A Terrifying Eye-Witness Account of the Kenosha Riots: “Everyone in the city was getting ready for a war.”
The residents of Kenosha who stood their ground were completely on their own against the mobs rampaging through their neighborhoods. ...
The residents of Kenosha who stood their ground were completely on their own against the mobs rampaging through their neighborhoods. ...
More than 200 campers who were trapped by a fast-moving wildfire were saved in an outrageously daring helicopter rescue that ...
The recent pandemic lockdown was like a practice run for a bigger SHTF event. In this article, preppers share some ...
What's it like living as a refugee? In this article, Jose shares how he and his son spend their days ...
There are 4 types of people who are more likely to survive in a real SHTF scenario. Some are good, ...
Years after the financial crisis in Greece was in the news, most people forgot about it. It may not be ...
A new mom and professional triathlete survived a brutal abduction and hours of torture when she de-escalated the situation and ...
Here's the incredible story of a hiker who spent 17 days in a Hawaiian jungle. What can we learn from ...
Read the survival stories of these three mothers who risked their lives to protect their children from danger. Never get ...
Survival Lessons: On Jan. 15, 2009, Capt. "Sully" Sullenberger made a series of decisions that saved the lives of all ...
Evacuating through an inferno like the Camp Fire would be terrifying for anyone, but imagine being stranded while paralyzed because ...
An ambulance crew became stranded in the wildfire sweeping through Paradise, California. Here's the heroic story of how they survived ...
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