Selco’s Guide to Looting and Scavenging When the SHTF
Looting and scavenging aren't just for bad guys when the SHTF. Selco says you need to have a plan because ...
Looting and scavenging aren't just for bad guys when the SHTF. Selco says you need to have a plan because ...
Depression Era techniques for stretching food aren't only for SHTF scenarios. Those ideas are good for every day because the ...
Preparedness isn't just about stockpiles and skills. It's about psychology too. Most importantly, you need to understand the psychology behind ...
In this article, Jose looks back and recommends the preps that would have helped Venezuelans now, as both power and ...
The most recent reports from Venezuela have been…somewhat disturbing, to say the least. Things just keep getting worse in an ...
If there's one thing you can say about prepping, it's that your work is never done. Make it less overwhelming ...
There are a lot of misconceptions about the usage of precious metals during a collapse. According to Selco, they are ...
No matter how improbable these unlikely disasters are, knowing a little bit about them could help you survive in certain ...
Is your child prepared to bug out from school? Learn how to build the ultimate school bu out bag that ...
You must prep for the basics so you can perform during the confusion, panic, & mayhem of SHTF. You must ...
If you think preppers should spend their life grimly preparing their bunkers, you might be doing it wrong. "Fun" is ...
When the SHTF you will want to surround yourself with friends and family. But how do you know who you ...
Most wildfires have nothing to do with "climate change." 90% have been caused by the carelessness or deliberate intent ...
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