Why Venezuela’s Economy Is Worse Than That of a War-Torn Country
In this article, Jose explains why he believes the economy in Venezuela is worse than that of a country that ...
In this article, Jose explains why he believes the economy in Venezuela is worse than that of a country that ...
This guide for new preppers will help you when you have that overwhelming urge to get ready RIGHT NOW, without ...
Some situations are so extreme that you may have to evacuate, even if your plan is to hunker down at ...
Here's the incredible story of a hiker who spent 17 days in a Hawaiian jungle. What can we learn from ...
What would you do if you had 2 days to evacuate? What about 2 hours? 2 minutes? The Bug Out ...
Here's a list of gluten-free grains you should consider adding to your food storage and suggestions of what to do ...
The end is near. The collapse is in its final stage. Middle class and lower ones are totally vulnerable. There ...
What are the options for innocent bystanders during an event like the takeover of Terminal 2 in the Paris airport? ...
How you deal with the ups and downs of life while it's good can carry you through the darkness. Here ...
Jose from Venezuela discusses different types of batteries you can use if the grid goes down, including his favorite, iron-nickel ...
"Facing Violence" a must-read for preppers. Some of us have a blind spot for the possibility of violence and feel ...
Read the survival stories of these three mothers who risked their lives to protect their children from danger. Never get ...
Most folks don't go through their lives expecting one specific event to occur, and then have it unfold according to ...
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