How to Create a Personal Emergency Preparedness Binder (with FREE Templates)
In a disaster situation, having your personal information and documents organized in a binder will make things a whole lot ...
In a disaster situation, having your personal information and documents organized in a binder will make things a whole lot ...
Everyone recommends bugging out to those in Venezuela, but picking up and leaving your lifelong home after a lengthy financial ...
Are you convinced that you can't prep unless you have a whole lot of money to spend? Here are 10 ...
Looking back, there are things a Venezuelan prepper says he would have done differently if he had understood the horror ...
If you aren't fit - physically and mentally - all your preps may very well be worthless. You need to ...
In preparation for a medical emergency, there are some fairly inexpensive OTC items that could potentially save your life during ...
While there are no specific or credible immediate threats, with all the craziness going on in our country lately, it ...
One Venezuelan has learned that the crisis is not over when you escape the collapse. Here's what life is like ...
It is only a matter of time before civil unrest begins to escalate and spread throughout the country. Here's ...
If you can put aside $5-$10 per month for these $1 preps, you'll have a surprisingly large supply by the ...
Did you ever wonder what a day in the life of a mom in Venezuela is like? This isn't a ...
Venezuelan officials are planning to withdraw from the ICC before the evidence about their crimes against humanity has been fully ...
When looking back at the collapse of Venezuela, nothing that happened there was new. As many other countries can attest, ...
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