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I am going to do a special effort to avoid giving this article a political twist. Despite being the world geopolitics the main responsible behind the fire that consumes Santiago, the Chilean capital.
One of my friends there is not responding since last Friday 18, in any social media. We don´t know what has happened to him. However, some other people have reported that the level of violence has been something out of any measurable scale. The level of the organization they have is AWESOME. (I´ve seen quite a few videos that are NOT in YT, trust me, circulating in other social media, too graphic to describe or publish) of the terrorists (I refuse to call them protestors).
This is by itself already extremely concerning. The turmoil in 1989 known as “El Caracazo” corresponded exactly with this scheme. They tried to make it look like “a popular uprising against an oppressive system that was starving the poor people”…but trust me, nor in Chile nor in Peru there is a lack of food, thank God. Chile has one of the higher per capita incomes of the entire region. Maybe some level of discomfort because of the price increase in public transport was to be expected; but after seeing foreigners responsible for the massacre in Venezuela mocking of what had happened, saying that “it was just a breeze, now wait for the hurricane”…Come on, people. It´s on the wall. They have their hands in this Chilean thing down to the shoulder.
Some of the things happening in Chile don’t make sense.
Someone is organizing those vagrants. There is someone behind providing drugs. Weapons. Someone telling when to attack what. This is not a spontaneous protest. I am just a civilian, and I can feel and smell the military tactics in every target destroyed. I watched videos where, in a coordinated way, 9 guys surround a car – 3 each side, 2 behind, one in front. Why just one? Because he will have space to get off the way if the driver takes off and tries to run him over, the most predictable course of action. I watched another one from Ecuador, where someone is filming JUST BEHIND a young man that gets a shot in the middle of the forehead. At the exact minute. It´s a miracle that a second bullet, (following shot, it´s called? couldn´t say, I’m no shooter) did not hit the guy filming. Too many coincidences. All of the assault teams with their faces covered. Santiago had plenty of time without this kind of turmoil. This was an explosion, a totally unexpected reaction.
There´s something happening, and in our modern, complex world we can´t rest assured things are unrelated. Attacks to refineries and oil production facilities, 3 in a few days. Iran barking loud. This extremely out of place violence in one of the most developed economies of South America.
The situation is as follows:
- No supermarkets open. Those few opening, have long rows in front.
- The building of one of the bigger cell companies, Entel, was burned to the ground.
- Open fights within LEOs and terrorists.
- Very scarce traffic of personal vehicles (of course, no one is going to risk a gang burn his/her car)
- No train or metro
- The situation is worst presented with all the lootings and turmoil after the earthquake in 2010. Go figure.
- The authorities seem not to have all the parts of the picture to know who is really generating the problems.
- The main suspects are anarchist groups and criminals.
- The next November it´s planned the APEC meeting. With the Russian and Chinese presidents…go figure. What a coincidence, isn´t it?
- Curfew in Santiago, from 22 PM up to 7 AM
- Declared Emergency State. (Exceptional measures)
- 3 deceased in a fire in the city of San Bernardo.
- 11 more killed in Santiago.
- Santiago airport collapsed by flight cancellation.
- Interestingly, gas stations are working in normal conditions.
- UberX and DIDI, show a human face after the destruction of public transport, offering a 30% discount fee that won´t affect the drivers´ income.
- Most of the protestors are quite young. It´s very likely that many of them are being manipulated, while other groups much more prepared and organized are mainly responsible for the destruction of public property.
- The website of their Transport Board is hacked. A message asking for the resignation of pres. Piñera is released.
- Before the worst of the turmoil, some aggressive actions had been taken against the metro workforce crew. Unbelievable.
- There are “ecologist” groups looking to prosecute Brazil president Jair Bolsonaro because of the fires in the Amazonian forest…initiated by unknown criminals. Remember, Bolsonaro was one of the right-wing politicians with a very strong position against the Venezuelan-Cuban mafia.
Who is really behind the protests?
I´ve read all kinds of articles these last few days before sitting down to write this. But the approach my gut instinct, my own reasoning and the lessons of history tells me is not exactly out in the open…yet. Just a few Venezuelan journalists, and maybe a Cuban or Argentinian here and others there have been fair enough to see the real hidden purpose behind all of this.
Just for you to know: the leftist platform sympathizers in Chile are not small. Most of the migrants we found in Venezuela in the 90s were escaping the prosecution because they were leftists. Just read about Allende and his “ideas” about how the country should be governed back then. They would have become a strategic beachhead in the South. For those who don´t know about the long history of Cuba stirring societies and in the incitation of “revolutions” all over the place, just remember the mess created by the criminals when the Mariel jail was emptied and sent to Miami. I always asked myself what the heck Cuba had to do with Angola and “stretching bonds of solidarity and cooperation in all aspects”.
Nice words, indeed. But just look at the map. Why not Uganda? Or Kenia? Or Tanzania? Because of their need for strategic positioning. Their plan (and this is my own inspiration and deduction please forgive this if I am wrong) surely included to stir South Africa, a country with huge mineral resources. My bloodline comes from Boers, so I know this was a possibility. To end with politics, I find deeply unfair that some call pres. Piñera “inept”. Especially when those words come from experts. They should know how hard is to deal with a classroom full of rebel students. Imagine then when rebels have access to Molotovs, and you have a middle class over their 40s and 50s still traumatized by years of an iron fist dictatorship, how hard is to take uniforms to the streets to control those violent terrorists, high on God knows what drugs. I just saw a tweet of someone I follow mentioning she talked with a Chilean history professor, and he mentioned that the young in his country are “addicts to communism and dope”.
In an interesting note, I just learned that protestors have destroyed an uncle Hugo statue in Bolivia. Good. It´s enough of cults to nefarious personalities. If you want to do more complete research, please look for the articles of the Economist Fabio Valentini.
The lootings seem to be spreading. LEOs seem to be overwhelmed, or plain and simple, they were ordered not to intervene. That´s bad. Very bad. It´s the exact same scheme of the 1989 turmoil known as El Caracazo. A couple of years later, that was the excuse for a military coup de tat where Uncle Hugo was mainly responsible. Many people supported that coup because they were promised a “fair” government, “justice” and “prosperity”
The result was the mess we are living in now. The seed was sown those years: militaries trafficking drugs, the takeover of food production, and so on.
Here’s what to do if violent protests occur in your area.
Dear fellows, the wisest action is to hunker down with your gas masks (if you live in downtown of a city being looted), close your windows, and avoid to be in the streets for a few days. Vinegar is a good antidote for tear gas, but surely you knew that already.
- Turn on your HAM radios and start making contacts with your network to monitor the scope of the situation in other areas. (You should already have that network organized)
- Keep your tanks as full as you can afford. Charge everything you need for long term bugging in to your credit cards. No need to max them out, just to rush the stuff you could need.
- Pack some gear and supplies, ready to get out of dodge.
- If you have to bug out by car, try to not to rush. Use the radio or cellphone, if you can, to monitor if your route is safe.
- Timing is key. Identify bottlenecks where the possibility of authorities checkpoints is higher, and try to look for alternate routes.
Before finishing this article, I stood astonished watching some news about how things are getting stirred…in Panama.
There is no doubt, that the ancient Chinese curse is upon the American Continent.
Thank you.
Thanks for your outstanding support, fellows, I´ve been able to start my treatment with the contributions you kindly have sent, and hopefully will keep it for the next months to come.
May God bless us all.
What do you think?
Do you think protests like the one in Chile will become more widespread? Will they eventually happen in your country (if they aren’t already)? Are you prepared for civil unrest? Please share your thoughts in the comments.
About Jose
Jose is an upper middle class professional. He is a former worker of the oil state company with a Bachelor’s degree from one of the best national Universities. He has a small 4 members family, plus two cats and a dog. An old but in good shape SUV, a good 150 square meters house in a nice neighborhood, in a small but (formerly) prosperous city with two middle size malls. Jose is a prepper and shares his eyewitness accounts and survival stories from the collapse of his beloved Venezuela. Thanks to your help Jose has gotten his family out of Venezuela. They are currently setting up a new life in another country. Follow Jose on YouTube and gain access to his exclusive content on Patreon. Donations: paypal.me/JoseM151
27 Responses
This is the work of George Soros and the Chinese ,they are trying to bring in the new world order!
Yep! I smell Spooky Dude
They are already widespread. It is coming from the globalist elite/bankers with organization provided by the UN and various NGOs backed by Soros and others.
The globalists are making their move to consolidate their New World Order. I think they assessed that the trend was moving against them, and decided to try to get their goal right now before they lose any more ground. Different tactics in different regions, but you see it in Europe, Africa, Asia, North/Central/South America. Even the unrest in the US is from the same sources.
Dear Patricat,
You´re right on the spot. The world must be aware of this.
1) I agree that the “Elite” is accelerating their plans to form their New World Order. It looks like they are going after all governments not allied to their left agenda.
2) I’m in Argentina. This week, a group of Chileans protested “peacefully” in front of the Chilean Embassy in Buenos Aires. The local media was covering. One of the correspondents was warned “here come the infiltrated”. A little later, it was total chaos. They burned and destroyed public property and buildings. A journalist asked these young Chilean crowd what was going on, and one of these Chilean Antifa-type kid insulted the Argentinian journalist and told him to leave (in our own country and streets?).
3) It’s very sad what’s going on all over Chile. Our news are not filtered through the main stream media, I can watch on TV live broadcasting. It looks like a civil war, Chilean civilians against other Chilean, civilian or military. No one leading but a lot of groups protesting. I can’t believe the violence coming from both sides, protesters and military.
4) Jose: Are you familiar with the speech given recently by Diosdado Cabello? Saying that everything was going according to the “plan” (what plan?) and Maduro saying that “the seed of revolution was igniting along South America?
Greetings from the South of South America. Take care!
Only one good kind of communist
Dear Gabriela,
I hadn´t seen your message before, sorry.
Answering your multiple question, yes. The young man, covered face and destroying everything around IS just one of the soldiers sent by Cabello and that gang to set up fire to South America. They openly admitted it in national TV. Of course, now they have seen the mess and they KNOW the democratic governments are going to REACT with lethal force to neutralize the source of the aggression…well, they´ve started a campaign trying to get rid of the blood in their hands.
Too late, I think.
I find interesting that finally after over one year of being writing a South American makes her way to this place. Thanks for your comments. Stay tuned for advice that maybe useful to keep you safe and well fed. This site is filled up to the ears with the most useful information you´ll find ever.
“Before finishing this article, I stood astonished watching some news about how things are getting stirred…in Panama.”
Remember all those advertisements imploring US citizens to move to countries like Costa Rica and Panama?
Not to mention HGTV’s programs pushing living abroad in a tropical paradise in Central/South America and Mexico for pennies on the dollar.
thanks Jose – there’s a lot going on, moving fast in the world. I have dramatically reduced the number of websites / sources I visit because I know most of them are compromised.
I always appreciate your perspective, because you’re now living through what I believe we are all destined to experience in the west.
notice that Julian Assange is being tortured to death and it is virtually ignored in the media.
any news source ignoring this is compromised. be advised.
lots of distractions, hard to keep focused, thanks again for your perspective.
Admin User,
Thanks dude. (Or dudette).
Didn´t know about Assange, it´s a shame. Thanks God we have alternative media to spread data from the real world we experience.
The West must engage actively in a response or we´re going to face something ugly in this next decade.
All the more important that conservative “Constitutionalists” win the 2020 election.
I thought Chile was an authoritarian military junta. Modeled after Franco’s Spain after their civil war. Thought such a government would have more control.
Nope. That lasted just a few years after Pinochet died. After that, it was one of the most democratic countries of South America, with a rampant economy. Until now. The military are trying hard to get it under control, but the leftist propaganda media has started to do what they know best: spreading lies.
I recall back in the late ’80s in the Border War where we where in Angola frighting Russians and Cuban led insurgents/terrorists.
And now I read about Chile … and I quote “Their plan (…) surely included to stir South Africa, a country with huge mineral resources.”.
We have enough of our own problems thank you!
Anyone taking over SA must be forewarned, we have rolling blackouts here at times, so mining is becoming a wee bit of a problem without power! 🙂
Dear Triplet,
My grampa was quite close to migrate to South Africa back in the 50s. He didn´t because Venezuela was experiencing those years the most miraculous economic growth of our history.
Good thing communism was kept outside your country. Things would be quite different know. The entire world will have to look at the Chinese government with a different approach. They´re planning an expansion like never before in the next decades.
Good thing your Grampa did not immigrate to SA.
Why? Because after 25 years the democratically elected majority government of South Africa, goes by the acronym of ANC, has single handedly brought South Africa institutions across the board to their knees, Eskom to the tune of R451+ billion SA Rands in debt, has lowered the level of education across the board, wants to “re-appropriate land without compensation” with unemployment climbing as a direct result of rolling blackouts and other failed policies.
As a result, the Chinese … they are here already in SA.
On top of that, Africa is open and ready for Chinese “investments”.
I have a book written in the…late 90s? early 2000s? can´t remember, it´s in my shelf in Venezziola. The author mentions that the Chinese intelligence is messing with Africa since the late 60s. No surprises they´re already grabbed SA. Why the blackouts?
It´s a strange similarity with Venez.
Even more strange, my people there reports there is NO blackouts now.
See what I mean? Still believe this mess my country lies in, is consequence of “inept politicians” instead of an engineered process of destruction?
If you follow the dominoes and understand who has what resources and where are the Chinese and CIA/MI6 tied at the hip, then you will see a pattern develop. What is desired? Take 3 guesses, the first two do not count. We have already had a taste of Operation Gladio here in the US of A. It will get worse, much worse.
My suggestion is ask yourself why the big push for “red flag laws” and more restrictive laws by politicians whom have exempted themselves from these laws? History gives you the answer. Remember, the Bolseviks were NOT Russians but paid miscreants from NY. Read Servanto Gonsalez (sp) about the history of Fidel Castro and the CIA. Now, why is Cuba stirring excrement again?
Remember: Nothing happens in Poly-ticks by accident.
We already have Antifa and the police standing down.
As soon as I heard about riots across central and south America I was convinced it was another “arab spring” caused by the same cadre of billionaire globalist psychopaths. Apparently there aren’t enough illegals crossing the US border, so more, many more, will have to be produced at the factory. It’s a soros rush order to cloward piven the US into chaos in time for the election.
Dear Josh,
Arabic people has a quite different mind setup. They are under a medieval ruling that can´t just stand anymore. Yes, globalists have a lot to see with all of this South American mess.
Hola J.G., Your insights are sound bytes in fear. You never once once explored the root of the unhappiness of the “pueblo”. I’m no communist, I’m no socialist but people are just getting tired of the banking cabal including the IMF robbing production from people that actually produce stuff. We are talking about, yes, we are talking about the middle class disemboweled. You come from the oil industry, you are part of that cabal.
So…, I am deeply suspect of your writing skills, they seem to me quite polished. I only say this because I was born in Venezuela and moved to the USA when I was eleven in 1961. While I could speak English and Spanish at the time it was difficult for me to write and read English at first (American + Irish/Honduran parents).
I lived Puerto Rico and the United States, seven years ago I moved to Mexico from San Diego to get away from the coming demise of the middle class in the USA. I have relatives in Honduras and Nicaragua. I have been to Argentina, Chile and Uruguay, make no mistake the hand of imperialism of the USA and the banking cabal is oppressive. The demagogues of the deep state and “crony fascist capitalism” which is not capitalism should be jailed.
JG I read you writings but this one is over the top with fear mongering. We get a lot of that here in Mexico. Why don’t you discuss how all this unhappiness is rooted in privileged families of these countries stealing everything. They borrow from the IMF, steal a proportion and leave the debt to devalue the currency. Perfect example: Carlos Slim, moved to New York and has controlling interest in the New York Times. People like him have devastated the middle class here and left Mexico a rich country nothing more than an economic cadaver for the middle class.
I have several friends and neighbors here that are refugees from Venezuela. As soon as the oil companies in Venezuela were asked to share hidden profits, Venezuelans were targeted for destruction and conflict by the cabals. Look no further than Argentina or any other South American country and see how the middle class has been harvested by their government and Wall Street. Any one of the allies of the United States in Europe surpasses Venezuela ten fold with socialist government policies. Our neighbor Canada is at the top of the list. I said socialist not communist. After all Hugo was elected three times by huge majorities.
BTW, there is no lack of food in Mexico either, but the minimum wage is $5 a day! How much food can you buy with that kind of wage?
JG I could easily suspect you being a shill. I am an avid reader of alternative news and could literally spend my whole life educating the disinformation and lack of real knowledge that Americans have of South and Central America. I’m a prepper in Mexico
“Patrick A.” Written like this because I doubt that´s your name. Unless your profile has a picture and a link to your Facebook account or something. Your contradictions are evident. Say you´re not socialist nor communist, instead of introducing yourself in a regular way. You accuse me of being part of the very same beast I had to run away from.
You “suspect” of my writing skills? Is it so outstanding than an engineer with a little bit over the standard education tries to communicate to the world and specially USA what we are going through in Venezuela? This poor attempt to discredit me says a lot about you, instead of opaquing me. You´re an old man. You should know better than me what communism has done, and is doing to the world. We paid the IMF, and in a matter of a few years, the cronies ask for more money and stoled everything again.
Hugo was elected because he was a sociopath compulsive liar. To be honest I even doubt he´s dead. There´s no reason to keep a corpse under such level of protection 24/7/365.
I don´t care what you “suspect” I am. Should I, in the first place?.
I am trying to provide people with my vision on the collapse based in my experience. The collapse that wiped out my job, my relationship with my parents, my happy home, and took away two of my beloved pets, and almost kills the only one that survived, thanks God I had a regular job those days and could send money and save her.
In those days you lived here, people could happily stay and sleep camping in the beach.
I would love to see you trying to do that now.
I don´t care what you or people like you can think about who I am.
Ego sum, Qui sum.
Au Revoir.
Glad to hear that you’re Ok, Jose. Thanks for yet another excellent report. Best wishes to you and your family.
Dear Kitty,
You´re lovely. Thanks to you for those best wishes, and indeed they are working excellent. I feel blessed every single day I have something to eat and a roof over my head, and can walk in the streets joking with my kid making him laugh and smile, no matter how depressed I feel sometimes, he has my lifesaving boat in dark times as the rest of my family in Venezuela.
Thank you for this chronicle, which I am reading in 2021. The similarities to what happened in the US in the summer of 2020 are striking. Pre-planned waves of destructive paramilitary groups who moved from city to city, with military-style logistical support to deliver pallets of bricks, bottles and canisters of gasoline among other weapons.
All organized through private messages on Facebook.
Like the 3-cent rise in metro fares in Chile, the death of George Floyd was chosen as the trigger event to unleash the violence which was designed to destabilize the people. This had clearly been planned long in advance and the organizers were just waiting for the right trigger. If Mr. Floyd hadn’t been killed that day, it would have been another event that triggered the violence.