SELCO: How NOT to Build Your SHTF Medical Kit and What NOT to Do With It
There are some common mistakes when it comes to medical preparedness. Selco explains how NOT to build your SHTF medical ...
There are some common mistakes when it comes to medical preparedness. Selco explains how NOT to build your SHTF medical ...
Here's what happened in the aftermath of California's brutal back-to-back earthquakes - and this wasn't even the legendary "Big ...
If you were caught up in the midst of a massive earthquake would you know what to do in order ...
There are a lot of things you can only learn by "doing." Going all the way to Croatia to take ...
Looking for motivation? You'll find it here, where 21 preppers share the stories of how and why they began ...
In this article, Selco shares the five things that surprised him the most when the SHTF - and they'll probably ...
Finland has one of the most comprehensive preparedness cultures on the planet, preparing for everything from natural disasters to terror ...
Looking for some more prepper fiction? Do you love dogs? Do you like characters that aren't Rambo? Then you'll love ...
Jose shares a tragic story about what can happen if you don't pay attention to your surroundings.
Numerous reports say that thousands of stranded migrants are overwhelming the already-fragile system in the Balkans. This is Selco's first-person ...
How many times have you read the fine print on a bill and been shocked to find an unexpected fee ...
My new book, Prepper's Pantry, is out. Here are the details about the book and how to get a free, ...
Jose has received reports that confirm the severe fuel scarcity in his former town in Venezuela is getting conflictive, and ...
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