Venezuela Is Imprisoning Farmers for Throwing Away Food
The Venezuelan government is imprisoning farmers for discarding food that they can't get to market due to fuel and infrastructure ...
The Venezuelan government is imprisoning farmers for discarding food that they can't get to market due to fuel and infrastructure ...
If you live on a rural property, you need to be prepared for the possibility of an animal invasion. These ...
Maintaining personal hygiene during a crisis is important for your well-being and the overall health of your group. Utilizing natural ...
Do your adult children refuse to prep? The daughter of a prepper who wasn't interested in peparedness for a ...
Even if you don't live in a wildfire zone, if you raise livestock, you need to have a homestead evacuation ...
Are you a mom who is always on the go, constantly juggling family responsibilities, and spending a significant amount of ...
In the city, on a public sewer system, there a situation could arise during which flushing is not an option. ...
Folks tend to just look away when confronted with ugly things. The movie Sound of Freedom begs people not to look ...
For many, even in wealthy nations, scavenging is a way of life for those who are desperate. Although the practice ...
An outdoor overnighter is a quick and short outing that works as an excellent alternative to camping for those with ...
An old Army medic gives us a glimpse inside his first aid kit. Here are some links and checklists to ...
A knife attack is bad enough, but one against babies is unspeakable yet people just stood there. It always seems ...
Are you searching for dependable alternative energy solutions as a prepper or survivalist? This article by an expert provides a ...
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