The CDC Warns Businesses, Schools, Communities to Prepare NOW for Covid19: “THE DISRUPTION OF DAILY LIFE MIGHT BE SEVERE.”

(Psst: The FTC wants me to remind you that this website contains affiliate links. That means if you make a purchase from a link you click on, I might receive a small commission. This does not increase the price you'll pay for that item nor does it decrease the awesomeness of the item. ~ Daisy)

Author of The Blackout Book and the online course Bloom Where You’re Planted

Today Nancy Messonnier, who is the director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases issued a stark warning about the potential spread of Covid19 through the United States.

“We expect we will see community spread in this country,” said Dr. Messonnier. “It’s more of a question of when.” (source)

Whenever there’s a direct warning from the government agencies whose job it is to manage crises in ways that don’t cause a panic, I always wonder how bad the situation actually is and what they’re not telling us.  While this was the most bluntly worded warning, it isn’t the only one this week.

What is the CDC warning us about?

In a briefing, she discussed the measures that businesses, schools, and communities needed to prepare to take to tackle the looming outbreak.

“We are asking the American public to work with us to prepare for the expectation that this could be bad…”

Schools should consider dividing students into smaller groups or close and use “internet-based teleschooling,” Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, told reporters on a conference call.

“For adults, businesses can replace in-person meetings with video or telephone conferences and increase teleworking options,” Messonnier said.

She said local communities and cities may need to “modify, postpone or cancel mass gatherings.” Hospitals may need to triage patients differently, add more telehealth services and delay elective surgery, she said.

“Now is the time for businesses, hospitals, communities, schools and everyday people to begin preparing,” she said. (source)

Anyone who has watched the way the government handles things that could potentially cause a panic should realize that this is a warning that problems are imminent.

And not just minor problems. Messonnier said, “The disruption of daily life might be severe.” 

This briefing certainly coincides with the line of thinking in our earlier article today entitled, This Is Not a Drill.

This is the warning before things get serious.

It’s rare that the government comes right out and says something clearly. There are always agendas to be hidden and a**es to be covered. The government prefers to “manage” the flow of information, as they did during the Ebola outbreak in 2014, when they instituted an outright blackout on information.

In Cat Ellis’s book, The Covid-19 Survival Manual, she wrote that the editors of mainstream media outlets were told by the President to stop reporting on it.

To counter the rising public tension, President Obama appointed Ron Klaine, a Fannie Mae lobbyist with no health care background at all as his Ebola Response Coordinator. Klaine was known in and around Washington DC as being a man who could circumnavigate government bureaucracy and regulations. The media referred to Klaine as Obama’s “Ebola Czar”.

Within weeks of Klaine’s appointment, the Associated Press released a statement that was sent to editors. There were to be no more stories on Ebola unless it is linked to a massive upset or delay. All stories about suspected cases disappeared from the mainstream television news coverage, although you could still find articles on their websites occasionally.

So, if it is a standard for governments to downplay the severity of an infectious disease in order to control public panic, it is reasonable to examine what we know and understand that the situation is likely worse than it appears to be. (source)

Now apply that to what we’re seeing in the news right now. Today’s message was loud and clear, however. An outbreak is coming, and it’s no longer a matter of if, but when and how bad. It’s most likely something that is just too big to hide.

What happens next?

In all likelihood, the next official warning will be something that makes it extremely difficult to put last-minute preparations into place. We need only to look at how quickly parts of northern Italy were locked down to see how it might go here.

One day there was a sick guy. The next day there were a few sick people. The day after that people were advised not to leave their homes and those breaking quarantine were threatened with three months in prison. All in just three days.

The next official statement could run the gamut. It could be anything from curfews, a recommendation for social isolation, the lockdown of cities or towns with clusters of illness, or full-on quarantine where people are forced to stay in their homes. Sign up here for updates.

What should you do?

If you haven’t already purchased PPE and masks, that ship has probably sailed. There are very few to be found. Your focus should be on the things you need to lock down with your family for a period of time that could range anywhere from a couple of weeks to a few months. You may think to yourself, “Ah, it’s just the flu, I’ll be fine” but you also may not be given the option – in many places, particularly China, the lockdown has been mandatory and it has been brutally enforced.

My advice is to plan for the possibility of having to stay home for a while. Here’s a guide to preparing for an outbreak of this particular virus and the potential quarantines that could come with it.

Plan to self-quarantine and make your preparations now, before it becomes mandatory.

Rest assured when the announcement is made telling people to stay home, your chance to run to the store and fill a few grocery carts has passed. If you are going to make a last-minute shopping trip, do it now. If it turns out that nothing happens, the worst thing you have to deal with is figuring out where to put all those groceries.

Right now, you have a window of opportunity that will close as soon as everyone else realizes what is about to happen. By the time the official announcement comes, the shelves will be bare.

I would not be surprised to see things evolve rapidly within the next 72 hours. I hope I’m wrong.

Picture of Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther

Daisy Luther is a coffee-swigging, globe-trotting blogger. She is the founder and publisher of three websites.  1) The Organic Prepper, which is about current events, preparedness, self-reliance, and the pursuit of liberty on her website, 2)  The Frugalite, a website with thrifty tips and solutions to help people get a handle on their personal finances without feeling deprived, and 3), an aggregate site where you can find links to all the most important news for those who wish to be prepared. She is widely republished across alternative media and  Daisy is the best-selling author of 5 traditionally published books and runs a small digital publishing company with PDF guides, printables, and courses. You can find her on FacebookPinterest, Gab, MeWe, Parler, Instagram, and Twitter.

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32 Responses

  1. It would be helpful if the MSM such as the NYT that has just posted this warning would carefully and clearly spell out what people should be doing to prepare. I fear that what will happen now will be a full-scale raid on the grocery stores and everything in sight(but especially the beer and chips) will be vacuumed up by terrified shoppers.

    As for masks, that ship has sailed. The feds have stated they only have 30 million stockpiled which is a drop in the bucket. I haven’t been prepping for perishables as I figured I had time for that, but wish that warning had sounded BEFORE I went grocery shopping today; now the weather is bad and the roads will be a mess. Ah well, that’s what the canned veggies are for I suppose………

    1. Ani,

      I dont think the NYT can really give any kind of advice as they are a news organization.
      Now, if they were quoting someone in some kind of authority position, like the CDC, then they are just the pass through.
      Other wise, ya kinda have to look for it yourself.
      Places like this, the comments section to get an idea of what everyone is doing does give a degree of insight, or possible things you may have not considered.
      I myself, had the wife pick up extra groceries (non-perishable kind), rice, pasta, bread flour and yeast (but we have always had a lot of flour on hand as we bake a lot). Dried beans. Garlic in jars. Instant mashed potatoes. Dried milk (though I can get off the farm raw milk from up the road).
      As we use stuff, we replace it to maintain the stock pile.
      Doing a inventory of my seed bank to see where I need/want more and will order those very soon.

      Beer and chips . . . dang funny!
      I can say I can make my own chips though. Got the tortilla press and everything. Corn or flour tortillas!
      Beer, that could be a problem . . . 😉

      Et al. FYI, just heard from a former co-worker. He is out in California for work. He says people at his hotel are wearing N95 masks.

      1. Yeah man
        It seems it’s just a matter of time. It’s time to start getting serious. Look at a 1 month lay in where you can’t leave the house.
        Water – min standard is 1 gl per person per day. Don’t try to get fancy containers. Fill everything.
        Food- not frozen in case grid goes dow due to lack of people to run it
        Meds- get 90 days, be open to “alternatives”
        Plan for the trash – I’m working on getting a burn barrel now
        Loss of or sporadic power – candles, batteries, flashlights, chemlights, alternative cooking method.
        Personal protection- time to check batteries, fresh ammo, actually have them at hand or on you even at home, carry a knife, OC spray etc.

        Anything I missed for the folks who don’t live this stuff?

        1. Matt, if you would like to see the fairly comprehensive Pandemic Preparedness List I have compiled, it is posted in 8 separate comments to one of Pennsylvania Prepper’s YouTube videos and can be found at: The topics covered are: “Communications”, “Defense”, “Entertainment”, “Food, Beverages and Related Items”, “Hygiene”, “Lighting”, “Medical”, “Miscellaneous”, “Personal Protective Equipment”, “Power/Heating/Cooling”, “Sanitation/Decontamination”, “Sick Room Supplies”, and “Water”. It’s long so I broke it down into 8 parts and posted each part in a separate comment. The list also includes links to some resources and useful videos. Hope you find it helpful 🙂 I mentioned this list a day or so ago in a comment to another of Daisy’s articles, so I hope she’ll forgive my posting this information again 🙂

        2. I’d like to throw out another suggestion. Unless your real fond of swinging a sickle, have a goat or have the old style push mowers I’d buy some roundup to control the yard in case fuel lines are disrupted.

  2. my daughter told me earlier today that a company in Tallahassee, FL had shut down due to an employee having the covid-19 virus not sure where she saw/heard this from have not seen anything about it myself. Has anyone else heard/seen anything about this?

  3. If you are still looking for masks, check your local hardware stores. No one thinks about them and they carry N95, N99 and N100. I already have a good stash but there were still some on the shelf when I was in there today.

  4. I’m a public high school teacher in a rural midwestern town. On one hand, I feel fairly okay since I’m relatively prepped and my town is small. On the other hand, I’m a teacher who comes into contact with more than 160 students every day- and that’s just in my classroom. I’m trying to balance my PollyAnna tendencies with the seriousness of this. NO ONE in my building is talking about this, aside from a few jokes when someone sneezes. Needless to say, I don’t know of anyone here who preps. I read the CDC alert earlier, and now I’m going to go home and make sure I don’t need anything else to keep me going for a few weeks or more.

  5. With 4 kids, I’m thinking it just won’t be feasible to isolate a family member if someone gets sick. I can’t put a toddler alone in a room for example. Rather, I’m hoping to boost all our immune systems. Any thoughts or similar situations?

    1. At this point, not a whole lot is known about what makes a person more inhospitable to the virus. In general, the healthier you are before you get sick, the better off you are.

      In your situation, it’s pretty likely that if one person gets it, the entire family will. But while that sounds bad, it isn’t, necessarily. The thing to remember is that it isn’t like Ebola or something where 60% of the people who get sick are going to die. It’s serious and highly contagious but not always deadly. I would focus on symptom mitigation like expectorants, pain relief, etc.

    2. As a medical professional that has worked though Many Flu seasons SARS, H1N1, Avian Flu and Ebola with elderly O2 dependent parents at home I have a so far successful protocol I use. My take emergency-C, elderberry-zinc gummies as well as my basic vitamins. When I come home from the Hot Zone aka Hospital OR Shopping, the shoes stay on the porch, I take a whores bath by washing my hands, my face and my hair (I have a crew cut as Hair is a awesome reservoir for bacteria and virus) and then my outside clothing goes into a bag for the washing machine. Then I wash my hands AGAIN. DON’T Track that nastiness into your house! If shopping items get spread out on a tarp for a little sunshine and fresh air. Every little bit helps.

      As the gut is the basis of your immune system take care of it. Plenty of water, good sleep, don’t eat deep fried foods they inflame the gut. I eat lot’s of live culture yogurt, fermented LIVE Culture foods like sauerkraut and Kimchee. If I feel a little off I boil up a whole chicken with a splash of vinegar to make Jewish Penicillin Bone Stock Chicken soup AND after cooking I add as much Kimchee (to keep the live cultures *alive*). So far has stopped even the “I wanna DIE” Flu’s for me. Look up fire cider if you cannot enjoy Homemade Kimchee. Many good recipes for homemade kimchee. I have a 5 gallon plastic pail brewing right now as I’m into the last batch.

      Learn how to remove gloves and masks properly otherwise you WILL contaminate yourself.

      Wash your hands before you tough your face or anything you hold dear like your kids. When in doubt Wash your Hands…

      Spiritual preparation is as important as N95 masks. Proverbs 18:14-15 14The spirit of a man can endure his sickness, but who can survive a broken spirit? 15The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, and the ear of the wise seeks it out.…

  6. Okay, so we’re new at prepping and our resources are currently limited (considering how much there is to catch up on). I’m trying to stock up on OTC meds in case one of my children or my husband catches this virus mid-lockdown. So far I’ve got pedialyte, tylenol….any suggestions for specific other meds/ways to ameliorate symptoms for this specific virus? Trying to stock up on healthy foods, hand sanitizer, and then laser in on specifics. Thanks for all suggestions!

    1. New’ish Prepper, here are some ideas from my Pandemic Preparedness List (that I provided a link to in my earlier comment above): “Over-the-Counter Medicines, such as: Acetaminophen, Children’s Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Immodium or other anti-diarrheal medicine, Benadryl (Diphenhydramine), Expectorant, Cough drops, (Note, discuss with your doctor before giving any medicine containing a cough suppressant to a person with pneumonia as that might be harmful. Also, since a fever is the body’s way of revving up the immune system, I would not administer or take any medicine to bring down a fever unless that fever is getting dangerously high), Cold Eeze Zinc Lozenges.

      Herbal and Alternative Medicines, such as: ‘Echinacea (immune strengthening) (Check expiration date), Licorice spice tea (cough, congestion), Chamomile (nausea, headache, stress), Peppermint tea (nausea, cough), Blackberry tea (diarrhea), Cinnamon tea (diarrhea, vomiting), Ginger (nausea, vomiting), Buckwheat honey (cough), Colloidal silver solution (anti-microbial) (Check expiration date) Note: The efficacy of ingesting colloidal silver solution is hotly debated. Essential oils’. See Cheryl Driggs’ website: http://www dot simplyprepared dot com/supplies_and_medications dot htm

  7. Thanks for the motivation to get the items we need asap. We’ve been sick and have been waiting to go but it looks like it’s time to grab a mask and head to the store. I’m looking forward to shoppers giving me proper space while I shop bc of the mask ????

    1. Save your money, as the masks won’t keep you from getting infected. The masks are good to keep you from infecting others if you are infected.

  8. I love this community! Such positive support and comments…
    I was not ‘overly’ concerned until today’s duo of posts. We are in a financial ‘crunch’ right now as DH was out of work for a couple months. I had a willynilly list of ‘stuff’ I knew we needed. But no $ to spend til payday.
    So today, I updated my inventory of long term foods and our freezer. And I think we are better off than I thought altho there are some glaring holes.
    So I filled some water jugs today. Worked on whittling my list down to ‘must haves’ and ‘wants’ and ‘luxuries’. Def have room for improvement for fruits, veg, and baking products. Need to have DH check the propane situation and check the genny/fuel situation. We are good on backup heat for maybe a week, could stretch it out if we move into one room.
    Another thing I thought about in addition to pet food/treats, the dog is about due for a new seresto flea collar (the only thing that currently works in our area).
    God bless everyone here, keep the ideas coming…

  9. Don’t forget your pets. I have 5 indoor cats so I ran a test to see exactly how long it takes them to go through one of those 35 pound pails of cat litter—-2 weeks!!! I was shocked but now I have stacked up quite a few extra tubs. I already had several months’ worth of cat food.

    For us, I have been laying in a lot of extra items over the last month, while watching this thing evolve. I already had a lot but it is always good to restock. Hubby has finally stopped teasing me about being “paranoid” and actually said I had done a good job.

    1. Another thing…if you order things on Amazon Subscribe & Save, don’t expect those things to keep showing up at your house. Get them now.

      1. JB, very good point! We can expect the supply chains to be disrupted, leading to shortages of certain types of goods 🙁

  10. Just a thought. Look online for homemade expectorants, such as apple cider vinegar and honey mixed together. There are many other homemade things you can make to help relieve some of the problems if you get sick. Get the OTC meds that you believe you would need for all in your family.Also, those who have room in the freezer, you can buy eggs, slightly mix them and freeze those in ice cube trays and then bag them up in a ziplock for use later. They should be good up to a year if kept frozen properly. They won’t be over easy eggs, but would help with baking and scrambling up some when needed. Eggs are a cheap protein as is rice and beans together. Think now about what you have on hand and recipes you can make with the ingredients you have available. I would definitely start with basics like flour, rice, dried beans, shortening, oil, baking powder, yeast, baking soda, salt, plain white cheap vinegar, spices, vanilla flavoring, dried milk, oatmeal, soups that can be used in casseroles, canned tomatoes, chili packets that you can just throw in with the beans and maybe a bit of meat. I also believe that keeping your immune system in good shape is so important. Buying vitamins such as Vitamin C, D, and a daily vitamin will help. Have plenty of soap on hand too. Another thought. Buy some seeds that you can grow for the summer so you can eat fresh veggies. Remember to purchase seed starter soil. Every little bit will help. I believe that what we are so used to picking up at the grocery will not be available possibly and if there is some, it will be quite expensive. Please don’t forget the needs of your pets and livestock. Dog food, cat food and cat litter, livestock feed and medications for their needs. Those will also most likely be scarce. They count on us just like our family does. May we all listen to that quiet voice within us that God has given to us and take heed.

  11. Thank you for the timely and insightful articles. This has been my go-to site for years for so many reasons. I also appreciate all the comments from other readers AMS like-minded people!

  12. A few new books to read if you are stuck at home. With the younger children some new board games would be helpful. Some homeschooling material would keep the kids learning if there is no school.

    My problem is the need for additional animal feed for my poultry. Ducks would need to be butchered to cut down the cost plus at least two roosters. I also have two Toms that need to be canned. Which means I need to order more canning lids. We just filled our propane tank that normally last us six months. Living off grid lets me know my limits, but gasoline will be a problem.

    Although plants take water, a few houseplants that filter inside air if you don’t have a electrical air cleaner/purifier system.

    UV lights to kill the viruses, it has been used to purified water instead of using chlorine or bromine. It also works with the air.

  13. We live paycheck to paycheck, as I am sure many here do too. DH just got back to work. I work retail (grocery) and he works construction. So we are both public exposed. We are already behind on basic bills. So having to prioritize spending to fill holes.
    And doing this all on the sly cuz DH isnt totally on board. And knowing we now have a short timeline to get caught up…
    My concern is when it is the right time to pull out of society considering we need both our paychecks. I know that is individual, but let’s talk about that.

  14. *Disclaimer- as adults you’re responsible for your own decisions. This is just info.* When I began traveling to far flung places with little to no medical care, I sought reference books that could help me. 1) Ditch Medicine- In it was a real gem. Dr. Conrad Hell (real name) was a military surgeon who was able to heal 98/100 infected wounds using nothing but white sugar. A study was published 2019 echoing these results with septic wounds in ICUs. Honey has been used for years as well. 2) Where There is No Doctor/ Where…..Dentist (Free) Might want to obtain generic antibiotics like penicillin and tetracycline and download their appropriate dosages for things like a bad tooth or bladder infection, just in case, along with some skin glue for minor cuts. 3) Baby aspirin may help relieve chest pain if small clot in an artery. 4) Bites and stings: antihistamines. What if it’s a snake /spider? People have used low electricity to neutralize the venom and written papers on it. *Read the instructions!! Used low DC current from motorbike on a venomous scorpion bite to a foot. The swelling immediately began to go away and 12 hours later, kid could wear normal shoe.

    Remember, your call based on circumstances. If it’s epidemic, I don’t want to visit the local hospital unless I have to. 911 may be swamped with other things. Good to be ready.

  15. It is not the virus we should be afraid of, it is the financial devastation wrought as a means to undermine the great economy our current president was able to create. Don’t forget it is an election year. The pandemic has been a great tool to destroy farms, cities, supply chains, jobs, and to usurp more of our freedoms while creating division among our citizenry. So the devastation is real and likely to get worse before it gets better. Remember the plan is to win at any cost. The election will definitely determine if we will get better or continue on this downward spiral orchestrated by the “elites” to hide their crimes and regain power.

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