Snow and a Minor Wood Catastrophe
This morning we got up to a beautiful white surprise! SNOW!!!! Finally enough snow to cover the ground! That’s what ...
This morning we got up to a beautiful white surprise! SNOW!!!! Finally enough snow to cover the ground! That’s what ...
Canning is the perfect solution for preppers – any preppers, not just those who are seeking a natural nutrition source. ...
I really regret the fact that I don’t have pictures – I totally forgot to take them. I’m a notoriously ...
The potential downfall of many a prepper is overconfidence. Overconfidence in your skills, your fitness level, your supplies… If you ...
The last few reasonably warm and hospitable days of winter are here so I’ve been slacking on the blog updates! ...
Yesterday I made my first loaf of bread ever (okay, my first moderately successful loaf of bread ever!) Today, Rosie ...
One of the nicest things about my cabin in the woods is how the living room has enormous windows with ...
In my quest to learn off-grid skills, the most recent experiment has been off-grid laundry. Like nearly every other skill ...
Before I moved here, a few of my more experienced acquaintances warned my that wood heat was a heckuva lot of work. ...
Okay, a week without water is a little misleading. It has been a week with MUCH water. A week without ...
So….there I was driving down the road when I saw the sign. Much like Alice in Wonderland, what could I ...
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