While the smoke is still clearing from what may be the final 'March Against Monsanto' it appears that momentum favors ...
While the smoke is still clearing from what may be the final 'March Against Monsanto' it appears that momentum favors ...
Hantavirus has been around for a long, long time, it is endemic in South-east Asia but was first discovered in ...
"The Press" in America is no longer an exclusive club of "professional" journalists.
How do we break the system? A precious metals backed debit card, a united community along with a growing number ...
Multiple studies clearly show glyphosate causes birth defects, and that the pesticide industry has known about for a surprisingly long ...
There is no ability in the economy to absorb such price increases as productivity and unit labor cost figures have ...
Back in the beginning of your relationship, it seemed like the supermarket had so much to offer. Then one ...
Welcome to the wonderful world of surveillance shopping, where the most innocent purchase is documented.
When should we start? When do we get serious about saving our families from the recipients of the government ...
Figuring out what to eat when you're broke can be fraught with nutritional landmines. It's expensive to eat strictly ...
What it boils down to: You might think you own something, but it's clear that it is only yours until ...
I hope that you all enjoy a blessed day with those you love.
~ Daisy and family
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