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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
Preppers are flashlight junkies. Most of us have dozens of additional light sources stashed in every room of our homes, our vehicles, our bags, and even our outbuildings. But “getting your fix” aside, you don’t want to waste money on less-than-useful lights. In this article, I’ll talk about my four favorite flashlights, where you can get them, and why I like them. I’ll also talk about the kind I don’t really care for, and why I don’t like them.
If you ever wanted to read an ode to flashlights, you’re in the right place.
A quick word on batteries
You know how families and prepper groups often like to coordinate their calibers so that everyone’s ammo is interchangeable? I do the same thing with batteries.
I only buy things that use AA or AAA batteries, and I prefer AA when I can find that. AAs are generally cheaper than AAAs.
This way, I only have to stock a couple of different types of batteries. I can buy in bigger bulk and save more money. I always, always buy name-brand batteries. They last longer in both your closet and the device you’re powering. Can you imagine going to your stash of batteries during an emergency only to find that they were no longer good?
Here’s a great deal on bulk AA batteries and another one on AAA.
Regular flashlights
First things first, I want to write a brief ode to the regular, old-fashioned flashlights like the ones my dad always kept around. I have five or six of these, and they can be purchased very inexpensively. They’re not durable enough to survive being dropped frequently, but having some simple lighting that you can stash in all your rooms is a great idea.
I like this set of four that takes my beloved AA batteries. And because it comes with enough batteries to power all four lights, you can get started without needing to break into your battery stash.
Mini flashlights
I have mini flashlights in every purse and bag I own. I also have a mini flashlight on my keychain. The idea that no matter where I am or what I have with me, there’ll be a light with me, provides a small layer of safety and security. And yes – lighting IS a safety issue. Imagine trying to navigate your escape in the dark if you happen to be in some kind of nighttime emergency. Unless you want to risk making matters worse by twisting your ankle, falling from a drop-off, or stumbling over an unseen obstacle, lighting is essential.
The ones in this set are extremely bright and powerful and take only a single AA battery apiece. They’re also tiny enough to tuck just about anywhere.
For my keychain (and those of my family members), I grabbed a set of these. They do NOT take the batteries I keep on hand but at the price they are and for the amount of time the original battery lasts, I treat them as disposable and replace them when the battery runs out. It actually would cost more to replace the battery than to replace the flashlight. It’s not very environmentally friendly but talk to the maker, not me.
There are rechargeable flashlights for your keychain, too. These are highly rated, adorably cute, and come in a big set of colors. However, I know that I’ll forget to recharge the light on my keys, so for me, this just isn’t a reliable option.
Spotlight flashlights
I have had the same spotlight flashlight for more than ten years. It has stood me well in the deep, dark Algonquin Forest in Ontario, Canada, the remote mountains of California, and to walk the dog at night in North Carolina and still be able to find the poop in the dark. These strong, sturdy lights have the benefit of illuminating things well for a longer distance and cast a broader circle of light. They aren’t meant to be used when you’re concerned about being seen, but if you want a good look at your surroundings on a very dark night, this is what you want.
Mine is an Energizer brand, the older version of this one, which is very reasonably priced and comes with batteries. I like that it uses AA like most of my other off-grid supplies. I keep it right by the door so that if I need to go outside in the middle of the night, or to see what’s outside, the light is right there.
My dad always kept a rechargeable version that plugged into the wall, but the modern ones all seem to be powered by USBs.
Finally, to round out my favored four, are headlamps. These are perfect for hands-free tasks when the power goes out so that you can do them without clenching a mini-flashlight in your teeth. I’ve used them to read, to do cross stitch, and to make meals in the dark. I’ve used them outdoors when I had to deal with livestock emergencies at night. (Although one comic moment comes to mind when my daughter and I were both outside looking for a missing hen, and we kept blinding one another when we’d talk because we’d try to make eye contact.)
I have a set of these, which are powered by one AA battery. If you need more headlamps so you can put them in your vehicles or to equip a large family, here’s a set of five that comes with batteries.
Headlamps work for a long, long time on one battery, and they’re really useful.
Rechargeable flashlights
Now, the elephant in the room for me is rechargeable flashlights.
I know lots of people love them and stock them. The nice thing is that most are now recharged by USB, and any solar phone charger will work to boost them back to full capacity. You no longer need the bulky battery chargers of the past to make them work.
But…here’s why I’m not a fan.
These rarely hold a charge as long as a battery does, and you can’t leave the items on the shelf and expect them to work in six months the way you can with a battery-operated device. Call me old-fashioned, but I really prefer battery-operated emergency lighting because it will be available when I need it. And if it’s not available when I need it – say my AA battery is kaput – then I can make it ready in a few seconds by replacing the battery. I don’t have to wait 20 minutes to a few hours to let it recharge.
But this is a personal decision and preference.
If you like rechargeables, all the lights I’ve discussed above come in USB-powered formats. I can’t recommend them because it’s not something I use, so carefully check the reviews before getting one, and be sure to have a way to recharge them in an emergency, like one of these solar power packs.
What is your favorite kind of flashlight?
What kind of flashlights do you keep on hand? Do you have an addition to my favorite four? Do you like all the types I mentioned here?
Let’s discuss flashlights in the comments section.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.
33 Responses
My personal favorite one is PakLite 9volt. Very simple, the best battery life. (https://www.9voltlight.com/)
I have the non-glowy type. We use them in our cupboard, because the light there sucks. They last forever.
Love your ode to flashlights! 🙂 I’m glad I’m not the only one that has multiples of my multiples. There are 2 mini’s in my purse, another 2 mini’s (plus a headlamp) in my emergency car bag, another one or two in each BOB for my family, plus they’ve all gotten headlamps in their stockings at least once 😉 The only place I’ve struggled is with my “traditional” kitchen flashlight – I have a corner cabinet in my kitchen with a deep dark recess that’s impossible to find pans in without a flashlight. I’ve always kept a regular flashlight there, and the family knows that’s the first place to look if the power goes out, but for whatever reason I’ve had the most trouble with that one staying good. Maybe because I use it more often, or maybe it’s just cheaper. I’m thinking of replacing it with a maglight to get a better life out of it. Or maybe I’ll just pick up one of those spotlights lol, can’t lose pans with that sucker!
Depending on the length and weight of the maglight, it also makes for a good human whack-a-mole weapon.
So true!
I have a very old 3D Maglight which I converted to LED. Batteries last “forever” (going on six years) I do take them out every once in a while to check for leaks.
As to a weapon, there is a story about a cop who carried a broken C-cell Maglight for exactly tha treason.
Glad that you brought up the down side of rechargeable flashlights. I have a couple, which are ultra bright, and I love that, but mine are not focusable. If they were, I would be much happier with them! The great advantage is that you can recharge them for free in your car as you drive, or at work by plugging into your USB port. Super nice to have a charging cord handy and just bring your mini flashlight on your office key, then charge it up at work.
I have a couple of the “pop up” style lanterns, which are great to light a large room in a power out situation, but they do not provide focused light for projects. They are intended to make it safe to walk through a room. I also have a crank lantern, but I am not crazy about it. I have a couple of “squeeze” lights, which you charge by squeezing a handle. Those are in my go bag, because batteries corrode and these are a
I also have a supply of old fashioned oil lamps. You can keep a supply of lamp oil, but these will also work using olive oil or the crappy vegetable oil they give away at the food pantries/sell at the dollar store. I wouldn’t eat that crap anyway, as Canola oil is just super refined (and highly toxic) Rapeseed oil. It is good to burn in an oil lamp tho! I like the idea of the oil lamp because you can burn just about any oil in a pinch, and you can clean and refine your own oil. Many of them smoke quite a bit, but in the dark, who really cares? Clean it up in the daylight!
Meant to finish the thought that the “squeeze” flashlights are a nice back up in an emergency. https://www.amazon.com/Emergency-Motion-Squeeze-Rechargeable-Flashlight/dp/B072JNK6NT/ref=sr_1_8?crid=1DSN1UVS02O9D&keywords=squeeze+flashlight&qid=1704288799&sprefix=squeeze+flash%2Caps%2C109&sr=8-8
I have the flashlights mentioned above. I also have a water powered flashlight and two dynamo powered flashlights. I’ll throw in my 4 way powered radio/LED light and two dynamo powered radios for good measure.
Biolite is my hands down favorite headlamp and can be charged with a biolite camp stove or any USB capable device such as a computer or laptop. They have 800 lumen, 425 lumen and 325 lumen headlamps.
Thank you Daisy for starting this discussion. We live in what my in laws considers a remote rural location and we make heavy use of portable lighting. Most lights are cheap purchases from the big box home goods store. My most used flashlight is the one on my iPhone, as it’s always on my person and the light is sufficient for “light” duty (and I recharge it nightly). Recently I’ve been walking the dog off leash in the woods after dark and wear a headlamp, freeing my hands, and also have the dog wear a flashing orange LED collar so I can locate him in the dark. There are a couple tactical lights around here that are super bright and can break a car window if needed, and they’ve got a focus knob to concentrate the beam – handy if weasels or other pests come around. No gun lights, too many safety issues with them (don’t point a gun mounted light at anything you don’t intend to shoot).
Headlamps are indeed great for walking dogs, and those of us who have dogs joke with our neighbors about those 2am walks that make us look like one-eyed aliens to the unaware. Helps make the coyotes and bobcats think twice as well as they lurk in the shadows.
I really like the idea of a dog collar light. Esp. for a black and grey shaggy dog.At night, the word “stealth” is an understatement. This idea changes the whole game. Thanks.
I like what you said about AA and AAA being the only battery types you use. They are so easy to obtain. We primarily use the mini flashlights and we use them regularly. We have a rechargeable weather radio that has several lighting features that we like. I would like to get a headlamp flashlight. It would certainly come in handy.
I try to get rechargeable and replaceable battery-powered lights whenever possible. I learned one related lesson when a Brinkman flashlight, rechargeable via built-in solar panel or USB power, refused to recharge. That’s when I discovered the built-in rechargeable battery was inaccessible and impossible to replace. So that flashlight went into the trash.
I get along well with AA, AAA and D-cell powered lights. I have rechargers for both AC power and for solar power that can handle all three of those sizes of Nimh batteries. I even have one of the now-ancient BuddyL rechargers for both Nicads and alkalines (yes, alkalines could be recharged a few times).
I keep a stash of fully charged batteries of Nimh AA, AAA and D-cell sizes so that when one in use needs to be recharged, I immediately replace it with a fully charged stash battery while the dead one takes some time to be recharged before going into the fully charged stash.
My headlamp runs by either alkaline or Nimh batteries so I keep Nimhs installed there.
I have multiple other flashlights that are rechargeable with a blend of solar, USB and hand-cranking options. Sadly some of those (including the one with stun-gun capabilities) have batteries that are NOT REPLACEABLE. When those batteries die the flashlight becomes junk.
Ome of the two lights in my pocket is an LED light powered by a replaceable button cell in my Victorinox Signature Lite mini pocket knife’s flashlight. My keychain attached to it has my property keys on it. That built-in LED light is perfect for shining on a keyhole in the dark if my slightly larger AAA-Nimh-powered pocket flashlight needs a recharge.
It’s worth knowing that LED lights rely on tiny semi-conductor chips to function. That means that an EMP strike if close and powerful enough could knock out all such LED lights within range. That means that having some in a Faraday bag, box or container is a must. The older flashlights that came with filament using light bulbs for many decades are now mostly unavailable. In addition, blundering Biden announced that as of August 1, 2023 no more incandescent lights can be sold in the US. That guarantees that the US population will become increasing vulnerable to EMP destruction of their LED lights. So it’s worth thinking through a backup strategy that works for you.
Lewis , You are thinking as I do as well. Through the yrs all of my incandescent flashlights have went away it seems. And future lighting has become a concern. Faraday bags are an option. But I am strongly considering going back to incandescent mag lights. I don’t care for the mini mags. I have burnt out so many of those bulbs it’s just totally inconvenient and gets spendy. Usually an incandescent flashlight can be made to work. They are relatively simple in their make up. No not as bright but it is light when there is no other.
So funny. I didn’t think it was a prepper thing. I’ve always been a flashlight junkie. I love flashlights! Flashlights in my purse, by my bed, in my car. Some good for a weapon too. And all kinds. Little ones, heavy ones, magnetic features, head lamps, battery, solar, USB, flashlights included in other things like chargers. Lanterns – battery and solar. Crank type. Such a geek for flashlights. Gonna take a battery inventory now too. Now I want to shop for another flashlight – just because.
That 4pack of lights you suggested above, they are great but the failings are the lens is plastic so they need general care.
If you drop one on concrete they sometimes come apart and the led specifically is super bright but with lots of use they begin to dim over time to eventually become useless but that’s over 20 hours of use.
They may have better led’s in them now.
I had many of these, still do but as backups like in the gun safe, in my car where the use is limited.
Simple is best.
I have a collection of maglights, tiny to 3d cell and an extensive repair kit
with O rings, battery springs, lenses, replacement bulbs incandescent and led.
Literally I have around 15 of those bought on clearance when popularity was waning with the new super bright led’s getting popular.
Not as bright as the new led’s but they are dependable, solid and if you get batteries that don’t leak they are good for a very long time.
The best batteries are energizermax, Everything else has leaked significantly.
I had a large stock of rayovac and acdelco, over 500 of them- all Garbage.
I throw more out than I use, supposed to last for years.
I test them before use and I have to dispose of more and more because they are leaking or completely useless/dead with zero use from storage.
I have only found one single energizermax leaking AAA of the several hundred I currently have of AAA and AA.
The light I find most dependable is the old OD green military light, it’s not bright but it always works.
I keep the old D drycells non alkaline in it, it will be good for years.
It is in a bracket in easy reach if needed.
Headlamps seem disposable, cheap and plenty, get extra if affordable.
I also keep many wallmart lights, got them for $1 each, bright and 200 cr2032 lithium batteries for the little ones, the others take 3 AAA.
Cheap, plenty, easy, can hand some out if necessary.
I’ll stop now
Black diamond headlamp. I’ve got a few of them. The icon takes aa batteries.
I have NiteCore headlamps, NU32 which are awesome. Rechargeable, LED, different light intensity settings, red also. What I particularly like with the light is the high color rendition capability is perfect for first aid situations so as to distinguish pallor, cyanosis and such and in addition useful at night looking at colored maps. And of course it has a turbo setting, flood, and flash modes to signal extraterresttials
to come to your aid. Overall a great headlamp, easy to use, and not expensive.
i have several rechargeable lights in my everyday kit. the lights go out here every time the wind blows. but i have rechargeable powered lights for EDC and rechargeable batt’s and regular lights in my “can”. led’s are great but are susceptible to EMP, CME pulses. i also have many kerosine lanterns and fuel for them, just hedging my bets.
fumbling around in the dark is not fun or safe. the wife loves the lanterns, she says it’s romantic!!!
I like those lights. My current favorite is the Streamlight Pro Tac 1L-1AA. I have 4 of them, one mounted on a carbine. You can use either 1 AA battery or 1 CR 123, for brighter light. I’ve had them for years. Great for looking up in ceilings for leaks (I’m a plumber) and they clip right in a pocket.
I don’t like rechargeable lights either. The closest I get to that is with Milwaukee 18V lithium batteries to power the Milwaukee work lights. Those suckers are great for lighting up a space, but they are very expensive.
No love for 18350 batteries? Maybe on the pricey side, but there some very good flashlights that use them.
Good article Daisy…..we have a wide variety of flashlights we’ve collected over the years, including a number of MagLites handed down from our parents. One thing we’ve done is standardize as much as possible when it comes to battery size. AA is what we typically try to use, and I’ve purchased some ‘C’ and ‘D’ adapters that you can insert a AA into, then pop it into the flashlight. We have a mix of rechargeable (eneloop) and non-rechargeable batteries. Where possible, we try to buy flashlights made in the USA, but that can be a challenge sometimes – both from availability and budget wise.
what about rechargeable batteries. I have eneloops. AA & AAA. For the couple of things that use C and D, I bought sleeves that the AA & AAA fit into. They don’t last as long as the C and D, but do just fine..and I can recharge them on a portable solar panel (not those stupid phone rechargers- there are 60 and 100w folding panels that are very good). The charger also works with 110 and USB.
Best of both worlds. I don’t have to store a large number of batteries. These things last a long time and having multiples of them insures I will have years of charging…I have a couple of chargers.
I tend toward the same grouping of flashlight types as yours, Daisy. I try to keep it pretty simple.
1) Super Compact single primary AAA cell LED keychain size flashlight. Note: Primary cells are those intended to be used and discarded, not recharged. They tend to have higher initial power and longer runtime. They do tend to cost more long-term as you must continue to purchase them regularly.. There are things that can be done, but they are pretty iffy. If you want rechargeable, go with a good rechargeable.
2) Compact two-cell AA cell LED hand-held flashlight. Two AA cells end to end with an end button on-off switch. Twist head focus ring. When you need more light and my need to move it around to check things all around you, at short to medium distances.
3) Multi-color two-cell to four-cell AA or AAA headlamp. There are more times when you need both hands to do things than there are times holding a flashlight is a good choice. There are many types available. My preferences are Bright White with Red, Blue, and Green LEDs. Flip-down lenses are okay, but I do like the individual LEDs. The different colors have different advantages. From being able to see blood, able to see urine stains, and simply as an ID factor. Using a color lens, which are usually not as bright as the white lens prevents blinding other people. It takes a huge amount of practice to both break the habit of looking at people eye-to-eye with a flashlight and to keep the habit of looking at people eye-to-eye in good light. If you blind people you are hated, and if you refuse to meet peoples’ direct looks you are considered untrustworthy. Use colored lenes at night.
4) High-power multiple primary cell or high-capacity lithium rechargeable cell spot/flood light. There are times I want to illuminate something at a distance so I can identify it. And it does not likely pose an immediate threat. Or blind it. So, a very bright light that has the option of a dizziness-inducing strobe effect is one of my choices. Having a floodlight option is also good. It is easier and usually cheaper to find high-power spot and medium-power flood combinations that quality spot and strobe combinations that have the correct flash rate.
I have quite a few other types of lights that fall well out of these four groups. They use other types of batteries and many have very specific uses. However, the above four groups are the ones I have many multiples of, in many different kits and sub-kits.
For the primary four, the first three are Maglites. I have used maglites professionally in security work for years and have 6-cell, 5-cell, 3-cell, and 2-cell. All purchased years ago as incandescent but converted to LED when the conversion kits became availalble.
Single AAA Maglites are on most of my keyrings, including those that have no keys, just EDC items.
Two AA cell MiniMaglites are here and there in my equipment kits and at hand in my home and vehicles, and various field containers.
My preferred headlamp is the Petzl TacTikka +RGB.
There are many non-battery light sources as well that I have numerous versions that I keep with various types of gear. An example is a set of 100-hour candles I keep for use in igloos that I make out here occassionally. Mostly just for practice.
Just my opinion.
Jerry D Young
Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, and always remember TANSTAAFL
(“There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch” Manny, from The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress by Robert A Heinlein
And now you can buy lithium rechargeable cells in an AA format!
When it comes to flashlights, KISS. AA or AAA is a good idea to keep the supply chain simple. Single function, on/off is also the best idea as sometimes you want to take a quick look and then go dark, not have to go through brighter, brightest, strobe to turn the thing off.
Maglite or other solid aluminum housing makes a multi-tool out of your light regardless of its size.
I have had countless flashlights of every capability and power source you can name over the past 60 odd years. The article mentions some of what is in my current inventory. Combination AM/FM flashlight units either battery, wind up or solar powered are pricey, but a worthwhile addition to your BOL.
under the general heading of emergency lighting, don’t overlook lightsticks -https://www.amazon.com/Industrial-Glow-Sticks-Emergency-Duration/dp/B01M246K3D/ref=asc_df_B01M246K3D/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=198093803401&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=13571321499215851191&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9008022&hvtargid=pla-333918025378&mcid=3378daeccf223ca3a00a572922d869d7&tV
Yes they are one time use then throw away. Not so good I admit.
But for safety (no flames, no Lio batteries), duration, shelf life, brightness, durability, size/weight, and utility they are hard to beat. Several in vehicle, BOB, BOL, around the house in strategic locations like taped to the outside of the breaker panel, just inside the door, bedrooms, sitting room, you get it. In a purse or fanny pack, the lack of weight and volume with durability is hard to beat.
Better URL(I hope)
From working in construction I’ve seen that rechargeable batteries (such as used on power tools) do poorly in cold weather; they are permanently damaged by cold weather storage and will not charge fully when cold. I expect that flashlight batteries have the same issues. Alkaline batteries are a better bet in extreme winter conditions.
i have some….converted the mag lights to led by way of Ali, kept het bulbs. Also i have some 2D cell plastic waterproof army angle lights, and some black and yellow ones, converted to led as well. (Kept the bulbs) Lighter than the mag light and how much light do you want?
Then some Cree light small torches, 3x 1.5 volt AAA inside, bought some 3.7 volt recharable batteries from Ali, so they will function on two kinds of batteries…Also, the 3.7 are in every laptop battery when you take it apart, and even cells from an old laptop battery will work again if taken apart and recharged. There will be one 3.7 cell in the group that is broken…. the most found reason your laptop battery stopped functioning….
Same goes for electric bikes….take the battery apart and you will find 3.7 volt cells….maybe 2mm shorter than others….no problem…just charge slowly and most will recharge to shine another day….
buy some of the USB 3.7 volt chargers….batteries come for free if you find old laptop or electric bike batteries…
*note, also some bikes/bicycles have D cell recharables….and Exit lights in buildings and shops have AA cells rechargable that are als just a tad shorter than regular cells….small pliers to remove the metal connections and small file to make them smooth….some chargers will not take these cluster removed AA cells as the nose is shorter and the charger is restricter to lager longer nose use…., again, convert the charger to accept the cell or use tinfoil or such to make the nose longer….you can hardly see that the nose does not touch the positive pole but that is the cause of no charging….
…also….my night vision stuff is for AA cells and 3.7 cells… Light in crosshairs is button cell, like in remote car key… take the 2025/3032 button cell from an old PC, superiour quality cell…..rechargeable….
Investing in some different chargers like the 3.7 is i think wisest, there are many other things you can do with batteries…also, buy some meters to check batteries….many times out of 4 non rechargable cells one is gone, the others are good….change one…kids toys, remotes….
to recharge a button cell, look at the garden lights with the solar panel that give light when dark….inside is a simple charging system, you can change it to a charger or use the system in combination with a movement sensor….change the light to Infra red and you have a independent very cheap silent alarm system for someone on watch with night vision…
Many electric things have batteries nowadays….and acid to lead batteries are being made harder to get. Acid alone is no longer for sale in my country, you get an acid filled battery or none….
An empty UNUSED acid to lead battery with the acid and water solution aside will function 50 years later when filled if stored in a normal envioment. So you have an almost instant charge at hand. Use a acid mesuring device to get the right ratio between the battery acid and destilled/deminerlised water….use a bowl to mix and funnel to fill…..that is the best money spend if you want long term storage power…. Also, the lead will be worth al lot more in 50 years….so an empty never filled battery with acid and distilled water is a very solid investment and a good thing to use to trade….
Older used batteries can be restored if there is no short circuit in the said battery and acces to the cell trought a cap of some sort…batteries contain explosive gasses, so no electric drill or such….brings very loud boom……..
Use distilled water to flush and re flush until clean ( a gallon should do, also water from dry tumbler can be used if it ia a condensation system) and let the battery leak out slowly, after you turn it slowly. There can be solid parts at the bottom and you do not want them inbetween the lead and copper plates…… The inside needs to be totally dry and clean because particles between the plates will make it short circuit. So clean with cation….not just because of the acid. Doing it this way is cheap and it will work on some acid to lead batteries, not all. If the battery has strange roundfings on the outside the plates are gone. The lead is still usable… BUT; battery acis is harmfull so always wear eye protection and keep the battery in open air…and clean in a place where you have clean water in case of eye or skin contact. To refil and clean, use demineralised or distilled water, other water has chalk which will f up the battery.
empty batteries: the stuff used in the batteries can be re-used, but that is a totally different thing…
and shine !
On you tube you can find a lot about car batteries, and one i saw was in India / Pakistan where old batteries were scrapped and the lead remelted into plates. Even the housing was re-used….
A 12volt car battery will give you anything from 220 volts with a converter to 1.2 volts for a charger….
3.7 volts is a very common battery in electric apliances and usefull for many purposes as a cell on its own.
….so to have converters going from 12 volt to anything between 1.2 volts and 220 will get you to recharge and/or use most any electric item.
To produce 12 volts is fairly easy, most any car alternator will provide and such a thing can be mounted on many moging / rotating things…