Discreet Urban Weapons You Never Thought About

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By the author of Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City and The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook.

I’ll start this by saying I’m against violence. 

By that, I mean gratuitous violence because I acknowledge it is much part of life, the natural state of things. But being peaceful is different than being harmless. In fact, the most peaceful people I know are also the most harmful.

 Throughout my entire life, I have always strived for conflict avoidance and de-escalation. I’m constantly training my awareness skills and studying violence and crime to detect and avoid it as much as possible. Not being there is Rule #1 in survival.

But we must be ready to fight violence with violence if necessary. 

That’s Rule #2: Be prepared to use violence. I have no shame admitting that I run first. But I also practice martial arts, combat, and tactical shooting, among other self-defense techniques.

Because violence can be unavoidable sometimes, and we can only focus on what we can control (that’s ourselves). The rest is not really up to us. The world is dangerous, and there’s a lot of evil out there, even when things are normal. It’s obviously much worse when SHTF, as we know.

But that doesn’t mean we should employ violence in all violent situations. 

Knowing when it’s necessary is critical (it comes with studying violence and training). It’s sort of a Catch-22, but it’s important to understand that the consequences of violence are, more often than not, worse and far-reaching than non-violent options.

Besides potential consequences, there’s always some risk involved in any direct engagement. We may know how a situation starts but can’t say how it’s going to end. Ever.

Surviving is the goal. Winning is for the ring. This leads to Rule #3: Violence should be the last resort. Even if we’re ready to deal with it, we should do everything in our power to detect, avoid, defuse, de-escalate, or escape. 

When the enemy picks the time and place.

Sometimes violence comes to us. That’s when weapons and training can be an asset. It’s reassuring to know that you can at least handle yourself to some level if things go awry.

Firearms top most prepper’s list. It’s the #1 weapon of choice for SHTF. Rifles and pistols are great to have at any time, and certainly more if the world goes Mad Max. I love shooting and competing as much as anyone.

But there are intermediary levels of SHTF to prepare for.

When handguns aren’t a viable option or the most appropriate for a situation, urban weapons can provide a tactical advantage for personal protection and self-defense.

By carrying these weapons and being efficient at using them, and also knowing about them and how they work, we can improve the odds of avoiding, deflecting, or neutralizing these weapons, in case they get used against us.

This is what good LEOs everywhere do. 

Because it’s part of their job to contend with thugs and criminals that use improvised and adapted weapons all the time. And no one wants to get caught by surprise. 

In fact, much of what I’m presenting here was learned from cops and other security agents, experts, and instructors during my street survival outings, interviews, direct training, and other situations. The following general tips also come courtesy directly from them. 

Before we dive in, here’s the skinny of urban weapons conduct. Take note, if carrying one of these (or any other) is in your plans: Beware the rules of the streets. Study the law. Don’t flaunt. Practice constantly. And keep the concept of deterrence always in mind. 


Weapons are items designed to inflict physical (body) damage or act as deterrents to discourage someone from doing something bad or violent against us.

Selco talks about how this works during SHTF in his many books, and whether or not you think a civil war or other total breakdowns may take place where you live, it’s worth knowing about deterrence at least as mental preparation. 

Know the Law

Federal, state, and municipal. This is very important, for obvious reasons. Governments and authorities are becoming more and more strict, even though public safety has been decaying with the passing of time. 

Don’t just do a quick first page on what’s allowed or not in your town. These things change all the time, frequently without notice. Go deeper, and check what is being practiced out there and what the authorities will allow, tolerate, or enforce. 

You may be surprised that some items forbidden by legislation are not actually enforced, and vice versa. I’m not telling you to carry this or that, just to wise up. In the end, if something happens and you’re brought to justice, it will be taken by the letter of the law no matter what the street practice.

Street fighting rules

Talking about the street, the only thing to know about street fighting and urban violence, in general, is that there are no rules. Everything is game to incapacitate your opponent (temporarily or definitely) and escape intact. Know that because your opponent already does.

Be grey

In perhaps 99% of the situations in life, being discreet, restrained, and low-key is a good thing. When we’re carrying a self-defense weapon, this is even more important.

Practice beforehand 

Constant practice of carrying, deploying, and operating is advisable. That’s no different than firearms or any other weapon, really. The goal is to become as smooth, as quick, and as efficient as possible. 

Surprise and efficiency are big factors in any combat. It’s possible to revert the situation by surprising an attacker and being skilled. This takes practice, and practice, and more practice. 

Do some testing, too, to see if it will hold and perform or break on the first strike. The worse time to learn is when you actually need it.

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The following items are so commonplace that they should pass unsuspected in most places.

There are others. This is just a primer. The idea is turning everyday, ubiquitous, unsuspected items into force multipliers, so creativity and improvisation play a big role. 

But if deployed efficiently and timely, these improvised urban weapons can help achieve the ultimate goal of buying time and distance from an attacker (to escape) or get us out of a dangerous situation. 

Bic lighter

I got this tip from a friend who works as a bouncer in a downtown club where the lowlife gather. He applied a choke hold on a guy who had just slapped someone on the dance floor. The fellow lit a Bic on his forearm to break the grip. He’s 6’2” and strong as a bull, but the intense burning made him back off instantly. Took him a few seconds to realize WTF was that while the guy ran away. It’s effective over fabric as well (but you know the potential implications, so beware).


I saw this one myself during a construction job I was supervising here: a guy stopped two coworkers who attacked him using a tube of superglue. There was an argument, one of the guys pulled a small blade, and this fellow gushed superglue all over them. It was a mess, but the result was immediate. 

This is a tricky one to pull out, but when I thought about it, I saw the potential and some advantages: 1) Superglue is easy to find; 2) It’s above suspicion; 3) It’s perhaps the last thing someone (police or not) would think is being carried as a “weapon”; 4) It’s unexpected; 5) It’s very effective and quick in incapacitating attackers without being fatal, which may come handy if the case is brought to justice. 

As always, there are some cons: it’s not as easy or fast to deploy. It must also be used in a way, so we don’t worsen our own situation by “gluing” ourselves to our attacker or something else. But I can imagine this being used stealthily in some close-body situations, though, with the attacker not realizing it until he’s stuck. 


Small, inconspicuous, legal, heavy, and powerful. Padlocks have been used as weapons for ages. Tied to a bandana, a lanyard, or even a t-shirt, they become a slingshot with tremendous reach and blunt force. Square types have sharp and pointy edges, making them dangerous and effective if used as a swinging weapon. 

urban weapons

It can be thrown onto someone to gain a few precious seconds to allow an escape. Padlocks and chains have been used by urban cyclists for decades, meaning it’s time and street-tested. A hefty lanyard can replace the bandana. Cons: Bulk and weight mostly. 

Aerosol (hair spray or other)

You’ve probably seen aerosols used as flamethrowers in movies. This has been used in real life too. Most aerosols are also highly flammable, and some are highly irritating too. 

It requires a lighter or other ignition source, which all but prevents its use in surprise attacks on the street. It’s also relatively short-reaching, though no one will take a chance when a flame is being thrown around. But no one will make an issue of someone carrying a can of hair spray either.

Cork pullers

Twist-and-pull corkscrew pullers may not be the most efficient when it comes to opening wine bottles, but they are incredibly effective when used as a weapon. They are a “civil” version of the push dagger, a.k.a. knuckle knife, a very popular choice in the U.S. in the 19th century, but certainly a more discreet and, above all, permitted item. If you get pulled and asked by the cops, you can distill your immense knowledge in enology, and everything will be fine.

urban weapons


The umbrella is touted in many prepping circles as an effective weapon. There are many videos on the internet showing people swinging an umbrella against attackers, though it’s not really an effective weapon to inflict serious damage nor incapacitate a stronger opponent or attacker – unless you can poke the person’s eye or other soft parts with precision. This is mostly movie stuff, though, I can assure you. 

What I have seen done effectively is using an open umbrella to hide another weapon, like a firearm, pepper spray, or something else. The person opened it while using the other hand to draw a pistol and shoot the criminals coming for him. You see them turning around and running away, desperate in surprise. 


The pandemic has turned carrying a bottle of alcohol into a common thing. No one would think anything of someone carrying it everywhere, not even into restaurants or on public transportation. Except perhaps on airplanes, but you’re unlikely to need to defend yourself while flying anyway.

Alcohol can be used directly if you can splash some into the person’s eyes somehow or threaten with fire. This is tricky, though, but if you can pull this off without being detected, it can work. 

People fear flammables and fire. There’s a famous video of a guy filling the tank at a gas station. A van with thugs comes by, and when they’re about to go down and rob him, he calmly pulls the nozzle and soaks them and the van with gasoline. Of course, they run away immediately.

Now we’re entering the legal gray zone.

Depending on where you live, one or all of the items below would be recognized as weapons by most anyone, especially the authorities. These are more efficient for incapacitating an opponent by inflicting damage or at least changing his mind. 

Telescopic steel baton

Easy to conceal, deploy, and highly effective, the telescopic steel baton is used by many police forces around the world. In fact, it’s so damaging that in many places, it’s illegal (e.g., California). It’s my preferred urban weapon because it’s not as easy to be taken from you, and it’s highly effective even against more than one assailant. 

In fact, it’s very effective as a deterrent because it’s quite intimidating. Opponents should desist just by seeing it being deployed. And if used, only one strike might convince them that insisting on attacking you is a bad idea. 

Brass knuckles

These were also very common in personal combat and even during wars since the ancient Rome period. Though capable of causing serious damage, brass knuckles aren’t just to deliver a more debilitating punch: they’ll save your hands. 

As anyone who’s ever been into a fight can attest, punching someone in the face (or anywhere) bare-handed can be painful. And dangerous too: it’s easier to break a hand or finger than most people think. 

This may be OK during normal times, but thinking in terms of SHTF, breaking anything and especially the hands, may imply a serious handicap, not only for self-defense but for many other things.

Pepper spray

Like firearms, pepper spray may be illegal in some places. In the U.K., for instance, they’re strictly forbidden. Despite laws and regulations, police may or may not have a more lax attitude towards someone carrying a pepper spray, so it’s really down to the local scene. 

When it comes to efficacy, we must be mindful of the time it takes to make an effect: it can be anything from a few seconds to a minute – unless you hit the eyes. For this reason, it’s better if deployed discreetly or by surprise, and when it gets into action, you can run.

When it does work, though, it’s quite effective to incapacitate an assailant or assailants. Smaller canisters are easier to conceal and deploy.

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In close-quarter combat, knives can be deadlier than a handgun or other firearm. It’s easier and quieter to bring into action, and this makes a huge difference. 

There’s just too much that can be said about knives, from size to type of blade, not to mention the plethora of attack and defense techniques. It would take another article to go over even a fraction of that. Training knife fighting and defense is really, really hard and tricky (not to mention dangerous). 

Just know it’s messy and risky, and if you pull a knife on an attacker and he or she doesn’t change his mind and turn away, you better be ready to use it effectively. There’s always the real risk of getting it taken from and used against us, too. 

There are many other kinds of blades that can perform the same function. Many are improvised, but there’s also a plethora of industrial options out there, some really low-profile like the fixed-blade tactical belt knives. These stay somewhat concealed but can be identified and might be forbidden in most places. Folding knives are controversial, so I’ll leave it at that.

One of the most elegant for civil use is the integrated belt knife by designer Dan Valois. It’s a rather sophisticated solution to keep a small knife concealed and easily available: a 2.75” blade in 420C steel with serrations, useful to cut through seatbelts, cords, and other tough materials. The blade is coated black to make it even more tactical. 

It will sound the alarm from metal detectors and also show up in X-ray equipment. But in the urban environment, it’s the most discreet (I’d say camouflaged) fixed-blade knife that I’ve ever seen or known of. I wear mine all the time, and not once have I had someone asking me about it. For all purposes, it’s just a belt. 

Are there other discreet carry options?

There are a wide range of other discreet weapons that could be considered I didn’t discuss above. If you know of any, let us know in the comments below. What are your thoughts on what I mentioned?

About Fabian

Fabian Ommar is a 50-year-old middle-class worker living in São Paulo, Brazil. Far from being the super-tactical or highly trained military survivor type, he is the average joe who since his youth has been involved with self-reliance and outdoor activities and the practical side of balancing life between a big city and rural/wilderness settings. Since the 2008 world economic crisis, he has been training and helping others in his area to become better prepared for the “constant, slow-burning SHTF” of living in a 3rd world country.

Fabian’s ebook, Street Survivalism: A Practical Training Guide To Life In The City , is a practical training method for common city dwellers based on the lifestyle of the homeless (real-life survivors) to be more psychologically, mentally, and physically prepared to deal with the harsh reality of the streets during normal or difficult times. He’s also the author of The Ultimate Survival Gear Handbook.

You can follow Fabian on Instagram @stoicsurvivor

Picture of Fabian Ommar

Fabian Ommar

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71 Responses

  1. A real leather belt well broke in with a good brass buckle that is riveted fast. It’s always on my body. And, yes, it has been used.

    I even practice with it. Unbuckled and wrapped twice around my palm and knuckles. The live end with the buckle gives me a 2’ reach advantage. I have a 33” waist but buy my belts are cut for a 36” waist. I can distract, disarm, strike from a distance. If I have to get in close I can tie up, strike without busting my hand or throttle.

    1. Love this one! I inherited my father-in-laws belts, but never considered their potential for self defense.

    2. Excellent comment. I have a well broken in western classic style ranger belt with a solid buckle that I’ve had for 20 years. I have practiced with it, but never had to use it – fortunately. It was a gift from a very close friend of mine, who also showed me how it could be used for self defense.

  2. My favorite discreet weapon is a 4″ Crescent Typ Wrench attached to my Key Ring by a very stout key ring. No one gives it a second glance as a potential weapon, but it will gouge and tear flesh if used that way, it also turns my keys into a flail and give a righteous impact on a skull.
    I’ve passed Security Checkpoints without anyone commenting on its presence as it’s clearly a tool, and not recognized as a weapon.
    I agree with the author, I Conceal Carry, and try to avoid areas where that isn’t possible. Sometimes though, those areas are unavoidable.

  3. Probably one of the best weapons is actually a skill. One of the many Martial arts forms of stick fighting.
    Sticks are everywhere and the same skills are utilized; whether you pick up an Iron pipe, a sturdy cardboard tube or a rolled up newspaper. So you don’t even have to carry it with you, (but a good walking cane will work also). So it may not even be considered a weapon by the police.
    Another skill is that of throwing improvised weapons. Normally we think of throwing knives, but one can throw almost anything; from screwdrivers to pieces of rebar or whatever is at hand. if you develop that skill.
    Improvised weapon skills are probably one of the best choices you could learn and especially if you are trying to be a Gray man.

  4. In the course of my job I’ve had to fly extensively throughout the US, South America, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe. As I never wanted to be at a disadvantage, even though I couldn’t fly armed with my EDC, I had to improvise. I took a 2 oz. bottle of Vizene eye-drops, squirted out the contents, then re-filled it with Formaldehyde. It has passed through security at every airport I’ve traveled through. It has a range of only maybe 2′ – 3′, however if you squirt that in someones face they will drop in agony whether it gets in their eyes or respiratory system. It is carcinogenic, but if my life was on the line I wouldn’t care.

  5. Here is my such list as just posted today in Daisy’s article on guns for women for self defense:

    1. pocket stun “gun”

    2. stun “gun” built into a fully charged flashlight

    3. high powered green laser, the kind that’s a felony to point at an aircraft pilot and his eyes.

    4. taser

    5. tactical ball-point pen with glass-breaking point, some with tiny flashlights as well, has martial arts benefit

    6. hootie — sets off loud siren and strobe light

    7. some knives, but not others, but only with some training

    8. some walking canes, but not others, training in self defense use is mandatory

    9. pepper gel (NOT the spray which can blow back into your own eyes when outdoors)

    10.you can probably think of more….


  6. Alcohol and sprays are far more useful if you can get them into somebody’s eyes. A good way of achieving this is with a scarf, as long as possible, with a knot in the end that you sling towards your opponent’s eyes. If you don’t have alcohol or sprays at hand, just water will make the knot heavier and be mildly irritant.

  7. Wasp spray. I carry it in my vehicles all the time. Sprayed to the face causes some serious pain (eyes). Good urban defense for protestors with ill intent on the street and stopping vehicles.

  8. Am 70 year old woman, 5 feet tall. Attacker saw an “easy” target as I walked from a diner to my car. Came up behind me and whirled me around. Had me up against a wall before I could react. Started grabbing body parts and put his hand in my crotch. I remembered my self defense trainer saying, think about every person who has ever pissed you off. Funnel that rage into your defense. I had a small spring assist folding knife in my pocket… when I could get to it, I pulled it out and growled as menacingly as I could, “Put me down a$$hole mfer or you’ll sing soprano for the rest of your miserable life.” The fact that I responded and didn’t whimper surprised him and when he saw my eyes, he ran. Too many women don’t do that. Tap into your mama bear and don’t take crap from these thugs. I knew I would be dead if I let him take me to his vehicle. So I mustered everything I had to prevent that. And I’m here to tell the tale,

  9. A sturdy pen or mechanical pencil with a metal body. or a regular #2 pencil can do some damage as well. Great article!

    1. I always find it amusing that when entering the courthouse, they’ll confiscate the tiny 2 inch pocket knife I keep forgetting is on my keychain, but they’ll allow my 8-12inch aluminum pointy knitting needles (lol), of course I’m usually knitting on them at the time too, but I carry spares in my bag (lol).

    1. Truth! I’ve tried it. And I keep it on my desk at work, just in case. 🙂 The good thing is, we have wasps outside sometimes, so no one questions.

  10. Daisy, your cousins Bo and Luke used to use bow and arrows with dynamite! ????
    Sorry I’m new here.

  11. I’ve used bear spray for an attacking dog. It’s long range and legal. Wasp spray too. If used on a human, and questioned, I can truthfully say I had it because I was attacked, by a dog and bitten once.

  12. A large carabiner that will fit your hand can be used like brass knuckles without the potential hassle

  13. hornets nest spray will shoot about 20 feet and is extremely flammable. I keep one at each door with a bic lighter. You can soak someone and set him on fire or light the liquid while spraying and you have a flame thrower.
    I also have a flare gun at each entrance.
    I have a box of roman candle fireworks as they shoot about 50 feet. Bundle three together and light them, works great.
    Scuba diver rubber propelled spears, only need a small one, very deadly.
    Use a homemade bola to take out drones.

  14. hornets nest spray will shoot about 20 feet and is extremely flammable. I keep one at each door with a bic lighter. You can soak someone and set him on fire or light the liquid while spraying and you have a flame thrower.
    I also have a flare gun at each entrance.
    I have a box of roman candle fireworks as they shoot about 50 feet. Bundle three together and light them, works great.
    Scuba diver rubber propelled spears, only need a small one, very deadly.
    Use a homemade bola to take out drones.

  15. The photo of the girl with a knife is hilarious!
    Some great yet simple ideas here – I will definitely add some to my personal defense repertoire.
    My weapon of choice (for lack of a gun) is a slingshot. They can be small and discreet, but there is definitely some skill and practice required. I like how quiet they are, and the relative safety for a child or slight person to use this defensively. If you have a height advantage, are concealed, and have night vision you could wreak havoc with a simple slingshot and a pack of ball bearings.

  16. Thanks everyone for the comments and great additional suggestions.

    Just an update: read it in the news that yesterday a 25yo woman killed (yes, killed) a 49yo predator here with an umbrella (yes, an umbrella).

    He harassed her and she fought back, thinking he was trying to rape her. He went to the hospital but didn’t survive the injuries. He had a pretty long record.

  17. A can of deodorant makes a great flame thrower and a brass handled walking stick. I don’t use a walking stick but I sometimes carry one. A baseball bat in the vehicle would raise eyebrows here (without a ball next to it) but at truck parts stores you can purchase an aluminium mini baseball bat that is labelled “Tyre Checker”. I keep one of these in each of the vehicles.

  18. So after reading everyone’s posts (awesome- I’m a divorced mom with 2 kids- always worried about s hitting the f.)
    Two things:
    -the umbrella defence could be made much more lethal by getting a full-size umbrella with the pointy aluminum dowel that sticks out through the top- seems like anyone who knows anyone with even a garage shop could grind that down to a REALLY sharp bad-guy killer. I would put a ‘modest’ easily removable plastic plastic cap on the tip- because kids.
    – Also, I just saw a ‘salt rifle’ at Walmart- it was in the lawn & garden area- they are seriously selling this as a way to kill mosquitos. It looks kind of like a paintball gun with an ammo hopper at the top- and you just pour regular table salt in. I didn’t have time to examine it closely, but has anyone else ever used one? Would it be strong enough to stop a bad guy?

    1. The salt “gun” is good for flies, but wont bring down a carpenter bee, so unless your accuracy is great and you get his eyes, I’m not sure it would be enough.

  19. A quality set of solid metal chopsticks. I have a titanium pair I carry in a simple, but somewhat ornate case that is easy to open and get to….they don’t have to be titanium as long as they are solid.

  20. Would love to hear more comments/ideas from the girls (or for girls)! Loved the knitting needles idea. Any other ideas? My job often has me working late, alone, and in a semi-remote area. As society continues its descent, personal protection has weighed heavily on my mind.

    1. The women in the early 18 hundreds use to wear hat-pin and some were 18 inches long, then some judge had them scaled down to 9 inches to make them legal to wear with there hats. Anyway hat pins are a good weapon to back bad guys away if they are thick enough. Think about it !

    2. Consider taking a class in Krav Maga. Turn your body into a lethal weapon.

      Also, do a video search for “Dr. Ruthless”. She is a female self protection expert. She is a tiny little thing but holy crap… She can put the beat down on someone three times her size.

  21. Re: Pepper Spray
    Sure it’s a great item but in the middle of a self-defense situation, how likely are you to check which direction the wind is blowing? You could end up incapacitating yourself.
    Just sayin.
    If I can’t have a carry gun I think I like the belt knife best.

  22. Maybe nobody mentioned it because it’s too obvious…

    The big metal maglite flashlight. I have a few of them. I know there are brighter, more efficient flashlights but this type is definitely a flashlight thats a weapon.

    1. It is obvious, but I’m glad you mentioned it. I don’t have a maglite, but I have a long baton flashlight with short spikes on one end , and the flashlight telescopes out to about the length of a night stick. I have it in my car in arm’s reach for whatever may happen.

    2. My father was a cop for a while. At the time I had my tire iron beside my front seat. He said that was a very bad idea because if I ever had to use it, because I was keeping it there for self defense, it would be legally considered premeditated. Instead he gave me one of the long mag light flashlights. The 6 D battery one and told me to swing it like a baseball bat! Lol….I really miss my father, he died years ago but I still live by so many things he taught me.

  23. Thanks for reminding me JT, I have a couple of those myself. Back a number of years ago my favorite aunt used to wear metal hair sticks when her hair was longer. I suppose the metal chop sticks would work in the same way. Plus, sometimes you can find the old-fashioned hat pins in thrift stores.

  24. My sister always carry’s a fork (eating utensil).
    Used a finger nail file to sharpen the points.
    I’ve seen her put it through some guys hand just for taking
    her French fries. (She warned him)

  25. A simple box cutter found at any hardware store (razor knife) will do wonders to a face, eyes, forearms, hands, neck, thighs etc. They make folding ones with a clip for your pocket and the blades are easily replaced.

  26. If you’re old enough to pull it off, a cane. Yes, on the one hand, it may make you appear feeble, which could invite trouble, but on the other hand, especially if it’s a “good one”, a cane can be a VERY effective weapon. It’s essentially a legal club, and depending upon the “handle”, a real man-stopper!

  27. So, a couple others-

    A dog- yep, when possible, take your dog on a “walk”, and carry a treat for him, like a dog toy or a bone (look around, you’d be surprised at how weapon-like a dog toy can be). NOBODY wants to mess with a dog, and it’s like a two man team, and one of those “men” doesn’t know what “fighting fair” is, at all!

    A can of Chunky, split pea and ham soup, and a tactical-combat spork. With one in each hand, I’d “eat your lunch”, and then, mine too.

    A 16 inch piece of half-inch rebar. Also, you could throw it away, once per week, and still not care about “what you paid for it”.

    A high quality dog leash, preferably leather, complete with the buckle, some tags, and maybe a good luck charm. Here again, even a dog toy or bone, with or without the dog.

    A metal lunch pail, or even just an old school, metal and glass filled thermos, with handle, you can even put beverages in it, your choice.

    Women- an old school “hair pin” (look them up). Basically, a 6 inch needle that you use to hold your hair bun in place, or maybe just carry in your purse. I read a pamphlet years ago, detailing how a ninja could kill with one, just by knowing “where” to employ it.

    Combs and hair brushes- there are many to choose from, and they’re practical, and completely discreet.

    A “parcel”, which is to say, a box about 4 inches square, and 16-20 inches long, filled with “whatever you want it to be filled with”. Just by sight alone, it could be a 5 cell mag-lite, it could be a night stick, or it could be a machete; The point is, I know it’s shaped like a thousand weapons, without even knowing which it is, and I probably don’t want to find out.

    Lastly- a fake arm cast, that can be slipped on or off. It’s a club, it’s almost brass knuckles, and it will split a water melon in two with one crushing blow. Besides, your arm isn’t really broken, so you can bash away like Hagar the Horrible.

    A lot about anything/everything you carry, overtly, is about the image it conjures up in the would be attacker, i.e. do I want to risk being hit with “that”? If their answer is no, they will most likely move on to a softer target.

  28. With regard to the section on ‘flail’-ed locks, pair a lock or two with a pet chain of light or moderate pull weight and you have a manriki-gusari / manriki / Kusari-fundo.
    Here in Western Australia usage of such runs you afoul of the garotte section of the weapon laws (which make nunchaku prohibited); the heavy chain I have for my dogs is a bit slow to use effectively at full length…

  29. Fabian, Thanks for the great info. Appreciate it! I had tried to find the “knife belt” by Dan Valois to no avail. It seems the site is down, etc. Any additional info would be appreciated so I can purchase a couple belts. Thanks!

    1. I saw a YT video of a guy at the gas pump who super soaked some yutes with (very flammable) gasoline as they attempted to carjack him. They left before he got out his lighter.

  30. Golf umbrellas are particularly useful on bicyclists who think you’re going to abandon the sidewalk for them.

  31. My brother used to run with what is known as a “1%er motorcycle club”. His self defence weapon of choice was a short leg from a sofa with about 2-3 feet of chain securely bolted to it.

    We live in Canada, and concealed carry has never been legal here… at least not in my lifetime.

    Talk about reaching out and touching someone…

  32. Pepper spray is illegal here in Sweden. The rape capital of the West.
    Nevertheless a another article I printed out and will discuss with friends.

  33. More than one “defenseless little old lady” has flattened a “problem child” with a long handle purse with a brick wrapped in paper inside. Start to swing it until it connects.

  34. We live near St. Louis Mo and go to several Cardinals baseball games every year. The crime downtown has gotten horrible even during mid day. People coming from the games are a target because criminals know they aren’t armed. I’m looking for suggestions here, something I would be allowed to take into the park.

  35. A couple older door keys on my key chain are easily usable as Kobutans, but sail easily under the radar of people looking to detect weapons because they. are. just. old. keys.

  36. I would advise that just to carry these without knowledge of how to properly USE them could do just the reverse if they are taken from you and used against you. You NEED to know HOW to USE them, and that goes for everything you use to protect yourself

  37. Don’t forget the automobile. If approached and threatened when you’re in your car, remember that it makes a good shield and is a 3000 lb bludgeon on wheels. And it’s legal, or close enough for joyriding carjackers. They say you can run down a bicycling, retired chief of police and be out in 30 days. But don’t take my word for it, that’s what the perps said…

  38. I also have a taser with a safety strap that you attach to yourself so that it is hard to take away from you, an air horn to disable with sound and let others know you need help, pepper spray (although not really the best because you could spray yourself accidentally), a sling shot with marbles, and on my key ring, a large, hard plastic cat head cut out, with pointy ears that you fit onto your hand similar to brass knuckles…When walking to my vehicle, I keep it on my hand to use if needed. I keep the pepper spray air horn and taser next to my back door and in my vehicle along with my key chain, the spray and air horn next to my front door.

  39. The lady with the butcher knife made me laugh , good article . When I’m in a potentially weird situation , I carry my car keys as a weapon .

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