SELCO: “Sometimes the path between “…let’s forbid them to talk freely” to “…let’s erase them” is short and fast.”
Selco warns that sometimes the path between "they are wrong, let's forbid them to talk freely" to "they are less ...
Selco warns that sometimes the path between "they are wrong, let's forbid them to talk freely" to "they are less ...
With the current weather, this is an important reminder of how to deal with a winter storm.
During an economic crisis, someone will always figure out a way to make a living ripping off struggling, desperate people. ...
"Van Life" sounds idealistic and romantic. But many desperate Americans who can no longer afford housing are becoming "modern-day nomads" ...
The Gaff Topsail Halyard Bend/Hitch is useful when using a tarp and 550 paracord for lightweight camping. Here's an illustrated ...
What is the ultimate SHTF vehicle? You can find all sorts of fancy bug-out vehicles out there, but here's why ...
Even knowledgeable people can forget the basics at times. Ensure you are familiar with your essential equipment so you can ...
If the SHTF, the homeless may be better equipped to survive than the rest of the population who depend on ...
It is very easy to overlook self-care, especially for those heavily into preparedness who have a sense of duty to care ...
Recent events have made us aware that access to communications is NOT a right and is NOT guaranteed. Are you ...
Using these tools assures you that you are as prepared as possible and helps to manage the stress and anxiety ...
Wheat berries are a prepper staple but have you ever used them? This article and informative video will show you ...
Preppers shouldn't just amass supplies and expect that to save them. Instead, we should focus on building the resilience to ...
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