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Tick. Tock.
Do you hear that? It’s the clock on the time bomb, and it appears to be ticking relentlessly toward our economic collapse.
It seems like every day, there is a new threat to the financial well-being of the disappearing middle class in America. Of course, less affected are the members of Congress and their buddies on Wall Street. You know, the ones that put the politicians in office to get favorable decisions made on their behalf in Washington.
But if you happen to have been ignoring the folks Obama calls “peddlers of fiction” who have been warning us all of an impending economic crisis along the lines of the last financial collapse, you might want to pay attention now, because a disturbing series of events is in motion.
First of all, the Fed just issued a terrifying warning to the biggest bank in the country.
Finally, the Fed has admitted that we just can’t take another hit without incurring an epic disaster.
And by “admitted” I mean they’ve issued a chilling warning to JP Morgan Chase, the biggest bank in America.
The letter is addressed to Teflon-coated Jamie Dimon, the leader of the bank (who seems to have made a deal with the Devil to become completely immune to prosecution, no matter what he does.)
It is 19 pages and heavily redacted, but here are some excerpts that should send a chill down your spine. The emphasis is mine.
The Agencies also identified a deficiency in the 2015 Plan regarding the criteria for a rational and less-complex legal entity structure. In order to substantially mitigate the risk that JPMC ‘s material financial distress and failure would have systemic effects, JPMC should ensure that its legal entity structure promotes resolvability under the preferred resolution strategy across a range of failure scenarios. Flexibility—or “optionality”—within the resolution strategy helps mitigate risks that, if not overcome, could otherwise undermine successful execution of the strategy and, more broadly, pose serious adverse effects to the financial stability of the United States.
Then there’s this:
These divestiture options do not appear to provide sufficient optionality under different market conditions.
The divestiture options in the 2015 Plan also were not sufficiently actionable, as the 2015 Plan sections fore did not contain detailed, tailored, and complete separability analyses. For example, only one obstacle to divestiture to the [redacted] key vendor contracts was adequately analyzed; the analysis of the other key obstacles cited regulatory approvals, client communications [redacted]
This is also concerning:
JPMC does not have an appropriate model and process for estimating and maintaining sufficient liquidity at, or readily available to, material entities in resolution (RLAP model). This is notable given J?MC’s liquidity profile in its 2015 Plan, which relies on the firm’s ability to shift substantial amounts of liquidity around the organization during stress, as needed. As explained below, JPMC’s liquidity profile is vulnerable to adverse actions by third parties.
Even without a degree in finance, I know this is bad:
JPMC’s 2015 Plan relied on roughly of parent liquidity support being injected into various material entities, including its U.S. broker-dealers, during the period immediately preceding JPMC’s bankruptcy filing. This includes reliance on funds in foreign entities that may be subject to defensive ringfencing during a time of financial stress.
Here’s the long and the short of it:
Every year, large banks must create a contingency plan that explains what they’ll do if they begin to go under. The biggest bank in the country has such a lackluster, half-baked plan that the Fed called them out on it for 19 pages and warns that their nonchalance could be responsible for the financial instability of the entire country.
PS: Since this isn’t my first rodeo, I downloaded the entire PDF. It’s funny how things have a way of disappearing off the internet when the mainstream media wants to ignore them. You can download it yourself too at this link:
JPMorgan Chase is not alone.
But they’re not the only ones.
Bank of America and Wells Fargo also saw their contingency plans rejected. Zero Hedge reports:
Three of the five largest U.S. banks (JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America and Wells Fargo) have now had their wind-down plans rejected by the Federal agency insuring bank deposits (FDIC) and the Federal agency (Federal Reserve) that secretly sluiced $13 trillion in rollover loans to the insolvent or teetering banks in the last epic crisis that continues to cripple the country’s economic growth prospects.
Are all three banks going down?
But that isn’t even the scariest part.
In case you think it’s just a normal day at the Fed…It isn’t just these warning letters that should make you pay attention. At the risk of sounding like I’m selling Ginsu knives, there’s more.
The Great Recession Blog posted a bullet list that should blow your mind when taken in conjunction with the news above. (Be sure to read the full article – it goes into a lot more detail.) It seems that there’s enough concern to spark a flurry of secret meetings among those in power.
- The Federal Reserve Board of Governors just held an “expedited special meeting” on Monday in closed-door session.
- The White House made an immediate announcement that the president was going to meet with Fed Chair Janet Yellen right after Monday’s special meeting and that Vice President Biden would be joining them.
- The Federal Reserve very shortly posted an announcement of another expedited closed-door meeting for Tuesday for the specific purpose of “bank supervision.”
- A G-20 meeting of finance ministers and central-bank heads starts in Washington, DC, on Tuesday, too, and continues through Wednesday.
- Then on Thursday the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund meet in Washington.
- The Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta just revised US GDP growth for the first quarter to the precipice of recession at 0.1%.
- US banks are widely expected this week to report their worst quarter financially since the start of the Great Recession.
- The European Union’s new “bail-in” procedures for failing banks were employed for the first time with Austrian bank Heta Asset Resolution AG.
- Italy’s minister of finance called an emergency meeting of Italian bankers to engage “last resort” measures for dealing with 360-billion euros of bad loans in banks that have only 50 billion in capital.
How does this affect you?
Maybe you think this won’t affect you. Maybe you don’t have an account with anyone affiliated with JP Morgan Chase, BofA, and Wells Fargo. Maybe you aren’t an investor. Maybe you don’t have real estate. Maybe you are absolutely certain, without a shadow of a doubt, that your job is secure. Perhaps you have money in the bank, or maybe not – maybe you keep it stuffed in your mattress.
The trouble is, the money you are working overtime to make, the security you feel that you have by saving it…it’s perceived value can be completely wiped out by a financial crisis that occurs on a national level. That’s because if a huge bank like JPMC fails, lots of othe companies fail with it. Then this stuff happens:
- Prices will go up. We’ve seen an almost unprecedented increase in the price of food over the past couple of years, even as the quality of the food available plummets. This is due to massive droughts, early freezes, and basic cost-of-living increases.
- Unemployment will go up. Those without jobs now are equal to the number of unemployed during The Great Depression. As the economy plummets, that number will almost certainly exceed the previous highs as businesses scramble to keep their heads above water. They’ll cut stuff to try and keep afloat, and if that fails, the jobs will be lost anyway.
- Rents will increase. If you don’t own your home, prepare to pay higher rent as landlords try to cover their losses of income in other sectors. Foreclosures will be on the rise, which means there will be fewer homes available.
- Bail-ins could dip into your savings. Remember a few years ago when depositors in Cyprus could do nothing when the banks there helped themselves to their savings in order to “save” themselves? Do you really, truly, think it can’t happen here?
The bottom line is, income will remain the same, decrease, or even disappear entirely for many of us. Meanwhile, the price of darn near everything will go up. Expect to pay more for things like keeping your utilities on, feeding and clothing your family, keeping a roof over your heads.
Aside from that, those dollars you are carefully saving? They are only providing you with the illusion of security. The economic collapse will hit nearly everyone and they’ll feel like they did something wrong with their finances. It will be hard to see that the flaw is not with their money management, but the management of the country itself.
Here’s what you need to do
Here’s what you need to do immediately in the event of either a market crash or further news of a bank failure. (Of course, if you wait until a bank failure has been announced, you may have waited too long.)
- Take your money out of the bank ASAP. If you still keep your money in the bank, go there and remove as much as you can while leaving in enough to pay your bills. Although it wasn’t a market collapse in Greece recently, the banks did close and limit ATM withdrawals. People went for quite some time without being able to access their money, but were able to have a sense of normalcy by transferring money online to pay bills or using their debit cards to make purchases. Get your cash out. You don’t want to be at the mercy of the banks.
- Stock up on supplies. Make sure you are prepped. If you’re behind on your preparedness efforts and need to do this quickly, you can order buckets of emergency food just to have some on hand. (Learn how to build an emergency food supply using freeze dried food HERE) Hit the grocery store or wholesale club and stock up there, too, on your way home. As mentioned above, if you can’t get your money out, you may be able to make online or debit card purchases.
- Load up on fuel. Fill up your gas tank and fill your extra cans also. Quite often, fuel prices skyrocket in the wake of a market crash.
- Be prepared for the potential of civil unrest. If the banks put a limit on withdrawals (or close like they did in Greece) you can look for some panic to occur. If the stores dramatically increase prices or close..more panic. Be armed and be prepared to stay safely at home. (Although this article was written during the Ferguson race riots, civil unrest follows a similar pattern regardless of the cause.)
- Be prepared for the possibility of being unable to pay your bills. If things really go downhill, the middle class and those who are the working poor will be the most strongly affected, as they have been in Greece during that country’s ongoing financial crisis. This article talks about surviving if you are unable to pay all of your bills.
For the long term, focus on information
Hopefully there’s no need to empty out your bank accounts, stock up on last minute supplies, or lock-and-load for home protection. However, if this is an actual 1929/2008-style stock market crash, you need to take your preps to the next level. If you can’t buy your necessities, you’re going to have to produce them, something that is a complete turnaround for most folks.
Information is the key. It’s imperative that you learn everything you can so that you know what you need to add to your preps. As well, it’s essential to acquire the knowledge you need to fend for yourself. Take these two steps, if you haven’t already.
#1. Bookmark these preparedness websites. (Free)
The internet is a wonderful place, and best of all, this knowledge can be found for FREE! The more you know about crisis situations, the more ready you will be to face them. Some sites are friendlier to beginners than others, so if you stumble upon a forum where people seem less than enthusiastic about helping people who are just starting out, don’t let it get you down. Move on and find a site that makes you feel comfortable. Following are some of my favorites, and the link will take you to a good starting point on these sites. In no particular order:
Following are some of my favorites, and the link will take you to a good starting point on these sites. (Actually, it’s wise to begin increasing your knowledge even if we get a reprieve.) In no particular order:
- The Organic Prepper (obviously!)
- Mind4Survival
- Ready Nutrition
- Graywolf Survival
- Survival Blog
- Prepper Website
#2. Build your library. (Small expense)
This is where some money could come into play. Most of the time, people in the preparedness world like to have hard copies of important information. This way, if the power goes out and you can’t access the internet or recharge your Kindle, you still have access to vital advice.
Some of these books are for just such an event, while others are guides to building your self-reliance skills. Commit to picking up a good book each pay period until you have a library to reference during any type of scenario.
- The Prepper’s Blueprint: The Step-By-Step Guide To Help You Through Any Disaster
(This is the be-all and end-all Bible of prepping. I wish I could put my own book first, but Tess’s book is the most complete compendium out there, broken into easy, manageable steps.)
- Prepper’s Pantry (This is my newest book, which outlines building your pantry while on a strict budget)
- The Complete Tightwad Gazette
(While this book is about hardcore frugality, trust me, there’s crossover. There are a lot of great suggestions for creating stockpiles on a budget, living simply, and doing things the old-fashioned way. And saving money is always a good idea, so that you can use it to help you become more prepared.)
- SAS Survival Guide: How to Survive in the Wild, on Land or Sea (I keep this little gem in my vehicle, my bug out bag, and in my kids’ backpacks. It doesn’t go into lots of detail, but if you find yourself stranded in the middle of nowhere, this small book could save your life.)
- The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 40th Anniversary Edition: The Original Manual of Living Off the Land & Doing It Yourself
(A compendium of all things self-reliance)
- Prepper’s Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary
(If you can’t protect it, you don’t own it. It’s that simple.)
- How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It: Tactics, Techniques, and Technologies for Uncertain Times
(By James Wesley Rawles, who many consider to be the “Father” of the modern preparedness movement)
- The Survival Medicine Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way
(It’s vital to have a guide on hand that doesn’t rely on 911 for serious injuries, in the event that you’re completely on your own)
- The Prepper’s Canning Guide
(It’s awesome to grow your food, but how will you make it last through the winter, particularly during an off-grid scenario?)
- Prepper’s Natural Medicine: Written by my friend and colleague, Cat Ellis, this book has everything you need to know about creating your own medicine and caring for your family’s health in the event of a crisis.
- Get Prepared Now: Written by the autor of The Economic Collapse Blog himself, this book will provide you with budget-friendly, practical, collapse-specific advice.
- Prepper’s Financial Guide: By prolific author Jim Cobb, this book will help you figure out how to function in a post-collapse marketplace.
Be sure to check out used bookstores, libraries, and garage sales, too. Look for books that teach self-reliant skills like sewing, gardening, animal husbandry, carpentry, repair manuals, scratch cooking, and plant identification. You can often pick these up for pennies, and older books don’t rely on expensive new technology or tools for doing these tasks.
Have they finally kicked the can to the end of the road?
Things aren’t looking good. It makes me wonder if all of the quantitative easing and can-kicking has finally reached the point that they can’t push economic disaster back any further.
43 Responses
There’s a book on amazon called Survival Theory that really should be on your library list. Thanks.
Ooh – I put that in my cart! 🙂 Looks awesome.
Here’s the link, if anyone else is interested!
I follow this every day and you are right being concerned. We are currently walking a tight rope on a daily basis and it will take very little to knock us off. I am sorry for those who have not prepared but they had the same chance to pay attention and prepare. Best wishes to you and yours and may God richly bless you.
Hi Daisy. Do you remember Howard Ruff? He wrote several books about prepping for the coming tough times back in the 80s, but nothing happened. He personally made a lot of money by hawking gold and preparedness items.
Y2K fizzled.
Many people were caught by surprise when the banks failed in 1929, but they coped. They survived.
Whatever happens, we’ll just have to do the best we can. I’m a senior citizen living on less than $1,000 a month from Social Security. I’ve tried the freeze dried and dehydrated foods. High sodium content makes them unsuitable for use on a daily basis. Plus, they taste pretty bad.
God is in control, so trusting Him to guide us is the best thing we can do.
Susan: I rem. Howard Ruff in my 30’s I’m now retired since 2009. Nothing happened. After y2k I sold silver, grain mill, dehydrator for fruits, veg., and other crap. I refuse to buy stuff again since we downsized into mimimalism, and keep extra food for hurricanes and storms knocking out power. The food you described I donated to the food bank circa 2001. Never again, I buy olive oil, herbs, spices, canned beans, peas, salmon, sardines, chicken, etc. to eat out of the can if needed, now used in salads, stir fry, etc. I refuse to load my house up again with useless crap…been there done that and my older peers agree too. Yes, we have various protection if things get real bad and riots, etc. take place. I draw money out of the bank or get cash back in stores. We use credit unions.
What has helped me is reading about the families who lived through the Great Depression. The recipes showing how to stretch a pound of hamburger to feed 6….amazing!
I’ve just finished reading the quilt book called The Farm Wives Sampler Quilt 1930. Actual letters from women describing their lives during a very difficult time. You think things might get bad now? Read about a pregnant young mother with 6 children whose husband has just died. She’s out on the farm alone, no family close by.
Then there’s the young wife/mother who lives in the middle of 320 acres, where the nearest village is 6 miles away and the nearest town is 15. Sounds wonderful, but it’s got to be a challenge.
Get some perspective, folks. We will get through this.
Dear Susan:
The book you described sounds very inspiring! I tracked it down on Amazon and added it to my cart. 🙂 You guys are supplying my book order for the next month!
If anyone else is interested, here’s the link.
I am not surprised there’s a recession around the corner. The Americans invent one every 10year so that the money men can Top up there riches ripping the people off
Susan, I hate to correct you but I’m assuming you’re under under 50 so I hasten to point out that Y2K DID NOT FIZZLE and it’s because people like Howard Ruff started people thinking about it early on that large companies and enough individuals made changes to their computers that it seemed like a non-event!
The fact the Ruff made $$ alerting us is no reason to denigrate his efforts.
Since I’m 85 I remember well the chaos trying to find a solution ASAP to be ready when 1/1/2000 came around.
Those timely upgrades to millions of computers saved a lot of jobs and sufferings.
Books by Howard Ruff
THE ONES THAT HAVE NOT PREPARED WILL BE COMING AFTER WHAT THE PREPARED ONES HAVE Stored up so get ready for them. lock and load and be ready to defend your food and your family. I have Preached Get Prepared For Years and they look at me like i am crazy. Oh well I did Warn Them.
Last week in Cuero, Texas the textile plant announced they would shutter the building on June 1st. 275 people without a job. Pioneer, a very large employer for out part of the country has laid off over 800 people. Some had been with them for over 20 years. The Cuero school district just furloughed 15 teachers and are making cuts to the bone in other areas as well. The oil fields have been a slaughterhouse of pink slips for the last 18 months and are getting worse. The subdivision I live in used to be a beehive of activity by 4:30 in the morning as people left for work. Now it’s quiet. There are severe, sinister, long term problems facing us. Where it will all end, I have no idea, but it won’t be good. On another note, if we hadn’t started prepping years ago we would not be able to afford too now. Cucumbers were a packet of three for one dollar a year ago and now they are a dollar each. Squash, okra, other assorted veggies, and nuts of all kinds especially have tripled in price. We have an extremely small lawn, but have taken out the grass and improvised a garden that actually feeds us and has some left for storage. In closing I am very concerned that this is going to be a very tough year, and maybe our last without total chaos. Time will tell, God bless and thanks for your article.
We have been in a slow motion collapse since 1913, tell me something new. I am more concerned about the fact that our number two chromosome is artificially and symmetrically fused to our number three chromosome. Tell me what that is all about. Who has been at work in our DNA?
One of my favorite collections of electronic books from the 1800s through the early 1900s: http://www.survivorlibrary.com/?page_id=1014
An absolute gold mine of knowledge from when it was in actual use. Every pdf is free to download, although the fellow running the site does also sell cd or jump drive copies if you prefer. All works are in the public domain.
He is always adding to it, including whole categories. I found it when I was looking for info on raising guinea pigs for food (he had a couple of books on that) and am currently working my way through the wood carving section. Also included are things like early medicine, agriculture, astronomy, how to build a radio, how to build a steam engine, embalming, shipbuilding, etc, etc. It really is a phenomenal collection.
Great link! Those sound fascinating and would be great for homeschooling!
You might want to check out the Saudi connection to 9/11, the current financial threats they are making tof keep their involvement classified, and the billS in Congress that are making them nervous. This could be the trigger for the secret meetings or not…
That’s a very interesting connection to ponder. It certainly could tie everything together.
Thanks for the special e-mail up-date, Daisy. That was very timely. You are on target because this time the ship is really going down, and our friendly neighborhood banksters know it. (All the disinfo they intentionally put out last fall, was to get people desensitized.) Below is a link to a radio interview with Jeff Nielson published on March 26, 2016, entitled “Warning: The US Economy Is Projected To Crash In The Next 2-3 Months,” which means it’s here by end of June, 2016, at the latest.
Keep up the great work. I’ve finally sorted through all the disinfo sites and eliminated them. This is too serious to be sent around on tangents. We are all in serious trouble. Your site is definitely a keeper.
Hi Sephora! Thank you for the excellent link. It’s a good listen.
I was a little hesitant to send out an extra email this week, but it seemed too important to wait until next Saturday to write to you all. Thank you for your kind words. 🙂
An important point to remember is that the Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express. It is an entirely PRIVATE bank as are nearly all the central banks in the world. In other words, the federal government, in 1913, put our entire money system in the hands of banker robber barons. It abrogated one of the few functions a federal government should be doing – controlling our money and issuing currency.
Mindblowing, isn’t it?
Excellent article Daisy.
Thank you!
Does this mean to take money out of ira’s and investments?
Hi, Donna. I can’t give you direct financial advice because I am not an expert, but only an observer. What I will say is that you should do some deep research and figure out what the possible ramifications are for you if things go sideways. I always recommend that people have tangible goods on hand, of course – food, preps, precious metals, etc. However, it really depends on what kind of investments you have, what kind of penalties will be assessed – there are way too many variables for a casual answer. I’m really sorry I can’t be more helpful.
I think that making some preparation is good. We have certainly taken our money from the bank. But judging by what I have heard from God, and by what is written in the Bible, I don’t think anyone could ever prepare enough for what is coming. We will certainly need divine protection. There are those who cannot move to a place were they could be self sufficient. They may be living in an apartment in a city perhaps, or elderly, or already on the margins of society. They only have God to turn to, and you can be sure that he has not forgotten about them. He will make a way for the poorest, and for those among us who cannot prepare. There is a recent blog called endoftimeprophecy.com discussing spiritual preparation and the miraculous. Put your trust in God, and tell everyone you know to do the same.
“Do you remember Howard Ruff? He wrote several books about prepping for the coming tough times back in the 80s, but nothing happened.”
As I continued reading, I kept thinking: a person is very lucky if they can look back and say, ‘nothing happened’. I.e. the 80’s farm crisis, the S&L crisis, the 90’s Recession, Katrina, the housing bubble bursting in ’08, etc…
Anyway, that Ruff fellow was interesting to read about:
“He is most famous for recommending the purchase of gold at $120/oz in 1975 and more importantly recommending that people sell the yellow metal near its peak of $850/oz in 1980.
Mr. Ruff has returned with a new book, Safely Prosperous or Really Rich: Choosing Your Personal Financial Heaven, and another recommendation to buy gold. [written around 2004, another good call! …]
Ruff tells the reader to save money rather than borrow it, clip coupons, drive an old car, eat at inexpensive Chinese or Thai restaurants, etc. “This is pretty old-fashioned, fuddy-duddy stuff,” Ruff writes, “and it’s really out of style in today’s live-it-up environment, but it has worked throughout history and it will work now and in the future.” …
– Is the Federal Reserve Central Bank the only ‘private’ organization in the world where it’s chairman is selected by the government? –
Need a little encouragement? Read the letters that didn’t make it into the book.
Remember the Jade Helm exercise last year? I live in one of the towns listed as hostile. I’m planning to leave here at the first opportunity.
We have just 2 places to shop here, a Wal-Mart and a grocery store. Wal-Mart now has a full time police officer parked outside the front door, and another officer roams the store. I’ve heard that theft is way up.
The coupons I use are now ridiculously scrutinized, which slows the check out process considerably. The coupons that have a spot for you to enter the price can only be handled by a manager. The cashier is not allowed to scan the coupon and key in the price.
If the coupon is from the manufacturer directly, it’s cause for suspicion because it doesn’t look like one cut from the newspaper insert. If the dollar amount is high, that is also suspicious.
I have been approached by employees if I stand in an aisle comparing items or prices. Apparently you’re supposed to move quickly. Go in, grab what you need and get out.
Has anyone else noticed this?
I had a similar experience myself.
We recently made a purchase at a local Wal-Mart and someone tried to stop me at the door to go through my bags and look at my receipt. I said, “No, you can’t check my bags” and the person said, “We’re doing it for YOU, to save YOU money.” Still I said, “Nope” and then I launched into a discussion on the 4th Amendment and offered to wait for a manager if she had a problem. Never again will I set foot in that store.
I haven’t had a problem with coupons at our local Walmart.
But, our local Dollar Store now heavily scrutinizes coupons. The Dollar Store reader will often “not recognize” perfectly good coupons and reject them.
Very timely and well written article Daisy! Thank you for all you do to inform and help people become more prepared.
KY Mom
You have an obvious interest in economics. Are the pasted links of interest ?
Olde Reb
http://www.scribd.com/doc/101937790/Federal-Reserve-Heist and
Perhaps I should have added some dialogue with the links. They detail how the Federal Reserve embezzles $3 billion daily from the government using the FRBNY’s exclusive control of the disbursements of Treasury security auction funds. Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.
Those links are fantastic – I’ve definitely got some reading to do!
Theft must be really high for Wal-Mart to be acting so suspicious of customers. It’s uncomfortable to shop there now, and since they now exclusively use UPS for shipping, I quit buying from them online.
For pet supplies, http://www.chewy.com is fabulous. Great prices, customer service and they use FedEx.
Glad you like the links. The ultimate conclusion is the Fed is running a Ponzi scheme that will have the unavoidable conclusion. There in NO other way the money can logically flow.
Let me know if you want any files.
PS: I believe Rockefeller who owns the Morgan Chase bank is a Baptist. Are the bankers that did not receive warnings also Baptists ?
Thank you Daizy for this information, I love your blog by the way. I don’t really understand the ends and outs of all this, but I am wondering if you, or anyone else would recommend cashing in your 401k, or borrowing what you can against it? I do understand the penalties involved. Thank you and God bless.
There are 275 books listed on http://www.thriftbooks.com about the Great Depression. If we can learn from those who have already been through whatever we are facing, it might help to calm some of our fears.
Here is another website that I like. It has a lot of useful information and many articles on various subjects.
How to Survive Hard Times
This article outlines what will happen when (not if) the Cascadia Fault awakens. If you’re in the Pacific Northwest, you probably already know about the prep exercise called Cascadia Rising 2016 that is scheduled for early June.
Those who survive will be roughing it for years. I can’t run fast enough (3.5 miles per minute) to escape the tsunami, so I’m going to stay here in Texas.
I posted a correction, having Kindle issues. Not sure it went through.
Correction. You’d have to run a 3.5 minute mile, not 3.5 miles in a minute to escape a tsunami. Sorry!
All of you people trusting in God are going to be very disappointed when the time comes.
Just like all of the suicide bombers who expect those virgins when they reach Heaven!!
There is a only one (and a much better) alternative to trust and luck – hard work.