SELCO: Why the EU Strongly Disapproves of the US Election

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By the author of The Dark Secrets of Survival

Too many things are happening to me personally and worldwide, so this article might look to you like ranting or even blabbing, but I see it as my own reactions to events and my own take on that event from the previous point of view. So…

1.“Old wh*re“ with a violin

Not too many events in the last years brought so many reactions as the latest presidential election results in the US. I am talking about reactions in Europe(EU).

You could conclude, based on those reactions, that the gates of hell opened and demons gonna attack Europe, or rain of fire gonna fall on it because Americans elected their president.

The news is full of reactions and scenarios of the future of Europe now that Trump has won, and what strikes me most is the picture being portrayed where media and big shots in Europe act like they are one of the states in the US. They act like they acted for decades, fully dependent on the US for anything that’s really important, and now when someone from the other side tells the truth in a way, “I am not paying or cleaning your sh*t anymore,” Europe is kind of surprised and insulted.

We ( who are in Europe geographically but not in the EU, who are like on the margin on it) felt the hypocrisy of the EU many times, and we have been saying that Europe is an old lying wh*re.

So, Europe will grow, have ties with everyone, bring its own military power to ruins, and invest that money in something else…but at the same time, it will feel insulted when someone from the US says, “You have to defend yourself, I am not doing that for you or paying for that.”

It is like two brothers living in a dangerous neighborhood. One is investing in his violin, and classes of violin playing, because he wants to improve himself in the arts. The other brother is investing in weapons and skills, and he is defending both of them, to keep both of them secure for years.

And then one-day the weapons-investing brother says, “It is enough. You have to invest in your own weapon, skills, and defense.”

Well, now you have only your violin, and you are a virtuoso in violin playing in a very dangerous neighborhood.

Is Trump’s election gonna have repercussions on the situation in the EU? Of course, it will.


Who is at fault for that? Definitely the old lying (unprepared) wh*re. Wh*re with violin.

So, for all whining EU big shots…grow up and accept reality: those are not your elections, not your president!

EU is plagued with endless discussions and animosities between itself (members), privileged parts of societies, its own definitions of democracy, and a sick understanding of liberties and rights (or the absence of those).

Europe as we know it, or as we want to know it, is dying if it ever existed at all. Europe that is coming is not gonna be nice.

2.East vs. West…Ukraine

War in Ukraine, in its larger picture, is being portrayed as a war between the East and the West.

The West, in essence, does not understand how the East works. The East has (I am there, and was “East“ in the closest term) a history of hard times. A very recent history of hard times. People remember hard times, the communist system, food rationing, secret police terror, and so on and so on.

The average Russian has lived or has a father who lived in the Soviet Union, stripped of everything that the average EU citizen or EU citizen father had. The average Russian is much more prepared to live in war conditions than the average EU citizen.

The main thing here is word “duration.”

The EU alone is not capable of helping with the war in Ukraine for too long of a time. After a very short time, the EU (folks in the EU, public opinion, majority, call it what you like) will want their violin back. They are not ready for war. They will want amenities of the good life, and most of them will want to forget Ukraine, to turn their heads to the other side. “We want our violins back.”

Not to mention that the EU is not capable of taking a more active role in that war for a longer period of time because the pool of people wanting to fight there is definitely more petite and less willing than the pool in Russia.

Systems are different, histories are different, or, for example, the coffins with dead soldiers coming back home have different effects in Russia and the EU.

The EU without the US does not have too much chance, and who to blame for that? Read above again.

3. Americans

Now, to follow all the above about “not my elections,” I will restrain myself from too much commenting on it, other than to say that some of the media work during the campaign and long before reminded me of hate and war media here in Balkans. That alone shows me how heated the situation is there.

With fear, hate, polarization, and dehumanization, everything is possible. It has happened before in history, and it can (will ) happen again.

The American media really heated things and continues to do so.

By watching the media, you could conclude that there are two opposite sides, yes, but also two sides that are almost ready to fight with each other over wrong car stickers, hats, opinions…

From the prepper side, do not get mesmerized with events from the big circle only (elections, world situation) and forget to pay attention to your own small circle events ( family, city…).

By paying too much attention to big events, you might miss small but important things that might have bigger impact on you once when SHTF.

Stay prepared!

What are your thoughts?

What do you think about this? Do you think Selco is correct about why the EU is so upset about Trump’s victory? What are your own thoughts about American ties with Europe, Russia, and Ukraine?

Let’s discuss it in the comments section.

About Selco:

Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. 

In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today.

He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless of what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months.

Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard, and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.

Picture of Selco


Selco survived the Balkan war of the 90s in a city under siege, without electricity, running water, or food distribution. In his online works, he gives an inside view of the reality of survival under the harshest conditions. He reviews what works and what doesn’t, tells you the hard lessons he learned, and shares how he prepares today. He never stopped learning about survival and preparedness since the war. Regardless what happens, chances are you will never experience extreme situations as Selco did. But you have the chance to learn from him and how he faced death for months. Read more of Selco's articles here. Buy his PDF books here. Take advantage of a deep and profound insight into his knowledge by signing up for his unrivaled online course. Real survival is not romantic or idealistic. It is brutal, hard and unfair. Let Selco take you into that world.

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37 Responses

  1. I don’t give a hoot what the EU thinks about it. I’m tired of the left’s gender identity politics. I care about my family. Keeping food on my table. Using our own energy sources (pipeline etc). I’m tired of sending trillions over to the shill president of Ukraine who just comes begging for more and more and laughably, tries to shame us into just handing it over, which the weak democrat leadership has done. And THEN we give a measly $750 to hurricane victims who have lost everything?!?! The EU can just shove it. It’s time for AMERICA FIRST again!

    1. I agree. But I need to get my Airman daughter back from the UK safely. I do watch what they are doing over there. She has 1.5 years left. 😉

      1. Especially on Veterans’ Day, I would like to thank your daughter for her service and sacrifice and of that of your family as well. Land of the free – because of the Brave! Thank you!

        1. Thank you very much. I have 2 active duty kids and 1 vet son. And thank you all on here for your service.

          I am unworthy & grateful.

  2. You’re a good man – and very wise, too – Selco, thanks for the articles you write to keep people informed about the truth of war, and the situations that precede it. You are much appreciated.
    Bless you,

  3. My angst at thier disapproval is peaking…. I need to have a childish meltdown on tik tok. Europe has significant problems.

  4. The only point I think Selco overlooked, is that the US liberals are a lot like the EU. They want what they want, but they are not willing to build defense or actually fight for what they want or believe.
    Also based upon the Election results, I think we can see that the country is really not that divided. It is the media and the Liberals that like to pretend that half or more of the country is on board with them and their views.
    Unlike the scenario that he was involved in.

  5. The only things I would add is that the EU needs to come to end . . . yesterday! I’m with those “extremist wackos”, Washington and Jefferson, who urged us here in these United States to mind our own business! Globalism is a damnable disease!

  6. When humans have depended on being taken care of or have been given something for awhile, they get upset when they are told that things are going to change. This is not only true at the world level, but also true for families, communities, and in individual countries. We should never get comfortable with the status quo, as it tends to change at a moment’s notice. After all, isn’t that part of what our prepping is about?

  7. Europe is a shitshow. Within 15 years, most of Europe will be Muslim and will stay Muslim because the current leaderships in Europe are idiots.

    I live in Florida, in a Bright Red County. Everything went Red…from the President to State Offices to County level and even City level. Literally every political office I can vote for is now Republican. You would think, it’s time to ease off the Prepping. Nope. Yes, we’re a Candy Apple Red County but the S could HTF at any time…for any reason. I’ll continue quietly prepping.

  8. The US needs to get out of funding and participating in foreign wars and clean up its act at home. Our borders are a mess, our kids are failing miserably in school, and our national debt is through the roof. Every dollar or soldier we send abroad in foreign conflicts only further weakens our nation. Enough is enough. Bring our troops home and let’s stop this careless spending on foreign conflicts. And no more dollars and arms to Israel. We cannot survive a WW3 that Netanyahu is pushing us toward.

    1. I’m with you 100% Bob. If these country’s want protection then maybe they should pay for it. Oh your being invaded? Well we’ll be happy to send some misles and troops as soon as the check clears

  9. well , i was just reading that NYC is cancelling the prepaid debit card program to 300,000 illegal aliens. think for a moment about that powder keg. Will other sanctuary cities follow? its just beginning….

  10. True on so many points. Europe is still controlled by Old World aristocratic families that would like nothing better than to break America for its temerity in casting them loose 250 years ago. The elections revived a spirit in our nation that had been held at bay for decades. Like a stone thrown in the water sends out waves this election sends ripples to touch the spirit of humanity everywhere.

  11. I read a few years ago, that only three countries within NATO paid the minimum of 2% of their GDP towards defense—U.S., Poland and, if I remember correctly, Estonia. After Putin’s blitzkrieg in Ukraine, some of those countries may have changed. The U.S. frittered away so much of their defense budget on the “war on terror” rather than getting ready for a big war. Now we are unprepared.

    As far as Russia is concerned, their people were getting tired of seeing their soldier sons being sent to Dombas, Ukraine, to die in support of the Russian invasion that started in 2014. So Putin decided to end the bleeding with a blitzkrieg in 2022. That didn’t turn out as he expected. If he manages to defeat Ukraine, which country will he invade next? He must be stopped in Ukraine so that he goes no further. Even as he has lost over half a million troops in Ukraine, there are reports that some of his elite troops are in Siberia ready to take Alaska (I saw a photo of a billboard in Russia with the message, in Russian, “Alaska is ours”

    As for the results of this election, I see it as a mixed bag. I also see that the European press is tightly connected with what we call the MSM. So Europeans have a distorted vision of what’s really happening here in the U.S. At the same time, the Biden / Harris administration only pretends to help Ukraine to defeat the Russian invasion. The “aid” that they send is so tied down that it is of limited use for Ukraine. Because of their ties to Moscow and Beijing, Biden and Harris act like “controlled opposition” (communists who pretend to be anti-communists to “lead” anti-communist movements) to the communist world, doing enough that it appears that they help Ukraine, but not enough that Ukraine could actually defeat Russian aggression. At the same time, Biden and Harris have let in over 100 thousand Chinese troops into the U.S. Will Trump understand that we are already in World War III? Can he unite the country to face this threat? Or are we too far gone?

    Selco’s picture of the EU being a “violin player”—it sounds accurate.

  12. “Is Trump’s election gonna have repercussions on the situation in the EU? Of course, it will.

    I think you mean “Yuge”.

    Yes. Mad repercussions. Victor Orban will be vindicated and the EU parliament will look collectively like the primary shareholders of the Massengill corporation.

  13. Thanks again Selco for your insight. In 2017 I was talking to a retired school teacher as I travelled through Germany and she lamented then that her pension had been cut by the government and that this was one sign of economic stress in her country. The reason, according to her, was that since WW2 the government was like an indulgent parent. When the citizens wanted a new shiny toy they got it – a new sports stadium or leisure centre etc. etc. Now, when the spoilt kid is told enough, no more, it’s time to put on your big boy pants and grow up, the can’t accept the new reality.

  14. Selco is spot on with his Observations & Perceptions. I would go a little farther.

    US Citizens, especially voters, don’t care even a bit about the EU or what the EU thinks. Americans have zero sense of the impact the USA politics & economics have on the rest of world. About 1.5% of US citizens live abroad currently. 2-3% of native US citizens have lived abroad. In short, we want our leaders focused on USA, not on the socialist EU. We have a part-time, international hobby, of crushing shitheads and ragheads that become a perceived threat. We’re not rebuilding Gaza.

    US MSM has devolved into simply an amplification system for the far Left (socialists, communists & USA 5% freaks). MSM communications do not reflect the majority of the 60% of Americans that go to work daily, pay taxes and raise children. MSM propagandists and their editors are beyond bias. They are simply propagandists, twisting every story.

    US Voters are tired of borrowing to pay for Europe’s Defense. The EU should expect a USA Defense Tax very soon. We don’t accept violins as payment.

    1. I’m one of the 2–3% who have lived abroad. But don’t take that as approval of socialism. While living in Germany, I learned that Hitler and the Nazis were just as much Marxist socialists as Stalin. They just followed a branch of Marxism more akin to Clovard-Piven strategy than Leninism. Clovard-Piven communism is the major form of communism brainwashed into our students today.

      Marxist communism is an ideology of envy, and envy enervates a people. That’s why Marxist communism always fails. Because it denies all morality, it is always corrupt. But people themselves are selfish, thinking only of themselves, therefore voting for the one who promises to give them the most. That’s how communists get into power.

      What builds a people up is the willingness to give. But you can’t give what you don’t have. What builds an economy up is savings, not debt. But you can’t save if you don’t have enough to put food on the table. The U.S. has borrowed to give what it didn’t have. Now the bill is coming due. Would Trump have been elected if he had been up front about the hardship that is coming?

      Poor Ukraine. Can they survive this attack that is not of their making? They thought that if they disarmed, that other countries would honor their neutrality. We saw how well that worked for Norway during World War II. Would Putin have attacked Ukraine if they had kept the nukes that were left behind by the Soviets? Now, if Putin is not stopped at Ukraine, who will he attack next? Us? While we are not interested in that war, the war is interested in us.

      We need to keep our eyes on both the local and international scenes. How many Americans even recognize the international effects? How many Americans recognize that when we buy cheap Chinese goods at Walmart, cheap because their labor is subsidized by the Chinese government, that we aid the enemy? How many of the large corporations have let their greed hollow out our industry, thereby committing treason against the American people? What I say of America in this paragraph, how much of it is also true of Europe? While the EU disapproves our election, how much are they themselves responsible for the hardship that is coming? That they want us to continue to bail them out by us going deeper into the hole of debt? Can they weather a deep recession, even depression, given their levels of debt? How long can European governments continue to suppress true information to their citizens, calling it disinformation, thereby given their citizens a skewed view of the world and our election?

  15. Hard times make for strong men – Currently Eastern European, Russia, and parts of Asia.
    Strong men make for easy times. Look at their manufacturing and economies.
    Easy times make for weak men – U.S., Western Europe, all Five Eyes Countries.
    Weak men make for hard times – Get prepared!

    1. Serenabit: you forget one factor—morality. Hard times that lack morality do not make strong men. Russia and China are examples of that. Even as I write this, the Chinese economy is falling apart with high unemployment. Much of their industrial output is poor quality. There is widespread corruption. Store owners cheat their customers.

      South Korea was strongly influenced by Christian morality. The American occupation of Japan brought the then U.S. business practices to Japan that emphasized honesty in business dealings. We can include the British influenced Singapore and Hong Kong before Chinese occupation.

      Morality is not the only factor, but it is a major factor in the above examples.

  16. The heck with the EU. Let them fend for themselves. We should dump NATO, too. We pay most of the freight to support it.

      1. I found one comment that had gone to spam for some reason. I went in and marked your username as safe! If you continue to have difficulties, please let me know.

        1. For the last four months all comments i wrote never turned up. The one above is the first. As such i thought i was not welcome anymore so i almost stopped writng. It is strange that what you send disappears, but i have that problem for several years now.

          What i do know: in 2009 i worked together on a documentary with an English TV station and then one could still see the properties of the mail correspondence. It would for one say through which servers the mail went…; my email went from Holland to London through Stuttgart university and then trough Teheran university and than throught one more to London….so i reported this oddity to Channel 4 and it turned out some months later in the news this was a spying thing.

          Where my writing goes after i submit ……but good to know i am welcome, your site is a jewel in the world of internet drab.

          thx for your work.

  17. I don’t really know why we give a damn about what EU thinks about our elections. I’m fed up with playing the game. EU is only there because America has fought for and protected them for all these years. We send money, supplies and our military to feed and protect half the world. It’s time the world figures out we don’t need THEM they need US. Ukraine is a prime example. We have sent over 100 billion dollars to help with their war and all I hear from their president is we aren’t doing enough. Well F them and the rest of the entitled ass hats that think it’s our responsibility to take care of their problems.

    1. We the people in Europe give a damn, it is the press were the lies see light and are send around the globe. Most of us are happy Trump won, the sheep just copy their masters in what they think. We do give a damn.

  18. I have read posts from folks in the EU and Great Britain, and many are very much in favor of Mr Trump. They see his presidency as a way to hold back socialism.

    If TPTB in the EU don’t like it, well… they can pound salt.

  19. I hardly ever hear Selco get so explicit about US politics but it is quite interesting to get an European’s point of view on it. I for one am sick of funding a situation which could kill even the most prepared preppers, nuclear war that is. Not only that this instigated war is depleting US and European weapon stockpiles at high rates, I personally rather had saved them for the large Asian nation that seems to want to make moves, now has modern weapons and a population of 1.6 BILLION, that is more than the US and Europe combined. Russia has not rebuild their aircraft carrier fleet of seven which is now down to one coal powered carrier. This is not a country that seems to me trying to take over the world like the Soviet Union. Plus Ukraine is literally prototype Russia if you read their history and basically an artificial creation of the Soviet Union, that particular region has been passed around to the powers in the area more than a cheap hooker. Austria-Hungary, Poland and Russia all have dibs on what is now Ukraine with the old capital of the Rus being Kiev, that is the only reason why Kiev has not been turned in Gaza by now. Brezhnev General Secretary of the Soviet Union himself was Ukrainian showing how close they were. Don’t just believe what I say, look up the facts yourself and even if you are still on the bandwagon you will at least know better the problems of the region and why Russia and NATO are doing what they are doing.

  20. As far as Ukraine is concerned, remember it was identified as the most corrupt country in Europe before the Russians had to come in to protect their people trapped in Ukraine, being genocided by the ultra nationalist Banderite neonazis, supported by the “West”. Also, remember who orchestrated the 2014 Maidan coup (Zionist Victoria Nuland and her group). Remember that the Internationalists (The Cabal) have coveted Russian natural resources for many, many decades, and have intended to plunder it (like they were doing in the 1990s before Putin stepped in and stopped it). Life is complicated. If you are like that prepper brother in your example, you need to know who the real enemies are. They are the One Worlders (WEF, WHO, … )

  21. Southern American here. I felt God urging me to prepare back in 2020. I listened and obeyed. Now I’m counting the days and praying the puppetmaster doesn’t pull the wrong (for America) string. I’m afraid he already has.
    Didn’t Putin sign a treaty with Ukraine where the Ukraine agreed to not join NATO? Then the imitation Napoleon violated the treaty. This ‘war’ is the result. And Biden has shoveled plane loads of cash to Zelenski.
    Then Trump won the election. I am surprised cities are not burning. I feel both sides are holding our collective breath.
    Will Putin follow through with his warnings or will he wait for us to destroy ourselves? He knows what Trump will do given the chance.
    I am concerned President Trump will not see January 21. That is why I pray for him and for America.
    But the Ukraine isn’t the only concern. Throw in Iran, Russia’s ally.
    2025 will be a year to remember, if we survive it.

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