Your Daily Water Usage May Shock You: 25 Ways to Reduce Your Consumption
It’s beyond dispute that the United States is facing a water crisis. On the West Coast, where much of our ...
It’s beyond dispute that the United States is facing a water crisis. On the West Coast, where much of our ...
An unusual snowstorm in the Southeastern US left hundreds of motorists stranded overnight in their vehicles. Like a scene out ...
Finally, after 3 years of the driest conditions in the state’s history, California Governor Jerry Brown has declared an emergency. ...
Officials in West Virginia claim that the water in parts of the state is now safe after a chemical spill left ...
The neighbors of Tyler Smith can breathe a little easier. He is in jail and, you know, it couldn’t have happened ...
Here is a reason to store water that even non-preppers will find pertinent: more than half a million people in ...
by Mac Slavo Originally published at SHTFplan This morning The Daily Sheeple reported that the biggest sun spot in recent ...
Every year, people make a series of New Year’s Resolutions that are usually forgotten by the time you flip the ...
It’s that time of year: your refrigerator is stuffed to the point that you have to lean against the door ...
Aside from the gifts under the tree, one of the big expenses of the holidays is the food. Nearly everyone ...
How prepared are you to survive a few days in the frozen wilderness with only the supplies you have in ...
If you’ve been watching the news, you’re well aware that a winter storm is bearing down on most of the ...
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