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My kitchen is about 95% clean. No, I’m not talking about the standards of hygiene or the crud that tries to take up residence in the grout – I’m talking about the contents of my pantry and refrigerator.
I’ve worked hard to banish GMOs, pesticides and chemical additives from the premises. With the proliferation of “dirty” food-like substances that fill the grocery stores, it’s been a challenge to build a clean long-term food supply, especially on a tight budget.
Let’s talk about clean food. This is the food that we are naturally intended to eat, food that our bodies can process and turn into energy and muscle – nutrients we can use to provide us with glowing health – fuel that doesn’t make us fat.
Dirty food, on the other hand, is loaded with things that your body was not designed to process: chemical additives to change the color or texture, preservatives to inhibit mold and kill off bacteria, modified genes, altered sugars and neurotoxins. The lists of ingredients on processed foods read more like a chemistry textbook than a compilation of edible items.
A huge portion of the items available at your local Piggly Wiggly or Shop-n-Save just aren’t fit to eat anymore. Our society is becoming dumber by the day, as they kill off brain cells, literally kill them, with the neurotoxins present in a bag of Doritos and a Diet Coke. People are becoming fatter as they chow down on items loaded with High Fructose Corn Syrup only to become hungry again a scant amount of time later as their bodies desperately seek satiation, since HFCS doesn’t trigger the production of insulin and leptin (the hormones that make you feel full).
I began thinking about the transformation of my kitchen last night, when I was chatting with a friend about getting rid of the GMOs that had been stubbornly resisting eviction. (If you’re a friend of mine, you know that eventually, some portion of a conversation will make its way onto the website – so, thanks, dude, for the inspiration!) Through the course of the discussion, I pinpointed the turning point that helped me clean things up, once and for all.
Six months ago, I felt pretty good about the clean and healthy foods stored up in my pantry. While the contents of my cupboards were probably healthier than those of many North Americans, there were still a lot of sneaky culprits lurking there.
I discovered this when I did a “Scratch Challenge.” For one month, back in November, I made absolutely everything from scratch. So, no seasoning mixes, no crackers, no tortillas – nothing that came ready to eat. If I purchased an item, it was a single ingredient, not a ready-made component. Initially I thought the exercise would be a piece of cake. After all, I baked healthy goodies for Rosie’s lunch box a couple of times per week. I didn’t use any of the “just add hamburger” boxed meals. I already cooked from scratch!
My eyes became opened as quickly as Day 1, when I was scrounging around the kitchen looking for breakfast. My usual breakfast of peanut butter on either toast or crackers, along with a piece of fruit, wasn’t going to happen, because a) I hadn’t made bread and b) the crackers weren’t from scratch. I ended up cobbling together a big bowl of scrambled eggs with assorted veggies, eaten, toastless, out of a bowl.
Over the course of the experiment, of course, things improved. I made bread, soft tortillas, nacho chips, salsa, pizza sauce, noodles, and many more items that I had formerly grabbed right from the cupboard. I realized that even in a fairly clean kitchen, there lurked a fair amount of potential GMO and chemical bombs.
I challenge you to clean your own kitchen. You will be amazed at the increase in your health if you can kick the dirty foods out and nourish your body with pure, clean food. You can feel confident that the supplies you have stored will see you through whatever circumstances arrive in the future when you build your food stockpile for nutritious ingredients instead of toxins in a deceptively cheerful box.
Spend one week cooking from scratch.
You don’t have to do this for an entire month – just one week will highlight for you the places where you are using “food” instead of “ingredients” to make your meals. Use only single ingredients for one week: flour, rice, oats, organic milk and yogurt, grass-fed meat, organic fruits and vegetables, and basic pantry supplies (yeast, baking soda, etc.) Include your kids in the process of making homemade pretzels, baking cookies and creating gourmet oatmeal flavors like maple syrup apple pecan. (If they’re included in the preparations, it helps to lessen the complaining if they are craving foods that are more familiar.) You may be just as surprised as I am when you discover that you have more of a reliance on packaged items than you thought.
Buy your dry items in bulk.
I recently made a large purchase of organic grains and sugar for our family. The cost of organic flour, wheat, cornmeal, sugar and oats can be very prohibitive if your budget is tight like mine. By purchasing these items in 25-50 pound bags and storing them properly, I saved about 30% off the price of grocery store purchased items, even when I tack on the price of shipping. As well, I have made great inroads towards a well-balanced, nutritious one year food supply for my family.
Plant a garden.
Whether you have a few acres, a suburban back yard, a patio or a windowsill, begin now to take steps towards self-sufficiency. No, you can’t grow enough food on a balcony to feed your family of 4 for a year, but you can cultivate some organic foods that aid in cutting your grocery bill while learning more about self-sufficiency. You can sprout seeds and grow herbs year round in a sunny window. You can, at the least, supplement your purchased groceries with a taste of nature brought forth by you. In my 1/10 acre city lot last year, I grew enough beans and tomatoes that we are still enjoying them in January. What’s more, I didn’t have to purchase produce from the store for 3 months straight – all of our veggie needs were met in our own back yard.
Start searching for sources of real food near you.
The next best option to your own garden is making friends with a local farmer at the market – you can purchase many things in bushels at a much better price than the 1 pint baskets. When I lived in the city, I was fortunate to make friends with a nice older farmer, originally from Italy. Not only did I get a lot of great tips for my own garden, after a while, he began to bring me bushel baskets of “seconds” for canning at a greatly reduced price. To make matters even better, he allowed me to go and pick my own “high-labor” foods like peas and berries. This allowed him to charge me far less, since he didn’t have to pay pickers, and allowed me to learn a great deal about growing those items. Don’t stop with produce though – find someone who raises cattle and chickens. Check out for yourself the conditions the animals are raised in, see what they’re fed and make a deal for purchasing in quantity. You will be amazed at the difference between grass fed, organic beef vs. feedlot grocery store beef. When you buy a quarter of a cow, you pay an average price – this means you’ll pay a bit more for lesser cuts that end up as ground beef or stewing beef, but you’ll pay far less for prime cuts like steaks and roasts. Free range chicken and eggs are also far tastier and healthier than their factory-farmed counterparts. When you buy direct from the farm you can confirm for yourself that your version of free range and the farmer’s version coincide.
Learn to preserve food.
I live in a tiny Northern town. The price of organic produce is sometimes double or triple the price of conventional fruits and vegetables. I combat this by purchasing organic items that are near their expiration dates and preserving them immediately. I also preserve the bounty from my garden and bushel baskets purchased from local organic farmers. I can, pickle, freeze and dehydrate these foods to consume throughout the year. One fantastic benefit to canning is that you can put up entire meals in a jar, creating your own healthy convenience foods with nary a chemical in sight. While canning is initially time consuming, you’re putting away numerous meals simultaneously, saving time in the long run. This is especially handy for those busy days that would have once sent you to the closest drive-through, desperately seeking sustenance while in between piano lessons and soccer practice.
Know what to look out for.
Over 85% of soy and corn in North America is GMO. That means that if an item is not labeled “organic” and contains one of those ingredients (in its many different disguises) that you are consuming somebody’s science experiment. The corn industry, in particular, is incredibly deceptive about sneaking in its toxic yield under different names. As well, neurotoxic “seasonings” made from MSG like to masquerade under seemingly harmless aliases. Check out The Ingredients You Should Not Have in Your Pantry for more items to avoid. Spend some time looking up the more scientific-sounding ingredients on the labels in your pantry. Compile a list of items you no longer want to bring home and keep that in your wallet to cross-reference against the labels at the grocery store when you shop.
What are you waiting for?
The sooner you take steps to exclude the FDA-approved poisons from your lifestyle, the sooner you can begin to see the health benefits. Clean foods can…
- Help you to maintain a healthy body weight
- Increase energy
- Drop your risk for many different afflictions, including obesity, diabetes, cancer and heart disease
- Improve your immune system
- Aid in managing childhood “behavioral issues” like ADHD, ODD, and other acronyms short for “medicate kids into little zombies”
There really is no end to the benefits of cleaning up your kitchen and your food storage. What do you have to lose, besides disease, illness and fat?
51 Responses
GMO’s aren’t actually bad for you.
They have a bad reputation due to a smear campaign. That’s it. Just because it is natural does not mean it is better.
shut ur dumb ass up, u misinformation\disinformation reject. anything that isnt natural from the ground , its bad fool. any food made in a lab, is frankestein foods……….give me ur address, all my gmo products ill mail them to you , for free.
You said yesterday that science is not absolute, it cant be definitively proven in many cases. Based on your own words you therefore can’t say that the studies that state GMO is not harmful are definitely correct. Before you moan, I realise I have not quoted you vertabrim, I am not into starting each comment with the words of others.
We can all cite links to studies showing GMO is fine/GMO is bad, there are dozens out there. The fact is that GMO is often what is termed ’round up ready’ it is resistant to getting killed off by Monsantos ’round up’ range of products. This means plants can be grown far closer together than usual, as the crop can be sprayed without fear of destruction by the weed killer. Chemicals from the weed killer are taken up by the plants, and consumed by the user. The GMO seed created in the lab may or may not be harmless to humans, the way it is used and cultivated can in most people’s opinions, affect human health.
We can wash pesticides off apples and salad greens, but it can’t be washed off when it’s inside the plant you are eating.
The uptake of pesticides/weed killer in GMO is generally higher than in crops grown where the farmer has had to take care on where he applies chemicals. Studies are still ongoinging as we speak into the uptake and ingestion rates of GMO versus non-GMO.
Ooooo Ahhhhh Ohhhhh, looky looky Daisy has a new pet Troll! Some one that feeds on contradicting peoples beliefs that are different than there own!
I have sometimes wondered where to get one of those Gubberment paid jobs so I could spend all day on line posting links that are the opposite belief of the article I am reading.
Down down now boy, be a good troll and go convince the anti nuclear lobyists that all nuclear power plants are safe and there has Never been a problem with their leaking.
I am sure you could both trade links to any thing that tries to prove your point – try enews, they will eat you alive. Bye Bye troll, go ahead I dare you Kyle.
Do you have even the slightest hilarious clue of the hypocrisy in your post? Where are your links? All you provide is ad-homenium counter “arguments”. Too bad we all can’t afford to brag about how many bags of cash we drop off at Whole Foods for mostly overrated products of which a surprising amount could be found in the big box stores.
“You said yesterday that science is not absolute, it cant be definitively proven in many cases. Based on your own words you therefore can’t say that the studies that state GMO is not harmful are definitely correct. ”
This is true, but there is no reason to assume they ARE dangerous. If we just look at everything as potentially dangerous then we wouldn’t even drive cars or fly in planes. We would quite literally be hiding under a rock. In fact, all food can be potentially poisonous due to food poisoning or what not. There is risk in ‘everything’ and it is really quite foolish to live your life cautious of everything you don’t understand.
“The fact is that GMO is often what is termed ’round up ready’ it is resistant to getting killed off by Monsantos ’round up’ range of products. ”
Um. No. That’s not what GMO means. GMO means Genetically Modified Organisms.
“The GMO seed created in the lab may or may not be harmless to humans, the way it is used and cultivated can in most people’s opinions, affect human health.”
Peoples opinions are worthless to science and reality as a whole. This is an appeal to popularity.
Please learn what a ‘troll’ is.
“Some one that feeds on contradicting peoples beliefs that are different than there own!”
This isn’t about beliefs. This is about being scientifically literate and not understanding what you’re discussing.
“Gubberment paid jobs”
If this is a government paid job.. where is my paycheck? I do this on my free time between school work and getting owned during Call of Duty.
“go convince the anti nuclear lobyists that all nuclear power plants are safe and there has Never been a problem with their leaking.”
Comparatively, nuclear power is preferable to coal since coal releases CO2 into the atmosphere which can greatly damage vast amounts of the ecosystem. The waste generated from nuclear, however, can be contained.
Unless you want to live in a country without power.
I am perfectly aware of what GMO means. It is clear I was talking about the treatment of GMO crops. It is PROVEN that the ingestion of pesticides and herbicides is harmful to human health Kyle, my eight year old understands this so I am pretty sure you also understand this.
Your statement that no science is truly definitive is, quite frankly, bullshit as we say here in the UK. Science and medicine proving that ingestion of pesticides are harmful backs up what I am saying. To ram the point home that you are once and for all, definitively, quite incorrect try these:
Science has proved, definitively that swallowing cyanide will kill you.
Forensic science can prove, definitively if a person dies in a fire or before the fire/ microbiology has proved that some bacteria do not need air to grow…they are anaerobic/ biochemisty has proved succinylcholine is antagonised by pseudocholinesterase within the body, it’s onset marked by rapid fasciculation/biologists have proved that proteins denature at 45*C and on, and on and on.
I can list hundreds of instances where science has proved, definitively that something is, or is not correct. Regarding GMO, I am merely pointing out that research is ongoing. I did not say it was good, or bad, because I don’t know at this point. What I will say is that I don’t really want round up on toast for breakfast. Do you?
You know Kyle this is pointless. If I said the albedo rate of rock is higher than that of ice you’d try to find a way to disagree…even though its a scientifically proven fact that you can prove yourself in your own back yard.
Evidence based scientific fact Kyle…think about that.
Also, it would be nice if once in a while you didn’t start with a quote…it shows lack of original thought having to start with a quote each time.
” It is PROVEN that the ingestion of pesticides and herbicides is harmful to human health Kyle”
Depends how much is ingested. 1 nanoliter wont do any harm.
“Your statement that no science is truly definitive is, quite frankly, bullshit as we say here in the UK. ”
And you would be wrong. In science, we must FALSIFY concepts and theories. You can’t PROVE anything in science. You can disprove things. But you cannot PROVE anything and science is ALL about disproving. Not about proving.
“Forensic science can prove, definitively if a person dies in a fire or before the fire/ microbiology has proved that some bacteria do not need air to grow…they are anaerobic/ biochemisty has proved succinylcholine is antagonised by pseudocholinesterase within the body, it’s onset marked by rapid fasciculation/biologists have proved that proteins denature at 45*C and on, and on and on.”
None of that is proved. We have a general idea based on evidence which leads to a conclusion. Is it proven? No. It’s a well established conclusion though which is by far different than proving anything. You can approach 100% but you will never achieve it despite how much evidence you have because no human is omnipotent. I dont even know if my senses are accurate. I must first ASSUME that my senses arent tricking me.. That I am seeing something that is accurate.
“What I will say is that I don’t really want round up on toast for breakfast. Do you?”
This is really a fallacious argument. No one is putting round up on toast. The round up can be washed off and in fact, after a certain amount of time, the round up decays to a point that it is inert.
“One of the reasons Roundup appeared safe early on was its quick breakdown in the environment. Although it dissipates quickly above ground”
Round up disappears quickly and if you eat this food, you wont die from it. It has a short decay life.
“Also, it would be nice if once in a while you didn’t start with a quote…it shows lack of original thought having to start with a quote each time.”
LACK of original thought? What the hell? I am quoting YOU! I am quoting people I am ADDRESSING! I am not just quoting people from the net somewhere. These are stuff that YOU are saying so I can ORGANIZE each and every response. How does that not show original thought?
No Kyle round up is in the toast if it is made with crops that have been treated as round up ready.
I mentioned falsifiability criterion yesterday but you twisted it around…but now it suits your purpose.
Okay. The man in the fire, lets talk about him. Are you saying that if he has carbon deposits in his lungs they got in there after death? No fancy answers. Yes or no?
The drug succinylcholine. Are you saying it is not broken down by pseudocholinesterase and nothing else? Are you saying this is incorrect? If so state your findings regarding something else that breaks the drug down…show me the research and results.
Tell me if Dr Jon Snow was incorrect when he described cholera as originating and spreading via contaminated food and drink?
Tell me if Yersin was wrong when he discovered that plague (yersinia pestis) was spread by fleas
Because we know what we have said Kyle, but if that’s your way, that’s your way. Quoting others constantly is hardly original to you is it ? Whatever
Oh, so round up only appeared safe? So it’s nor definitely safe?
Regardless of the decay rate some f it s getting into the plant, that plant gets turned into flour, the flour goes into bread. The bread winds up in my toaster….how do you suggest I remove the chemicals? Give it a bloody bubble bath before I eat it maybe?
You can’t just wash it off.
Daisy. PLEASE don’t do an article on nerve gas, I couldn’t cope with Kyle telling me it’s safe in small doses. Thank you
Night Kyle
Montsano paid over 7 million to stop gmo labeling. Why ? we should know what we are eating. If gmo’s are harmless then label them. I wonder if some of that 7mil went To people like Kyle. Lol
“No Kyle round up is in the toast if it is made with crops that have been treated as round up ready.”
Uh. No it’s not. The toast is processed wheat. The round up would have well decayed by then, Round up doesn’t stay ON food for very long. It has a very short half life.
“Are you saying that if he has carbon deposits in his lungs they got in there after death? No fancy answers. Yes or no?”
Or he was a heavy smoker. Doesn’t have to be from the fire.
In fact. I am saying that I cannot even prove that you exist.
“Tell me if Dr Jon Snow was incorrect when he described cholera as originating and spreading via contaminated food and drink?”
He used kochs postulates. Nowhere does it state that you can link a disease to a bacteria. We use Kochs postulates to NARROW it down enough to rightfully make an educated claim based on deductive reasoning.
Come on Lizzie. This is intro science stuff.
“Because we know what we have said Kyle, but if that’s your way, that’s your way. Quoting others constantly is hardly original to you is it ? Whatever”
I’m not using others words for my own arguments!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am quoting people to ORGANIZE thoughts. That’s what I do. I am a very organized person when it comes to responding to posts.
” So it’s nor definitely safe?”
Water isn’t DEFINITELY safe to drink. Nothing is definitely safe. Everything is found within probabilities. Science is all about statistics.
“how do you suggest I remove the chemicals?”
The chemicals decay by themselves before you even pick them up from the grocery store.
“Daisy. PLEASE don’t do an article on nerve gas, I couldn’t cope with Kyle telling me it’s safe in small doses.”
1 ppm (part per million) of nerve gas wouldn’t hurt you, actually.
It’s all about amounts. This is basic chemistry.
“Montsano paid over 7 million to stop gmo labeling. Why ? we should know what we are eating”
Because it would cost them FAR more than that to label all of them and it is a waste of time. You will be surprised at how much of our food uses some sort of GMO technology.
Everything does. It’s a tool that’s used. That’s like labeling every single house built with a hammer.
“If gmo’s are harmless then label them.”
They ARE harmless, however people wont buy them merely because of the label due to smear tactics. The ignorant masses will disbelieve the big corrupt government officials (tongue in cheek) because people in general are conspiracy theorists. It’s absurd.
And no. I dont get paid. I wish I did. that would rock. Would certainly help my school loans.
Really Kyle? 1 ppm is safe?
According to the US military exposure guidelines (MEG) severe effects can be expected at the following doses.
Sarin 0.006 ppm
VX 0.00091ppm
Phosgene 0.75 ppm
Arsine 0.5 ppm
All listed with a maximum exposure time of one hour. There is NO safe level for these agents.
Sorry about the hijacking of a perfectly good food thread Daisy but they are toxins…. Just not ones you find in the pantry lol
It’s all good, Lizzie. Carry on. 🙂
MEG guidelines are considered the standard levels anyone involved in major catastrophe planning/hazmat teams work to. I’ve done 10 years on such a team and believe me it’s not for the faint hearted.
Please at least have the wherewithal to accept you are on occasions wrong, this being one of them.
None of us know everything Kyle, we all have our areas of expertise.
As people with a science background I think we are duty bound to explore, expand and share our knowledge, but only within the parameters of our knowledge.
I don’t work in a lab or similar environment. My time has been spent at the sharp end in emergency and trauma medicine, major catastrophe and hazmat (hazardous materials) only during training did I stare down a microscope at bugs and viruses, but I still know enough to know that I know very little about a great many things.
Sites such as this allow people like us to view things from a different perspective, and it’s more power to Daisy that she has allowed us to hijack her site as we have.
I know that some form of science is responsible or everything I do, from the biochemistry inside me and the synapses that fire in my brain, to the soap I wash my clothes in and how they dry rather than stay wet forever, it’s all science, but not everyone feels like that about life.
Sites like this can start great debates about issues that affect us all, you don’t have all the answers and neither do I, but both of us MAY have something to offer the readers here, it’s not a foregone conclusion they actually want to listen to what we have to say. It would be great if you could drop the that’s wrong, that’s wrong and that’s wrong attitude and debate issues occasionally.
It is amazing that people can be so stupid. Science aside lets use common sense (I know they dont teach that much anymore in college). If given two options 1)food grown and eaten the way it has been for thousands of years.(we survived and didn’t have an obesity epidemic) 2) food saturated in chemicals and changed on the molecular level. I think i will take what nature intended when given the option and stay away from items that are NOT NATURAL. For the most part man screws up anything he messes with I dont see how this would end up any different. Even if you believe in God or evolution this should be a no brainer.. If you believe in God (which few do any more) then all food was created perfect for your consumption already. If evolution over millions of years it must have evolved to be perfect for us by now then! And if you believe in neither then i guess your just beyond help.
Kyle – these are direct quotes from the article you posted a link to earlier in this thread:
“Persistent spraying on this scale could completely eradicate the wild plant species in an area.”
“Although apparently harmless in small amounts, regular ingestion may prove dangerous.”
“It is true that Roundup is less toxic to humans and other mammals than some previous herbicides. But this does not mean it is entirely safe. Naturally there are poisonings, even deaths, reported from ingesting the herbicide.”
Let’s really think about this – do we really want to “eradicate the wild plants” – what good can come of this??
“regular ingestion may prove dangerous” – so if you eat foods treated w/roundup every day, pretty sure this amounts to regular ingestion.
and deaths reported from ingesting the herbicide…c’mon!
Not to mention all the other animals the article YOU posted mentions that this poison has effects on. Staying in lake sediment for over a year…killing amphibians and beneficial ground fungi…
Kyle how can you truly think that Roundup is harmless??
“All listed with a maximum exposure time of one hour. There is NO safe level for these agents.”
I’m not an expect on nerve agents. I was trying to explain a conceptual to you. If you have 1 molecule of a nerve agent, lets say this one molecule wont be dangerous to you. That’s what I am trying to say. In order to get to dangerous levels, you need a certain amount.
Someone who works in medicine should know that medicine can be of great help, but there comes a time when too much of it can become deadly. This ‘line’ from safe to deadly can be crossed on a per compound basis.
“1)food grown and eaten the way it has been for thousands of years.(we survived and didn’t have an obesity epidemic)”
Obesity has very little to do with genetically engineered organsisms. Obesity has to do with having money and being able to eat quite a bit ‘and’ the cheapest piece of food being grains and bread and stuff like that. Like mac and cheese and top ramen or noodles. People dont eat their veggies or fruits. Another cause is our fast food nation where we feed cows corn when they are meant to eat grass. This fattens them up rather than gives them meat causing them to be fatty rather than meaty.
” 2) food saturated in chemicals and changed on the molecular level. I think i will take what nature intended when given the option and stay away from items that are NOT NATURAL.”
Gene splicing occurs all the time through viral insertion. It’s a natural process. This is also an appeal to nature. Just because it is natural does not mean it is better for you.
” then all food was created perfect for your consumption already”
Almonds? Wow. God is such a nice guy to include a lethal dose of cyanide in almonds!
” If evolution over millions of years it must have evolved to be perfect for us by now then!”
Evolution doesn’t state that other organisms will evolve to suit our needs. Sometimes this is the case to help spread its seeds, but other organisms evolve to survive. That’s it.
“Kyle how can you truly think that Roundup is harmless??”
You just ignored the part where it says that roundup decays fairly quickly outside of soil and water.
I guess you cannt argue with “stupid”
Its funny though that you decide to go to a website called “the ORGANIC prepper” if you are so against organic food and how it is superior.. Maybe you should just troll else where.. TROLL
“I guess you cannt argue with “stupid””
I don’t feel like I need to insult others to make myself feel better. Why do you feel like you ought to insult others? Self projection?
You also do not understand the definition of a troll.
It’s there in black and white, a minuscule amount of some of these substances is indeed harmful. Way less than the one part per million you stated. We can’t ‘just say it’s harmless’ because it isn’t. I do not need you to explain conceptual analysis to me thank you. If you were explaining a concept rather than an actuality you should have said so, now, we have established neve gas is harmful, in parts of much less than one per million regardless of wordplay, concept or hope. It is deadly and that’s that. Unless of course you are right and the military and hazmat services of countries around the world are wrong.
Back to round up. Decayed or not small amounts are present in many GMO crops due to the extensive use of the product in areas where ’round up ready’ seeds are planted, that is also factual not conceptual.
All I can say to you is I would not let a child play with a hand grenade even though the separate components in themselves are quite harmless. That’s an analogy by the way…not a concept.
“All I can say to you is I would not let a child play with a hand grenade even though the separate components in themselves are quite harmless. That’s an analogy by the way…not a concept.”
It’s a false analogy.
Anything you say Kyle. Yes Siree, I wish I knew as much about everything as you do…oh how it must feel to be such a wise person.
You are rather stupid for an intelligent person.
Ahem. Name calling.
Fair enough…I won’t call him intelligent again I promise
“Anything you say Kyle. Yes Siree, I wish I knew as much about everything as you do…oh how it must feel to be such a wise person.
You are rather stupid for an intelligent person.”
I don’t feel the name to throw out childish insults like you do, Lizzie. I wish you would grow up.
You’re quite immature for a surgeon. Do you hold tantrums when a surgery goes awry? I hope not.
Not once have I ever said I’m a doctor let alone a surgeon Kyle, you assumed, how very unscientific of you. I also gave you the credit of calling you intelligent, intelligence does not always go hand in hand with common sense though does it ?
Your inability to even attempt to try and see the view points of others is unbecoming.
As for tantrums, if I was having one the entire east coast of the US would hear it I assure you. If you regard my thoughts and musings on various subjects as ‘holding a tantrum’ that’s your right and I will make no attempt to persuade you otherwise.
Please don’t refer to me as a doctor of any description because I don’t hold the required degree and have no aspirations in that direction whatsoever.
Have you decided yet that the nerve gas experts ( of which I am not may I add) know more than you do or are you still thinking about it?
I thought I had found a pretty neat website. One where people could discuss their feelings but apparently this comment section will be like every other one I frequent. It descends into vitriol spewed from both sides.
Certain people decide they are the only one that is correct and they must force their knowledge on the uninformed. Not everyone believes exactly the same. Some people feel dairy is a no no. I happen to love it. I don’t hold them down and force feed them milk and cheese. I don’t force them to purchase dairy items at their grocer. Why do some of the anti-dairy crowd feel it is their duty to tell me how wrong I am?
Just be nicer to each other. People who know their beliefs don’t align with that of others and choose to seek those people out have problems of their own. I have found they are generally sad and lonely. Both the cause and the cure can be found if people like that look in the mirror.
I’m very sorry, David. I would like the comment section here to be friendlier too. It certainly was never my intention to have the comments be a battle zone. I always encourage comments at the end of my articles because I’m genuinely curious about the opinions of others.
Hopefully after the “vaccine/no-vaccine” furor dies down a little, we can return to the more pleasant conversations that were going on previously.
PS: I’m a big fan of dairy myself 😉
Thank you, Daisy, for a well-done article. It is overwhelming for people when they first learn about toxins in food. “Where do I start?” I often hear. I will link this article to my facebook page so that many will be inspired. Keep up the good work!!
Thank you very much! Getting started is always an overwhelming concept but once you do, you feel so darned good you just want to keep it up!
I know people have strong beliefs but the desire to “convert” others draws no converts. I’ll probably stick around 🙂 I had an actual comment regarding this post but the comments chamged my direction, lol. I will write it later tonight when I get home.
Daisy writes some well thought out, cited,and useful information here, please stay a while and put up your feet, have that glass of milk and relax! There is rarely a site on the net, especially if it is getting attention, or becoming popular, that doesn’t eventually have some one that needs to have their ego stroked and has a lot of time to invest in conversation, or maybe I should just call it typing rather than conversation. Best just to skip over them and find a common ground with people that you want to speak to.
“Not once have I ever said I’m a doctor let alone a surgeon Kyle, you assumed, how very unscientific of you. I also gave you the credit of calling you intelligent, intelligence does not always go hand in hand with common sense though does it ?”
I could have sworn I thought you said you were in the medical field or insinuated that you worked on others.
Maybe I a thinking of someone else.
“Have you decided yet that the nerve gas experts ( of which I am not may I add) know more than you do or are you still thinking about it?”
I already stated I am not an EXPERT on nerve gas. However, I fully understand chemistry and if you get small enough quantities, it gets to the point that it’s not at dangerous levels. It’s simple chemistry.
well, we can safely assume that “Kyle Rutherfor” is in fact Piers Morgan. Say hello, Piers, now that we found you out, and please leave… no one is trying to convert you into “organic elitist” so don’t try to convert us into “all this GMO and chemical food is yummy and safe”
I am in the medical field and I do attend others Kyle but I am not a doctor or nurse, my profession is unimportant I think. I have read all the comments, I have apologised to daisy for hijacking her thread, I can do no more regarding that. You cannot force people to see things your way all the time. People make their own minds up on these issues and that’s just how it should be.
This is, in my opinion, a great site and I think the issues raised are of great interest to many people, me included.
I think the best way to deal with you is to ignore you completely rather than feed your attention seeking behaviour with responses, I’m sure you will be pleased to know I have no intention of conversing with you from this point on.
Bye Kyle, good luck for the future.
Good morning all,
Daisy this challenge would take years for me to accomplish but it would be a worthy one. I have been feeding my family for years on my own organically grown foods.
It’s only been within the past year that I have been able to start raising chickens for their eggs.
Now I don’t know if science has or has not proven something and to be honest with you I don’t care. Organically grown food tastes better. period. If that isn’t enough for some people I don’t care. I don’t grow it for them.
Having said that I’d like to share my thoughts. Back in the eighties and 90’s I spent many years overseas with my family where I couldn’t grow a garden, my wife and I had a hard time getting our kids to eat vegetables, not unusual really but when we returned stateside and I was able to grow a garden the kids started eating the very things they refused when they came from a can. No science there just fact. When I finally retired from the military I took a job with a corporation way up north where I rented a house that would not let me tear up the yard for a garden. And of course the kids refused canned vegetables. When I returned south and bought my home the process repeated because I could grow my own.
Now fast forward to last year when we got our first 2 eggs from our hens, the wife cracks an egg into the frying pan next to a store bought egg, she immediately called me over to look at the differance, the store bought eggs yolk was a pale yellow flat mass, but the other one was orange and plump. I scientifically tested it by eating them both, the organic won hands down. My taste buds never fail me I either like or I don’t. period.
I am not going to debate or argue with anyone these points. I find organic foods to be better tasting, obviously my family does as well. I have conducted my own experiment over the years and have found what I prefer.
Why anyone would want to come to a site like this is beyond me. Just trouble makers I suppose.
One other thing it’s in my garden where I find my peace. Try to find yours. later
meant to say why anyone would come to a site like this to bash others is beyond me.
Why does anyone keep responding to Kyle? DON’T feed the trolls! If you and a pig wrestle in the mud, you get dirty and the pig enjoys the wrestling. Or, something like that. I quit reading the comments about 30 or so back because he is so annoying.
Yes, I do know this is a very old post and comments.