

Parents Lose One More Right in California as the State Limits Kid’s Menu Drinks to Water or Milk

Parents in California have lost yet another right as the state limits kid’s menu drink choices to milk or water – one more than you get in a dungeon.

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3 TOTALLY FAKE Foods in Just About Everybody’s Kitchen

Going to the grocery store is like navigating a gauntlet for those looking for whole foods. Here are 3 fake foods that have found their way into many pantries.

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FoodPrepping & Survival

Everything You Need to Know About Those “Expiration Dates” on Your Food

All that food that you have stashed away in your pantry will most likely be delicious and safe for a long time after the “expiration date” on the container.

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FoodFrugalityPrepping & Survival

3 Ways to Make Food Go Further That Will Help You Now (AND When the SHTF)

Depression Era techniques for stretching food aren’t only for SHTF scenarios. Those ideas are good for every day because the price of food keeps going up

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Books & EntertainmentFood

Here’s How I Cook With and Preserve My Seasonal Fruits and Veggies

If you ever wondered how we cook with seasonal food and preserve it for our agrarian pantry, here’s a glimpse inside my notebooks and recipe box.

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FoodPrepping & Survival

Dealing with Pantry Pests: Rodents

It’s obvious that rodents can make a big mess, damage structures, and eat up food and money. What’s less obvious to some is the extreme health risks they bring.

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FoodPrepping & Survival

Dealing with Pantry Pests: Bugs

Did you know most infestations of pantry pests can be addressed through prevention, including having an eye on your pantry and keeping things moving through it?

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FoodHealth & Mindset

EWG’s 2018 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 Lists (and Why “Experts” Are Telling Us to Ignore Them)

Here’s the annual “Dirty Dozen” list of the foods most contaminated with pesticides. Meanwhile, nutrition “experts” are telling consumers to ignore the guide.

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AllFoodHealth & MindsetRecipes

99 Healthy No-Cook Meals and Snacks

Whether you can’t cook, won’t cook, don’t have time to cook, or just want some speedy solutions for busy days, here are 99 relatively healthy menu options.

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FoodPrepping & Survival

7 Questions to Help You Figure Out Where to Store All That Food

Wondering where to store all that food? Look at each room with new eyes and ask yourself these seven questions.

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FoodPrepping & Survival

Stockpile Challenge: The Final Check-In

Here we are in the home stretch of the Stockpile Challenge! Lots of us have been living off our supplies for nearly a month. Here’s what we’ve learned.

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FoodPrepping & Survival

Stockpile Challenge: Week 3 Check-In

As we go into the homestretch of the stockpile challenge, we’re learning a lot from each other. Here’s this week’s check-in.

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FoodPrepping & Survival

Stockpile Challenge 2018: Week 2 Check-In

As we finish the second week of the stockpile challenge, more folks are seeing the gaps in their preparedness efforts. But the solutions are VERY creative!

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You Need More Than Food to Survive

In the event of a long-term disaster, there are non-food essentials that can be vital to your survival and well-being. Make certain you have these 50 non-food stockpile essentials. Sign up for your FREE report and get prepared.

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