30 Frugal Living Tips: Small Changes That Result in Big Savings
Frugal living doesn't have to be difficult or unpleasant. Here are 30 small changes that can result in very big ...
Frugal living doesn't have to be difficult or unpleasant. Here are 30 small changes that can result in very big ...
If you enjoy fixing, mending and MacGuyvering like any self-respecting Cheapskate, you need a special survival kit just for your frugal ...
The Flat Broke Cookbook is about shopping for food with limited funds and still feeding your family tasty and nutritious ...
Feeding your family when you're flat broke isn't easy but it can be done. Here's how to prepare for a ...
Planned Obsolescence: When the warranty is over, items break and cannot be fixed. The Right to Repair Movement wants to ...
A frugal Christmas dinner doesn't sound like much fun, does it? There's no need to overspend. Holiday meals CAN be ...
Author of Be Ready for Anything and Bloom Where You’re Planted online course How much money do you spend to ...
Instead of playing Tupperware Jenga and letting half the food go bad, preserve your Thanksgiving leftovers and add them to ...
'Tis the season to need some extra cash. Here are 15 unusual seasonal side gigs to help you bring in ...
Scratch cooking is a lost art but it doesn't have to be. It's not out of reach as long as ...
Here's a menu for lean weeks using one large chicken, whole grains, and produce. It is healthy, hearty, and fills ...
You can't always afford to plunk down a week's salary for a bag of groceries from Whole Foods, but you ...
Looking for a way to save a TON of MONEY for the rest of the year? I’ve put together some ...
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