College, Prepping, and COVID: What Students Should Have, Know and Do
This year our college students are likely to have a radically different college experience than they would have had last ...
This year our college students are likely to have a radically different college experience than they would have had last ...
The more isolated and secluded you are, the more silent your choice of self-defense weapons needs to be. Here are ...
Traditional schools are unlikely to reopen this fall. There are many different options for your kids, including homeschool, micro-schools, and ...
Venezuela has gone almost completely cashless. Why? The current government wants to make it seem as though there's a recovery. ...
Selco warns us to be prepared because there is always someone who will enforce the new rules when the SHTF, ...
Are you concerned that you don't have what it takes to survive? Doubting yourself? Begin by realizing that you are ...
Homeschooling a special needs child can be a daunting task. But so can trying to do virtual school during a ...
People involved in preparedness think that there will come a time when actions won't have consequences. This is wrong. There ...
Selco warns us not to live in these not-so-normal times like they are normal no matter who says they are. ...
After deciding to homeschool you may ask yourself, "What now?" Relax! You don’t have to have it all figured out. ...
A lot of folks make preparedness and survival way too complicated. Sometimes applying principles from another arena can work to ...
Frugality doesn't have to be a life of deprivation. When you cut the fluff and focus your money on what ...
One way or another, school will not look like it used to this year. Compliance with COVID-19 restrictions will factor ...
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