Why Is the German Government Telling People to Stockpile Food, Water, and Cash?
By Daisy Luther The government of Germany is advising citizens to get prepped. Increased terror attacks from refugees have put ...
By Daisy Luther The government of Germany is advising citizens to get prepped. Increased terror attacks from refugees have put ...
By Daisy Luther Many people watching Milwaukee burn on the news from the safety of their homes in the suburbs ...
By Daisy Luther As the waters in Louisiana continue to rise, over a thousand motorists stranded by the flood have been ...
By Daisy Luther Have you ever noticed that most Americans live in cities or large towns, but most of the ...
Sometimes an emergency evacuation is required urgently. Are you prepared to bug out FAST when seconds count?
By Daisy Luther With all that is being written about the economic collapses of nations around the globe, people in ...
By Daisy Luther When the US government steps outside of the apple pie and baseball narrative of the American dream ...
By Daisy Luther It really seems as though issues with municipal water supplies are occurring more frequently. More than 100,000 ...
Here's what food costs in Venezuela: Eggs are $150 a dozen and dry milk is $100 a pound. Don't you ...
By Daisy Luther Sometimes a cautionary tale is more motivating than any amount of positive reinforcement every could be, and ...
Recently, I spoke with Rory from The Daily Coin about the potential for economic collapse and why we need to ...
If you are on a frugal grocery budget, it's important to notice that the prices of these 10 foods have ...
Remember how I told you that the day we moved, our beloved kitty escaped out a window into the forest ...
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