SELCO: Adapt Early to the “New Rules” If You Want to Survive
Adapt early to the new rules around you. Being lulled into false feelings of safety or liberty is not doing ...
Adapt early to the new rules around you. Being lulled into false feelings of safety or liberty is not doing ...
When the SHTF, you need more time, effort, and energy to do anything, and you'll have much less safety doing ...
What would you do if someone was injured and screaming in the middle of a chaotic event? Treating a wound ...
Some events exist in history in one version, while the details about why they happened and what really happened during ...
What do you actually get by "de-funding" the police? Probably in reality you'll get more instability and chaos. It benefits ...
It's never been more important to understand the psychology of mob mentality and the truth about protests. In this article, ...
It will only take one spark to unleash devastating chaos. Selco speaks from experience when he warns, "Watch where you ...
Watching the pandemic unfold in the Balkans was like a reminder of the survival mode people found themselves in during ...
There is nothing better than learning from your own experiences. Selco asks if you learned the most important lessons of ...
Selco warns, "In times of great fear, a lot of things that used to be unimaginable become real so easily." ...
How do you know when it's time to hunker down or bug out for the long-term? Selco shares the signs ...
"There should be acceptance of the possibility that simply the time and day have come when our lives are not ...
Selco says there is a moment in time when you have to realize that you'll have to work with what ...
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