SELCO: When Our SHTF Started, We Thought it Was Just a Temporary Disruption Too
Selco shares important lessons from the earliest days when the SHTF. They thought the disruption was only temporary. Sound ...
Selco shares important lessons from the earliest days when the SHTF. They thought the disruption was only temporary. Sound ...
Selco says that out of the all experiences he had relating to the SHTF, when it comes to philosophy, the ...
It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood, a marvelous day in the neighborhood...except this isn't Mr. Roger's neighborhood. This is ...
War survivor Selco discusses with Toby what preppers need to know about strategic relocation and adaptation in these difficult times. ...
Selco is NOT giving you ten things to do when the SHTF. This is the advice you need to remember. ...
Selco shares a cautionary tale of the events that led up to the brutality of the Balkan War. He warns, ...
What happened to Balkanize the former Yugoslavia? Selco, a Balkan War survivor, talks about what came BEFORE the war...and the ...
The world seems to be unraveling at a frenetic pace. In his first AUDIO post, Selco shares his top 5 ...
Selco warns the reality of medical preparedness is that those cool, pre-made kits are often a waste of money. Focus ...
People expect that the SHTF is going to be a specific event with a distinct beginning and end. Selco warns, ...
In a tough-love article, Selco warns us, "It can happen there. It IS happening there. But you can survive it. ...
In a little change of pace, Selco interviewed 4 folks in the preparedness industry about what we've learned over the ...
The 3rd SHTF Anthology contains over 190 pages of advice, eerie predictions based on past experience, and brutal revelations from ...
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