The Dirt on Rice…Literally
Rice has long been at the top of the hierarchy in the prepper’s pantry. It’s inexpensive, a source of energy-boosting carbohydrates and ...
Rice has long been at the top of the hierarchy in the prepper’s pantry. It’s inexpensive, a source of energy-boosting carbohydrates and ...
My canning friends, sometimes we have to look at our situations and say to ourselves, “I need an altitude adjustment.” ...
You are NOT going to blow up your house when you are pressure canning. It's way easier than you ...
The world as we once knew it is gone. The rosy cheeked children, bursting with energy, that once climbed trees and ...
When grocery shopping for bread, a plethora of options is presented. You can get… 100% Whole Wheat Stone Ground Wheat ...
Last weekend, I picked up some organic wheatberries. I looked at them, there in the container, for the past few ...
Today we had plans to move some wood inside and do a few things outdoors, since the weather forecast promised ...
There are lots of lists out there about the foods you DO want in your stockpile, but what about the ...
Eating healthfully doesn’t have to mean that you have to skip dessert forever. (Otherwise, I’d be in BIG trouble!) Sugar ...
When you think of a survivalist, what is the image in your head? Do you picture some guy with a ...
Today, the 26th, my scratch challenge fell by the wayside. I’m kind of bummed, having made it this far without ...
I get a lot of my stuff from the “last day of sale” bin at the grocery store. This weekend ...
I really regret the fact that I don’t have pictures – I totally forgot to take them. I’m a notoriously ...
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