Cost of Medical Bills for Baby Hit by SWAT Grenade? Over $800,000. County’s Refusal to Pay? Priceless

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Remember back in May when a gang of uniformed thugs from the  Habersham County SWAT team threw a flash-bang grenade right on top of a sleeping baby?

Well, stellar group that they are, they’ve refused to pay the over $800,000 in medical bills for the child that they permanently disfigured and nearly killed. That’s right. They aren’t paying the bills and are leaving the family to try and cover the costs for the toddler’s care.

Our militarized police forces are claiming too many innocent victims, and they aren’t being held accountable.

The family’s attorneys, from the Davis Bozeman Law Firm in Decatur, Georgia, released a statement this morning:

The family of Bounkham “Baby Bou Bou” Phonesavanh, the child severely injured on May 28, 2014 by a flash bang grenade thrown in his play pen during a botched police raid while his family was staying in Georgia, received a copy of the notice sent to their son’s doctor’s office that Habersham County reneges on their public promise to pay for the medical expenses of this working class family’s child. “Bounkham “Baby Bou Bou” Phonesavanh has to date incurred an estimated $800,000 worth of expenses due to his injuries. Shortly after severely burning “Baby Bou Bou” with a flash bang grenade the Habersham County Sheriff’s Department vowed to pay for the child’s medical expenses.  Last week the family discovered through medical providers that the county will not pay any medical bills.  The county stated that it would be “illegal” to pay.

Recently, Alecia Phonesavanh shared her son’s injuries are so severe that doctors predict several more surgeries throughout his life to repair the hole in his chest and major facial injuries.


The Habersham County Attorney responded on behalf of the county Board of Commissioners with this vague explanation.

“The question before the board was whether it is legally permitted to pay these expenses. After consideration of this question following advice of counsel, the board of commissioners has concluded that it would be in violation of the law for it to do so.”

It’s important to remember a few things regarding this case.

1.) There is no question or denial that the SWAT team threw a grenade right on top of a sleeping baby.

2.) No drugs were found on the premises.

3.) The person they were looking for was not present at the time of the no-knock raid.

It’s bad enough that it happened.  But to cripple the family financially with nearly a million dollars in medical expenses on top of that?

This isn’t even about the shoddy police work, the bad intel, or the poor decision to throw a grenade (that was designed to be rolled) into a room full of children. Nor is it about the slimy sheriff of Habersham County, who, if you recall, defended the actions of his SWAT team.

Even though he claims they’d been staking out the house for days, they somehow had no idea that 4 children were present. (This is despite the minivan with the stick figures in the windows, the car seats, and the typical kid detritus like shoes and clothes and toys.) The raid was made based on a story by a confidential informant who claims to have bought $50 worth of meth from the nephew of the homeowner. 

According to a report on RT, Sheriff Terrell…


…told the AJC the raid was properly executed, but ended in a tragic result. He defended the use of the no-knock warrant and lack of investigative work, saying that it would have risked revealing that the officers were watching the house. (source)


This is about a complete lack of accountability. A refusal to take responsibility for a horrible mistake that crosses into criminal negligence, at the very least.

What an absolutely repulsive group of individuals.

They blew a hole through the face and chest cavity of a 19 month old child, permanently disfigured him,  put him through an unfathomable amount of agony with treatments and repeated surgeries, and now, the family, which was already struggling financially after losing their home in a fire, is stuck with the bill, which will continue to climb, since Bou Bou is looking at several more operations.

“To attempt to address the ever increasing medical bills, the family is hosting a Community Fundraiser Saturday, August 23, 2014 from 3:00pm – 12:00am at the Veterans of Foreign War Center(VFW) located at 1015 Center Ave. Janesville, Wisconsin 53546.  The Phonesavanh family and community supporters are calling for church leaders, civil and human rights advocates, organizations and citizens of goodwill to support the family by donating online or  attending their fundraiser to help with the looming medical bills they are facing to continue healing their son.”

Here’s what you can do:

    • You can donate online at or make a donation at any Wells Fargo location to the account “Bounkham Phonesavanh”.
    • “Like” the family’s Facebook page so you can stay updated.
    • You can call the Habersham County Sheriff’s Office at (706) 839-0500
    • You can use THIS CONTACT FORM to email Sheriff Terrell
    • You can email the Board of Commissioners, who made this decision [email protected]
    • You can email the Habersham County Solicitor General whose stated goals are  “to deliver justice swiftly with a fair and impartial attitude; to hold defendants accountable for their actions; to advocate protection of victims and offer assistance and support through the Court process; and to improve community relations between the State Court and the Public.”  His email address is [email protected]
    • Learn about How To Survive Police Encounters
Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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16 Responses

  1. Isn’t it ironic that they are making such a big deal about that hood Mike Brown but not a peep about this baby. We live in a truly sick twisted world.

    1. Who is “they”? For the record, Mike Brown had no criminal record. None. In fact, the alleged robbery was not reported by the employees of the store and the full surveillance video shows him paying for the cigars, so it’s both interesting and telling that you characterize him as a hood. Also, people don’t know about what happened to this poor child. Individuals, such as you, who don’t think a big deal should be made about EVERY incidence of police brutality and excessive use of force are part of the reason this world is so sick and twisted.

      1. They are the savages,thugs and feral beasts burning and looting Ferguson. Certainly you didn’t expect “them” to be referred to as people. Furthermore the piece of chit may not of had an adult criminal record but he sure as hell had a lengthy juvenile one or they wouldn’t have to sue to see it! Get your facts straight!

        1. What about the savage drug dealer the Swat ream was looking for? Those parents knew or should have known that drug dealing wad going on at that house. THEY put their child in harms way. Why should tax payers pay medical costs? The kid probably would have grown up to be like his uncle anyway so he got what he deserved ahead of time. How about that for compassion?

          1. Linda:

            I don’t usually criticize readers, even when their opinions differ from mine. But you are such a horrible person that I feel compelled to point it out.

            You are an idiot. You have no ethics, morals, or values. That you could think an innocent baby deserved to get his face blown off says everything that needs to be said about the kind of human you are.

            What a sickening comment.

          2. Daisy is RIGHT, miss Linda.I see alot, you dont know what i do, there are good, bad, and ugly, and then, there is just plain ol stupid. IF you knew, how many times, LEO has its finger, on the trigger, but does not fire, you would be surprised. You have NOT seen death yet, or had to defend yourself, we here, are TRYING not to hate. trying to make things better. STOP putting everyone in the same basket. I have mixed feelings on this, but ill have to agree with daisy.

      2. I presume “they” would be the people like you, who are quick to prejudge a situation, based on information now known to be false, fabricated and twisted. I presume “they” would be those (like you), that revel in pushing unsubstantiated and false information, in order to justify false claims of prejudice and ensuing crime (looting). Based on your insightful post, I am confident that YOU are they!

  2. There must be a lot of ‘good’ lawyers who would take this case on contingency or pro bono.

    Community fund raisers are a distraction. Stay focused on suing!!

  3. this is a BABY with her whole life ahead of her, not some assh*le who is already begun a life as a career criminal. im referring to that piece of garbage michael brown (I will NOT put a capital in his name).
    I hope somebody will fight for this, because THIS is real.
    not some jerk who attacked a police officer, who’s family is acting like he never hurt anybody

    1. Well then. I sure hope you say the same thing when one of your family members, who have no criminal record (like Mike Brown) and are doing nothing more than jaywalking (like Mike Brown) are shot dead in the street. Who knew that paying for cigars, as the entire surveillance video shows, is beginning a life as a career criminal? Learn something new every day. By the way, lack of both gunpowder stippling and signs of injuries from a struggle says he was shot from a distance and not while grappling for a gun. But don’t let reality stop you from spewing irrational hate.

      1. I suppose the officer self inflicted his “shattered orbital socket”, in order to justify his uncontrollable urge to kill an innocent “gentle” giant? For the record, I can admit, the claim of the fractured orbital socket remains purely rumor, until the results of the investigation is completed.

        Can YOU bring yourself to admit YOU are espousing pure conjecture as well? At least until the FACTS are revealed, from the thorough investigation?

  4. I am certain the reason the county will not pay is due to the fact that they expect a lawsuit and by paying they would be admitting guilt. Its a legal maneuver but, obviously, when it hits a jury, they will be found at fault and will have to pay. But not just the medical but also punitive damages. The childs family should retain counsel right away and I pray they get a very good lawyer. The lawyer will take a third of the award but it is money well spent.

    1. Exactly Jim…

      And in the end, after the legal bills incurred by the family AND the legal bills incurred by the county (taxpayer dime), the county will settle out of court to prevent any finding of wrongdoing. The county insurance provider will pay (taxpayer funded premiums).

      All in all, a loss for both the victims and the taxpayer. I’m sure the state couldn’t care less. Behind closed doors they are likely claiming the family was wrong since drugs are a “crime” and their intel was accurate about location and sales.

      More “color of law” crimes with no victims except those caused by the state.

  5. Has anyone thought that if the guy had not been dealing drugs in the first place, the cops wouldn’t have been there? What happened to the reported 1.5 MILLION dollers that was raised via facebook the first 3 weeks after the accident? I feel sorry for the child. There is no doubt it is a horrible thing that happened and the police should have done a better job. But internet propaganda and harrassment isn’t helping the poor child. There is no such thing as a grenade designed to be “rolled”. The Georgia Constitution is what is being interpreted as why they say it is illegal. I’m not saying it is right, I’m just stating fact. Not to mention they did not refuse to pay until a lawsuit was filed by big Atlanta lawyers. So before you call these people and start cussing and pointing fingers, you might want to realize that the person that answers the phone is most likely not the person that had anything to do with any of this tragedy.

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