impressed at what a good tool this can be when my kids come up with an angle that had never even occurred to me.
I remember this time when I wrote an article about some survival “what not to do” tips that I compiled during a season of The Walking Dead. Not only were there some comments that seemed a little over-the-top-critical on the article itself, but I also received some angry emails from readers who were unhappy with my topic. They seemed to feel that my “admission” that I watch a popular show somehow discredited all of the other information provided on this website. They were offended by this one article that compared some pop culture to survival situations, despite the fact that they were not compelled to comment on the more than 2000 other articles on the website that have no mention of television programs. Somehow, my mention of watching a specific show (one that is fairly popular with some of the preparedness set) seemed to summon up images that I sit here typing out articles while watching the Oprah channel and eating Cheetos.
What I like to do for fun
Well, here’s my response. I’m not always 100% serious. I do other things besides working in the garden, writing articles, and canning food. Sometimes I do stuff for absolutely no other reason more compelling than “because it’s fun.”
I, Daisy Luther, do solemnly confess the following:
- I watch not only The Walking Dead, but also Game of Thrones.
- In fact, I watch shows on Amazon or Netflix several nights a week.
- I also read fiction, and my favorite authors are Dean Koontz, George R. R. Martin, and Stephen King.
- One of my “gun” guy friends watches NASCAR.
- The most intense survivalist I know is a major gamer. Oh, and he also watches The Walking Dead. And to put the icing on the cake, we often discuss it over coffee the next day. Occasionally, that coffee is from Starbucks.
- One of my daughters makes money as an artist. Yep, she draws pictures.
- My other daughter makes money on Instagram. Yes, she promotes jewelry and clothing.
- An amazing preparedness writer I know builds remote-controlled toy airplanes.
- Both of my children are bookworms and read for several hours a day, just for fun.
- I’ve been known to get together with a girlfriend and pursue frivolous activities like scrapbooking or jewelry making.
- Another preparedness writer friend is a gourmet cook who can make anything from a pot of beans to fancy French food I can’t even pronounce.
- I like doing crossword puzzles.
- I like coloring.
- I keep my air conditioner set at downright cold at night. It’s glorious.
- An intense alternative journalist I know makes the most stunning and intricate mosaics I’ve ever seen.
- Sometimes, I eat cheeseburgers. From a restaurant.
- We go to concerts. And not lofty, classical music ones. I’m talking about ZZ Top and stuff like that.
- I don’t just plant vegetables. Sometimes I plant flowers that are strictly ornamental. I do this for no other reasons more serious than (1) because I like the smell and (2) because they’re pretty. We sometimes go see a movie at the theater. And get POPCORN.
- I absolutely live for the ocean. We go to the beach and play in the sand and sea. On vacation.
Does any of this mean that we aren’t serious about preparedness? No. Are we frivolous little flowers who don’t deserve to survive? No. Do I waste money on entertainment every day? Of course not.
It means that we value having a little bit of balance in our lives. I strongly believe that if your hobby doesn’t negatively impact your budget or use up hours that should be spent preparing, that some downtime is beneficial. It can help you to maintain your motivation through the long haul and in no way does it take away from what you’ve accomplished during your working hours. I don’t personally enjoy NASCAR, spectator sports, or video games (Zzzzz…) but I don’t judge people who do. It’s simply a matter of having your priorities in order.
Too much stress can mentally destroy a person. We all need to take a moment to get off of Facebook and the forums, to stop watching videos of horrifying events, to stop thinking about everything going wrong in the world, and give our minds a break. When we do, we come back stronger and more determined.
Life is about experiences, not about grimly preparing for the bitter end. It’s about joy and laughter and friendship and family. Do you want to be the person who sulks and hides in the house when it rains or the person who goes out and jumps in the puddles?
Go out this weekend and have some fun. Forget, for a time, the current events that cause us all stress and outrage.
Have FUN.
What are your guilty secret pleasures?
What about you? Do you have any guilty secrets? Any confessions about how you spend your spare time? Do you feel that these moments out of your day help or hinder your commitment to preparedness? And for those of you who take the opposite view, please share your reasons too.
33 Responses
It’s real hard to find balance in this regard. I used to travel all over the place, taking spontaneous car trips to random destinations or flying across the country to visit far flung places. I don’t do that so much anymore, and though I tell myself it’s only because I don’t want to deal with the hassle of travel, if I’m honest, it’s about larger concerns: what are the gun laws in this state? Who will be watching my preps back at home? What if big crap happens while I’m stuck in New York, where even thinking about a firearm is probably illegal by now?
I think being awake to the global horror saps some of the fun out of the world. I was definitely more relaxed and carefree when I thought everything was hunky dory and that no evil agendas were grinding away at all hours. Now everything I do seems to be related, directly or in abstract ways, to the mess we’re in. I ride my dual sport motorcycle into the deep woods at every chance and THAT is good, sloppy fun. But as I splash through those puddles, I also have a back pack with all the essentials I’d need if things went south while I was out playing. It’s always on my mind, in other words. It’s a bummer, but I guess “constant vigilance” wasn’t just an empty suggestion.
Good for you. Your human. Dont make your life a living hell,,,,it might be comming soon enough.Take time to enjoy,that is what you were created for…..I like afternoon naps.Bob
Great article. I love it. Too much seriousness can bring you down and then kill you. I love getting out in nature. I do fun stuff and bushcraft which is also fun for me. We ultimately all die, I’d rather have fun and help others than be a serious, cranky old guy waiting for the end of it.
Good article. Yes, the world is a scary place. And, we don’t travel too far from home anymore. When we do, there is a “get home bag” in the vehicle. We’re prepared.
But, in my preps are hopeful things. Like extra make up, shampoo, deodorant and toothpaste. I intend to be civilized for as long as I can. I also have the ability to add “comfort food” to the menu in the event of a prolonged situation. And, I’ve got fun things put away like games, puzzles, and crossword puzzles and the like I cut from newspapers and put away for a “rainy day”.
I keep track of my preps on a daily basis. I have learned some survival skills. BUT – at the end of the afternoon, I tune in to old TV show reruns. The Andy Griffith Show is a favorite. Yes, they are simple and yes, you can usually guess the outcome, but they are fun, funny, and deliver a message about peace and tranquility. Those things that seem to be missing from our lives that most of us wish we could have back again.
I think keeping a healthy mind about all this chaos is essential for survival. Plan ahead, both for disaster and for better times down the road.
Great article!
It is about keeping balance and perspective in our life.
We don’t live in a perfect world. So, we need to remember to hug our loved ones, play with the kids and enjoy the sunset and the rainbows in life.
Thank you for putting human perspective into the true purpose of living!
Great article as usual Daisy. I too have come to the conclusion that we need to take time for ourselves and have some fun. I am prepped for many things….have spent endless hours and $$ on doing so,but lately have made a decision that hubby and I are taking a road trip( nearly as far as the one u took when u left this area)
We are heading to Newfoundland and Labrador, after visiting family in Nova Scotia for a wk or so. Think we will be gone approx. 5-6 wks, and I am a bit nervous about that….garden, lawn cutting, flowers being watered (or not)….but what the heck?+? as someone said to me today, life is short…..you should go now, because you never know what tomorrow will bring! So yes, we leave on the 15th….and will TRY to leave all my worries behind me! lol
Thank you for this post and I feel like I really needed to read this today! We should enjoy life and prep. These two things are not mutually exclusive. You can do both! Sometimes at the same time. One think I’ve been wondering about adding to my storage is music but I’m not sure what “format” to put it in…I still have my old–30+ year old–boom box. It has a cassette player. Maybe I should make some mix cassette tapes… We also have a battery operated cd player (and of course radios).
There are some pretty inexpensive solar chargers that will work for iPods and MP3 players. 🙂
I have this one, which works well in the hot California sunshine.
This one is more expensive but very highly rated and will probably recharge a device a little faster.
Sounds like you are sane and well balanced. I also enjoy some of the things you mentioned. Great articles and keep them coming.
Yes, well put, Daisy. As a long time writer under various pen names (since the infamous legendary Y-2k days, hahahah!))for other survival/prepper sites, magazines, etc., I’ve noticed the distinct separation of reality on the subject as you indicate, in terms of what it really means to be part of what I would prefer to nomenclate (my own word) as the ‘American Patriot Community of Independence and Self-Reliance’. ‘Prepper, or Survivalist’ being the more mundane colloquial.
Essentially, a perfectly legitimate and prudent endeavor in life, especially in these ‘apocalyptic’ times, has been hijacked by everyone from profiteering (“Money has No Modrality”-Stuart Varney) TV shows with their moronic membership as you mentioned above, to rabid religionist radio and blog ‘doomsday or bust’ organizations who simply can’t have any fun or pleasure in life, at all… unless they are miserable and/or in abject fear of something?
Add to that the corrupt Media constantly exploiting and distorting everything for their own agendas, and you almost can’t expect anything else but a distortion of perception when it comes to people prepping for survival.
And, of course, this is also due largely to a perception of ‘survival’ that really doesn’t exist in a true representation. the ‘idea’ of prepping for surviving was never meant to be an intentional transition to discomfort and hardship? Especially not FOREVER? It was meant to lessen any traumatic/psychological shock and disruption of your normal comfort zone lifestyle. But only temporarily while you get your previous life rebuilt, or as close as you can get it back again?
Yes, a prepper/survivalist avocation has some trickle-down merit in terms of attaining a more frugally efficient and pragmatic lifestyle in opposition to the excessive wasteful consumption problems we face today in a sad world of depleting natural resources.
Unfortunately, as you so concisely articulate, Daisy, too many people, and groups take this notion deleteriously in the wrong direction.
So, just for purposes of reinforcement of your well balanced philosophy, Daisy, I think I’ll just wantonly indulge in my Natural Right of life liberty and pursuit of FUN as a still Free American by rolling out my big badass bad-boy Monster bike today, throwing on my leather with its ISIS Hunting License patch, tucking my Glock in my waistband, and blasting off to the local Flea Market maybe to search around for the odd Bushcraft bargains and such!
Daisy, you’re spot on about keeping fun in our lives for as long as we can. Stress about the future is unrelenting.
Unfortunately for us, stress right now is high as well. Our preps have saved us many times in the last year when financially we were strapped. (My husband became disabled.) I have been thankful not to have to worry about food. Isn’t that great?
Stress relief is so necessary!! So we can breathe, sleep, make decisions rightly, so we can endure.
Guilty pleasures? When I can’t face another unfolding horror on my tablet, I start looking for dog stories. Thank the Lord for these delightful, amusing, loving, sometimes naughty, sometimes heroic creatures. Instantly, I am smiling or laughing or shedding a tear about a touching story. For a few moments, the NWO, Hillary, and the stripes in the sky are part of another universe.
Singing and dancing while I do my work is another antidote. Taking a daily walk in this wooded area is uplifting, and I always feel refreshed. I love to make funny or beautiful cards for my loved ones, or sew aprons from old clothes. Keeping a joyful attitude in the midst of hardships is a prep, a survival tool, too.
RE: “the ‘idea’ of prepping for surviving was never meant to be an intentional transition to discomfort and hardship? Especially not FOREVER?”
Other than the people in the 50’s who built bomb shelters to survive a nuke attack, that may have been the case for most, originally, but ya know, people read. And, from the looks of things, if the wrong people win (or, win over the public) discomfort and hardship FOREVER is a possibility. I doubt it. But, it is a possibility. A little bit more than 50/50 according to some, but more like 80/20 according to others. Or, is that, 20/80?
Imho, it’s a horse race. Perhaps, a rigged one.
RE: “It was meant to lessen any traumatic/psychological shock and disruption of your normal comfort zone lifestyle. But only temporarily while you get your previous life rebuilt…”
So Very many people have realized: That Ain’t Happening, i.e. getting your previous life rebuilt. ‘Dreamtime’, is Over. A.k.a. The Fourth Turning, and besides, it’s the Power Elite’s game plan: control via introduced chaos.
Which is why I imagine you tagged on the end, “or as close as you can get it back again?”
I guess, in the end, it all depends upon how your life and outlook is structured. Is it: built upon a house of cards, the free flow of easy money, forever rising real estate prices, and ever upwards wages with boundless conspicuous consumption – or – is it built on solid ground? …That sort of thing. Do you ever see the charts Mike Shedlock or Charles Hugh Smith put out about wages and such things? Ouch.
Also, mang, an “ISIS Hunting License patch”? Really? (does, “in abject fear of something?” ring any bells?) You Do know the goobermint funds, arms and trains those guys, don’tchya? Might as well say, “Boogie-man HLP”. Just an f.y.i. dude. Nothing more, nothing less. A zombie patch I could understand. An LRC or Anarchist-Capitalist patch, would be better, but, an ISIS HLP? …Sigh. Not to discount the lows the Power Elite can sink to in order to introduce more chaos, and the danger or threats that poses, however; I think maybe, You can do better.
That said, eventhough I’m more of an eduro kind of guy, I do hope you found some good deals at your local Flea Market and had a blast on your big badass bad-boy Monster bike. GLOCK on.
One final thought, I saw this film once, the main character spent much of his time in a WWII concentration camp pretending to a little boy (his son?) that the whole thing was a game and he made light of everything (to the extreme) for the sake of the little boy’s psyche. In the end, the adult was taken out back and shot. The little boy lived. Fun was not an F-word. But, … you fill in the blanks.
As I think about it, that film I mentioned (wished I remembered the name) touched on the basis of Fun not being an F-word, so long as Fun doesn’t Blot-Out (or, Blanked-Out) the reality of the situation at hand. Yet, at the same time, that character seemed to do just that, and then some. However; the main character certainly knew the reality of the situation at hand, yet, in spite of that, he still projected FUN as best he could, even if it was fake and cost him dearly. …For the sake of his humanity and that of his son?
Daisy mentioned a prepper friend who watched NASCAR. Keyword was: preppper. I had a prep-less friend who watched NASCAR and used it to tune out of reality, and that, is not a good thing, imho. He was willfully oblivious to the reality of the situation in spite of my input. Too many instances of “FUN” are used as a crutch to tune out reality. The majority of people do this, i.e. sports obsession. Some people memorize and can spew out every single stat there is about their favorite players but can’t tell you Jack about how their civil liberties are being eaten by a monster. Which is why I think FUN is conflated with a worthless waste of time.
Adult in the background says, “Balance, is the key to just about everything”.
To that i add, as an infamous person once wrote: “until the military boot kicks you in your big fat bottom to get you into the gates of the Gulag.”
Let’s hope it never comes to that point, eh?
/rant OFF.
The name of the Film is “Life is beautiful” with Roberto Benigni… have watched it several times…
I think that is the name of the game… to remember that life indeed is beautiful… and to make it that in the 4-corners that I can influence. I also completely agree that prepping is about feeling good and being self-reliant and strong… more so than fear and loathing… Fear is not healthy. I am actually starting a preppingblog in Germany with a Kids Corner where most definetely it is not about preparing out of fear… emphasis is on creativity, solving problems, scharpening the senses, being able to read signs in nature and being strong and couragous – not out of fear but because one feels vibrant and alive.
I’m new to your site and love what I’ve seen so far! Balance is the key to a happy life! What’s the point of living without fun and laughter? No matter what you do or say, someone will be there to find fault with it. The older I get (52), the less I care about what people think of me…that’s one of the joys of aging! You are doing right by your kids. We can be prepared for the unexpected, be organized, responsible and be frugal and still be happy and joyful. Thanks for doing what you do – I so appreciate it! EnJOY!
The best thing to do, as I see it, is to gather the family together as if it were Christmas (putting up the tree and decorating it together) or some other special holiday as you are accustomed to and enjoy prepping the same way. Like getting together with your daughters in the kitchen and baking fun things and dads in the workshop making boats and cars for the kids.
Get the family together and get out the paper catalogs while sitting on the floor and enjoy looking through all the good fun stuff. Even laugh about some of the more silly items. Make some jolly and enjoy yourselves. This isn’t just good for prepping it is also good for solid family relationships.
Guilty Pleasures:
Regularly perusing my local used book store chain while no often buying anything.
Cruising E-bay to look for 1980’s role playing gaming items.
Watching Netflix occassionally (Japanese Anime and bad science fiction, mostly).
Practicing Iaijustsu (which is really life itself, but a bit hard to justify intense effort in a 17th century sword style).
Coffee with fat pats of butter in it.
Anything vanilla flavored.
One of W.E.B Griffin’s characters in one of his series is a mustang Marine officer, formerly a Gunnery Sargent. The character says “You don’t have to practice being miserable because when it’s time, the Marines will provide misery, in spades. So, until then have a good time” The same is true for preppers.
I’ve been an active prepper for 35 years, I was in gas lines in the 70’s, experienced 21% interest rates after that. Seen looming disasters come and go: the cold war, inflation, the New Madrid fault, Y2K, the Great Recession, terrorism and war, you name it. You know what, the world is still here. The grocery and drug stores are still open! Doesn’t mean it won’t all collapse tomorrow! I’ve got get home bags in my car. Fortunately, where I live guns are fully legal so I carry my 45 all the time. My pockets are full of EDC stuff. If you have read any of my articles here on Daisy’s site, you already know that I carry a TB of data on USB drives in my pocket everywhere I go.
I’m not afraid to admit it. I watch the Hallmark Channel all weekend, after I get home from the garage sales. Daisy is right. You can’t spend every minute worrying about the future. Prepare the best you can and live a good life that the man upstairs will be glad to see you when you get there. But, be as hard as you have to be when the SHTF.
Do you want to know what happens if you don’t relax and have some fun?
Just look at the people with Trump Derangement Syndrome to get an idea.
Not given as political; just a mental health warning.
Oh, Daisy, you hit the nail on the head!! We need to do things that bring us joy and find ways to laugh even when everything around us is hard. I so needed this today. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for this lovely read! Life is hard, but it should also be full of fun and frivolity. I prep as I can, try to be responsible and continue my work to escape the California politicians. (The regular people in California are wonderful, folks! I grew up in this state-and it is beautiful with terrific potential. The politicians are killing everything of value.)
Guilty Pleasures:
Amazon Prime videos & movies, all of the Hallmark mystery movies, and rewatching all of the Deadliest Catch DVDs.
Playing with my wonderful cockers, who are smart & funny.
Lattes-and I won’t apologize! From Starbucks, Dutch Bros, or homemade.
Shopping at thrift stores-this girl loves a bargain!
Spending time with friends & relatives. A bar-b-cue, a Sunday supper, or just playing cards will enrich your life.
Planning for the future: it may not work out the way that I planned it, but that is okay too.
My dog, Claire, the Anatolian/Pyrenees of the house, has absolutely no sense of humor, but she sure makes me laugh at times, generally at least once a day.
Craig Ferguson used to say on his late night show, “made myself laugh”. I crack myself up all the time; Claire just stares. I would offer, DL, that the humor that you inject into your writing needs to go no further than cracking yourself up. If it gets someone else to smiling then that’s perhaps, a bonus and if it makes someone else frown then just hand them a Claire sign.
Another excellent article, Daisy, and one that came at the perfect time for me! I tend to be too serious… my personality has changed for the worse that way as I have gotten older and it’s something I definitely need to work on. Thank you for your insight and good humor as always!
Here are the ways I love to spend my time and my guilty pleasures:
– reading with and playing dress up with my baby girl
– taking her to the lake to feed the ducks and watch the other birds we can spot and identify
– playing with our Cavalier King Charles … the most lovin and goofy best friend you could have. He willingly plays dress up with us too lol
– camping and traveling with my family
– vintage Airstreams
– scrapbooking / making Shutterfly books
– chocolate jelly rings
Well said Daisy!
We must not take ourselves too seriously.
And I for one, like your sense of humor you interject into your articles.
Those who dont are free to not read your articles or visit your site.
Have a good one!
If we don’t have some fun, then what’s the point of surviving all this? If a person takes a mindset of “I will survive, then when it’s all over I will have fun” then they may well have forgotten how to be lighthearted when that day comes. Also there’s a big difference between being lighthearted and funloving, and being the frivolous, nigh-brainless type the world is trying to shape us into.
Nice article, Daisy, and I try to do the same as well. Knowing how to blow off steam is an important part of handling stress. One way I have to do that it to write really silly stories. Another is to do tabletop roleplaying, where it’s just people, dice, and imagination. Another is to swim. And watch the antics of my cats. Oh, and really loud heavy metal, of the epic type, not death metal, because it’s quite inspiring.
Social media is a synonym for a lot of things. Not happiness, though.
To be filled with the wonderment of life, with all the anxieties and tasks and deeds that can be overwhelming, it is great to yet be alive! Life has so few moments of joy, as we are busy with hurrying and scurrying, but there is no reason to fill my days with worry when I can live happy and be at peace.
Each of us has enjoyment items. It is the moderation that makes and keeps those things special.
Fun article.
After work to relax for a few moments before dinner I’ll usually watch “Gabriel Traveler: Budget Travel” on Youtube. Gabriel Morris has other outlets. What makes his videos fun is he walks with a hand-held camera through the streets making comments as he goes along. The shots are continuous so you get a glimpse of what it would be like as if you were to be traveling down the streets. You see the good and the gritty parts of town since Gabriel randomly travels mostly unplanned. I was amused that Naples, Italy is like some neighbors of New York City. Busy, chaotic. In addition, he quotes the prices of food, hostels and transportation.
At that point if it’s the end of the workweek I’ll splurge (ha) and go to a buffet with friends. Movies are expensive and not worth it. Check the back of newspapers as they usually list free events, music, exhibitions, happenings that may surprise you or not. But they’re free and gives one an excuse to get out. Chances are you’ll talk to someone with similar interests.
Reading other people’s blog comments can be amusing.
Amen, we all need to keep our perspective and laughter is very therapeutic.
100% I agree
I dance, travel, talk to my trees and garden.
Life is short and can be hard. If you can find joy in the simple pleasures of life, why not? If there is a teotwawki event that destroys the very fabric of our society, I like to think that somewhere there will be a tiny community holding a barn dance or a community harvest party, or a day of sledding with hot chocolate or cider and a bonfire.
Human beings NEED this…it helps keep us human and humane. It also keeps us sane.