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Author of How to Prep When You’re Broke and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course
Many of us have spent years preparing for a dystopian future. Everyone has imagined it a little bit differently – nuclear holocaust, an evil dictatorship, war on our soil, the loss of our rights…
We’d like to think of it all as futuristic science fiction. But, unfortunately, it’s not.
If you look around, our dystopian future is here.
Our situation is already quite precarious. Our money buys less and less (and less after the huge rate cut yesterday by the Fed.) Even though the State-Sponsored Media wants to deny it, many of our towns and cities are overrun with migrants. Whenever you bring it up, you’re shouted down and called a racist, but who are you going to believe? The media who admitted swinging the debate for Kamala Harris or the people pleading for help at town hall meetings? Violent crime is up – way, way up – and no amount of folks telling you to believe them and not your eyes does not have your best interests at heart.
The cost of living is absolutely insane. Buying groceries each week gets harder and harder for many of us. I remember feeding a family of three on $25 a week (not feeding us well, but we didn’t go hungry.) Now, I can hardly feed myself for less than $75 a week. All of these celebrities urging us to vote for the person they think is the nicest really don’t have to worry about the price of the food in their grocery cart. $25 or $250 is basically the same thing for them.
Our veterans are facing at a 15 billion dollar shortfall in their budget, but Congress is still working on giving them $3 billion instead. Meanwhile, the US has sent more than $55 billion in military assistance to Ukraine, to say nothing of other money that has been sent to aid them against Russia. Our own citizens who lost everything in the terrible wildfire in Hawaii were only offered a measly $700 apiece, but by all means, let’s take in lots of dependent migrants and help them lead a good life in a nice hotel in New York City, with free food and medical care.
There’s an outright war on free speech, not just in America but around the world, with people spending more time in jail for a meme than for attacking someone with a machete. We live in a nation where we’re surveilled many times daily and people hardly even notice anymore.
It’s difficult to imagine that our situation will get much better any time soon.
The Thirdworldization of America
Fabian has written about the Thirdworldization of the United States several times and he certainly called it. Our standard of living is going down, while our cost of living is going up. Our borders are unsecured, and people are illegally migrating who have no intention of assimilating into our culture. They’re bringing their gang members, their crimes, and their standard of living here and our own government is paying them to do it.
Unless something changes dramatically, the path our country is on does not go to any place better. It is, as both Fabian and Selco have described it, a slow-burning SHTF. In fact, Selco recently wrote an article entitled, “If You Want to See the Future SHTF, Look at Haiti.”
This train, it is a-rollling.
What can we do?
Preppers are suffering in a very specific way right now. We know what we should do and what we’d like to do to prepare for an even more grim and dystopian future. But a lot of us can’t afford to do it.
Since 2020, many of us have dipped into our preps to keep afloat as money became tighter and tighter. And there’s no shame in that – that’s why you have preps in the first place. But replenishing them has become more difficult and expensive than expected, and folks are still facing these higher prices that never really went back down.
So how do you prepare for a dystopian future when you’re already in it?
Over the next week or so, I’m going to break these things down into more detail, but for now, I’ll provide these suggestions.
- Buy all the non-perishable food and supplies you can afford to get your hands on. (Get some ideas for shopping on a dime here.)
- Make your home – where you are right now, not some theoretical dream home – as safe and secure as possible. Prepare your family to be safe as well. Surviving during dangerous times isn’t just about home security or guns or karate.
- Learn to produce or procure food. Even if you’re only sprouting some greens in an apartment windowsill or growing some herbs on your patio, every little bit you can add will help you in the future.
- Get medically prepared. Remember how difficult getting medical treatment during the Covid days was? Remember how certain medications were withheld, even though now we’re told that they could’ve saved people? Remember the shortages of certain medications? You need to stock up right now on your own prescription meds. Take a look at these kits for other prescriptions you may need.
- Look into getting your money out of the bank. My dollars will buy me less now, but the gold and silver I bought in 2020 have gone up significantly. I recommend ITM Trading for your gold and silver purchases, and I sincerely urge you to look into this before the price of metals goes up even higher. You can book a strategy session by calling 866-517-1257 or by going here.
What you do today could make a major difference tomorrow.
This isn’t to tell you the sky is falling.
You already know that. This is to provide some ideas for surviving the continuing decline. The outcome of our presidential election could either make or break us as a nation, so cast your votes wisely.
And please remember this.
Americans have survived difficult and dangerous times before. The fact that we’re here, on this website together, is the result of the wisdom and survival of our ancestors. We are programmed for survival from the very day of our birth.
I know that it’s scary when money is tight and everything seems uncertain. But where ever you are – city, country, or in between – remember that people have gotten through difficult times in those settings before. There have been wars, famines, economic depressions and recessions, and deadly diseases. Of course, we aren’t guaranteed anything but we were truly born to survive.
I know that society is different than it was before, but that doesn’t mean all hope is lost. Hope is incredibly important, a light in the darkness that guides you through to the other side.
What do you think? Are we facing a dystopian future, or is that future already here? How will you get through it? What viable strategies can you suggest to help others plan for the worst?
Let’s discuss it in the comments section.
About Daisy
Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, adventure-seeking, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites. 1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty; 2) The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived; and 3) PreppersDailyNews.com, an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. Her work is widely republished across alternative media and she has appeared in many interviews.
Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books, 12 self-published books, and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses at SelfRelianceand Survival.com You can find her on Facebook, Pinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.
42 Responses
Very well said, Daisy. Being part of a community like this helps keep me sane. There is a large mental component to prepping and surviving, and knowing that others see the lies and don’t accept them, either, is essential for staying strong and focused. Your advice is spot on. Not sure what more I would add, other than to look for clearance aisles and other bargain opportunities. I regularly freeze marked down bread. I sprout seeds for protein, and I just planted some spinach and radish seeds. You can make Crisco candles in mason jars fairly cheaply, too. Check out prepping books from your library. Get exercise outside every day if you can. Look for the good and cherish even small bits of beauty. There is still a lot to be grateful for.
Amen, gardendiva. There’s so much to be grateful for. I’m grateful that my moringa and avocado trees are growing tall and sprouting. And I’m grateful for all you wonderful people who share so much knowledge . This site keeps me sane, because everyday I go to work I feel like I’m in the matrix. 😂
Rather than buy bread which is full of chemicals, you can purchase a bread machine. I have one that is called “compact.” There are 3 listed today on Amazon ranging from $59 to $129. Only a few bags of flour and supplies (olive oil, butter, salt, powdered milk, yeast) and you will have made many more loaves than the cost to buy in the store. Easy to do and you can even use the timer.
I can make quite a few loaves of bread for the cost of ONE from the store. I’ve used this one for a few years and bought one for a spare recently. The machine paid for itself long ago. I trade a loaf of bread for a dozen eggs from a neighbor. It’s a great barter item. I don’t want to get into the business- so an extra loaf each week goes for barter.
You do want to refrigerate the bread as it has no preservatives…unless you eat it quickly. It is really good when toasted.
I use a mixture of whole wheat and white (pick the type you want). It’s all non gmo. 3 C white 1 C whole wheat.
If I may add, make a preferment a day or two before baking.
What a preferment is, is take a quarter to half of your intended final amount of flour. Mix it well with yeast, sugar, and enough water to make it somewhat wet. Cover and put it in the fridge to ferment. The alcohol the yeast produces acts as a preservative. I have found bread will last 5 to 7 days before mold appears, vs 2-3 days with bread that has been made with no preferment.
Just FYI!
Thank you for the information. So helpful
Very interesting. I didn’t know that
I have a bread machine but don’t use it. I bake it in a pan in the oven.
Also growing my own landrace wheat. One or two seed packs grows a nice patch of wheat.
So the next investment will be a grain mill. I’ll need to get the right equipment since I am growing a lot of different things. Even in cold country.
Did you know you can grow rice without a rice paddy. It’s called Upland rice
Did you know you
We have a Diamont Grain Mill (available from Lehman’s and other places) it is a hand grinding machine BUT can be connected to a motor or a treadle sewing machine via a belt. It’s only 4-5 times as expensive as when we bought it 40 years ago. That’s an amazing financial statistic!!
We also have an electric grinder. Except for a bad batch of wheat we have made yummy bread for decades – with and without a bread machine.
I highly recommend home made bread.
leavened bread is great but biscuits are easier and faster to make. i have made many biscuits over a campfire, it’s the same thing, bread is bread,
its very simple and far less time consuming.
Thanks Daisy for all you do to spread knowledge, not panic porn. I found your website by googling prepping one day about 7 years ago. I feel like yall are truly friends. I don’t comment much anymore because of the whackadoodles that squeeze through the cracks on here, I’m having trouble biting my tongue at present time. I went to ITM trading a few years ago and Brandan has been helping me. Amazing knowledgeable folks. I am going a bit through my preps now, working massive overtime so haven’t had time to really do much of anything since July. Taking a break end of October beginning of November to reassess preps, pull what’s left of my money out of money market and get with itm ( doing this sooner than later) , and go pick up my bug out RV. A friend gave me an rv, all I have to do is get it. My brother went to Indiana to get some property near our uncle, whose an avid prepper.
I just seen on news that friend sent that house Republicans fighting against that nwo 1 world sovereignty. https://youtu.be/YYV0RjaVuhg?si=dl0vdEHkogz5mGgS also seeing that bergoglio aka pope Francis is pushing one world religion https://cruxnow.com/2024-pope-in-timor-leste/2024/09/pope-in-multi-faith-singapore-says-all-religions-are-a-path-to-god
I will say this to conclude…please take heed to all these articles, posts , stories that Daisy and her crew post. It is for our benefit. I am fearful for our grandchildren. I think those of us old enough, will be standing on this hill of the shell of united states of america and it will be the hill we die on. Remember: this is not our eternal home. Pray and prepare folks. God bless you all.
Thanks for this, Daisy. You are a blessing to so many people! Most of the commenters have blessed us all, too. The only thing I might add is what I say all the time:
Keep your head on a swivel – always – and that means especially if you live in a small town or large one. Crooks are everywhere, migrant or not, but don’t think gunfire is a backfire or firecracker. How many backfires have you heard in your lifetime?
Stay, constantly, aware of your surroundings – including the people who are around the nearby area. Always be prepared to protect yourself and your family.
Truth. We here gunfire alot lately in our supposed semi rural area. People are breaking into cars at my job in New Braunfels texas. Seems to be getting worse daily but I keep my bugout bag n bang bang close by in case we need to go.
Hello from Canyon Lake….
My neighbor’s riding lawnmower would backfire every time if she idled down too quick, which was all the time. She drives that thing like a F1 racer! She is in her 70s. I used to hit the deck when I heard it the first few times when we moved here after Afghanistan. Her son fixed a few months later.
Reading the news, yes, it does seem some parts of the country are their own personal dystopia. From San Fransisco, to Chicago, Baltimore, and now to add to the list, Springfield OH. Crazy.
When I first started seriously prepping, things seemed to get just a little worse every year. Since COVID, seems someone strapped a turbo charger to the crazy. Normalizing violence against people for having different points of view is the latest.
Yup this is the truth. It’s like this mass brainwashing to get society to accept this type of behavior as acceptable. My youngest son tried to justify ,to me, why these pro Hamas protests are “good”. I shot down all his ideology with 2 sentences…..go move to Hamas area then and your rent just went up son , on account of Brandon n kamaism. That piped him down.
Excellent! Lol
I think we all need Jesus! Plus need to add to your preps The Holy Bible in a version you like, can read, and understand. NIV (New International Version is great, I use it all the time). This will be the best prep you have when all others fail, not if but when because they will. It’s not a book, but a whole library of a collection of books.
It will never get old or become a not-read. The Holy Spirit always brings new understanding and ways to see all God has said in this wonderful love letter He wrote for us. God speaks to you through His Word IF you listen, read, study it, follow it including His commandments, and pray for understanding. He always answers prayer!
It tells the coming future throughout the entire library of books; prophecy. Many have already happened years ago and are now happening in our lifetime.
I pray for all here especially those who already accept and follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Remember Family pray without ceasing for all people and things in and out of season.
I pray that countless others will hear and believe the Truth accepting Jesus as their Savior. He’s calling and seeking you!
1Thessalonians 5: 16-18 < God's will for His Family
John 17: 20-23 <This is what we God's Family are to strive for and be.
John 3:16 <Why God sent Jesus – to save us all from our sins and the evil ones of the devil.
Acts 16: 25 – 34 < Also read The Holy Bible God's love letter to you.
Revelation, Daniel, Matthew 24, and several others prophecy; God telling you the coming future for Earth.
It will swiftly get worse, what we are seeing now is just the tip of the spear; calling evil good and good evil is the devil's greatest delusion. The devil is behind ALL the division, suffering, dangerous weather, controlling the entire world, and insanity of ending the rule of law. He is "the god" of this world, God allowed it to be when he and his rebellious angels were cast from God's face in Heaven into the earth.
Read the Scriptures it is all there! The devil comes to kill, steal, and destroy everyone and everything God created. He's the enemy NOT the people, he uses some people for his evil works. Some people allow him to use them. Yes, he's a liar there's no truth in him lying is his nature. Yes, he DOES exist just read God's Scripture and see what God and Jesus say about him.
Jesus IS coming back soon for His Family first! Scripture it is written; that we WILL join Him to be with Him forever, even if we sleep in the earth He will call us to Him with a mighty shout and trumpet blast. Lift up your heads my brothers and sisters rejoice in this time of tribulation. Do NOT be sad or fearful it is all temporary for us who believe in and follow Jesus. It shows us our time for redemption is very close, watch, pray, and be alert for our Savior IS coming back for us very soon as He said he would!
At the great battle, He will end the war and the devil's rule including all his evil ones of Earth forever. Today don't waste it, you have NO idea if you will be alive in the next moment let alone tomorrow! Now call on Jesus' name and be saved so you are found worthy to escape the coming ultime war III the LAST war to end all wars.
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Answer: No. Not enough and not good enough.
Without the Sacraments and the rest of God’s Word – – Apostolic Tradition and the Magisterium – – that is preaching heresy. And we are to flee from heresy.
I enjoyed your comment, and Daisy has that “situational awareness” of the perilous times we are living in and reaching out like many of us in this fifth dimensional, asymmetrical, unrestricted spiritual warfare that affects every soul on earth. The gravity of the situation is heavily balanced in favor of those who make merchandise of people and life cheap. But we will never be able to save ourselves by the arm of flesh against what has already been written, I was unable to save my family from government narcissist using all the power of the State including judges to denied the hostage taking, blackmail of local sheriff’s, CPS and the Public Fool system. They simply will manufacture consent by saying that by resisting their tyranny, you “waived your rights” as though they had any intentions of honoring them in the first place. But as one poster stated, there are thieves and liars everywhere, and yet people are still sitting on the fence as to which master they will serve. That door is closing fast now, and I can only hope for the best, but like you, I’ve come to expect the worst from those who count the preaching of the Gospel foolishness. On suggestions for prepping, I found these Yaungel seed starter trays on Amazon that have L.E.D. grow lights and will plug into any usb port, for those who are living off the grid or in a somewhat confined area, that could be useful. It was about $22.00 from the last time I got some.
Thanks for sharing THE TRUTH!
Daisy, and all – You have fallen into a semantic trap that “The Left” has set for you.
A “migrant” is someone whose job or whatever moves from place to place. The people that have traveling carnival attractions are migrants.
An “immigrant” is someone from another place (town, city, state, but usually another COUNTRY.
The left doesn’t use “immigrant” (watch / listen to the main stream media), but rather “migrant” to make it seem more benign.
It’s hard to say “illegal migrant”, because it kinda doesn’t make sense.
“illegal immigrant” and everyone know what you’re talking about/
migrants, immigrants, NO THEY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS! plain and simple, they are not wanted here, dont come from here, and Americans want them GONE! they are INVADERS from other lands….they dont deserve anything from Americans! just sick and tired of our people working to survive, try to live a decent life, pay their taxes, keep their families, afford healthcare, have a job, etc, but these aliens steal it all away, and kill/rape/steal TO BOOT!
My husband says we shouldn’t even use illegal immigrant because that’s too innocent. Illegal Aliens! That’s what they are.
You’re absolutely correct in your etymology.
I suppose I’m trying to live by the adage of catching more flies with honey than vinegar. If saying something more gently can get through to someone who has shut their ears/eyes to certain dangers, it’s worth softening my approach.
Have been stocking up on canned foods–paying attention to calories (to keep one warm) and protein. Mostly, I shop at Walmart and Dollar Tree as canned goods are generally cheaper there. Here’s what I’ve found:
From Walmart
Bristol Cooked Ham: 800 calories; 72 grams of protein
Great Value Luncheon Meat (Spam-like): 1080 calories; 42 grams protein
Armour Treet: 840 calories; 30 grams protein
Bumble Bee Chunk Light Tuna 5oz can: 100 calories; 22 grams protein
Great Value Alaskan Pink Salmon 14.75 oz can: 440 calories; 76 grams protein
Dinty-Moore Chicken and Dumplings: 500 calories; 27.5 grams protein
Dinty-Moore Beef Stew: 500 calories; 27.5 grams protein
Progresso Clam Chowder 18.5 oz can
: 380 calories; 10 grams protein
Wolf Chili with Beans (24oz can): 810 calories; 39 grams protein
Goya Pinto Beans 29 oz can: 770 calories; 49 grams protein
Goya Traditional Refried Beans 16oz can: 455 calories; 42 grams protein
Ranch Style Beans 15 oz can: 450 calories; 18 grams protein
Bush’s Best Grillin’ Beans 22 oz can: 850 calories; 35 grams protein
Campbell’s Chunky Chicken Pot Pie Soup 18.8 oz can: 380 calories; 16 grams protein
Campbells Chunky Beef with country vegetables 18.8 oz can: 240 calories; 14 grams protein
Chef Boyardee Beef Ravioli 15 oz can: 320 calories; 9 grams protein
Chef Boyardee Spaghetti and Meatballs 14.5 oz can: 410 calories; 14 grams protein
White Rice )20lb bags) The caloric value of 20 pounds of white rice is approximately 23,690.32 calories.The protein value of 20 pounds of white rice is approximately 23.04 grams.
From Dollar Tree
Pampa Sardines in Brine 15 oz can: 410 calories; 29 grams protein
Pampa Sardines in Tomato Sauce 15 oz can: 950 calories; 60 grams protein
Pampa Mackerel in brine 10 oz can: 320 calories; 35 grams protein
Duchess Mackerel in brine 10 oz can: 210 calories; 22 grams protein
If anyone here has better ideas, I’d be grateful if they would share them here…
Watch the salt content in some of those cans you’re buying. If you eat too much salty, fatty, junky canned food that’s full of preservatives, you’ll end up feeling dehydrated and lousy, and probably with stomach distress or constipation as well.
Don’t neglect fruits, vegetables, grains, lentils, oatmeal, etc., for digestion and nutritients.
If you can afford internet, the likelihood you’re going to be face a caloric shortfall seems low. Rice and flour to bake bread can give you plenty of calories, and you don’t need a lot of canned meat, fish, or chicken to get your daily protein needs.
Add in canned or freeze-dried vegetables (which can be added to soups, chilis, and other dishes), along with a good supply of whole oats, lentils, peas, and other legumes, along with canned, dried (e.g. dates, raisins), and freeze-dried fruit.
Fiber is your friend, and the vitamins and minerals from these other foods will leave you feeling good and energetic, not sluggish and bloated.
Look into pemmican? Classic survival food: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pemmican
Positive mental attitude. And situational awareness. They really work!
Problem is that I do not live by anyone that I can trust. And I would not be able to protect my family enough from all the idiot neighbors I have that have not prepared. We live north and are not willing to do warm areas to be by like minded people as we do not do well with the heat or warm. Very frustrating.. Plus my husband is an idiot and I can not depend on him to protect us either.
My situation is a bit different from yours, but I do know what it’s like to try to prep when there’s not only a lack of support, but out and out criticism. Hang in there!
Great article Daisy. You always give me an idea of something more I need to increase or add to my preps. Sometimes it gets a little overwhelming, maybe a little burnout, or feeling like I need a little encouragement to keep prepping, and you give it! Thanks!
I disagree about buying gold and silver. Gold is currently at a little over $2500 for one ounce. If a person is broke I doubt they have anything available to purchase an ounce of gold. That $2500 would be better used to pay off debt or put into a savings account in case you lose your job.
Silver is only a little over $30 an ounce. Which from an investment stand point a person is not going to get rich buying up tons of silver. In 2014 silver was at around $19 an ounce so it is not going to make a person wealthy anytime soon.
I know a lot of people keep saying that fiat currency is going to collapse one day.; I have been hearing this going on 20 years now. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t. If it does then all of us will have bigger concerns than using gold and silver to buy/barter for things.
Food, electricity (heat and a/c), water, clothing, defending yourself and your family, and of course shelter will be the top things to worry about. I wouldn’t take an ounce of silver or gold for a stock pile of food in a currency collapse. Those that would trade the resources needed to live for money are fools.
Agreed. I’ve bought some gold and silver over the years, and inherited some as well. When you consider the premiums above spot prices, you have to overpay for gold and silver and hope they go up further before you’re ahead.
My conclusion after playing around with metals for 15 years is that the best thing to buy is junk silver — the old 90% coins that were minted until 1964. You don’t want them in any kind of graded condition, because you’re paying extra; you just want dimes and quarters, as well as half dollars and dollars that aren’t too worn down. If you can feel the ridges and the faces and dates on the coin are reasonably visible, that’s perfect.
In a crisis, you can’t trade a $3,000 gold coin for food and supplies unless you plan to shave some gold off of it and the seller has a scale.
An old silver dime, however, currently worth $2.25, or an old quarter, currently worth $5.63, is perfect. You can trade a few coins for bread, chicken, canned food, etc., and the value is easy to work with. Two old silver dollars, currently worth $24.08 apiece, could be traded for a box of ammo or some medical supplies. Etc.
“Two old silver dollars, currently worth $24.08 apiece, could be traded for a box of ammo or some medical supplies. Etc.”
Speaking only for myself here. I’d never trade ammo. Not even if I were starving. Not Ever.
Addendum: this is a common mistake in the preppers world. The idea that I can simply trade for my needs. You will only be able to barter with another person for what they have a surplus of. And if society is so bad that bartering is a normal practice of commerce, then there will absolutely be no surplus of ammo.
Bartering and trading are skills that needs to be practiced. By practicing these skills now, you help yourself by building upon your circles of trust. I just negotiated a trade with a carpenter. I traded a spare zodiac 16’ boat from my guiding days for his labor to complete a new sewing studio and pantry for my wife in the basement. He needed a lightweight boat that he could go catch food for his family that he could fit in his buggy and a had a surplus boat.
Practice trading and bartering now. It will pay huge dividends.
we have not had a problem with the immigrants here in Mississippi, YET, thanks to our state and local governments pushing back, god bless them.
and yes the state, local and everyday people here just won’t allow it. from the doctors, lawyers, businessmen to the farmers and field hands of all colors and creeds, it’s a very genteel society we have here now. country people are very clannish here. we are all very happy and all get along. ( and yes we have our share of old hard heads) .we are glad to see you come to visit, but we are glad to see you leave as well. we will not allow others to spoil our happiness.
please come and visit and spend time with us before you pass judgement on the deep south.
several people organized a communist party rally in Madison, MS several years ago, it did not last long or end well, they have not been back. they had to be escorted across state lines by the MHP for their own safety. yea that p*ssed a lot of white and black people off, all of them our neighbors.
Well said Daisy. You are astute and I loved your Widow on the Woods i bought it. Blessings from Australia
Sometimes I hesitate to share certain ideas here. I value the website. I’ve learned much here. Prepping, in general is wise.
There are just a number of ideas that go against the grain of being the grey man. The grey man isn’t going to stop a single illegal immigrant/alien/invader/your prefered term here. The grey man isn’t going to hold anyone accountable. The grey man is not a revolutionary.
The grey man is not going to end the Fed or balance the budget. The grey man isn’t going to bring the troops home.
I tried to be a “good guy” in 2021-2022. I tried to organize locally. I joined a statewide activist group. We did what we could regarding elections, medical tyranny, asserting our constitutional rights… We failed.
Now, I am the grey man. I am not good… but I am not evil. I only wish to survive what’s coming. Maybe someday I can be good once more… but for now, I am the grey man. I will not solve dystopia; someone less disillusioned than I am will need to do that.
I’ve lived carefully for a long time. I have and add as I’m able. Knowledge is one of the big things in any new or different situation. I continue to add to that bank. I have learned to forage here in the desert and continue to learn new things to look for and new ways of using what is available. And I’ve added tools and toys as I’m able. I just turned three hours of foraging prickly pear fruit into almost 6 gallons of juice and made jelly and syrup of most of it. I have almost 2 gallons of canned juice and after sharing with friends I still have more jelly than we need for a couple of years. I bought a 2 lb bag of pectin rather than those expensive little packets. In years past Ive made my pectin from apple peelings and cores. I didn’t have apples where I’m at this year so I bought what I needed. but I’ve planted an orchard of mixed fruits in this place and all began blooming a bit this past spring. So the future holds promise. But with care and preparation, there is plenty with or without much outside sourcing. I have most of what I need to install solar power here with little monetary investment. I can grind flour, and I regularly make sourdough bread that will keep over a week before I start thinking about mold. Since I have little concern about power I may still invest in a freeze dryer but I’m quite content with sun drying most things. I don’t cook too much at a time as there is a limit to what two people can eat of any one thing. I do can a lot and have been collecting jars and lids for quite a while. I’m setting up a canning kitchen and a small woodworking shop. In winter I can excesses in the home kitchen. In summer I’ll be canning in the outside place I’m putting together.
I looked for ways to accomplish more and survived 10 months alone in the woods with nothing but a pocket knife, a few matches, and one change of clothing. I live on a small Social Security income so in many ways I’m still looking for ways to survive and thrive. Knowledge and careful planning are my best preps.
we are retired and as self sufficient as two people can be. we have been working on this for years, it’s just the way people here in the deep south have always lived. when hurricane Katrina rolled through in 2005 it was like a vacation for us. dark sky’s and quiet. we live off grid, avid primitive campers and didn’t want for nothing except A/C. we have a good spring behind the place that serves as a water source and a good place to cool off.
unless you can grow salt or toilet paper you are never truly off grid.
i have planted TP, well fertilized but it never came up!!!