Why Prepping and Current Events are Inextricably Entwined
They say that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The same can be said ...
They say that those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it. The same can be said ...
Surviving a sniper attack is very different than surviving other types of mass shootings and terror events. While luck plays ...
FEMA's new director, Brock Long, has repeatedly said that Americans do not have a "culture of preparedness," but the mainstream ...
By Daisy Luther The warnings may be coming too late for the eastern United States as Hurricane Maria pushes ...
With Hurricane Maria on the way, Puerto Rico is taking a second hit in 2 weeks, and it's too late ...
Hundreds of thousands of homes in Florida are still without power more than a week after Hurricane Irma. And, unfortunately, ...
As their government hastens to get folks ready for the worst, South Korean preppers are becoming mainstream instead of a ...
Here's what is being done about the 2 nuclear plants that are directly in the path of Hurricane Irma...and how ...
By Daisy Luther Doesn’t it seem like all the disasters are coming at us at the same time? Just ...
Here's what you need to know about North Korea's hydrogen bomb test this weekend, and about their threat of an ...
For five years, I lived the prepper's dream. But some expert advice showed me why I needed to rethink EVERYTHING ...
Regardless of what you want to achieve, surrounding yourself with people on that same path can propel you to success ...
An emergency is no time to throw out your normal healthy diet. Here's how to create pantry full of freeze-dried ...
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