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It’s only a “conspiracy theory” until things become too blatant to ignore. Despite our being told for months now that our supply chain problems were actually all just a figment of our imagination, now, food shortages and the food infrastructure system have gotten so bad that the truth can no longer be denied.
The United States of America is running out of food.
To long-time readers of The Organic Prepper, or to anybody who walks through the grocery store with their eyes open, this should come as no surprise.
We’ve witnessed massive disruptions within our logistics system nationwide. Workers have gone on strike over “public health” policies, leading to a lack of workers to run trains. Container ships have purposefully been left to sit off of the coast of California. We are not going to have enough fertilizer to produce the food that we need this coming summer. Meat prices are soaring, inflation has hit, we’re running out of precious metals, and it seems as if our food infrastructure is under deliberate attack.
Things have become so blatant that now, even DC is weighing in on the matter.
It was on March 21, 2022, that Jen Psaki, who formerly criticized the idea of supply chain problems even existing or mattering, said, “We do anticipate that higher energy, fertilizer, wheat, and corn prices could impact the price of growing and purchasing critical food supplies for countries around the world.” She went on to add that this wasn’t anything we had to worry about here in the United States.
I don’t know about you, but I just paid a record price to fill my car with gas the other day. This, on top of routinely being unable to find the things I need at the store.
Just a few days after Psaki’s comments, on March 24, 2022, Biden said food shortages are indeed coming.
(It’s definitely a fantastic time to check out our free QUICKSTART Guide on building your 3-layer food storage plan. For even MORE information, check out Daisy’s course, The Pantry Bundle PLUS (1/2 price this weekend!), or her book, Prepper’s Pantry.)
But there’s more.
Despite the massive inflation we’re seeing in the US, despite the American’s growing struggle with putting food on the table, now, you’re going to be paying taxes to go overseas for the upcoming famines.
Yes, you read that right.
Your troubles with keeping your family fed, with keeping gas in your tank, and with keeping the lights on are not only going to get worse, but you’re going to be forced to pay for people overseas now as well. Global redistribution of wealth is taking place.
It was in Biden’s speech about the impending food crisis that he said, “We are in the process of working out with our European friends what it should be, what it would take to help alleviate the concerns relative to food shortages.”
As soon as I heard this, I knew what was next.
Forced charity.
I was right.
Next up, Biden mentioned that Americans were going to make a “significant” investment in humanitarian aid throughout the world for the impending food crisis.
Let the individual decide whether he will send money to somewhere overseas. Let the churches band together and raise funds. The NPOs can collaborate, using willfully given dollars to pitch in if they so desire. The Constitution doesn’t permit forced charity. This is robbery for the redistribution of wealth on a global scale.
Yes, we are facing a food shortage problem. Yes, it is going to get worse as the war in Ukraine escalates. And yes, things are going to get worse for you because you are going to have less money to spend on the food you need because it is going to be taken from you and given away to somebody overseas. Will your money be given to somebody who burns American flags in their free time? Will it go to people who are actively engaged in acts of terrorism? Perhaps it will go to people who support policies you believe are evil?
Wherever it goes, it doesn’t matter. It is stolen money. To be charitable with somebody else’s things doesn’t make one generous – it makes them a thief.
There is a high probability that you will struggle to keep your family cared for to the level that they are used to over the course of the next year. The Thirdworldization of America is about to accelerate. Your children may complain that they are hungry. You may not be able to afford Christmas presents for your family. You may end up where you have to choose between eating lunch or eating dinner. And all this while, the money you earned that could have prevented all this suffering will have been taken from you and given away to somebody overseas.
It doesn’t matter where you look, everybody is now saying that the US is about to experience food shortages.
People think preppers are crazy until they need their stuff. Nobody thought about keeping spare toilet paper on hand until the lockdowns. It was then that the world went mad.
You’re going to see the same thing with food. What was once a part of the prepper movement is about to go mainstream. And when it does, just like during the toilet paper crisis, the world will go mad. We’ve seen people get into fistfights so that they can wipe their butt. What will they do when they are hungry?
I hope you have your food storage in order. You’re going to need it.
Thoughts on the matter? Weigh in below.
About Jeff
Jeff Thompson is an avid fisherman who likes to spend time sailing on his boat and reading while at sea.
65 Responses
Guard your gardens!
Or at least disguise it…orderly rows of vegetables isn’t the only way. A chaos of blooms and a few ornamentals can throw off a would-be raider…
How many Americans could even recognize a potato plant if they saw one planted in the ground?
Other veggies?
“How many Americans could even recognize a potato plant if they saw one planted in the ground?”
very few.
but it will take them five seconds to learn.
I see you posted something, but all I can hear is the, BLEAT! BLEAT! BLEAT! of a little sheep.
This is exactly what I have been saying. I plan to plan some nightshade near my tomato plants. If they don’t know the difference, well, that’s not my fault!
Cygnet Brown,
Brilliant idea!
However, you do bring up a good point unintentionally: How many Americans dont know how to ID plants (e.g. nightshade or mushrooms,), or properly process, cure or can food and end up poison themselves and their families?
Note, even different varieties of potatoes look different from each other (e.g. yellow from purple).
I wrote an article for TOP about how to home cure bacon, safely. Do it in the here and now, when if you mess up, there is at best Chinese take out, or at worst modern medical facilities available.
OJT post-SHTF is not when you want to start.
“Guard your gardens!”
the best way to guard your garden is to help your neighbor establish his own.
No need to fret,rest assured that the politicians in Washington will continue to eat from a full menu in the Congress’s dining facility
THIS D – – – crisis is NOT about the politicians and the elite in D.C. it’s never been about them. It was NOT designed for them, not orchestrated for them. It is NOT part of what “they” are concerned about. OF course they will ALL still be eating, drinking, socializing and gossiping as usual and laughing all the way to the bank in their fancy cars and dressed in their nice clothes and 4 button suits with silk ties…They will forever eat from their FULL menu where ever they decide to eat, whether it be the White House, the dining rooms of Congress or at the Pentagon or at HOME!!! SO you’re so right, NO NEED TO FRET, just realize this CRISIS was for ALL of us ordinary, simple souls in the USA that they can’t stand and think of us as “useless” eaters to be eliminated as soon as possible… AHHHH, sleep tight just realizing that Karma is a bitch and what goes around from them will come around to the,. whether they like it or not !!!
Sadly far too many people refuse to lift a finger to prepare themselves for anything. Even down in hurricane prone areas, and where there is advanced warnings of approaching storms, people still wait to the last minute and then panic buy supplies or wait until everyone else is bugging out to try and leave.
I am planning on throwing myself into gardening and canning this year. I’ve been building up to it with smaller gardens and dabbling with canning/freezing but I’m going to try my hardest to get as much as possible stored up this year. I already have all the necessary supplies to do so.
Good for you! I recommend dehydrating. Its easy and pretty fast. Canning is great, but get some reusable lids. Having to go get lids all the time kept me from canning as much as I wanted. Now, Im only blocked by time and space.
I used to live in Orlando, Kissimmee and St. Cloud so I know what you are saying about procrastinating. YES, that is certainly what they always do. They treat an incoming windstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes as if it was Christmas Eve. They wait till the last minute, b/c it’s like Christmas to them, it gives them this RUSH to get what they can while they still can. TO me it makes NO SENSE whatsoever b/c it’s ALL picked over by the time they arrive to buy whatever they set out to buy. What a waste. SO, you are apparently one step ahead (smart) but there are lots of sheeple and stupid souls out there. YOU do know don’t you Colleen that you just can’t fix STUPID dear!!!
I used to live in Orlando, Kissimmee and St. Cloud so I know what you are saying about procrastinating. YES, that is certainly what they always do. They treat an incoming windstorms, hurricanes and tornadoes as if it was Christmas Eve. They wait till the last minute, b/c it’s like Christmas to them, it gives them this RUSH to get what they can while they still can. TO me it makes NO SENSE whatsoever b/c it’s ALL picked over by the time they arrive to buy whatever they set out to buy. What a waste. SO, you are apparently one step ahead (smart) but there are lots of sheeple and stupid souls out there. YOU do know don’t you Colleen that you just can’t fix STUPID dear!!! THIS COMMENTS IS NOT DUPLICATED…
My husband and I began preparing for this “storm” of events 11 years ago. We have a fully stocked larder and freezers, meat on the hoof and gardens in raised beds and greenhouses, and fruit trees growing. With all of that, we still worry…will we have enough for ourselves and some of our neighbors (we have 2 elderly widows that we will help) and will we have to fight to the death to protect it all? I pray daily for God’s mercy on this country, but I think this country is so rife with corruption, greed, and immorality that we need to turn from before He will heals our land.
“will we have to fight to the death to protect it all?”
not yet. maybe in some locations. the united states will continue to have food for a while, but transporting enough of it from the fields to the processing plants and then to the markets may get iffy.
a more likely scenario than fighting for it will be a scenario of government seizures and rationing, combined with social credit scoring that will determine how much you get.
That would be wonderful. DO YOU REALLY THINK GOD WILL HEAL THIS LAND? Ahhhhh, the end of the rule of man is near it seems. Read Revelation and Daniel (two companion books). The LORD did warn us to take heed least we be deceived and fall by the wayside. What about wars, and rumors of wars, the earthquakes, drought and famine of the final days of planet earth…The world will NEVER end but the rule of man will end and GOD’s rules will take over. Right now satan is the god of this evil world. This is precisely why there is so much corruption, green, immorality and all of this SIN. Man has gradually been turning away from GOD now for years and years. Christians continue to drop out of churches of all denominations as well…What do we have left? YOU tell me…Evil rules and prices rise. Kids and teens don’t learn about JESUS or GOD…Parents don’t pray, and who lives right today? Maybe 15% of all human souls do what GOD expects or at least close to it. Seems to me the rest of us are SPIRITUALLY lost beyond repair…Our physical, mental and emotional health are way MORE important to the average person/human/being/soul that our SPIRITUAL health…MORE people Vikki are in the GYMS building their physical bodies, muscles and stamina than you will find in churches this day and age. OKAY enough, you get the picture I hope. Stay safe, keep the faith and pray that you might be found worthy to enter into the coming kingdom of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST and His heavenly FATHER GOD!!!
I have a brother. He asked me how it’s possible that we could have food shortages. He never wanted to be a part of the farm or even asked about it unless it was time to come for their annual obligatory visit. I could hear him blink n disbelief this morning when I said,
“When we started paying farmers not to farm with programs like this:https://www.fsa.usda.gov/programs-and-services/conservation-programs/conservation-reserve-program/index, it was over for family farms.”
Now only a few pigheaded holdouts like me remain. I’ve been saying for years and have absorbed a shit spreader load of ridicule for saying this, but, here goes.
The forty acre farmer is going to bear a heavy load in the future and is going to have to feed and support homes and families around them. The 100-200 acre farmer is going to have to be prepared to support and supply those 40 acre guys with bulk commodities so they can continue to do their work. If small family farms don’t start coming together quickly and formulating plans for mutual benefit and support, then it won’t matter how much fuel and individual preps one has. No one can be an island and remain unscathed in the storm bearing down on us all.
Well said.
The Amish and Mennonites are going to be ok and will have a lot of people begging at their doorsteps.
“The Amish and Mennonites are going to be ok”
disagree. they are rural and agricultural, but they are not economically self-contained.
It makes more sense to me to say that at least the Amish and Mennonites are ahead of most people when it comes to being able to eat and get along without many modern-day amenities. They may have a problem in protecting what they have.
An interesting older (1959) SHTF scenario novel is Your Sins and Mine by Taylor Caldwell. The story talks about a noxious weed that takes over the world and creates food shortages and farmers try to protect their rights to the goods of their own productivity. Classic and insightful!
My Amish neighbors are miles ahead of us English as they are already off grid, have been for generations, know how to do things without electricity. They know how to do and get things within the immediate area. They dont need to drive 20 or so miles to Wally World.
Myself and us other English know full well we are going to need the Amish and their knowledge and livestock and horse power to do more than a few chores. In return, we are their self-defense force.
Nice. You and I have duplicate setups by the sounds of it.
And that is what I meant in my post. As long as my Amish neighbors are planting big gardens and potatoes to feed and trade, then my time is freed up to concentrate on hay and ensilage production for the horses, sheep, cows and hogs for them and us. Also, good strong young Amish muscle to help in the slaughter and processing while I have spare draft power to be lent out to them. Fair, equitable, necessary barter that is mutually beneficial and appreciated.
And the English around here know they’re lucky to be around them and will likewise step in to defend their neighbors, thereby defending themselves.
Ah! I can always count on your stern level headedness and assessment of the on the boots ground reporting of the situation.
Truly, those regular TOP posters you, Matt in OK, ClergyLady (she had forgotten more about prepping than I will ever know!), InTheBooniesTX, Namelus, Whyduh, Thaylor to name a few, I wish I had us together in a community. (not including our resident racist, anti-Semite, incel and useful idiot, Runt7. . . BLEAT! BLEAT! BLEAT! little sheep!)
“we are their self-defense force”
asked you once if you’d ran that idea past them, and you didn’t answer. do they know you intend to 1) “protect” them and “volunteer” them for work assignments 2) while they support you being their “sheriff”?
You truly are a idiot.
They, the Amish, are their own community. We would come to a Mutual Agreement of Understanding.
Through your perverse mind I would, volunteer” them for work assignments.
Of course not. As I stated they are their own community. IF we adopt a town of councils as I saw in Afghanistan, they should hold more than a seat on that council as they have a large presence in the community.
I get it, you pee your pants in the presence of a Alpha male or female.
While I am your greatest fear, a Alpha male and my wife a Alpha female, we know right and wrong. We both have raised our right hand and sworn to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. That does not go away in SHTF. If anything it becomes all the more important. If anything we, the community, would adopt our own Constitution with some additions about the 1stA, the 2ndA and term limits. Might be a few others in there too.
As for their “sheriff,” I am NOT qualified for such a position, know thy self. Self-projection much, Runt7? No, someone with prior LEO experience as sheriff, but also would not hold a commander position in the local militia as a buffer for conflict of interest.
Runt7. . . BLEAT! BLEAT! BLEAT! little sheep!
“We would come to a Mutual Agreement of Understanding”
so you haven’t. you just presume upon it.
“Through your perverse mind I would, volunteer” them for work assignments. Of course not.”
in previous posts you’ve already implied that those that don’t “volunteer” for projects you deem necessary would be banned from the community, implying you yourself would do the banning. same thing.
“As for their ‘sheriff,’ I am NOT qualified for such a position”
yes, from your posts it’s clear you lack the temperament and character for such a position. but it’s equally clear you do see yourself as something similar to being sheriff, and intend to act that way.
“alpha male”
you misunderstand alpha. an alpha is a leader by character. you’re more of a superior officer expecting agreement and berating disagreement. that won’t work outside of the military – especially when you come up against actual alphas and their teams who oppose you and your community.
I envy your marvelous situation, you’re much better placed than most of us. but your character and resulting approach to that situation degrade the possibility of success. and not just for yourself, but for everyone with you.
speak with the amish. tell them what you intend.
“It makes more sense to me to say that at least the Amish and Mennonites are ahead of most people when it comes to being able to eat and get along without many modern-day amenities.”
sure, they are. but that’s a LONG way from being independent and free-standing. if they can exist without spending a single dollar on outside input, then they’re independent. until then, they’re not.
“If small family farms don’t start coming together quickly and formulating plans for mutual benefit and support, then it won’t matter how much fuel and individual preps one has. No one can be an island and remain unscathed in the storm bearing down on us all.
exactly precisely so.
however the boolsheviks controlling our government will make such cooperation illegal, and will instead insist that legitimate “cooperation” means “cooperating with THEM”, seizing farms and transport and manufacturing for purposes of rationing according to social credit scores that THEY set.
which was the plan from the beginning.
Has ANYONE given any thought to how many FARMS and ACREAGE Bill Gates has bought up in the last 5 years. Think about it…What will he do with the farms and the land? YOU TELL ME…
Nothing. He will not plant one thing and if he does, no way in hell would I eat it.
jim–sad to say, but this was and is the plan. Economy shut down was no accident or poor governing.
There was no empathy when thousands died from the covid shot and there will be none when our families starve to death.
This is pure evil and we have one thing to look forward to and most know what that is.
Cant believe Im the first to comment on this. We’ve been watching it happen in real time so long. Its easy to get complacent during a slow decline like this. I try to keep at a steady pace. The only thing Im really concerned with is that I really need a few more people to work on the farm if SHTF gets worse. I used to try to nudge people in the grocery store into buying 1 more. Sometimes it works sometimes they think Im crazy. I dont bother much anymore. Its happening and we are listening. Ive got lots of jobs to finish and always more work to do than I have time to do.
Ah my mistake. My wifi is weird today. I wasn’t first. But the other comments just loaded. ????????♀️
“sometimes they think Im crazy”
grid down, when you don’t want to share your stuff with them, they’ll say you’re crazy then too.
Well if I knew where you live (in what state) and what you needed help with I might just apply haha, or even volunteer to do whatever I could do to be of help for FOOD. Remember in the future many will need to WORK FOR FOOD!!! I remember seeing men standing at various place holding their signs WILL WORK FOR FOOD, or HUNGRY – PLEASE HELP – GOD BLESS!!!
Never thankfully had to hold up a sign but the day might be coming when I do…Hope you fare well and get it done or at least find honest reliable help to do it all. GOD bless you Dinie… I live in the mountains of North Carolina.
you’re lucky wandakate, I live in coastal nc…wish I had a place in the nc mts….used to live in the wv mtns, couldnt stand it, but had I known what was coming down the pike, I wouldve made do!!!! we’re in for things we never thought we’d see in our lifetime! its scary, and tho we’re prepared as well as can be expected, we have no idea whats coming…….not gonna be good….just wish I was younger, we’re in our 70s and cant do much anymore….wish too we had a bitty place in the mts to retreat to, away from it all……
Like it or not, burning the flag is protected speech (by the Constitution Marsha, not the Declaration of Independence).
And face it, tax dollars don’t always go where we’d like. I dislike US welfare states that continue to cut state revenue (or sales tax those it hurts) and are the first to have their hands out when things get tough.
Give pause to what is deemed “food” – is a shortage of Twinkies really a food shortage? If your budget didn’t allow for Wagu beef prior to COVID, does that mean there is a shortage? Think hard about in today’s world, a person can likely afford a hamburger from fast food but not afford to buy a pound in the store.
Too many chicken littles looking make a buck touting the latest crisis. There were a lot of folks who were food insecure before COVID hit. And yes, the number has increased. Now it is a good crisis to use as a wedge issue.
But prices stayed the same for too long because manufactures shrunk package size. However I am happy to hear mega rolls of TP are now smaller (I knew they would be, no more peeling off a few sheets to make it fit on my holder).
Ah, same here. I can’t buy mega rolls either–won’t fit the roll–too fat!!
Elections have consequences.
The understatement of the year! Yet the demented dolt STILL has a 40% approval rating. How can that be?
“How can that be?”
does the farmer poll his cattle about their satisfaction with farm life? or does he ask his family instead? the poll is taken of the parasites benefiting from the situation, not the ones paying for it. that’s how.
They say we can’t fix STUPID…guess that’s sooooo true.
I don’t believe those polls. Or maybe I do believe them if they were taken at the beach in commiefornia or austin.
Inflation and fuel prices were already on the rise, prior to the Ukraine/Russia conflict.
Just read an article by Reuters, diesel shortages/price spikes are a real possibility. Markets were already tight, again, prior to the Ukraine/Russia conflict.
Seen that video of of the trucker filling up his semi-truck in TN? Over $1k for 200gals of diesel. He was not hauling plastic pumpkins, but milk. Those prices will get passed on to the end consumer. The further your food has to travel to get to your table, will cost more.
Then there is the fertilizer shortage, not just here in the US, but globally. Two weeks ago, people in Iraq were protesting increased food prices. Expect to see more of that in other countries as time goes on. Would you be surprised to see the same here in the US?
The Western US is experiencing a multi-year drought that NOAA is reporting is expected to persist till June this year, and that could impact food supply chains.
Seems to be a perfect storm of converging issues, painting a ominous picture of the near future.
If you can, get those gardens started, raise small livestock, and if you can, get in better shape.
Another supply chain issue is an outbreak of Avian Flu in the poultry farms. So far 3 states have had large scale culling of birds. My state just found about 5 or 6 dead waterfowl and an owl that tested positive for the AF.
over 2.8 million turkeys and chickens have been culled in ONE MONTH!!!!! now, do ya think it has something to do with the food supply? think its part of their plan to starve the world? I do, its being done on purpose, and guess what, read today where fda has approved gmo cows!!!! will be within the system sometime this year……
Buy your meat from local farmers.
“Forced charity”
there’s a new sheriff in town, and he’s going to “volunteer” you for work assignments.
remember ukraine and the holodomor. that was an act of political control. the same people will implement it elsewhere if they can.
I’m in Az. Suburb of Phoenix. Prices in the grocery store are definately getting higher but there are no empty shelves. In 2021 there were some empty shelves in local Wal-Mart’s. We just are not seeing all the shortages here.YET. and I love this site but lately too much of this is going to happen 110% fear mongering.
“fear mongering”
(nod) yep. but given the facts – world-wide just-in-time delivery, war disrupting fuel deliveries, massive money printing (40% of all dollars that have ever existed were created just last year), and other such, it’s better to be ahead of the coming problems than wait for it.
AHHHH ant7 I fully agree 110% b/c it’s called BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY !!! Getting our heads out of the sand. Being sure we are NOT asleep at the wheel and remembering to think “smart”, be wise, use common sense and listen to our gut…We MUST or we will go wrong every time…
Facts are FACTS, and ace is still an ace, and a spade is still a spade, are they not? The coming FOOD RIOTS are just ahead, PRICES for gas will continue to rise and inflation is still alive and well. War is still out there after a month so far…They are still printing but we will be cashless by the spring of next year of possibly before that. We will become the ” plastic nation”…Seriously, have you given ANY of this a thought? Maybe you should and plan accordingly. Blessings, and stay safe…Always stay ahead, don’t be deceived about what is going on. Stay informed and know the signs of the times that we are currently living in…JESUS warned us about that very thing…
AHHHH ant7 I fully agree 110% b/c it’s called BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY !!! Getting our heads out of the sand. Being sure we are NOT asleep at the wheel and remembering to think “smart”, be wise, use common sense and listen to our gut…We MUST or we will go wrong every time…
Facts are FACTS, and ace is still an ace, and a spade is still a spade, are they not? The coming FOOD RIOTS are just ahead, PRICES for gas will continue to rise and inflation is still alive and well. War is still out there after a month so far…They are still printing but we will be cashless by the spring of next year of possibly before that. We will become the ” plastic nation”…Seriously, have you given ANY of this a thought? Maybe you should and plan accordingly. Blessings, and stay safe…Always stay ahead, don’t be deceived about what is going on. Stay informed and know the signs of the times that we are currently living in…JESUS warned us about that very thing…THIS IS NOT A DUPLICATED COMMENT…
I’m in the Midwest and we are seeing shortages with bread, snack foods, chicken etc. Thankfully the type of things we eat are healthier than what most people prefer so I haven’t had much of an issue yet. The only problem I’ve had is getting chicken. Even the organic free range I usually get is hard to come by.
Susan – I’m in Arizona too; 1 1/2 hours south of you, and there are empty shelves everywhere here. Product has been moved around the stores to create the illusion of “everything is fine”, but I spent most of my adult life working retail grocery and know the tricks they play to cover shortages. None of what’s covered here is “fear mongering”. At 65, I’m old enough to know that our elected officials rarely tell us the truth until the very last minute, and we’ve been seeing the signs of these shortages coming for over years now. When the president (finally) says that there will be food shortages, you best believe stuff is “real” and it’s not getting better any time soon.
Hope everybody been buying a little extra every time they go grocery shopping. If you had been doing that for decades you are well-practiced and well-stocked.
Little rocket man will get an emp over us and that will be that…
Seek the LORD while HE can be found.
The book of truth is open to anyone who will read it. daniel11truth.com
It’s “fear mongering” and “conspiracy theory” until the mainstream media, politicians and the “elite” start talking about it.
Much of what we’re finally seeing MSM and the rest (food, fuel and fertilizer shortages) talking about in the last couple of weeks was being talked about by some months, or years in the case of just in time delivery, ago. The raw data that those folks based their thoughts on was available for anyone that wanted to look at it. The problem is that most people don’t care and are too busy keeping up with the Jones’ and what’s happening with their favorite sport, the latest video game or movie. Those same people say “it isn’t on MSN or CNN or the NYT so it isn’t true, they’d tell us if it was true.” Yes they will, when it’s too damn late to do anything.
In late 88 through early 90 I ignored the talk about a recession in Canada. I remember when all the newspapers and news stations announced Canada was in a recession. It was a Monday, in April 1990 I think. It I had paid attention I would have done some things differently, but I poo pooed it and had to deal with it. I knew people that lost their job in 1990 and were still out of work six and seven years later.
The MSM, politicians and the elite won’t talk about something coming up and will only admit to something when EVERYONE can see it. They always hope they can keep it from happening by some miracle and the miracle never comes. And that’s if they didn’t plan it to begin with. They aways come out better while the peons come out worse.
If you plan for the worst and it doesn’t happen you’ve not lost anything. If you always assume everything will be just fine you’ll get fleeced every time.
I’d rather have some planned minor pain than some unplanned major pain.
If there are bread lines because it’s all gone to hell I’ll be in that line even though I don’t need the bread. But I sure don’t want them to know that I don’t need it. And I’ll be dressed in grubby clothes two sizes too big to blend in even more.
You are exactly right. The rich got richer over the COVID scam. Pharmaceutical industry, medical industry, Amazon, Jeff Zuckerburg of Facebook, all the social media and tech giants, as well as shareholders and politicians. They all doubled their income. Meanwhile main street paid for everything. This is a planned destruction of our Country.
As ColleenG mentioned, the avian flu outbreak is also going to end up in shortages. Last stat I saw, they’ve had to cull around 13.6 MILLION poultry. The majority of cases are production farms, not backyard flocks. So if you are able to, best be raising your own. Unfortunately, I cannot. I buy my eggs from a local organic farm. They also raise bacon and offer a herdshare for their dairy cows.
“I buy my eggs from a local organic farm”
if you can’t grow your own, you can always support someone who does and thus help everyone.
no problem with garden, cant even get one to grow! and the deer eat my flowers…..lol
Great article! I have spent the last 76 months telling people to get ready and no one has listened to me. My neighbours think I am nuts. One called me crazy yesterday. NOAH’S ARK, folks! That’s all I will say.
I also wanted to share this article with everyone. Seems Biden is moving forward to do all he can to continue to destroy what is left of our money, the markets, our country. As the dollar continues to fall in value, people will FREAK out and sadly, many already KNEW and CHOSE to do nothing about it.