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Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
There’s absolutely no doubt that our financial system is in flux right now. We’re watching a storm approach, and it’s about to envelop the entire nation in chaotic conditions. If you think things are crazy now, just hang on to your halo…it’s about to get a whole lot worse.
Remember how we talked about CBDCs a few weeks ago, and lots of people in the comments said never, no way, and heck no? Well, unfortunately, it’s being rolled out and soon.
Of course, they’re not calling it CBDCs. Not yet.
It’s under another name, and it’s not quite a federal digital currency. I’m sure this, too, will be called a conspiracy theory, but the Federal Reserve is launching FedNow, an instant digital payment system. This in itself is not a Central Bank Digital Currency, but it puts into place the framework needed to make the idea a reality.
FedNew will be launched in July, according to a press release from the Federal Reserve.
What is FedNow?
On March 15th, in the midst of the banking collapses, the Federal Reserve issued a press release detailing a new instant payment system that will be launched in July. That system is called FedNow. Here’s what they said about it.
The first week of April, the Federal Reserve will begin the formal certification of participants for launch of the service. Early adopters will complete a customer testing and certification program, informed by feedback from the FedNow Pilot Program, to prepare for sending live transactions through the system.
Certification encompasses a comprehensive testing curriculum with defined expectations for operational readiness and network experience. In June, the Federal Reserve and certified participants will conduct production validation activities to confirm readiness for the July launch.
“We couldn’t be more excited about the forthcoming FedNow launch, which will enable every participating financial institution, the smallest to the largest and from all corners of the country, to offer a modern instant payment solution,” said Ken Montgomery, first vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston and FedNow program executive. “With the launch drawing near, we urge financial institutions and their industry partners to move full steam ahead with preparations to join the FedNow Service.”
Many early adopters have declared their intent to begin using the service in July, including a diverse mix of financial institutions of all sizes, the largest processors, and the U.S. Treasury.
This has all the hallmarks of a government strategy. First, they offer it as a “convenience” or a “safety measure.” Lots of people will jump on board in order to take advantage of this.
Of course, we’ve heard this song before.
Next, it will be pushed harder, and those who don’t adopt it will be mocked, thought of as backward, and treated with suspicion. After that, it’ll be darn near impossible to do anything without it. Sound familiar?
The Federal Reserve Banks are developing the FedNow Service to facilitate nationwide reach of instant payment services by financial institutions — regardless of size or geographic location — around the clock, every day of the year. Through financial institutions participating in the FedNow Service, businesses and individuals will be able to send and receive instant payments at any time of day, and recipients will have full access to funds immediately, giving them greater flexibility to manage their money and make time-sensitive payments. Access will be provided through the Federal Reserve’s FedLine® network, which serves more than 10,000 financial institutions directly or through their agents.
You can find more of the Fed’s sales pitch at FedNowExplorer.org.
This is NOT the digital dollar…yet.
So let me be perfectly clear. This, in itself, is not the implementation of CBDCs. Instead, it’s the payment network needed to implement CBDCs. An infrastructure, in a manner of speaking.
There’s a clear benefit to the system that will make people want to participate, especially those who do business online or who transfer large amounts of money. Who wouldn’t want the proceeds from the sale of their home to be instantly available?
This is just the system that allows payments to be made via a federal government network using existing banks. FedNow could quickly lead to FedCoin and it wouldn’t take much effort at all.
There is a precedent for federal payment networks turning into federal digital currency.
Just last week, Marie wrote about the digital identity service that is funded by the US and is being used in Ukraine. It’s a mechanism of digital control, plain and simple, being portrayed as something to make the lives of Ukrainians easier.
But that’s not the only digital program out there we need to be concerned about as a precedent. A writer for the website BeinCrypto reported several other incidences that could show us our future:
According to global data, the instant payments ecosystem was valued at $100 trillion in 2021. And Asian countries like India and China are leading the sector, with the U.S. slightly late to join the club.
India employs a payment infrastructure based on the Immediate Payment Service (IMPS) and Unified Payment Interface (UPI) to offer instant payment services to customers and merchants. Global data show India is the most active market, with transaction volume hitting $39.8 billion in 2021. With that, India has expanded its e-rupee pilot as part of its CBDC trials.
China, which ranks second in that category, has widely used Alipay and WeChat for instant mobile payments. The nation has also pushed to adopt a digital yuan as its centrally-backed digital currency.
So, to be clear…they instituted instant payment services, then a federal digital currency followed shortly thereafter.
It’s a pattern.
Here’s what The Department of the Treasury says about CBDCs.
The Department of the Treasury has a “CBDC Working Group” exploring the feasibility of the project. It is coming. And they’re being completely open about it. Here’s some information from the Dept. of Treasury website:
CBDC is one of several options for upgrading the legacy capabilities of central bank money. Another is real time payment systems: The Federal Reserve has indicated that it expects to launch the FedNow Service this year, which will be designed to allow for near-instantaneous retail payments on a 24x7x365 basis, using an existing form of central bank money (i.e., central bank reserves) as an interbank settlement asset. In contrast, a CBDC would involve both a new form of central bank money and, potentially, a new set of payment rails. Both real time payment systems and CBDCs present opportunities to build a more efficient, competitive, and inclusive U.S. payment system.
In the United States, policymakers are continuing to deliberate about whether to have a CBDC, and if so, what form it would take. The Fed has also emphasized that it would only issue a CBDC with the support of the executive branch and Congress, and more broadly the public.[3] Even as policy deliberations continue, the Fed is conducting technology research and experimentation to inform design choices so that it is positioned to issue a CBDC if it were determined to be in the national interest.
The entire article bears reading. You will have no further doubt this is the plan when you do.
They also mentioned that this will help us to do business with other countries that have CBDCs.
…jurisdictions around the world are exploring CBDCs. According to the Atlantic Council’s tracker, 114 countries, representing over 95 percent of global GDP, are exploring CBDC. 11 countries have fully launched CBDCs, while central banks in other major jurisdictions are researching and experimenting with CBDCs, with some at a fairly advanced stage. The Bank of England (BOE) and HM Treasury (HMT) recently published a consultation paper assessing the case for a retail CBDC and outlining a proposed technological model.[12] BOE and HMT now are entering the design phase of their work, estimated to take two to three years, after which the BOE and the UK government will decide whether to build a “digital pound.” In addition, there are multiple cross-border CBDC pilots, which involve central banks, international organizations such as the Bank for International Settlements, and private financial institutions.
Global currency, anyone?
Here’s what has to happen to make this widely accepted.
The banking crisis of the past few weeks feels like part of the plan to me. While I know we had many poor economic decisions that have led us to this point, pulling the plug now seems rather timely.
To make CBDCs widely accepted and even welcome, a few things have to happen first.
1.) Cryptocurrency has to fail. Several of the banks involved in this crisis have been highly invested in crypto. Silvergate, which hasn’t been mentioned as much, advertises itself as having “industry-leading banking and payments solutions for innovative digital currency and fintech companies.” The banking crisis is devastating cryptocurrency, which is one of the most anonymous and regulation-free payment methods in the modern world. Anything outside of government control has to go. This video talks more about “killing crypto.”
2.) Inflation has to continue. Keeping the “value” of digital dollars stable would be a way to “fight inflation.” Do you want to buy a box of mac and cheese for $3 cash? Or would you rather pay 1 FedCoin instead? Making a FedCoin an option that “fights inflation” would get a lot of people to adopt it voluntarily.
3.) People have to be desperate. If your bank account was suddenly emptied and you had nothing left – no retirement fund, no savings, no checking, nothing – what would you agree to in order to restore it all? What if you were offered a bailout but it was in the form of a different kind of dollar – a CBDC to replace the dollars you lost, but that you can only use digitally? I’d say yes, and I think that most of us would. We’ve got bills to pay, we owe on our mortgages and our taxes, we need groceries, our kids have tuition due…hell, yes, we’d nearly all say “yes” no matter how grudgingly.
If those three things happen, we’re in a perfect position for CBDCs to be forced upon us. It could very likely turn into our only legal tender, as I’ve written before.
Steve Forbes shares his rather terrifying thoughts on the potential abuses in a country based on CBDCs, calling it a “formula for tyranny.”
And if it’s our only legal tender, we’re looking at a cashless society and all the controls that such a thing allows. I wrote about it here. It would affect nearly every facet of our everyday lives, and every dime we spend would be subject to surveillance. The potential for abuse of power and lack of privacy is breathtaking. The government would literally hold a monopoly on money and financial transactions.
What are our options?
I hate writing about problems without offering solutions. This one is very difficult, though, because it may become something nearly impossible to escape. But I do think there are a few things we can do.
Stock up. Use your current money to stock up on essentials. Everything you get now is something you won’t need to get using that looming system of digital surveillance.
Become debt-free. Owe as little money as possible so you have less that absolutely must go through the system.
Create a network. Marie wrote a great article a while back about having a barter network already in place. Have people you can trade with for skills, goods, and services.
Invest in precious metals. If you have savings that you don’t want to see made digital, one way you can protect them is by purchasing physical gold and silver. You can go here to talk to an expert for free about a metals strategy that will work for your unique situation. It’s very educational, and there’s no pressure whatsoever to buy.
Learn skills. Not only will these help you with the ability to barter, but it means you have to spend less money through the system to get things done.
Prepare to live without the system but know that it may not be possible to be fully outside the system. I’d love to say that every single person can live 100% free of the system, that’s not realistic at all. There will be some things that you can’t avoid that are within the system, whatever that system may look like. Taxes, purchases of property, vehicles, pay from your job, medical care – most, if not all, of these things will require some participation in the system. Think about what you are giving away about yourself and participate wisely and only when necessary. Get our free ebook heree about starving the beast for more ideas.
What are your thoughts?
Do you think that FedNow will result in the rollout of a federal digital currency? Do you think that CBDC will replace cash and the US dollar as legal tender? Do you find this concerning, or do you welcome it? If you’re concerned, how are you preparing for this?
Let’s talk about it in the comments section.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.
43 Responses
My wife and I quickly outgrew our small meat processing shop and are building a new slaughter and processing plant. Very modest but allows for expanding if needed.
I traded the hand cut stone foundation at the job site for a reduction on the dirt work. I traded a 2yo A2A2 first calf heifer with bull calf at side to the framing contractor for part of the construction bill. Both of these bills are also further reduced by paying the remainder of the bills in $.
I tried to feel out the concrete plant, but that went nowhere fast. However, the concrete contractor and I did reach a business agreement. In exchange for a cash deal (he custom raises 25 slaughter hogs/year for customers) he will be sending all his hogs for processing to us.
Point is, to be 100% alternative economy is (as Daisy points out) is virtually impossible. Some folks jump fast at and are a pleasure to deal with in barter. Others are adamant. They want to stick to the book. The second types of folks may come around eventually, but it will take time. It’s hard for people to reckon the enormity of this all.
Bartering and negotiating are skills. No different than gardening, marksmanship, stockmanship, canning and preserving, etc. But, like any skill needs to be practiced and sharpened before the skill is needed.
CBDC’s are coming. There’s no stopping it. This banking and monetary crash we’re witnessing in real time feels designed. Maybe it’s just me. We intend to work along the perimeter of the future system and maintain a low radar signature. This will allow us to help more folks who will need it, or, that’s he plan anyway.
My biggest concern is for our three kids and family. They’re young and (except for my stay at home mom daughter) have careers that are completely (I mean totally!) intertwined and dependent on this credit sweep banking system, and the future CBDC.
What are the mechanisms for bookkeeping and tax reporting (A/R, A/P, in-kind payments, total income, et cet) vis-à-vis the contractors and the businesses entailed?
That’s fantastic you were able to do this. And I’m worried for my children as well. I can’t believe the future I’m handing over to them.
I understand your concern Daisy as I have 8 grandchildren ranging from 4 to 12 thus I teach them that this is the last decade before our Lord comes to set up His millennial reign:
Enjoy your tribulation Rob. I am going to be beamed aboard at the sounding of the trumpet after the dead in Christ go first
The federal reserve & the major global central banks started on march 20th doing daily transactions instead of weekly to make sure everyone has access to the USD. This is supposed to be in effect thru April…for now.
The CBDC is definitely following this. The result will be our compliance or else. Good little sheeple, you can buy and sell. Your phone was pinged near a protest, no food for you….
Get a signal blocking pocket for your phone ie. Silent Pocket
My phone is a tablet that stays on my desk. People are chatter boxes that think they need to be in constant communication. That convenience is tracking and trapping you.
I posted to Marie’s article the other day about this completely coming forth as Scripture says so it’s no surprise to me. But I believe in the Rapture & hope others do not become trapped by these CBDCs which will usher in taking on the Mark of the Beast in order to buy/sell/travel in which one will be forced to ‘choose’ to either worship & honor God or not. It’s not my words, but God’s as uncomfortable as it may be to read.
I suspect this may happen quickly since this administration has a short amount of time (or do they if they steal another election?) The really sad part is that the world is so enamored by the shiny gadgets they think give them convenience (Apple watches, bluetooth vehicles, voice activated EVERYTHING, QR codes) that they don’t realize they are making it easier for the corrupt to implement their goals.
My eight year old grandson now has a type of GPS watch that allows our daughter & hubby to know which friend’s house he’s at & he can communicate with it via voice texting. It ‘rewards’ him when he gets his steps in (he has no problem with activity) & get this …he gets to ‘play’ a game on his mom’s phone! WTH. They are clueless to the conditioning that the industry is doing.
It just breaks my heart because those around me will not listen. So if you’re interested in what the ushering in of the new banking system per the Bible, there’s a new Left Behind movie on Redbox/Youtube called Left Behind: The Rise of the antichrist. Kind of B rated but it dramatizes Scripture interpreted for what will come. Believer or not, I want to share with my OP friends here. 🙂
Amen, my sister in Christ!
“…do not become trapped by these CBDCs *which will usher in taking on the Mark of the Beast* in order to buy/sell/travel…” But did not the plandemic vaccine/boosters scheme already accomplish that? Was that not the MotB?
My understanding is that the Mark of the Beast will involve some sort of discernable mark on the right hand or forehead.
Oh. Thank you for the elucidation. So, perhaps this will likely manifest as CBDC chip implants?
I thought so too but some were duped to believe their Drs. I interpret Scripture that those left after the Rapture WILL be told to ‘choose’ to worship the antichrist or our God. It will not be a trick (that we know the shots were).
Some Christians took the shot & even Pastors encouraged them. God does not trick us. He wants all with Him, but He will not force us. He gave us free will. Otherwise we are the robots the left are trying to make us.
hi jen, I read the Left Behind series when it first came out, and it was scary then!! amazing how it was fictional but based on Revelation, and everything that was told in the book, has or is happening now….I’m a senior and cant believe that I have lived this long to see this happening in my lifetime…but we may all have to concede to this malarky they’re pushing on us, before the rapture comes, we wont have a choice. have tried to explain this to spouse, but he wont listen; he wont even start taking money from his retirement…well, if this goes as planned, he wont have any to take out; so meanwhile I continue to prepare as best as I can…..so pay attention folks, prepare as much as possible, because this is gonna happen, possibly if we make 2024 and have a republican in wh, doesnt mean they’ll stop it in time to save us, if we’re all still around by then…..stay safe
Tig: My husband wouldn’t listen this afternoon as Imentioned we should take more out of our 401k. We are in retirement and still have around $100,000 and he is 81. We have been drawing from it since 2011 monthly. We both have newer cars and have travelled extensively in the past. I can’t hardly find anyone who knows anything about this info in this article as most people are so dumbed down and shallow.
Some or all of your funds could be eligible for a gold 401k so at least you’d have physical gold if the banks crashed. Ask your 401k advisor.
Tig & Laura Ann,
Had this same convo with my Christian hubby this am! I’ve wanted to pay off the balance on our house with funds. He’s thinking we won’t recoup that interest lost. DUDE! ;( I personally don’t think we’re going to be around to see any of that money we’ve worked & saved so hard for. Let alone have any before they raid it all.
I feel like a 1950’s wife lol. Want to scream!
Tig: My husband wouldn’t listen this afternoon as Imentioned we should take more out of our 401k. We are in retirement and still have around $100,000 and he is 81. We have been drawing from it since 2011 monthly. We both have newer cars and have travelled extensively in the past. I can’t hardly find anyone who knows anything about this info in this article as most people are so dumbed down and shallow.
I know many people don´t have trust in cryptocurrencies, but as far as I have understood from the whitepapers, the technology is quite helpful for many applications, and it can be used to circumvent that sorts of controls. However, it could be good to learn from someone who is in the field.
I think it was Ferfal who wrote about using simple gold chain necklaces to conduct transactions.
He would make a deal for food or gasoline or something, and would clip off a couple links from a gold chain for payment.
He recommended having a small, portable scale and a test kit to be sure you are dealing with genuine gold.
Junk silver coins could be useful, too.
Brilliant article with some nice resources. I wrote a recent article which needs a little updating after reading yours. The FedNow addition in the process doesn’t really change much of the article though. It’s online forever at https://bastyon.com/a3podcast?s=c27f2d39eaff0773ada049db3ff02ad5276647972c0e17e5e3f6a00b0baaa382
A CBDC can’t be issued without congressional authority, so it is important to work on our representatives to highlight the surveillance concern.
See this article: https://bpi.com/legal-authority-to-issue-a-u-s-central-bank-digital-currency/
Several states are already working on legislation to prohibit citizens from being forced to use CBDCs, should the FedNow system be implemented for individuals (right now it is only for bank-to-bank transfers). Search “State laws against CDBC” on the net and look at some articles.
Here is a Senator Cruz press release here (per a Senate bill):
Note that there is also a bill in the house that may be cited as the “CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act.” Read about that here:
I don’t think you can stop the FedNow system from eventually becoming a CBDC system available for individuals, but perhaps we could legislate that an alternative cash system must always remain an option. Many people will not accept CBDCs due to concern over personal surveillance and religious reasons.
We need to legislate that a cash option must continue to exist, even if a digital one is widely used. It might be a small cash system and it might cost more to use, but at least it would exist.
Digital currency (CBDC) is not currency at all, it is software designed as a tool for total social control. There will be no weath transfer to heirs and we will be enslaved 24/7.
This is all about control over everyone and everything, worldwide. It is also going to be a defacto ban on whatever they don’t want us to purchase or own.
Remember what criminal, globalist, socialist Klaus Schwab says and I quote,
“You vill own nossing and be happy”, end quote.
My thoughts are Seditious in nature and shouldn’t be printed.
LOL.. you sound like Duh-santis. And whether any of you like it or not, no state law can supercede Fed law. I’m not sure the not-ready-2-be-SCOTUS “judges” will dare to go there.
IMF Managing Director Says “We Are Working Hard On A Global CBDC”
G20 Announces Plan To Impose Digital Currencies And IDs Worldwide
There’s nothing that so-called ‘government’ can’t make worse. They always work for more control, never for our benefit. There are already payment systems in place, why would we need to route through ‘government’?
I like how they always name something counter to what is actually is Like Patriot act.
So wondering about myself and others – if you are starving and your kids starving will you take the mark of the beast in order to live. If a person can’t pay their property taxes for example because you won’t use digital currency then you will eventually become homeless. Are we willing to lose everything including our lives and the lives of our families by not complying. Whatever the mark of the beast is will we take it or not. Can we watch our children die because we won’t comply.
” Can we watch our children die because we won’t comply.” ?
No, the Question Is, can you Kill those who try to Impose their Slavery upon you?
If enough People were to, for example, REFUSE to pay ‘property taxes’ instead of taking (((their))) ‘mark of the beast’, and then ‘make it Stick’ by Eliminating everyone in the Tax Office, and their Families, then No, you won’t have to be ‘homeless’.
“Central Bank Digital Currency”, just like the Chinamart “Social Credit Score” control system, requires a 100% Reliable source of Electricity, Thousands of Huge “Data Centers”, Computer Terminals at every Business, of and Millions of Miles of Fiberoptic Cable to Function. And in the end, a Cell Phone in the Pocket of every Sheeple. All of this Tech requires “Support” i.e. Construction, Operation, and Maintenance, done by Intelligent White Men. “The Robots” are no more going to be able to do all this stuff, any more that the Illegal Messican who is Shoveling Muck beside the Horizontal Drilling Machine can Operate it.
Sooner rather than Later, the High-Tech ‘Infrastructure’ that comprises the (((beast system))) will begin to Fail, due to ‘Logistics Issues’ as the fraud-based (((banking system))) begins to Crumble. Once (((their))) fiat paper ‘money’ becomes worthless, the more Intelligent People needed to keep things Working, Won’t.
p.s. If you are not able to throw away your “Mark of the Beast” Tracking Device (cell phone), you Deserve your Slavery. – You christians, especially.
I just love folks who tell people how they “deserve” misfortune. It certainly illustrates a lot about your own character.
Yikes, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of this one, dude. Mockers will not fare well.
Please be cautioned, set aside the arrogance & consider another viewpoint. God is not mocked. This has been foretold thousands of years earlier for all to choose. Not just Christians.
As I’ve said in other threads about CBDC, why do we need it? We have a digital currency that has been working for years, VISA, MasterCard, Discover, etc. I used it less than a half hour ago. All the effort and expense, must be another motive. So, now we have FedNow/FedPay/FeedFED. Substituting for CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payment System) which has been working for years. The “Here it Is” force. Why?
20230314 – NOT SMART – Clif High Videos.html
There are several strong reasons CBDCs won’t succeed in North America…
I keep hearing people say to invest dollars in gold. My question is, if that’s such a good idea, why does everyone who has gold want to sell it for dollars?
The gold is there to get you through times that the dollar may not be there. If you bought some gold worth 1000 of today’s dollars, in ten years, and then the value of the dollar collapses, the value of the gold remains the same (or increases based on the market). The dollar is no longer tied to the gold standard, so it can rise and fall dramatically or even be rendered worthless. Gold, however, retains its value.
One example is people who were wealthy with Confederate dollars before the American civil war. After the war, the Confederate dollars weren’t worth anything. However, those who were wealthy with gold were still able to pay the insanely high taxes they were charged and retain their property.
Gold is not a medium of currency you can just go spend at Walmart. It isn’t likely to buy you groceries during the SHTF. It’s a medium of savings that will remain valuable through society’s ups and downs. When life resumes after it hits the fan, your gold can then be liquidated (if you want) so that you have money then and you aren’t starting out with nothing.
However you shouldn’t invest heavily gold unless you have your tangible bases covered. Have a dollar emergency fund. Have food and other supplies. Pay off your debts. Then, buy gold.
Everyone should reject FedNow and similar systems. I’m concerned that it’s a step to a cashless society, which makes way for the Antichrist and the mark of the Beast to be needed to buy and sell. NO ONE should accept the mark of the Beast.