Socially Acceptable Parenting Advice in 2021 Would Have Horrified People Just a Few Years Ago
Parenting advice that is not only socially acceptable, but applauded, in 2021, would have been considered absolutely appalling just a ...
Parenting advice that is not only socially acceptable, but applauded, in 2021, would have been considered absolutely appalling just a ...
Some believe the Chauvin verdict was influenced by riots and intimidation. And that's exactly why we'll see more of this ...
Watch the crime rates escalate as the rich drive around in fancy armored vehicles while the poor fight to survive ...
Disasters happen. Here's how to start prepping in a way that isn't overwhelming or expensive - some steps are even ...
The 3rd SHTF Anthology contains over 190 pages of advice, eerie predictions based on past experience, and brutal revelations from ...
With the economic crisis, more people than ever are turning to public transit to get around. If you ride the ...
In all things survival, you need a layer of three, including your food supply. Here's what you should have in ...
Everyone keeps talking about the "new normal" but are you prepared for a reality that includes flashmob gangs, revolutionaries, and ...
Energy is the basis of modern civilization and we're about to run into problems with productions, delivery, and price. Here's ...
Recently, a protest in Rochester, New York, turned into a hostage situation when activists took control of a grocery store ...
Selco compares the first stage of the SHTF to a "camping trip" with camaraderie and "we'll get through this together." ...
The gray man principle isn't just about being bland. It's about assessing the baseline and blending in regardless of where ...
Here are 8 techniques for the development of advanced situational awareness that can be practiced during everyday scenarios.
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