
Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: Who Survives and Who Dies When the SHTF?

Did you ever wonder why some people survive and some people die in an SHTF crisis? Selco’s got some personal stories and tips to help you strengthen yourself for hard times.

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sanitation, dirty water
Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: The Dirty Truth About Water and Sanitation When the SHTF

Selco shares the truth about water and sanitation when the SHTF. It is dirty, unpleasant, and something for which you absolutely MUST plan.

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SELCO: “The media manipulated people, bombarding us with fear and hate” during the Balkan Wars. Sound familiar?

Selco shares how the media manipulated the population of the Balkans with hatred and fear. Don’t let yourself be manipulated by half-truths and hate-mongering.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: Are You TRULY Adaptable Enough to Leave Everything Behind to Survive?

Some preppers are so tied to their plan of bugging in or bugging out that they refuse to adapt and change their plans, even if their lives depend on it.

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SELCO: Survive Balkanization and Collapse with a Dual System

Selco is back with advice for surviving the Balkanization we’re witnessing in America. Here’s how to start now by tapping into a dual system.

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SELCO: If You’re Broke, Remember, The Most Important Preps Don’t Cost Money

It’s a fact. The most essential preps don’t cost money. Selco has some advice on what you should be doing right now, when money may be short.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: What to Do If Unwanted People Show Up at Your Door When the SHTF

Who will show up on your doorstep when the SHTF? Will you let them in or turn them away? Selco weighs in on the topic based on his own experience.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Urban Survival vs. Rural Survival: A WARNING from Selco About Your Plans

Regardless of whether you intend to survive in an urban or rural setting, Selco warns even the best survival plans can go horribly wrong when the SHTF…and you may not end up where you planned to be.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

Selco: It CAN Happen to You and You CAN Survive It

In this reality check, Selco warns that you should stop thinking “it cannot happen to me” or “I cannot survive that.” It CAN happen to you and you CAN survive.

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2nd AmendmentSelco

Selco: You Know the SHTF Has Started When People Begin To Lose Their Guns

In this article, Selco explains how the SHTF started in his country long before people realized it. It started when law-abiding people lost their guns.

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Prepping & SurvivalSelco

SELCO: When Our SHTF Started, We Thought it Was Just a Temporary Disruption Too

Selco shares important lessons from the earliest days when the SHTF. They thought the disruption was only temporary. Sound familiar?

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SELCO on the Circles of Survival: The Worse It Gets, the Smaller Your Focus Should Be

Selco says that out of the all experiences he had relating to the SHTF, when it comes to philosophy, the most valuable lesson he learned was to understand the big and small circles of survival.

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Current Life in Selco’s Neighborhood

It’s a wonderful day in the neighborhood, a marvelous day in the neighborhood…except this isn’t Mr. Roger’s neighborhood. This is Selco’s neighborhood and it’s going bad in a hurry.

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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