CDC and TSA Form FEDERAL MASK POLICE…and Enforcement Is Up to Officer Discretion

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

by Daisy Luther

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) have teamed up in an effort to enforce mask-wearing in public conveyances  and transportation hubs for the “preservation of human life.”

This isn’t a pro or con mask article because that could be considered disinformation. The heightened emotions around the mask debate have become tribal in nature, and nothing written by me or anyone else is likely to change the minds that have already been made up.

This article merely outlines the new rules to be enforced by the new mask police. Some readers may be concerned about the risk of arbitrary enforcement and excessive potential punishment to which those using public transportation will be subject.

Elizabeth Nolan Brown writes for

The order will be enforced by Transportation Security Administration (TSA) agents and “other federal authorities,” as well as state and local officials. “To the extent permitted by law…federal agencies are required to implement additional measures enforcing the provisions of this Order,” the CDC says.

“CDC reserves the right to enforce through criminal penalties,” the agency adds, though it claims not to intend “to rely primarily on these criminal penalties.” The feds may also implement “additional civil measures enforcing the provisions” of the order (which “is not a rule within the meaning of the Administrative Procedure Act,” the CDC notes, “but rather is an emergency action”). (source)

So, basically, we don’t get to know ahead of time with the criminal penalty might be, as it is not outlined in either the CDC order or the executive order. (More on the EO below.)

Back in early 2020, would you ever have imagined that your decision of whether to wear a face-covering or not could one day be a federal crime?

Here’s what the CDC has to say about the order.

The CDC issued a lengthy PDF order on Jan. 29th.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an Order pdf icon[PDF – 11 pages] on January 29, 2021 requiring the wearing of masks by travelers to prevent spread of the virus that causes COVID-19. Conveyance operators must also require all persons onboard to wear masks when boarding, disembarking, and for the duration of travel. Operators of transportation hubs must require all persons to wear a mask when entering or on the premises of a transportation hub.

This Order must be followed by all passengers on public conveyances (e.g., airplanes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis, ride-shares) traveling into, within, or out of the United States as well as conveyance operators (e.g., crew, drivers, conductors, and other workers involved in the operation of conveyances) and operators of transportation hubs ( e.g., airports, bus or ferry terminals, train or subway stations, seaports, ports of entry) or any other area that provides transportation in the United States. (source)

Please keep in mind this is the same CDC that told us last March that we should definitively not wear masks.

The CDC said last month it doesn’t recommend people use face masks, making the announcement on the same day that first case of person-to-person transmission of coronavirus was reported in the U.S. The CDC recommendation on masks stands, a spokesman told MarketWatch Wednesday, even with the first reported case of a COVID-19 infection in an individual in California who had not been to China or been exposed to a person diagnosed with the virus.

“The virus is not spreading in the general community,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the Center for the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, said in a Jan. 30 briefing. “We don’t routinely recommend the use of face masks by the public to prevent respiratory illness. And we certainly are not recommending that at this time for this new virus.” (source)

It would be one thing to have federal officers roaming around public transit targeting those who aren’t wearing a mask at all. But this order is far more detailed, leaving a troubling number of details up to the discretion of the agent.

What kind of mask is required?

The mask itself must be compliant.

The following are attributes of masks needed to fulfill the requirements of the Order. CDC will update this guidance as needed.

  • A properly worn mask completely covers the nose and mouth.
  • Cloth masks should be made with two or more layers of a breathable fabric that is tightly woven (i.e., fabrics that do not let light pass through when held up to a light source).
  • Mask should be secured to the head with ties, ear loops, or elastic bands that go behind the head. If gaiters are worn, they should have two layers of fabric or be folded to make two layers.
  • Mask should fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face.
  • Mask should be a solid piece of material without slits, exhalation valves, or punctures.

The following attributes are additionally acceptable as long as masks meet the requirements above.

  • Masks can be either manufactured or homemade.
  • Masks can be reusable or disposable.
  • Masks can have inner filter pockets.
  • Clear masks or cloth masks with a clear plastic panel may be used to facilitate communication with people who are hearing impaired or others who need to see a speaker’s mouth to understand speech.
  • Medical masks and N-95 respirators fulfill the requirements of the Order.

The new rules don’t stop there.

What kind of masks don’t qualify as masks?

As per the CDC, the following are not sufficiently compliant.

The following do not fulfill the requirements of the Order.

  • Masks worn in a way that does not cover both the mouth and nose
  • Face shields or goggles (face shields or goggles may be worn to supplement a mask that meets above required attributes)
  • Scarves, ski masks, balaclavas, or bandannas
  • Shirt or sweater collars (e.g., turtleneck collars) pulled up over the mouth and nose.
  • Masks made from loosely woven fabric or that are knitted, i.e., fabrics that let light pass through
  • Masks made from materials that are hard to breathe through (such as vinyl, plastic or leather)
  • Masks containing slits, exhalation valves, or punctures
  • Masks that do not fit properly (large gaps, too loose or too tight)

When can a mask be off?

Good news. You don’t have to wear a mask all the time on public transit. Following are the exceptions from page 4 of the order.

Bad news. The amount of time considered reasonable for the above exceptions is entirely up to the discretion of the officer. Vagueness is never a good thing in mandates because so much is open to interpretation – and that really depends upon the personal biases of the person intepreting.

Who is exempt?

There are a few people who are exempt from being targeted by the mask police.

It appears that the folks who wrote these rules have never met two-year-olds. I could barely keep socks and winter hats on my kids, much less a mask on their faces.

You also don’t have to wear a mask in the following conveyances.

This follows Biden’s new mask policies.

The Biden administration has wasted no time mandating masks. On his first day in office, President Biden signed an executive order requiring masks on all federal property (including national parks) and inside federal buildings. He also issued a 100-day mask “challenge” for all Americans.

How do you feel about the mask police?

What are your thoughts on mask-wearing being federally policed? Do you regularly use public transportation? Do you think the exemptions are broad enough? Share your thoughts in the comments.

And please be civil to one another – we all have the right to have different opinions without being attacked. Okay…scratch that. We should have that right. Let’s try to set a better example here.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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63 Responses

  1. It applies to all federal grounds and facilities.
    Transportation falls under it. I don’t like the way things have gone and are going with that but that ball was rolling before I got to age and exploded after 9-11.
    Between the government and The People we aren’t flying anymore anyway. Drunks, entitled, idiots and over zealous flight attendants have become as big an issue as TSA and other airport “authorities”who have chips on their shoulders, are thieves and are rude even when you try to be nice just to get through the process. They go out of their way to cut TSA locks they’ve got keys for and destroy everything they touch.
    There is nowhere I’m not going without weapons the way things are right now anyway.
    So yeah your gonna mask of you go anywhere “federal”. This was the Democratic White House compromise on enforcing the promised, during elections, national mask mandate which the former President already knew was unconstitutional as his advisers correctly taught him.
    Courthouses, prisons, National anything’s will be enforced. Only thing I can say is don’t go if you don’t want to. If your gonna go and give them a lesson on federal property is only this 6 miles …. it’ll end up badly for you.
    Be smart and stay safe because the only one on your side is you

  2. we should not be wearing face diapers period it is only for compliance control and making you a slave and they do no good but increase illness

  3. Mask’s absolutely do not work as the so called virus and all viruses are smaller than the holes in the material they are made of. Also you can get brain damage from wearing masks as well as some dermatitis diseases. It is all for control of the sheeple. My doctor tells me that I shouldn’t wear a mask for reasons that I will not discuss. Also it makes it harder to understand people who are wearing a mask. If you feel better with a mask on please wear it but don’t try and force me to wear one.

  4. Since it’s a Bullshitarona “Virus” these are Bullshit rules. The Majority of Americans don’t “Need” to Fly, Train, Bus or go to Stadiums – so Don’t. Stop letting Tyrants take Your Rights. Don’t shop at Tyrant Corporations & Don’t Support Horneywood. Exercise Your Rights NOW!

  5. The totalitarian tip toe is now at a full fledged sprint toward the finish line. We’ve never worn masks and have agreed that if we can’t get there in our truck or with our sled dogs, we don’t need to travel there anyway. Visiting new places just isn’t worth trading in our freedom.

  6. Dr. Fraudci:
    -you don’t need to wear a mask
    -you need to wear a mask
    -you need to wear two masks
    -children need to get the covid vaccine to achieve herd immunity

    1. Some idiot says you need to wear 5 masks now. That’s the level of imbecility that’s coming from people on the other side – the far side.

    So absurd or incongruous as to be laughable. synonym: foolish.
    Serving for or exciting sport; laughable from singularity or grotesqueness; adapted to cause sportive laughter or ridicule; absurd.
    Synonyms Funny, Comical, Droll, Ludicrous, Ridiculous, Laughable. Either the direct action of laughter or a corresponding sentiment is included in the signification of all these terms.

  8. STOLEN ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES. This is mission creep and will soon become the law of the land in our own private homes and property. And idiots will accept such encrouchment as the norm (i.e. boiling the frog). I refuse to use public conveyance as long as this dictatorial crap is in place. If we independent thinkers want to send a message, boycott these places and conveyances. I understand this is not possible for everyone, but for those of us that it is an option, money is the only thing that gets the attention of these goons.

    1. You are correct. Sadly the nightmare we now find ourselves living in, should never have been tolerated. If every free person would summon the courage to stand up & say ” Enough! We will not submit to tyrrany, & refuse the restrictions , it could end..with out violence, if enough people said, just Hell no, & stood thier ground. Sadly we have become a soft, narcisistic nation of sheep.

      1. What yourself and everyone is saying is true and scary.
        But what I want to know is, describe what you mean by “ stand up and say, Enough!!”
        If the mid terms go down in flames due to more “COVID” mail in balloting. And 2024 goes the same way, our voting rights are truly compromised!!
        So what are you/we gonna do!!!
        Really! No more CAPS and !!!!! What are we going to do. That should be the conversation!
        Be safe.

  9. This is a bunch of malarkey. Why? Because the CDC cannot enforce ANYTHING! They are for providing information only! TSA… SAME THING! They are for making sure people don’t carry crap they aren’t supposed to, and only on planes.

    This is government overreach and it’s terrifying! AND MASKS DON”T WORK!!!!!

    1. The CDC is a private corporation, it is not a government agency, as such. It most definitely is not a legislative body and therefore has no authority to pass laws. Rules are policy and not legislation and can’t be enforced. Once in court they will most likely be thrown out.

      1. Unfortunately:

        “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a national public health institute in the United States. It is a United States federal agency, under the Department of Health and Human Services, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

        1. The CDC is a corporate entity doing business on Dunn and Bradstreet’s under the parent corporation of the ‘Government of the United States’. These are illegitimate corporate entities that operate under maritime law and work 24/7 through the corporate media to keep anyone from questioning their legitimacy.

          Follow the links to see the web of corporations that pass themselves off as the legitimate government in America including not only ‘federal’ corporations but state corporations as well.

  10. If the state gives police that kind of power, then we will consider cops and all Law Enforcement to be the enemy, and as such I will start carrying, because there is no one we can trust. If LEOs chose not to protect us against tyranny, then we’ll assume they have sided with the state to treat us like cattle ripe for branding.
    If you boys and girls wearing black camo do not make the “Correct Decision” you may pay the price with your life, if and when civil war breaks out because we citizens do now have a gun behind every blade of grass !!!

    1. Congresswomen Shiela Jacksons HR127, is designed to strip law abiding citizens of thier 2 amend rights. Yet the hyprocritical elite will not surrender thier guns or secret service security to protect them.

  11. If you haven’t changed things in your life so that you don’t use public transport you are way behind in your preps. I will not use public transport with or without a mask. I never travel without a firearm and that alone keeps me from flying. I have a few trips left to make cross country (by car) due to a death in the family and after that no more travel. Biden has already begun the promised destruction of the US and the republicrats are going to help him.

  12. I say let’s just jump right to the Scarlet “R” to be worn on our lapels to identify us “domestic terrorists” who voted for Donald Trump.

    At least the Nazis didn’t interfere with the ability to breath when they mandated the Jews wear the Star of David.

    Am I the only one who can see where this is going? Of course not, but what are we going to do about it?

  13. Even the box the masks come in tell us that they are not effective against viruses. This is about control and nothing else.

  14. They are coming for our rights, inalienable rights. The right to free speech, the right to keep and bear arms, and as this article articulates, our right to unhindered travel.

    Need I remind everyone of two salient facts?
    One our rights come from God and are ours from cradle to grave. No government of men can remove them.
    Two: it does happen from time to time in the corse of human events that men must throw off a tyranny and form another form of government to serve them. Let’s try a Republic this time without having some foreign power without an army pretend they own us. FORK Q ROME.

  15. I thought the vaccine was supposed to end this pandemic? Isn’t that what officials said? Now they tell us that even if vaccinated, you must wear a mask, that you can still be a “spreader”. What good is the vaccine then?

    1. They have only “hinted” that the vaccine would prevent one from getting The Jinn. If one isn’t paying attention (that’s most people out there) one might think all is well once they receive the jab. Well, have at it dum dums. You can have mine ’cause I’m not buyin’ the shit they’re sellin’.

      Money money money MO-NEY.

  16. Exactly when was the CDC granted Law Enforcement powers? If I’m not mistaken, they are not a Regulatory Body, in any way, shape or form.
    This ceased to be about “masks” now. It’s an egregious and unprecedented assault on our civil liberties.
    Welcome to Authoritarian Tyranny fellow prepees.

  17. Things to remember. First CDC is a for profit vaccine company and not a governmental agencies. It has contracts with the government, but it is NOT a law making body. Second, Executive orders are not law and does not apply to we the people. The presidential EO is for running the executive branch and does not have jurisdiction within the boundaries of the states. For jurisdiction look at Article 1, section 8, Clause 17 of US Constitution. Remember the American constitution and the various state constitution all dictate how law is made and it is not by agencies. Third, in Texas the exception is for children under the age of 10 not 2 years of age.

    Remember that ALL agencies are MANDATED to publish in the FEDERAL REGISTER and then you have to check in EACH document in the Federal Register to see if they have the “force and effect of law” being in compliance with 5 U.S.C. 553(b)(c)(d) and Chrysler v. Brown, 441 U.S. 281 (1979) holding. The ONLY perceived authority for ALL Agencies is ONLY to publish in the Federal Register and if not published – then there is NOTHING – no even Perceived Authority.

    I am an American National and not a US citizen. I know the legal definitions as in the CFR. I am a Texain Citizen. Remember the CFR states that you can be both a US and State citizen or either a state citizen or else a US citizen or fourth you can be neither. I am a state citizen. I could go into the lengthy court cases that consider US citizens subject to DC ten mile square rather than a free state citizen. It is not propaganda.

    To check for authority
    2. 42 CFR § 70.2
    2a. 65 FR 49906 Authority
    3. 42 CFR § 71.31
    3a. 21 Excerpt of 21 FR 9805-9899 authority
    3aa. Authority for 21 FR 9805-9899 is shown to be 42 U.S.C. § 216
    and the 4 Notes of Decision show this is strictly “housekeeping regulations”
    for INTERNAL Agency Use only. Same a Part 301 Regs for IRS.
    3b. 50 FR 1516-1524 Authority
    3c. 68 FR 17558 Authority.
    4. 42 CFR § 71.32
    4a. 68 FR 17559 Authority
    4b. 77 FR 75891 Authority
    4c. 78 FR 12622 Authority
    4d. 21 FR 9870 Authority (excerpt see above)
    4e. 50 FR 1519 Authority
    4f. 68 FR 17559 Authority

    Please remember we do not have a National Government. We have never had a National Government. We have a federal government, which means by contract/agreement. The contract is the united states of America constitution. That is why the feds can’t dictate directly to we the people unless we say nothing. Silence is agreement.

    1. Nice to see quotes of actual cases and law.

      Article VI refers to the sixth article of the Constitution, which states that only laws made in pursuance of the Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land (Clause 2) and that all executive, legislative, and judicial officers of both the federal and state governments shall be bound by oath to support the Constitution (Clause 3).
      while the incorporated “due process clause” of Fourteenth Amendment suggest that the states cannot “deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.”

      CoVID is the UN Global Health Security State architecture:

      Biden’s executive orders implemented the Global Health Security Act of 2018, 2019 bills that literally spell out compliance of UN Sustainability Goals and the work Obama, Trump have done towards achieving it over the last decade. Introduced on 04/09/2019:

      World Bank document:
      “D. Environmental and Social
      90. The management of environmental and social risks and impacts related to COVID-19 activities under the
      Program will be carried out in accordance with the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), effective
      October 1, 2018.”
      “Expected Project Closing
      Date 31-Mar-2025
      Expected Program Closing Date

  18. I think this whole mask thing is ridiculous, just a way to see who will and will not comply with what our new dictator tells us. Here in my state our CDC director has a fan club!! The people in that group fawn over him. I got booted because I kept asking how they felt about the “job” he did in Illinois. Many veterans got sick, some died under his watch. Legionnaires Disease.
    CDC is a joke, state and federal.

  19. well if that dont just take the cake…..what next, mandating what time we go to bed, get up, go potty, eat, take out trash, etc???? will they take away our pets since they cant wear masks but yet some have tested positive for covid?

  20. “Orders” and “mandates” are NOT laws. Also, the CDC, WHO, governors, and presidents DO NOT MAKE LAWS.

    Furthermore, since breathing normally is a health requirement for every living human as designed by our Creator and thus is built into our inalienable rights, the American Disabilities Act applies to every American. (If even 10 percent of our 350 million people defied all of the unlawful “orders,” the BS would stop.)

    Therefore, it is incumbent on all people to defy the unlawful “orders” and “mandates.”

  21. Believing in masks for keeping out aerosolized viruses is like believing in a flat earth.

    It’s that level of anti-science ridiculousness.

  22. We are beginning to see the same type of government that the nazis brought to Germany in the 30s. Cancel Culture has already began the book burnings, They are telling us what we are or aren’t allowed to say, you can’t call a frog a frog if it believes it is a cow, you are not allowed to have an opposing opinion to the snowflake position’s let alone think for your self, I believe we are almost to the end of seeing our great country being ran into the ground and desecrated, We the people have allowed this all to happen for the most part over the last 30+ years. We have allowed our government and power hungry neighbors to control every aspect of our lives, IE zoning commissions, HOAs, Property taxes and a whole slew of departmental and regulatory groups.
    This mask mandate is just the latest in a long list of over reaching garbage from our government.

  23. Great comments everyone!! Thanks for the research notes to the guy that is a Texan (National) every time I read these articles and replays I just get so frustrated because it seems that just the commentators here know what’s going on and HOW do we effect any change when the whole fricken country is SHEEPLE and just want either a payout or to keep their heads down grazing on the grass that will soon run bloody . Sorry. Long fragmented sentence. Well I’m pretty sure the Patriots are getting restless and one day soon all hell will break out. But that’s what THEY want war and unrest so they can put the BIG hammer down on the ones that are left. Thanks for reading my ramble. Stand armed and stand firm.

  24. The law is not up for officer discretion. The law is the law, and a LEO is sworn to uphold the law. So the mask mandate is not a law.

  25. The Constitution begins by saying that all law-making power under the Constitution is given to the Congress. I consider it anti-American to enforce other orders on a Federal level. States make state laws. I expect your state Constitution gives law-making authority to your state legislature. Patriotic state citizens should find out.

    I have read a lot of things recently about saying “I do not consent,” and other things that deprive a badged thug from bothering you. I do not know the truth of such claims. Part of true patriotism these days is searching such things out.

    Definitions I learned in school decades ago said freedom was from the rule of LAW, while TYRANNY was the rule of a man (woman) such as a governor. In American, throwing away righteous liberty is un-American. and unpatriotic.

  26. So now ticket and gate attendants at airports have law enforcement authority? These “rules’ are totally arbitrary and without any scientific basis whatsoever. Some idiot or idiots are just making things up as they go and making you comply like sheeple. And I should be thankful I don’t have to wear a mask inside my own car by myself? Remember the old 60s song – ‘They can’t even run their own life, I’ll be damned if they run mine?” I will not comply. What are they going to do – arrest everybody?

  27. I think most americans have completely forgot about their pets,WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO when you can’t get food for them..HERES a suggestion,FEED your DOGS AND CATS government employees,they’ll be easy to catch for a while,THEN NAIL THEM TO A TREE OR YOUR GARAGE DOOR,then cut pieces off them to feed your pets,OR watch as they starve to death,OH ,no cowards all be allowed into heaven,SO if you get Vaccinated with TRUMPS snake venom vaccine,you’ll be a GMO NON-HUMAN and you won’t get in anyway,….CAN anyone figure out why the LORD hates cowards??

  28. And the cow manure continues. Masks have been proven to do NOTHING. Let’s face it IF masks did anything, why after almost A YEAR we are still mandated to wear them?? If masks did anything, then numbers would be WAY THE PHUQUE down. They are not. Explain? And now they are saying you HAVE TO GET VACCINATED….or you cannot fly, or you cannot ride a bus, or you cannot screw the hell out of your own wife……These people are NUTS…..Phuque the masks, phuque the distancing and phuque the vaccinations. I will NOT have anyone tell me how I am to live. And if you don’t like what I say, just suck it up little buttercup and kneel to the illegitimate emperor.

  29. i have year round allergies. running nose a lot. ICK with mask on.
    also have autoimmune condition that makes breathing hard at times.
    don’t put mask on until inside door of business.
    mostly have pulled below nose while shopping.
    and off again right out the door.
    only reason i do wear at all is so the store doesn’t get FINED.
    usually don’t wear one into post office. never had anyone confront me there! odd.

  30. Well, looks like anyone with PTSD or diagnosed with depression are exempt. Works for me. They wanna play stupid games, show me the rules and I’ll play too.

  31. They keep pushing and pushing and pushing, and eventually “the people” are going to start pushing back, in spades. Actually it’s already happening, but you won’t see it reported on the MSM.
    Not only have masks been proven not to work, evidence is now widely available that they cause problems. They are causing psychological problems for children. They are exacerbating lung infections. Some sources are saying there are dental and gum issues.
    Search the internet using something other than google or bing, and you will find a wealth of information.

  32. Great,. lets use mass non-compliance and our consumer dollars to bring the airlines to their knees. Lets see how many jobs we can cost the industry!

  33. If people want to be afraid, so be it. Just don’t make me pretend to be afraid, mask when I’m not sick to pretend to protect you, so you can pretend to feel safe. Remember when our parents purposefully sent us to play with kids who had chicken pox? They knew then (mid70s) that it was mostly harmless to kids, but deadly if you grew up without being immune to it (from having it!). Why has this basic wisdom and understanding mostly vanished? Ahh…modern “science”. Pay up and obey.

  34. Are masks required for legal and illegal migrants at the southern border to enter the Federal processing facilities?

  35. Back in early 2020, would you ever have imagined that your decision of whether to wear a face-covering or not could one day be a federal crime?

    My question is, who did NOT see this coming?
    TSA was a travesty, but it was allowed to happen because of 9/11.
    9/11 was a travesty, but no one is allowed to investigate.

    Stolen election is a current travesty and we are still within the window to act. Not for Trump, but for the vote. transparency. To ensure we can elect people who will steer us away from this madness and imprison those who so richly deserve it.

  36. Mask should fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face.

    I wonder if they will enforce the “comfortably” part. “Sir. SIR! Sir, is your mask comfortable?” “I find it comfortable.” “Hands against the wall. Are you carrying any weapons?” “No, sir.” “I deem that your mask is uncomfortable and I think a night in the hoosegow will make you rethink wearing such an uncomfortable mask.”

    Of course, is any mask “comfortable”? Particularly if you have to breathe through a fabric so dense it does not allow light to penetrate. How dense does a white mask have to be?

    1. No such thing as a “Comfortable” face diaper. I don’t know how people can stand wearing them anymore than they absolutely have to. I see people wearing them outside in the park, well away from everyone else, for that matter…

  37. Daisy,
    Anyone that has any training with masks already know they are next to useless and may actually promote the china virus. That being said, non-science rules in “The Great Reset”. You have taken your stand and I understand it. However, when you write articles and expose hypocrisy and don’t expose the reasoning and cause behind them, you defeat your purpose. Your readers should be referred to Biden:”The Great Reset” for the real truth behind what is happening in our country. I was a trainer for TSA, it is another useless appendage of “eye candy” for the gullible American public. The real deterrent from 911 happened in Pennsylvania when Americans crashed that plane into the ground.
    Suppression of “The Truth” is what has brought to this point in our history.

    We can continue that suppression or stop it. Refer your readers to Kerry:”The Great Reset” and allow them to come to their own conclusions. How long do you think you have until they shut you down. You and all like thinking platforms like you are on borrowed time and you have to already know it. God bless protect and guide you.

    1. We’ve put a lot of thought and research into our current editorial policy.

      Thank you for your input. However, at this time we are reporting unbiased facts from government sources and allowing readers to draw their own conclusions and dig more deeply themselves.

      Wishing you the very best,

      1. Daisy,
        I was a little surprised that you kept my comments up. Was that a change of heart or an acknowledgment of the inevitable. The news had some interesting items in them. Look at what is going on in India with the farmers there. There is a two prong attack going on. Farmland purchase and water rights purchase. The Bush Family has been buying aquafiers for years all around the world. The idea that what is going on is between Democrats and Republicans is ludicrous. Have you looked up “The Georgia Guide-Stones” yet. The arrogance of these people amazes me. The Great Reset is the worst, best kept secret the world has ever known. If you really want to scare yourself look up Archbishop Carlo Maria Vagono’s open letter to President Trump. As always MLK all the way. Good bless, protect and guide us and our country. I f you ever want to talk call me 216 533 2884

  38. Mask are just another one of those ‘death by a thousand cuts’ measures taken to force compliance in the name of ‘if it saves just one life’. This new administration is slashing.

  39. The North Dakota legislature has a couple of bills worth looking into: HB-1164 and HB-1282. They would establish the means for the state government to nullify any federal EO, rule or law the state determines to be unconstitutional. IMO every legislature, governor and AG of remaining (relatively) free states should consider passing something similar. States could declare themselves Nullification Sanctuaries and simply refuse to enforce or allow the application of illegal or unconstitutional orders within their borders. There’s a pretty good article about these ND bills on theminutemanblog.

  40. Well, I prefer driving anyway, so that’s no skin off my teeth. The last time I was on “public transportation” was way back in the Great Free Days when you could hop a day-trip bus to NYC to take the kids to museums, etc.

    Masks don’t work. I wore mine and got it anyway.

    I used to have nightmares as a little kid that we were gonna end up like Communist Russia. Well, it was China, but same difference. My blood runs cold every time someone makes cracks about “sticking Republicans in concentration camps to re-educate them and their kids.” (No, I’m not, but some of the people I dearly love are.)

    Thank God most of my family are introverts, so we don’t really go out a ton anyway–the only thing that really chaps my bum is the library REALLY has a hot nut about wearing one in there. So much for browsing…

  41. I was under the impression that and Federal mask mandate only applied to interstate transportation (i.e. crossing state lines). But I don’t see this mentioned anywhere.

    Remember also that the it was the CDC that imposed a nationwide eviction moratorium, which now extends through March 31.

    Apparently, the CDC has more power than Congress. Why is this power being allowed and where does it come from? The Constitution doesn’t give Federal agencies the right to take away basic freedoms, even for a “health emergency”.

    So why aren’t these rules being challenged in court? There must be Libertarian lawyers, no?

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