Here’s Where Massive Alt-Right Rallies Are Planned Across the Country This Weekend

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By Daisy Luther

(Updated) Just in case the horrifying events in Charlottesville, Virginia this past weekend weren’t enough of a warning about the dangers of political extremism, it looks like we’re gearing up for an idealogic civil war across the country, complete with violence and death. This weekend, massive Alt-Right rallies are scheduled across the nation and we can be guaranteed they’ll be met with counter-rallies.

If you called out the people rioting after Trump was elected, or the people rioting after police shootings, you should just as forcefully denounce the people rioting in Charlottesville, where a woman died in the violence. None of this is okay. It’s not “taking sides” to denounce groups like the KKK or white supremacists. It’s being a rational human being who isn’t a hypocrite. What occurred in all of these events is beyond justification.

I said then that violence and vandalism in the name of political dissent was wrong. I stand by the same opinion now.

This weekend, more Alt-Right rallies are scheduled across the nation.


Zero Hedge reports that some of the rallies have been postponed, including the one in Mountain View, CA, according to organizers.

As the Mercury News reports, the “Peaceful March on Google” has been postponed “due to credible Alt Left terrorist threats for the safety of our citizen participants,” the group wrote in a blog post. The group is protesting against the recent termination of engineer James Damore over a memo claiming which slammed the search giant for its “anti-conservative” bias and claimed a biological basis for the gender gap in tech.

From the blog:

Despite our clear and straightforward statements denouncing bigotry and hatred, CNN and other mainstream media made malicious and false statements that our peaceful march was being organized by Nazi sympathizers. Following the articles, credible threats from known Alt Left terrorist groups have been reported to and relevant authorities have been notified.

In one instance, an Alt Left threat was made to use an automobile to drive into our peaceful march. (source)

If the official event is cancelled, does that mean people will stay home? Let’s hope that cool heads prevail.

Here’s where the rallies will be held.

After the rage was stoked last weekend, it’s doesn’t take a crystal ball to predict that things will get ugly.

The first of the batch will be protesting Google’s firing of James Damore for his criticism of their diversity policy. The March on Google is to protest “anti-white-male diversity policies.” These will be held in:

  • Atlanta
  • Austin
  • Boston
  • Los Angeles
  • Mountain View, California
  • New York
  • Pittsburgh
  • Seattle
  • Washington, D.C.

The organizers of these events are trying to distance themselves from the event in Charlottesville.

“We, the organizers of the March on Google, join the President in condemning the actions in Charlottesville on August 12th. Despite many false rumors from those seeking to discredit us we are in no way associated with any group who organized there.” (source)

But, reading the tweets of people planning to attend, it seems that the potential attendees share similar philosophies with the people in Charlottesville. This means, regardless of the intentions of the organizers, things are likely to get ugly.

These may not be the only upcoming events.

According to CNN, two other events will be upcoming:

  • Boston is preparing for a rally from alt-right group Boston Free Speech on Saturday. The city mayor has said the city won’t tolerate racism, bigotry, and violence.
  • San Francisco is preparing for two rallies August 26 and August 27. Mayor Edwin Lee said the city can’t condone a rally that incites hate. “I ask that when they chant of hate, San Francisco chants of love. When they talk of despair, San Francisco talks about hope.”

Not only these events will occur, but there is talk of widespread removal of civil war monuments, renaming of streets and buildings, and other incendiary actions that will almost certainly result in further rage.

Another rally is being planned for September 16 in Richmond, Virginia, around a monument to Confederate General Robert E. Lee to protest the removal of similar statues from public spaces in Civil War–era Southern states. White supremacist Richard Spencer is also seeking permission to speak next month at the University of Florida. (source)

Counterprotests are being planned in response to the rally in Boston as well, with the Black Lives Matter civil rights group saying they will march against the alt-right. (source)

Another event is planned “sooner rather than later” in Lexington, Kentucky to oppose the removal of Civil War statues. All of these events have the potential to be tinder boxes.

All of these events have the potential to be tinder boxes.

If you think these Alt-Right rallies will be “peaceful” you are delusional.

Just like in Charlottesville, there will be counter-protestors, and it would be naive to expect that these events will occur without violence.

Incidentally, has anyone else wondered whether both of these groups are being funded and encouraged equally in order to destabilize the country? After all, the biggest culprits in Charlottesville were not Virginians. They were from out of state. Someone needs to ask how this is happening.

But I digress.

We should not allow ourselves to be so easily divided. Every person who was a Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders supporter is not a black-mask-wearing, vandalous, violent member of Antifa. Every person who was a Trump voter or is a right-wing conservative is not a hooded member of the KKK or the Alt-Right. Most of us are peaceful people who love our neighbors.

We have reached a point in our country of pure action-reaction. I personally find both extremes to be equally despicable, but they are an extraordinarily vocal minority. These are all hate groups and I’d like to think our country is better than to let those people speak for us.

Be prepared to stay away from these gatherings.

Events like this can turn into riots very quickly, and in that instance, you’re going to want to get home and stay home until it’s over. Make sure you are prepared for this possibility.

Here is a general list of supplies to have on hand. Remember that sometimes power supplies are lost during situations like this. Occasionally officials do this to gain more control over the populace and sometimes it happens as a side-effect of the wholesale destruction by the rioters. Keep the potential for a down-grid situation in mind when preparing.

  • Water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • Necessary prescription medications
  • well-stocked pantry – you need at least a one-month supply of food for the entire family, including pets. If you need to put this together quickly, read this article. Here are some buckets of emergency food you can purchase.
  • An off grid cooking method (We have a Bobcat emergency stove, which is safe to use indoors. Don’t forget extra fuel.)
  • Or food that requires no cooking
  • A tactical quality first aid kit
  • Lighting in the event of a power outage
  • Sanitation supplies (in the event that the municipal water system is unusable, this would include cleaning supplies and toilet supplies – here’s a quick, makeshift toilet solution.)
  • Over-the-counter medications and/or herbal remedies to treat illnesses at home
  • A diverse survival guide and first aid manual (hard copies in case the internet and power grid are down)
  • Alternative communications devices (such as a hand-crank radio) so that you can get updates about the outside world
  • Off-grid entertainment:  arts and craft supplies, puzzles, games, books, crossword or word search puzzles, needlework, journals (Here are some ideas)

This article goes into more detail about preparing for a civil unrest event.

The most important thing is to stay home and avoid the areas where violence is more likely to occur.

This is a vocal minority. This is not the heart of America.

Despite these rallies, riots, and protests, I still believe that most people are inherently good. Out of the population of our country, only a minuscule percentage is attending rallies in riot gear hoping to hurt “the other side.” Most of us get along just fine with people of different races or who have different political or religious beliefs. We don’t believe that everyone has to see the world through our lens.

But somehow, these extremists have become louder than us. Somehow, they are representing who Americans are to the rest of the world.

Whether you’re talking about Alt-Right rallies, Black Lives Matter marches, Neo-Nazi gatherings, or Antifa protests, they aren’t about unity. They’re about division. Us vs. Them. Same protests, different t-shirts.

This could lead to civil war across our country. Not since the 1800s have we been so utterly divided.

This can go nowhere good.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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25 Responses

  1. It is scary how rapidly it is all coming apart. No monuments will be left for them to gather around but if we are taking some down then take them all down. Just like the crazies in the middle east let’s destroy all of our history, good bad or otherwise.

    1. It actually sounds like some type of “New World Order”…It’s certainly not what any of us are used to dealing with. I agree it could get nasty very fact. I seriously think that “Civil War” could be in our future, but lets hope it won’t be. Prepare for the worse, and pray for the best…

  2. As sad as the situation in Charlottesville was, it seemed staged. Authorities pulled back and allowed the two violent groups to attack each other. The mainstream media was ready to go and did not objectively report the incident. Yellow journalism touts entertainment celebrities who were inciting further violent behavior.

    If there is further violence in the cities you listed, it is because the local authorities allowed it. These are planned protests that are being turned into violent political riots. Authorities should be able to keep groups apart as there just are not that many people showing up for these events.

    The question is: who is funding this discord and why does it appear that the USA is being setup for a Civil War?

    1. I agree. Supposed to be 1000 police personnel at Charlottesville. Not one did anything. Why? Is their only job to protect the huge number of media morons? Why were the police so useless? Why were the opposing groups allowed to fight? Arrest anyone that starts any violence. Period. The only reason that this b.s. happens is because the left wants it so they can continue to attack the President. No matter what his response is, it will be wrong according to the fake media. Follow the money! The majority of the people who attended we’re from other states. Who paid for this????

  3. Some people want to delete all history. There are replica ships of the Nina and Pinta that sailed with Columbus touring the Great Lakes right now so that people can see the ships and get some perspective of what they were like. They are going to be in Traverse City MI this weekend and there is already a planned protest because this is the same weekend as the annual local indian tribes pow wow. Some individuals wanted the city to not let them dock. They said it would be scary and threatening to the local Native Americans to have those ships here because of the oppression to the Indians that they represent. So I am sure there will be individuals there from both sides. The City said they plan on having two police officers at the dock the whole time. People just need to quit being offended by everything.

    1. It’s humorous because Christopher Columbus never even made it to North America. Only people who would be scared of what he represents were all killed by him. More specifically, the native people of the Caribbean, who were wiped out after Christopher Columbus brought soldiers to wipe them out.

      If Native Americans want to have someone to fear, it’s the US government who forced them into reserves and early settlers (like the pilgrims) who wiped them out with diseases such as small pox. Columbus isn’t in the equation.

  4. yes, staged. to a degree…..maybe the operative word is massaged?

    as a southerner living in the north for my entire adult life, i still understand what these symbols of southern culture mean. in the positive way, not the hateful way. there are many like myself who don’t buy the racist rhetoric of those wanting to erase these symbols. we just don’t see it like they do. simple as that. and we have a right to our opinion, as do they. i would never go to an event such as the one in charlotesville. mostly because i don’t feel like it’s worth fighting against this tide. but also because i don’t want to be identified in a negative/racist light because that’s not who i am. i see it as the outrage dujour. it will pass as do other fads. if the statues are gone? eh, really who cares? monuments are kind of a waste anyway.
    i stood in front of two graves of my descendants in alabama. both soldiers. one fought in the revolutionary war, the other in the war of northern aggression. i don’t judge them. how could i?
    that said, i can see why descendants of slaves might feel the opposite while looking at a memorial to robert e lee.

    lastly, this is what gets me. do those that scream for justice have a right to “vote” to get rid of my ancestors’ gravestone? and if slavery is such a part of your identity that it causes such grief, why is the effort remove memorials more important than stopping slavery that exists today?

    it is estimated that there are more humans in slavery today than at any time in human history. whether true or not, there is lots of evidence that it is rampant still.

    ok, rant done.

    don’t go to any of these events, i know alot of good people went to counter protest white nationalists, nazi types, i would do the same. but, as stated above, there are forces at work to bring rent a mobs in. you don’t want to be caught in one of those because, one day, there will be gunfire or worse.

  5. Sadly, it only takes a very minuscule minority to bring us to civil war or to make monumental changes in the makeup of a nation – particularly when those people are leaders on both sides who want war. It works the same way as a ship’s rudder. It’s a very small portion of the ship, but it turns the whole thing, and once turned, it has to go quite a long ways and expend a lot of energy before it can be turned back again.

    Those vast majorities you describe who just want to get along will be caught up in the mess whether they want to or not. I’ve struggled and struggled to try to figure out how these kinds of things can be fixed or avoided. Many others greater than I have done the same and failed as well.

    The only sense of justice that I can find in so many such things is the knowledge that there is a place called Hell for wicked people. It’s a shame that so many people WANT to go there, but until they do, it’s a good idea for the rest of us to prepare for the coming earthly horrors as much as we can.

  6. I feel that we need to unite to condemn these people and their actions. And we need to do it in a timely manner. It took 2 days for President Trump to come out and explicitly condemn the neo-nazis and KKK members for inciting the hate that lead to someone driving into a crowd. He put equal blame on two parties when only one killed. I’m not saying the counter-protesters at Charlottesville weren’t violent, just that in this case, the Alt-right were worse and needed condemning. We cannot condone any violence, but we need to call out murderers.

  7. It appears that Soros and the leftist can’t cover all the bases this week. Thus we have terrorist threats in attempts to cancel out the other events. The left does not have the people to cover the handful of events scheduled. This tells you a lot about their true lack of numbers.

    Regardless, it is a good idea to stay away from these events as the left will be forced to ratchet up the violence to make up for a lack of response a the multiple events they cannot afford to protest. Stay home and have a good week folks.

  8. alt-right. alt-left. alt-universe. Whatever.
    All have a right to protest peacefully.
    When you start rioting you go to jail.
    See how simple it is?
    Now if the powers-that-be would let the cops do their job, things would work.
    Unfortunately, the press wouldn’t have anything to cry about.

  9. Did it ever occur to any of you that these right wing demonstrations could be orchestrated events to further damage the President. Fake news hasn’t worked, why not fake events. It’s seems a little odd that one demonstration could spread to 9 cities across the country almost over night. Wonder what the regressive left will do next to try to topple Trump. Nothing has worked so far.

  10. What really pisses me off about this is that these events are partially due to the fact that people believe the civil war was fought entirely over slavery. In reality, the whole thing was about state’s rights. Saying we should tear down a statue that reminds us of our history as a nation because it’s “racist” to recognize there was a losing side in the civil war takes us right back to reconstruction. Reconstruction was an awful time for this country. Please don’t drag this country back into it because you can’t be bothered to learn your history.

  11. An attack against the Southern Memorials is the same as desecrating my family’s graves. My wife and I have over 16 direct members of our family that fought for the CSA. My wife is a college, PHD, English professor and I’m a retired senior US Army officer.
    We do not support the KKK and especially the Neo-Nazis. We feel very strongly and deeply that memories and memorials to the Southern Soldiers, not slave masters, should not and will not be erased for political correctness.
    These feeling are embedded in our DNA and are shared by so,so many here in the South. We in no way want to hurt anyone over our beliefs of Southern Heritage, but we will not allow anyone to hurt us over their beliefs of what our nations history is.
    This is the United States of America. You have the right to believe what you want, worship who/ what you want, speak what you want, to vote for whom you want. In other words FREEDOM, better be damn careful lest we loose it.

  12. This entire mess is very upsetting.

    My and my husband’s family fought in the Civil War on the Confederate side. As a matter of fact, we both had relatives at Vicksburg.
    I am NOT a white supremacist, but I’m being painted as one by the main stream media and the late night shows.
    I also am a Trump supporter and I’m appalled at the way he is being vilified over his response (or lack of as some people see it) to the violence on Saturday. I wonder if some of these people have ears to hear or a brain to comprehend.
    Our country is under attack.

    I agree with some comments here. Follow the money.
    The thugs (on both sides) doing this violence are not what America stands for and don’t represent most Americans, yet the media would have all believe this.

    I was watching a TV program last night where a representative of a planned prayer rally in San Francisco said Nancy Pelosi wanted it shut down because it was a white supremacy group. Turns out only one of the speakers is white. Before the program was over, it was announced that the powers that be in San Fran. were looking into her claim.

    This goes to show how things can get out of hand.

    Thanks for the info Daisy. Keep up the good work.

  13. Events that are happening now are all steps in the Communist playbook of how to take a nation down. So instead of a badly needed 2nd American Revolution, we are witnessing a 2nd Bolshevik Revolution. Mass genocide to follow.

  14. There should be an event in Dearborn, Michigan to unify Americans against those who really hate this country. I think this infighting is taking our attention away from the real enemies of our founding values. Blacks and whites and gays and women should all unite against those who hate our values. Now that’s the challenge for all Americans who want to defend something. Do it!

  15. Old Remus over at Woodpile says
    “Stay away from crowds”
    I like that advice, think ill stick to that plan.
    Honestly there is NOTHING that would cause me to go to a protest of any sort, for one its a waste of energy and two in todays world its very likely things will go sideways.
    Ill watch from afar through an EBR-1 reticle thanks

    1. The thing most people seem to be completely missing is that these confederate monuments are just a ploy for these fascist ‘antifa’ groups. Their target is the constitution. They’re already saying that they want ALL monuments to any of the founding fathers removed because they were all slave owners. Once the monuments are gone – and they will be as long as the rest of us sit around and do nothing to retaliate – they’ll go after the federal holidays that honor people like Columbus, Washington, etc. because they don’t deserve to be honored since they were slave owners. Along with that they’ll start targeting the constitution on a serious level – they already made hints about it during Obama’s administration with various politicians claiming it was an outdated document. And there are enough of these antifa terrorist groups around the country to create enough violence to get their demands met. And the media is demonizing the very people who are trying to stop them, by calling those people white supremacists. The soap box and the ballot box is useless at this point, and if you aren’t willing to stand up and fight against these terrorists then you’re just as guilty for sitting back and doing nothing while the country burns. Pence didn’t even have the balls to call antifa and blm by what they truly are when that msnbc reporter was trying to goad him into it. If you’re waiting for the government to do anything to stop this, you’re seriously mistaken.

  16. Thank you for saying this. “It’s not “taking sides” to denounce groups like the KKK or white supremacists. It’s being a rational human being who isn’t a hypocrite.”

    I think it should be noted that the alt-right racists who rallied the night before, deliberately marched to a black neighborhood and taunted the black people living there.

    Also, the person who drove his car into the protestors was alt-right, but apparently wasn’t part of either side (tho I haven’t verified that he wasn’t part of the alt-right protest).

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