Canning the Christmas Turkey
Get the most bang for your turkey bucks by using every last bit of your bird. Instead of eating turkey ...
Get the most bang for your turkey bucks by using every last bit of your bird. Instead of eating turkey ...
Canning recipes are great to have but they aren’t absolutely necessary. Now, the GMO Food and Drug Pushers Administration might ...
My canning friends, sometimes we have to look at our situations and say to ourselves, “I need an altitude adjustment.” ...
Your preserved food is only as safe and sanitary as the vessels you put it in. You don't need to ...
You are NOT going to blow up your house when you are pressure canning. It's way easier than you ...
Water bath canning is a great way to start for beginners. There is no scary equipment, the start-up cost ...
Chili is the perfect meal for a snowy winter day. These recipes provide two very different takes on the traditional ...
Canning is the perfect solution for preppers – any preppers, not just those who are seeking a natural nutrition source. ...
One great way to make use of all those tasty root veggies in your fall garden is with a hearty ...
I’m in the process of a looooooonnnnggg move. Okay, it’s not quite cross country but still a 7 hour drive. ...
You know how you have to get that stinky onion smell on your fingers every time you slice up onions ...
Here are the short-cuts that I have learned to speed along your tomato processing procedures.
Perhaps the very easiest thing to can is homemade jam. It’s not very expensive, it’s simple, and once you’ve made ...
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