Coronavirus Special Report: “Epidemics” Become More Deadly When Living Standards Are Lower

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Year after year, the world’s public is subjected to a fear campaign surrounding some frightening disease, from Zika virus to Ebola. Each year Western audiences, in particular, are browbeaten with fear over a disease that, one year later, is scarcely remembered. What is remembered, however, is the reaction of federal, local, and state governments and the ever-growing authoritarian “solutions” provided.

The solutions always take the form of “discussions” over even greater violations of individual rights, forced vaccination, dislocation, forced quarantine, and medical tyranny.

This year’s disease is coronavirus, a SARS-like upper respiratory illness that has allegedly killed over 40 people in China and is allegedly popping up all over the world, including here in the United States.

For the purpose of this article, we will leave aside questions of how this virus suddenly appeared, its origins, real dangers, and how it is spreading so fast. Assuming that the threat of coronavirus is real, there are a number of solutions to the festering pandemic that are acutely being ignored.<

Travel bans from affected areas, greater screening at airports and other national access points, particularly the U.S./Mexico border have all been largely ignored until recently. A comprehensive policy of treatment and containment of the disease that does not entail the implementation of martial law and the violation of Constitutional rights also appears to be nonexistent.

Yet there is also a more long term set of solutions that must be implemented in order to prevent the disease from spreading and to prevent its appearance in the first place. The end of austerity, the rebuilding of economic opportunity, access to proper nutrition, and the progress and development of the American health system are all essential to treating and preventing coronavirus and outbreaks from diseases like it.

Austerity begets disease

Throughout history, plagues and disease epidemics can be traced directly to austerity, low living standards, and/or poor sanitation conditions often coupled with inadequate nutrition and lack of available treatment. War and periods of struggle are also precursors to epidemics.

Any one of these conditions can themselves beget plague and disease. Yet, when taken together, they are a recipe for devastation and plague. There are numerous examples of the connections between lower living standards and the decline of public health throughout history. To comment on all of them would be outside of the scope of this article. However, a few of these parallels must be drawn.

When discussing the emergence and ramifications of mass plague, one cannot avoid discussion of the Bubonic Plague or Black Plague/Black Death. Indeed, anytime there is the consideration of an epidemic that threatens to become massive in scale and even a pandemic, discussions of the Black Plague rise back to the surface. Although usually presented by mainstream outlets and medical propagandists as an example of what happened to a primitive people in a time before drugs and vaccines as well as the possible consequences of the lack of total fealty to the medical establishment today, the Black Plague had its roots in much more basic and wide-reaching sources than mere medical treatment options.

As economic historian Webster G. Tarpley stated,

We have a tradition to draw on that goes back in the Western World to the 1340s. And it was in the 1340s that this pandemic called the Black Plague began to come into southern Europe, the Mediterranean ports, coming from the Levant, coming from the eastern Mediterranean and coming from further in the far east. And you have to also bear in mind that, in order to have a pandemic, it really takes two ingredients as I see it anyway. One is you have to have the contagion. You have to have the virus or the bacterium or whatever it is. On the other hand, you’ve got to have conditions. And the conditions can be situations of bad sanitation, no water available, no sewage drainage, no adequate systems in that regard. And then you’ve also got to look at the nutrition. You’ve got to look at the physical state of the human subjects involved.

And I can say that, in the 1340s, the thing that we see in the 1300s as they go along is the effects of an austerity policy. It is the domination of the Mediterranean basin by Venetian and Genoese bankers and the kinds of usury that they imposed on the rulers – the kings or princes or other potentates – which requires then an increased pressure on sharecroppers on farmers and others leaving them with less and less of their food crops to devote to nutrition and more and more of it being sold off elsewhere as a cash crop. (source)

Certainly Europe met the requirements Tarpley sets forth in terms of lack of adequate nutrition, poor sanitation standards, lack of available clean water, and persistent sewage issues. Austerity clearly was a factor as was the factor in the overall stress of the population struggling to survive under these conditions. What is also notable is the presence of war as a stressor and contributing factor to plague and disease. Shortly before and especially during the peak years of the Black Plague, Europe was embroiled in numerous wars. In fact, the state of Europe during this period was one of continual warfare. In addition, Europe as a whole and France, in particular, were bombarded by famine in the years leading up to the appearance of the Black Plague.

Likewise, the 1918 Spanish Flu that killed millions of people worldwide came on the heels of World War 1 which left many places in the world ravaged with destruction, famine, and vastly reduced living standards. The high use of chemical weapons, particularly those which affect the human immune system,[1] also played a part in the virulent spread of the Spanish Flu. Although many theories have been proposed regarding the source of the pandemic (including the possibility that it was created on a military base in Kansas), it is without a doubt the living conditions of the world that provided a fertile ground for its spread and severity.

With this in mind, however, it is important to take a look at the conditions in which we find ourselves in the present day with respect to pandemics or, at the very least, the possibility of pandemics.

The United States and the world finds itself in an economic depression. For some countries, particularly the United States, living standards have been vastly reduced compared to those which previous generations have experienced. While technology may have advanced, the applications of that technology in most areas other than entertainment have been intentionally withheld from general society. It is also true that the economy has been doing better in 2020 than it was in 2015 and 2016. This is directly attributable to the Trump administration’s application of minor elements of the American System of economics (tariffs, etc) and the threat of more protectionist policies. But, while the United States economy is undoubtedly doing better than four years prior, it is a shell of its former self.

Nevertheless, it is also an unfortunate fact that some parts of the world have never had high living standards to lose. Whenever the West catches a cold, Africa catches pneumonia. The Middle East is in the process of being destroyed and Asia remains a pit of slave labor, crowded living conditions, and inadequate infrastructure.

In terms of the possibility of a pandemic and susceptibility to disease, the world, after years of war and decades of “free trade” and globalization, the lowering of their living standards, increasing pollution, and de-industrialization, as well as the prevalence of GM food, chemical toxicity, immune system destroying vaccines, chemtrails, processed foods, and other chemical poisonings and contributors to weakened immunity, the United States, has left itself vulnerable to a number of potential pandemics and illnesses.

As Webster Tarpley stated,

So, generally speaking, I would say, after twenty years of globalization, which is a form of austerity, it’s a form of International Monetary Fund shock therapy for the world, the vulnerability of humanity to new pandemic disease is large. I don’t know how large. It’s very difficult to get statistics. We can simply estimate that, in the United States, we’ve had several years now of austerity. If you look at southern Europe, you certainly have to say that Portugal, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, some other places – these places have undergone brutal austerity and their vulnerability to pandemics is increasing. And that certainly includes war zones. Imagine what Syria is like today. Imagine what Iraq is like. Imagine what Lebanon is like as a result of these austerity policies. So we’ve got I think a very very dangerous mix. (source)

Improvements in sanitation and access to nutrition/good food reduce disease

The question of the relationship between austerity, low living standards, and disease is not merely a philosophical supposition, it is at the heart of the matter. In other words, the answer to disease prevention is not found in vaccines, drugs, or police states, it is found in greater standards of living, cleaner water, better sanitation, sewage treatment, clean air, non-poisonous foods, and adequate access to nutrition.

Indeed, the connection between the reduction in diseases and the improvements in public health over the last 150 years to the development of vaccines has been thoroughly debunked. Indeed, the idea that vaccines are even safe and/or effective has likewise been revealed as a tragic deception.

When looking at the historical data of vaccination correlation to increase in public health and the decrease of incidents of disease, one finds that, in virtually every case, the diseases being targeted by the vaccines were already declining before the introduction of the vaccines. While the CDC chooses to present deceptively edited charts and graphs of the rates of infection and death from Pertussis (Whooping Cough), Measles, Scarlet Fever, Pneumonia, Influenza, Typhoid, Diptheria, and Tuberculosis, among other diseases, had all declined sharply long before the vaccines for these diseases were introduced. The diseases declined with the increase of public sanitation standards, living conditions, and working conditions. In addition, the rates of many of these diseases were much higher during periods of war and famine than in times of peace and plenty.

The US health system is currently inadequate.

Unfortunately, while the United States finds itself in a precarious position with the lowering of living standards, growing austerity, toxic poisoning through food, pollution, pharmaceuticals, and geoengineering, it is also true that the U.S. health system is wholly inadequate and ill-prepared to deal with a large scale pandemic, particularly with a disease outbreak; in this case, coronavirus.

With this in mind, Tarpley assesses the U.S. health system by stating,

The US health care system strikes me as a very capable one but with no depth. In other words, it has excellent quality facilities but it does not have enough of them. It has no logistical depth. It is susceptible to being overwhelmed.

During this debate over Obamacare, we kept hearing “Oh, the US healthcare system is the best in the world.!” It’s true if you’ve got money. If you’ve got coverage. And as long as you don’t have too many people demanding it.

I would say it’s a high quality system but brittle. Once it’s broken through it’s going to be in big trouble. I can be overwhelmed and it might easily be overwhelmed and I think we should bear that in mind.

We have a situation where we can be overwhelmed by numbers and it’s a result of austerity policies.

Tarpley’s assertions are borne out by the facts.

When one takes a look at a study, Health At A Glance 2013, by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) which looked at the availability of hospital beds per person in a number of different countries across the world found that the number of hospital beds per person has declined radically over the last few decades particularly in the Western world. In fact, in these terms, the United States ranked near the bottom of the list, 27th on a list of 40 nations examined by the OECD study. Above the U.S. was Russia, Japan, Korea, and Austria as well as countries on the lower end of economic development and living standards such as Estonia, Hungary, and Slovenia. A comparison would be Japan’s 13.4 hospital beds per 1,000 people in the population to the United States’ 3.05 beds per thousand.

The United States’ poor performance is, of course, a direct result of austerity policies and laissez-faire “free trade” ideology. It is also at odds with the true American system of development and maintenance of both “hard” and “soft” infrastructure. Lastly, it is the result of the medical and pharmaceutical industry being allowed to dominate political decisions and the entirety of the healthcare market.

For instance, consider the fact that, in 1946, the U.S. Congress passed a law that was signed by President Truman called the Hill-Burton Act. Hill-Burton was designed to address the inadequacy of the U.S. health care system by working toward the goal of 4.5 beds per 1,000 people. The hospitals were to be built via grants and guaranteed loans.

Although the goal had nearly been reached in the early 1970s, free-market fetishism, Wall Street vulturism, and government collusion succeeded in destroying about 1/3 of the hard-earned “soft” hospital infrastructure. Many of these hospitals were privatized, asset-stripped, and sold off. Others were simply driven out of existence or defunded.

Sadly, in 2014, the United States sunk below the standards set nearly 70 years ago.

This lack of hospital beds is only one aspect of how the United States health system is inadequate. There are many more such as a lack of emergency medical supplies and a lack of well-trained staff. Indeed, despite the cost of education and the alleged greater understanding of disease and treatment, it is clear enough that America’s nursing staff as a whole is vastly inferior to that of 60-70 years ago. Such is also the case with American doctors, trained as soldiers of pharmaceutical companies, niche specialties, and oftentimes their own massive egos.

Not only is the expertise lacking in skill, but hygiene issues are also becoming a problem with American hospitals coming more to resemble the stereotypical “third world” hospitals than anything in the “greatest country in the world.”

A reliance solely on pharmaceuticals, unnecessary surgeries, a fundamental misunderstanding of many areas of nutrition, poorly educated staff and practitioners, as well as a system whose access is restricted to wealthy by either the “free market” or government-mandated formulas, and a lack of available services leading to increased wait times all combine to spell out a disaster for the American health system. A pandemic of a deadly disease would only serve to fast track that disaster.

Solutions For a Possible Pandemic of Coronavirus

So what are the solutions to a possible pandemic? Certain elements of the American political class have done everything in their power to bring coronavirus into the country via unchecked immigration policies which then allow the virus to be spread, providing a solution in the form of forced vaccination, police states, and forced quarantine. On the other hand, many activists are now finding out that “free market” hands-off solutions are entirely inadequate and unappealing when faced with reality.

Thus, a comprehensive plan of response, treatment, and prevention must immediately be taken into consideration.

1) Immediately halt flights coming from infected countries.

Political correctness, funded and promoted in this instance by George Soros’ Open Society Institute, is not worth the risk of a pandemic.

2) Secure America’s borders.

Again, political correctness is not worth the risk of a pandemic. Open borders, without a doubt, present a threat of the spread of disease.

3) Forget the police state.

Putting aside the question of whether vaccines are safe or effective, the idea of mandatory vaccination or detention for the purposes of quarantine should be dismissed immediately. Violating the rights of an individual for the purposes of stopping a pandemic, handling a national emergency, or to protect the collective is entirely unacceptable. Such is the practice of a totalitarian state. Violating the rights of individuals is the sure sign that a society has ceased to exist as free and/or that it is a participatory/voluntary act working for the benefit of the individual as well as the societal whole. Simply put, there should be no forced or coerced vaccination. There should be no forced or coerced removal and relocation of citizens from their homes for any purposes.

4) If the disease spreads to the point of serious danger of contamination of the general population, confinement to one’s own personal property is sufficient.

Forced removal from one’s home is never an option. Neither is forced medication. If an individual chooses not to seek medical attention in a secure facility, then that person is well within their rights to refuse such treatment. If an individual is infected with a pandemic virus with a high kill rate, then the individual can shelter at home, with treatment and supplies being brought in from the outside at the expense of the U.S. government.

5) An immediate launch of a Manhattan Project style effort to research causes, treatment, and cures for the coronavirus.

The United States scientific community – both private and government – combined with the requisite funding from the U.S. government, are quite capable of producing results that might, at one time, have seemed unattainable. Even today, when the best and the brightest minds of the scientific community have been recruited to develop greater methods of control, those minds can and should be turned loose against disease and other major problems of society. Clearly, science has progressed much further than that which the average person has access to. This science should be made available to all for the betterment of all.

Thus, this massive project should include scientific research into the medical options, pharmaceuticals, surgery, and other protocol of the medical industry, as well as the natural health field with homeopathy, herbal healing, nutrition, and other forms of treatment and prevention. No stone should be left unturned. As should be obvious, such a project and its research should be free from the influence and concerns of profits, patents, and career advancement.

This type of emergency project can easily be funded with 0% interest credit created by a nationalized (or at least partially nationalized) federal reserve.

6) Medical Infrastructure

In order to cope with a pandemic or the possibility thereof, the United States can no longer maintain a healthcare system that is “a very capable one but with no depth.” An immediate start to a program of hospital building, Manhattan Project-style scientific research, and emergency treatment preparations must be undertaken. The goal of achieving the requisite number of hospital beds per person as set forth in 1946 must be achieved as quickly as possible. This type of emergency project can easily be funded with 0% interest credit created by a nationalized (or at least partially nationalized) federal reserve. This money can be augmented with a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax for any projects that requires on- budget spending.

7) Access to Nutrition

Perhaps one of the most important aspects of the prevention of disease is the nutritional content of a population’s food supply and that the population’s access to it. A food supply made up of a majority of processed, chemical-laden, and genetically modified food is one that is destined to cause and facilitate the existence of mass disease.

A blanket ban on Genetically Modified organisms (of any kind) for food purposes for humans or animals or any other commercial purposes (beyond a controlled scientific setting) must be imposed. Simultaneously, a program of parity agriculture must be initiated so that farmers do not lose money to produce the food that feeds the country. Parity pricing should replace subsidies and “free market” ideology. Organic crops should be particularly rewarded by these policies so as to ensure that the food grown in America is the cleanest most nutritious and affordable food in the world.

8) Environmental Contamination and National Infrastructure

As important as nutrition may be, sanitation infrastructure and clean water are probably the most important aspect of public health. While the United States once led the world in public sanitation, clean water, and other forms of high living standards, the worldwide economic depression and cuts have reduced this infrastructure to a shell of its former self.

Thus, an immediate push to not only repair and maintain existing levels of wastewater treatment, sewage disposal, sewage treatment, water treatment, trash disposal, and recycling, and other relevant systems of public sanitation but also to improve and expand these systems must be initiated. This type of emergency project can easily be funded with 0% interest credit created by a nationalized (or at least partially nationalized) federal reserve. This money can be augmented with a 1% Wall Street Sales Tax for any projects that require on budget spending.

9) Program for the Third World

While all foreign aid must always take a back seat to the needs of the United States (from the standpoint of the American people and American leadership) there are benefits to foreign aid and foreign leadership in certain specific parameters. The attempt to cure and prevent disease is one of those parameters. The idea is that if you are able to prevent the disease from ever appearing or, at the very least, cure the disease and stop its spread from the original location, the United States will ultimately benefit from the eradication of the threat of that disease ever making it to America and causing death and social upheaval inside the country.

The investment of both the U.S. government and private industry in the development of the third world in an environmentally and culturally friendly way that benefits all of those concerned must eventually take place. Africa, Asia, Central, and South America, the Middle East, and other places across the world that lack the public infrastructure to grapple with disease or the infrastructure and food supply to prevent sickness must be supplied and empowered with this technology and equipment. For those nations like China, where the healthcare infrastructure is in place in a relatively adequate manner, cooperation between healthcare administrations and healthcare-related government agencies should take place.


Regardless of the source of the Coronavirus pandemic – whether entirely manufactured by conspiracy or real and spread by incompetence – the truth is that there is a possibility for it to be used to usher in a police state of forced vaccination, forced removal and relocation as well as the construction and habitation of what amounts to FEMA camps if government is allowed to run unchecked. This cannot be allowed and it must not be tolerated.

The above solutions are an absolute necessity to prevent pandemics in the future and to improve the living standards of all Americans. The important thing is that we do not allow fear to stampede us into accepting a totalitarian system that Americans can scarcely imagine.


[1] Tenpenny, Sherri. FOWL!: Bird Flu: It’s Not What You Think. Insight. 2006.

About Brandon

Brandon Turbeville writes for and his own website, He is the author of ten books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies, Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria, The Difference It Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President, and Resisting The Empire: The Plan To Destroy Syria And How The Future Of The World Depends On The Outcome. His books can be found in the bookstore at and on Amazon.

Turbeville has published over 1500 articles on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, civil liberties and, most notably, geopolitics and the Syrian crisis. His most recent release is a book of poetry, “Dance, Amputee.”

Picture of Brandon Turbeville

Brandon Turbeville

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16 Responses

  1. Interesting Article .
    One condition that he fails to mention, is that a lot of diseases from third world countries, is based from their habit of eating bats, insects and other foods most Americans would normally turn up their noses at.
    Another is the lack of hygiene, both personal and in food preparation. This makes them prime candidates for diseases like this..

    I would like to see the article applied directly to a SHTF world.
    But I think the into about the conditions leading up to Black Plague of the 1300’s, was a good indication of what we will see.

    Poor sanitation, poor nutrition and a lack of quality medical care are all part and parcel of a SHTF world.
    So these are the things that Preppers should be concentrating on fixing, before they cause disease to come to their door step.
    Water and lots of it, so you can wash up before meals and clean up cooking utensils, pots and pans is of primary concern. It is also the most important factor in keeping you healthy.
    Yet it is probably the most misunderstood and ignored area of prepping.

    The second most important thing, is in proper disposal of human waste. Then in the disposal of other garbage. These things take a lot of planning and possibly large areas of ground devoted to them, that are well away from your habitation. The larger the party or group the more important this becomes.

    So I suggest you consider articles like this, as they apply to a SHTF world and prepping for that event.

    1. Agree with the author’s assertions as the basics must be covered. SHTF scenarios usually operate on all, but one possibility: the organism is truly airborne. If it is, all bets are off. Here’s why.

      Being passed by droplets through the air by coughing/sneezing IS NOT airborne. Droplets usually attach to dust, etc. and fall to the ground in less than 5 minutes. They also travel <2meters. If you're in an office or hospital, the germ doesn't fly through the air ducts to people who have no patient contact.

      In these cases, reasonable public precautions are masks, cleaning off surfaces (removing fomites), frequent hand washing/not touching face, isolating the sick,
      closing schools, etc. Barriers are to be worn by healthcare personnel (masks, eye shields, gowns, gloves). A healthy host can deter the disease's spread.

      AIRBORNE- Tiny particle size, stays suspended in the air over 5 minutes, and a single particle travels over 2 meters (78.8"). Some diseases can be aerosolised to travel miles (See airborne anthrax, a spore, released in Russia. Killed livestock and villagers over a mile away.) Airborne travels in the air ducts of hospitals, airplanes, and businesses infecting people without direct contact. exp. smallpox (See the exercise Dark Winter.) Susceptible host plays less of a role due to mode of transmission as the particle is so small it embeds in membranes easier and travels straight into the lungs. If it has high mortality/morbidity, you're sunk unless you have a double copy of the Delta 32 CCR5 mutation or try something like massive vitamin C per Dr. F. Klenner's protocol. (No guarantees)

      With true airborne, complete isolation from anyone is the only answer. Isolation is pulling the sick away from the well. You may have to run air purifiers indoors with sufficient hepa filters and cut off any centralized air source. If you are quarantined by the govt., asymptomatic ill will be in the same place as the healthy… you'll get infected. This is untenable. The movie Contagion gives grim scenario where K. Winslet's virologist character contracts the virus in the course of her work and then dies on a cot in a gym as the hospitals are overrun.

      For an eye opening perspective of what "the powers that be" have in store, watch excerpts from the Event 201(Oct 2019- sponsored by Gates, John Hopkins, Bloomberg) where experts strategise a response to a deadly coronavirus pandemic. They included a pretend news channel- GNN- with broadcasts talking about misinformation leaks. The real life round table of experts advocated imprisoning anyone who writes or posts anything that disagrees with WHO's narrative as part of their protocol. So there you go… .

  2. Who says we are in a depression? The stock market is up, unemployment down. I don’t see that the standard of living in the USA has declined. The cost of college has made getting started more difficult for young couples, for sure. But if people delay childbearing until marriage and stay married they can certainly escape poverty even by American standards.

    1. The standard living has greatly declined in the US for many of us. Our incomes have remained stagnant while our expenses have gone up. Half of all Americans don’t even have a spare thousand dollars lying around for an emergency. Many are struggling to pay for food and rent and medical care.

      Sure, some folks are doing okay but a quiet majority are struggling.

      1. Susan, Daisy is spot on with this, people are employed however, the income to expenses ratio has had salaries stagnant and expenses going up. About half of the “middle class” has slipped into poverty and the “working poor” category. Most end up with something that uses any emergency fund saved and then they are unable to rebuild. 4 years ago, we depleted our emergency fund when I injured my leg. The injury was severe enough that I am on disability. I work about 10 hours a week to supplement that, but combined it’s not what I made before. We can pay everything, but there just isn’t anything left to rebuild our emergency fund. With me on disability and my husband planning on retiring in less than a year, this is not good news.

        I work with low income students and most are food insecure and of the meals the family can afford are not very nutritious. Often when they are sick, the family cannot afford a copay so they don’t go to the doctor.

        Just because healthy food is available, doesn’t mean that we all can afford to buy it. About 50% of the students are homeless for at least a few nights while in high school.

        If the coronavirs does spread rapidly in the US it will start out in the low income and homeless populations first and most of the deaths will be in those populations. If enough cases are found in an area, the state or feds will quarantine that arae, the schools will close and businesses will be asked to close and people asked to stay home unless they work emergency type jobs. If that happens, once again, the homeless and low income will be more susceptible to the virus because they will have larger numbers in smaller quarters. The larger cities (LA, NY, Washington DC) will be hit harder than the rural areas. The good news is that farmers can do their work without coming into contact with anyone outside of family.

        1. I forgot to add what I am doing to protect my family. This is the type of emergency where the power, water and gas will be running and usable. I plan on making sure we have at least a month supply of meals either through canned ingredients, freeze dried foods or frozen foods. I’ll grab a couple cases of water.

          I have surgical masks and if this hits my city,we will wear them if we go out. Since it’s winter and we could get snow for the next 3 months, I’ll make sure the snow blower has gas and all the extra gas cans are full. We’ll keep the gas tanks on our cars filled. I have Lysol wipes plus essential oils to clean with if one of us gets it. I need to get some tylenol and old fashioned aspirin for fever.

          We’ll be able to stay in our home and have the ability to isolate a person if they become ill. I think having a plan helps. Or at least it helps me feel prepared and more comfortable.

          1. Angela – along with fuel for your snow blower, a spare set of belts, a spare drive disk (most machines have one), extra shear pins (they break so you won’t damage the engine if it ingests a rock). A review of your owner’s manual is in order.

      2. Yeah, I saw that article too:

        It was really eye opening was during the last government shutdown how many federal employees were in financial trouble if they missed even one paycheck!

        A number of middle-class are also living paycheck to paycheck. It is not just “poor” people. Unfortunately a lot of their financial pain is self-induced. They buy the 2400sqft house for a family of 2 or 3 that eats 30% of their combined take home pay. Then fill it with stuff, big screen TVs in nearly every room, one even for the dog. The cars, vacations, new phones, tablets for everyone, gaming consoles. They dine out or order out 80-90% of the time. By the end of the month, they have to resort to a CC for dinner.

    2. Susan, I am a statistic in more ways than one. I am employed yes, but’underemployed’. I am aged out in my field which also now requires an advanced degree which would cost me more than it would benefit me. We are not necessarily in a depression but many are living below the levels they used to. Its not always due to poor decisions. And college degrees are overrated.

  3. To all who post here, including all of the authors who I have learned from, THANK YOU!

    God bless and stay safe everyone

  4. I don’t often agree with Brandon’s viewpoint but think he is spot on here. Just wanted to throw that out there.

  5. No this situation is NOT about poor sanitation, poverty or any such misleading factors.

    This is a weaponized virus accidentally leaked from the Level 4 bioweapons lab in Wuhan.

    Go to youtube and do a search for Dr. Paul Cottrell. He explains the scientific case for what I just stated.

  6. The Plague of the 1340’s was presaged by a Solar Minimum which wreaked havoc on Continental Europe. Millions dies of famine. Then the Plague swept through. Most historians credit the Plagues with killing off most of the population; however 30% (at least) of the population was killed by famine. 30% of the remainder was killed by the plague. The weather changes devastated crops, changed bird migrations, fishing grounds, etc etc. All the things an agrarian society depended on.
    We are facing it again; crop losses worldwide, EXTREME weather changes and precipitation (rain, snow, hail) plus a cooling of our atmo. Volcanoes are a part of this. Look up Grand Solar Minimum for more, please. It’s not Global Warming, it’s not CO2, it’s the Sun. And keep prepping!

    1. Yes, viral and bacterial pandemics coincide with Grand Solar Minimums. We will experience a global pandemic, and is this wuhan bat sars virus is not the mass killer, another one is coming. In addition, we face massive crop losses, dramatically increased volcanic activity and earthquakes, societal convulsing, a weakening magneto sphere, and a magnetic pole shift (already underway). We are in the times when all the bills come due for living a life so out of balance. Mother nature bats last.

  7. How about the democratic-run major cities in the US where human waste is literally everywhere on the street? When are we going to wake up and realize that this is a huge threat to us all?

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