Haven Hill
Haven Hill is the property in the mountains where Kate and her daughter have always felt safest, especially after the ...
Haven Hill is the property in the mountains where Kate and her daughter have always felt safest, especially after the ...
Jessica is back with a new notebook. The community celebrates their second Christmas without power, and the new school is ...
Some holiday prepper fiction through the eyes of a child. Merry Christmas!
What would the SHTF be like for a modern teenager? Find out how it all happened from Jessica's diary in ...
We rushed hard and got Dear Diary: It's Me, Jessica, by our very own 1stMarineJarHead ready in paperback, just in ...
Remember the excitement of going to the school book fairs when you were a child? Here's a book fair sale...just ...
Once Max, Joan, and Savannah reached the embassy, they expected to be home-free. Instead, they must traverse another angry ...
To celebrate a successful and abundant autumn harvest, Four Corners hosts a fall festival for the community.
As dawn breaks, things seem calmer in Athens. But the last mile just might be the longest for Max, Joan, ...
While the city of Athens burns, Max, Joanne, and Savannah have too many close encounters with angry locals.
After days of uneasy anticipation, the battle against the cult is on. Jessica's group is outgunned. Will they also be ...
Max and some of her group part ways in the heart of the city when they can't agree on the ...
The cult intends to take over Four Corners. Jack and the others figure out the best ways to fight for ...
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