This Is the Reality of the Venezuelan Collapse
Starvation. Illness. Desperation. This is what it is like in Venezuela now. This is what collapse looks like.
Starvation. Illness. Desperation. This is what it is like in Venezuela now. This is what collapse looks like.
In this article, Jose gives us a glimpse of what life is like without medical care as he shares how ...
It’s obvious that rodents can make a big mess, damage structures, and eat up food and money. What's less obvious ...
Lots of people think they are medically prepared, but Selco warns that the truth about SHTF medicine isn't that ...
If these rich and famous folks are publicly doing something as "crazy" as getting prepped, we should probably all pay ...
As a prepper and avid reader of post-apocalyptic fiction, an EMP has long seemed like one of the most catastrophic ...
Preppers have been more concerned than ever about world events, and the urgency to convince loved ones to prep is ...
"Hindsight is 20/20." In this article, a Venezuelan collapse survivor creates his dream retreat that would have allowed his family ...
Learn how to make a Faraday cage in just 4 easy steps. Don't worry - you won't need a degree ...
The collapse of Venezuela seems to be eternal. Many things have disappeared as the military and government continue to control ...
Did you know most infestations of pantry pests can be addressed through prevention, including having an eye on your pantry ...
In the second part of Selco's urban survival series, he talks about keeping a low profile with regard to noise, ...
Begin thinking about small decisions in a different way. There are always variables that you can weigh. The more you ...
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