The French Riots Are a Golden Opportunity for a Government Crackdown

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France has been on fire for a week.

The country erupted in riots last Tuesday after the fatal shooting of a French- Algerian teenager, Nahel M., during a traffic stop.  So far, one firefighter died while trying to put out car fires.  Thousands of cars have been torched.  Hundreds of buildings have been burnt, and rockets were fired at a suburban Parisian mayor and his family. Over 3000 people have been arrested, and as of Sunday, the protests have begun to slow somewhat but have not totally stopped.

Here’s how the French riots started.

If you spent time in American cities in 2020, this probably sounds reminiscent of the George Floyd riots, though there are some key differences.  Police originally claimed Nahel was trying to drive away, but footage verified by Agence France-Presse proved that he was not resisting arrest. He lived with his mother, who was raising him alone, and while he had dropped out of school, he held down a job as a delivery boy.  Nahel was also enrolled in a sports program aimed at helping youths from migrant neighborhoods assimilate.

Let’s look at how the death of one teenager set off such massive riots, how the French leadership has reacted, and what lessons the rest of us can take away from this.

France has long been notorious for poorly assimilating immigrants. Like many other countries, while the political class has been eager to accept migrants, much of the regular population has not.  This has led to inadequate funding of social services and tension within the lower-income areas.  

A quick note about guns in France

Despite the presence of a large, angry, disenfranchised population within its borders, most French happily turned their weapons over to the police in 2022.  Perhaps French citizens, on average, have had more faith in their elected officials to enforce gun control throughout the nation and so thought they could simply overlook the simmering anger within their country.

Worldwide, French officials have certainly been active in gun control programs.  In a speech given by M. Francois Delattre, Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations Security Council, he referenced Agenda 2030’s goal to end the illegal circulation of weapons by tracking and tracing all small arms.

However, as American 2nd Amendment enthusiasts know, gun control laws only keep law-abiding citizens from obtaining weapons.  Illegal weapons have been flowing into France for years, many from the former Soviet satellite nations.  French police officers have been injured by shotguns in drive-by attacks.  Footage has also been obtained over protesters wielding military-grade weapons. 

French protesters have long been creative in their use of fireworks as weapons during riots.  But now that looters have raided gun stores, they have become increasingly well-armed.

The situation in Ukraine has not helped.  Even in 2020, the Inspector General for the U.S. military opined that there was not enough oversight for the weaponry being sent to Ukraine.  And this was before the $75 billion we’ve sent since 2022.  Europe has had a massive influx of weapons over the past year, and they’ve gone to a country notorious for harboring black market arms dealers.  What could possibly go wrong?

Andy Ngo’s Twitter page has footage of buildings exploding.  It’s worth noting that explosives capable of demolishing buildings aren’t usually just lying around.  Also, using construction equipment isn’t that easy.  Obviously, many of the rioters are just pissed off and looking to vent their rage. . . but there are some people in those riots trained in actual destruction.

So, how’s President Macron been responding to this?

Well, he canceled a trip to Germany after public outrage ensued when footage emerged of him partying with Elton John the night after Nahel was killed.

Macron blamed video games for the explosion in violence, though as PCGamer humorously pointed out, his criticism came only a month after bragging about investing 350 million Euros in France’s gaming industry. 

Macron’s also blamed bad parenting and, of course, social media.  Macron is asking social media companies to remove images of the riots from their platforms.

And maybe this should be our biggest takeaway.  Governments have been using mass shooting tragedies for years to strip citizens of their right to bear arms.  After the Christchurch shooting in New Zealand, New Zealanders voted almost unanimously to turn over their weapons.  Likewise, in the U.S., every new mass shooting brings a new round of interest in heightened gun control.  

Here’s the punchline.

But the French have already handed over their guns, and so it now looks as though the French government will capitalize on these mass riots to pass more restrictive internet laws.  

France just passed legislation requiring age verification for minors on all social media websites.  They are also preparing for a partial internet shutdown in certain areas to quash the riots.

These are quite the overreaches.  I don’t allow my own children to use social media—but if other parents do, that’s their business, not mine.  And I have lived in some very low-income, dangerous neighborhoods.  When you shut down communications, you might hamper some criminal activity.  But you will definitely hamper the ability of people in those neighborhoods to work, attend school, and do all the normal things people assume they can use the internet for in modern life.

This is NOT about the death of one teenager.

In the face of mass violence and destruction, it is really easy to get angry at large swaths of the population.  However, many of the migrants in these low-income communities left their home countries to escape violence and are angry about the situation, as well.  Nahel’s grandmother has been urging the protesters to stop.  His mother has said that she only blames the one police officer that shot her son, not the French police in general. Widespread destruction will not help anything.

It’s telling that both Nahel and the officer that killed him have GoFundMe pages set up for them.  The police officer’s page, so far, has six times as much money as the fund for Nahel’s mother.  If these protesters were truly heartbroken about Nahel’s untimely death, these people would be supporting his grieving family, not burning France to the ground.

These protests are not about Nahel.  They are about a large, discontented population venting its rage against another population foolish enough to think that somebody else would always be looking out for them.

Some people are trying to protect their communities.

Some French citizens are now trying to protect their communities.  There is footage of citizens patrolling the streets armed with clubs, knives, and in some cases, katanas.  I sure hope nothing bad happens to the katana-wielder.  While he looks pretty cool, if he comes up against a protester with a Kalashnikov, he won’t stand a chance. 

They really should not have handed in their firearms.  Not because I think the law-abiding French should just open fire on rioters, but because firearms are a real deterrent.  Their presence probably would have kept the riots from getting so out of hand in the first place.

Never let a good crisis go to waste.

These protests are also playing nicely into the hands of a government elite that looks to capitalize on every tragedy by exerting more control.  As discussed by Russell Brand, Matt Taibbi, and Michael Shellenberger in their talk about dismantling the Censorship-Industrial Complex, the past few years have seen restrictions on our freedoms in ways that would have been unimaginable only five years ago.  Covid may be over for now, but it seems as though establishment figures are constantly on the lookout for any new crisis, they can use to fundamentally change the ways in which the rest of us live.  

We need to be aware of how decades of poor immigration policy are being exploited. We also need to be constantly aware of the people looking to capitalize on tragedies by taking more control.   

And as Americans celebrate our independence this week, we need to appreciate the 2nd Amendment and our legacy of responsible gun ownership.  No, a young man shouldn’t have died in a traffic stop; but these protests should never have gotten violent.  A culture of responsible gun ownership, coupled with a legal system that holds law enforcement to a high standard, can prevent a great deal of tragedy.

What are your thoughts?

How are the rioters getting so well-armed? Do you think the French government was just waiting for an opportunity to crack down on social media and free speech?  How do you see this situation ending? And do you think we could see similar riots here in the US?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

About Marie Hawthorne

A lover of novels and cultivator of superb apple pie recipes, Marie spends her free time writing about the world around her.

Picture of Marie Hawthorne

Marie Hawthorne

A lover of novels and cultivator of superb apple pie recipes, Marie spends her free time writing about the world around her.

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16 Responses

  1. Well put Marie, thank you. This is common all over the world now for governments to keep their population enslaved. In the UK the banks have even gone so far as to close their citizens accounts if they are not residing in the UK, they blame it on Brexit but this makes no sense! They even started to close accounts due to their customers political or social views (see Nigel Farage). Also the police officer who shot the kid was not French either.. not a lot is told about this.

  2. Sorry, but I have to disagree with you here. First and most importantly (in my opinion), you are 100% WRONG about the shooting. I have watched the video. The kid DID attempt to drive off, while the officer had his firearm aimed at the kid. As the car moved forward, the officer fired and the car continued forward and crashed further down the road. Second, this was no “little darling” as you are painting him (working, living at home with his mom, and in a sports program to help him assimilate), this was a thug with a criminal record!
    There is a reason that the officer has a bigger “go fund me”… the people support their police (unlike here in America, where the police are vilified) and the rioters don’t care at all about the kid or his family. These are the same brand of “immigrants” as you see in other countries with their “no go zones”. They are out to take over the country, not assimilate.
    You blame a lack of “social programs” for the people being disgruntled. It isn’t the job of the citizens to provide welfare for immigrants!
    As to the guns, the people were stupid to give up their guns. I would be more concerned about these “rioters” taking over than I would be about the government.
    Guns will enter into “gun free” areas. That is without a doubt. How they are getting there is up for debate and you may be onto something with the Ukraine tie-in.
    As for the media, I must say that I don’t agree with their government on that, not at all!!!

    1. My thoughts exactly. Marie Hawthorne has written some excellent articles for TOP. This isn’t one of them.

      1. Especially the bit about “inadequate funding of social services,” as though it’s the job of the French people to hand over their money to anyone who crosses their borders. The people coming have no interest in assimilating, and that has been obvious for a long time.

  3. Firstly, I apologise for passing on information based on what I have read elsewhere. So for what is worth and for your consideration, it has been reported that over 70 police stations were fired upon by semi organised groups using military weapons similar to those supplied to Ukraine (by America?). Secondly the unelected Blinken, Victoria Nuland and other neocons, are not happy that Macron refused to support their push for nuclear retaliation should Russia initiate such a response.,and%20which%20are%20clearly%20defined.
    Groups of people don’t suddenly organise themselves into groups with out some sort of funding and direction. Take the relationship between BLM and George Soros for an example. So at the risk of having it completely wrong, this violence and internal revolution we are seeing may be orchestrated by the neocons and their private contractors to destabilise Macron in order to set up a more compliant leader in France.

  4. It will never happen here in US. Look at everything dementia joe has done and the men in this country are still chillin on the couch.

    1. …Typical woman… Thinks she knows all about all… Funny how these folks scream “EQUAL!-EQUAL!!-EQUAL!!!!,” but when things start falling apart, they look for a MALE LEG TO HIDE BEHIND, after blaming the man attached to the leg for everything that’s going wrong…

      For the record, “Roxy,” MANY of us are NOT “chillin’ on the couch…”

  5. The French government’s reaction to this is similar to the United States. A citizen shoots someone, even justifiably, they are arrested promptly, and maybe no charges are filed. When a government agent shoots someone, maybe they are arrested one to two years later. Maybe they are never charged at all. If the facts are mostly known 1 hour to 2 days post shooting, an arrest should be made. Or a public press conference held stating the investigation is continuing without an arrest and the basic facts as to why no arrest has been made delineated to the public at that time.

  6. The rioters are probably being supplied by Islamic Jihad or similar. Weren’t the Charlie Hebdo jihadi supported by al Queda?

    It will end when France submits to the sharia, Islamic law. Possibly by the French people’s winning a civil war. Western Europe has sowed the wind.

  7. France is burning! France is always burning. Just like Italy is always in the middle of an election. If it’s not one excuse, it’s another. Last month it was raising the retirement age. Before that it was the yellow vests. Before that it was…..(insert reason here)

    We can talk about immigration, or immigration policies. We can talk about assimilation. Maybe it’s the middle class this week because they are expected to shoulder the burdens. Next week it’s the immigrants who don’t believe they are getting what they deserve, or what they were promised. The week after that it’s everyone because the government is going to cut back on social programs.

    At the heart of it all is the fact that most European countries have drifted into some form of socialism. The people feel like they should be free. The government tells them they are free. BUT! At the end of the day they have elected socialists, and are suffering with all the ills that socialism brings eventually.

    All I know is that tomorrow I turn 57 years old, and more and more I believe that we’re overdue for an asteroid strike to put an end to this asinine civilization that we’ve created.

  8. I found it rather interesting how initially when the kid was shot, MSM reported on it.
    Once it went from protests to full out riots, MSM dropped it like a hot potato. And what news you can find on MSM, of course paints the police as bad guys, the woes of the immigrants who did not even bother to try to assimilate (I know, I saw some of their compounds in Paris, same happened in Sweden).

    Heck of a advertisement for the right of responsible armed citizens.

    What lessons learned can we take from this?
    If this were the initial stages of the SHTF, if you live in an urban area with a BOL, do you say it is “GO TIME!” Or sit and wait to see if the government gets control of the situation and things go back to normal?
    As mentioned, would we see local governments call out for citizens to patrol the streets?
    If this were to expand into not only night riots, unrest, into the day time? Disruption of daily business. Deliveries not being made to include food or fuel.
    I have been to Paris, renting their version of a AirBnB. They do not have big kitchens/pantries like we do. They pick up fresh food almost daily. The flow of food into the city interrupted could cause even more unrest.

  9. France was/is a well organized test riot. Work out the bugs and go for Riot 2.0 in the next country. Repeat as necessary to produce desired control of general population.

  10. Could ——- happen? If it is evil and cuts freedom, you can bet the Deep Creeps are planning it.

    What can we do?
    1. Inform yourself. This group are doing that.
    2. See to your spirituality, character, relationship with the Divine.
    3. Worry with your LOCAL politics. Spend at LEAST twice as much time on who’s running for sheriff, who are the city councilmen, etc. than national (Federal) politics such as President. Soros keeps working on getting corrupt LOCAL people, because that’s where the real action always is. This includes joining CSPOA, Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association so you learn how to back up your sheriff in upholding your rights. This organization has been wondrous on the 2nd Amendment.

    Notice that these are all honorable and nonviolent. The other “side” is notorious for provoking and cheering riots. This gives the more responsible people better public relations and leads to the possibility of a stable outcome full of liberty.

  11. Late answer….just read about it…one yr ago Netflix trailer released in film Athena…a civil war caused by the shooting of an Algerian youth by police……hhhhmmmmm???

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