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Last night I had the most fun I ever had on film when I was interviewed by the Survival Preppers, Dale Goodwin and Brian Duff. You can watch it at the link below.
We talked about cancel culture, The Organic Prepper website being defunded, and prepping in a wide range of settings and environments.
And yes, the spider was huge. ????
Be sure to subscribe to their YouTube channel and give them a thumbs up! They have a really great show.
Let me know what you think in the comments. I’m pretty new to video interviews!
16 Responses
I could not find The Survival Preppers YouTube channel by searching YouTube for their name,or Organic Prepper, or Daisy Luther. I finally used the dots icon in the above embedded video to get the Share link. Searching YouTube for that link took me to the video, where I was able to reach their channel and subscribe.
For everyone else, here’s the direct link:
Thank you for letting me know that – I’ll add the link into the article. That good ole shadow-banning at work, huh?
This was a fun interview, and it was great to chat with like minded folks during the interview. All three of you shared really great points while having some humorous moments to boot. I am glad you introduced us to these guys, Daisy. 🙂
great interview
I came in about 1/3 into the live feed, but didn’t have time to stay.
I just downloaded the interview from youtube.
Looking forward to watching it uninterrupted.
Hey Daisy. Look up taco salad in the urban dictionary.
OMG! So now I need to check every recipe before I share it?
THAT is why that post was censored? I know Im old, but sheesh! Never heard that usage before!
OMG. I can’t un-know that. ????
I am not looking it up!
I just did to prove I’m braver than 1stMarineJarHead……To bad I’ve proved I’m not as wise… Hmm.
Um, yeah…spider gotta go LOL! Loved the interview, you are a natural Daisy, when you are amongst like minded friends. Keep that in mind going forward, and push your boundaries! <3
I loved the rant about TikTok.
Great interview, Daisy! You have so much important information to share. Next stop Joe Rogan?
Great video. But, I really feel old now because I know:
Roy Rogers: Horse named Trigger, Dog named Bullet
Buck Rogers: Old Space series hero
Will Rogers: Cowboy philosopher from Oklahoma
You guys got all 3 of these icons mixed up.
I’ll go crawl back under my rock now!
Rick – let’s put a positive spin on it – you aren’t old, you’re just better at trivia games. ????
America’s New Political Prisoners